HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1949-196 CITY 0]' SEIlARD, ALASKA Ordinance NO.~ AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A TWO-YEAR TERM FOR FUTURE CITY MAYORS, .AND A METHOD FOR PROVIDING THREE-YEb.R TERMS FOR FUTURE COUNCILMEN, IN ACCORDANCE WITH CH. 36, AMENDn~G SECTION 16-1-34, SESSION LAWS OF THE TERRITORY OF ALASKA l~49. BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Counoil of the City of Seward, Alaska:- Beginning at the regular Annual Munioipal Eleotion to be held on the first Tuesday in October of each year, starting Ootober 4, 1949, the City Mayor shall be eleoted for a two- year term. and the City Council will be elected for three-year terms. Provided: that at the first Municipal Election under this ordinance on October 4, l~4~, in order to aocomplish this result: A. The City Mayor will be elected for two-year's term, and for a two-year term bielIDially thereafter. --- ~ B. Two Councilmen will be eleoted for a three-year ~ng on the first Monda.y after the first TuesQ.8y---tn Ootober i~'-;fjw'L one COUhoilman will be Elleo1;ed--'for a two-year term ~endirig on the--nr-a.t--lliQnday after thEl first Tuesday of Ootober 1951, and that at tnif--ele..c.iiGi'lof Ootober 3, 1950, one Counoilman will be elected forJl--one~~ term ending on the first Monday after the first Tuesday in Oc~~ 1951, and two Counoilmen will .heehg.ted for a three-year terlir~ing on the first Monday afte~>~tre first Tuesday in October 1953f~_thua at the Ootober General-Municipal Election of 1951 and annu~ thereafter, two Counoilmen ~il~ be eleoted for, three-year terme~/ ( ,_ )/r?T (~'. C:"Gel-<- -t.-,! - 6, l t-~t;-w.. ,~ /5./ S1ThlMJ.Ji.ILY HE ORDINANC:s!provides as follows: /~- .-", /' I I I I I l~5l-lg52-1953 ELECTIONS: Each of these years two Counoilmen will be elected to serve for three years, and to oontinue until this ordinanoe 1s amended or repealed. -1- r- ALL OhDIU.b.NCES .i..ND HRTS OJ!' OR1INANCES inconsistent here- with are hereby repealed. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full foroe and effeot from and after the date of its passage and approval, provided that this Ordinanoe be ratified by a majority of the eleotors voting at - - - - - - - - - - - - - the ~pecial Election called for the purpose on september ~ 1949. Passed by the Common Council under suspension of the rules ~~pproved by the Mayor of the Jity of Seward, Alaska, this ~ day of .A.uguet, 1949. ~J ~ - ~ 7; X tv.-/~- . LANIER, Mayor 'sewara, Alaska Attest: ]J/~ Cl~ ~ity Clerk' { -2-