HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1949-197 <"'(11""'----'...,. ,. , . O"..~.u 1:. ..........., ;~.L~ : .~ ( . ...'. \... . /97 I 117 /' .ill lJrdin3Ilce of the Cit~r of ../s'.'iu,rd to l:Tovide faT c;'e issuance Clnd s~~le of ne,~otiable intel'est-be-:ll'in2: revnue bonds of said city in tne Sill[l of Uile LUlldrea J.i'our ThoLlsand Dollars L~104,uOO.uO) to ::.l'oviae I'llrh,:'c; for t;,e expfu'1.sion, extension uncl rehabilitation of lllunici:9ally O\'Il1ed electric utility und for tlle fcatl,8r fur~)o,se of refundin:j outstanuine:; revenue bonds no,,; Lold by t"~e ",econstl'uct ion i"inance Corral' E;,- tion, i,ursuunt tu t'B _cct of Con,~l'ess u-",d'ove'l .",arch 6, 1946, Chayter 52, C,I) ,~tat. 33, suid bo::::::d8 t,) be 23Llli.c-'urted ~:r.d secured by a jJledge from t"e revenue fI'Olll said utilit~' 90S au thor i zed in said iCC t: .J~ i11 L...J)...:..n,.~D b~r the c;o:Oi.~J.'~o.r. Cowlcil of tJ.";,e City of .':.ie\\I,'-~rd, ...lnska, .J.S fallo"','\'s: ~ection I. 1:ur8uant to t'18 .-.ct of ConJress ui;[,roved ;,.arc11 6, 1940, C11UIJter 52,00 .::,tu.t. 33, \Jhereby Iilunici)3.l corl'or2.tions in .J.a,s}:a <;,.re l,ermitted to reconstruct, i[llprOVe, extend, better, I'epair and e ~ui:p Ijublic,;or;-~s which ure to be o~:.'erute6. upon 3. reve11Lle-l'roducj,nc.: basis, a special eJection is L'oreby cs.lled to be he ld iE the -4~~~- and ,:;,ursuimt to City of i::;.eward, "c1asL:3., on the ~ d,uy of , 1949, under the nrovisions of said .~t tlee 13.',IS of the 'i'erritory of alaska :?-Jld the ordinances of k.e City of .:.,evmrd. uection II. There s11a11 be SLlbl'litted tr.: the 'iLlalified voters of said city, authorized to vote at said election the f0110winS )ropositions: (1). ulw.11 the City of ..;e'"urd, _.18.s1:a, for tie JJLll'[OSe of refun' .~nG the existinG indebtedness u[lon .:>rinci.['sl unG. interest owsu to the Reconstruction ?inaEce Corporation, issue reVdnU8 bonds, either with or without interest coupons, of tlle City of ueward in the sura of ..fJl tJtJo ~ . maturing serially from two (2) to fifteen (IS) years from d~te, emU for the paYfllent of s:::',id bondsLJled~e t.!:"e revenue of said utility for the iJ3.ymen t of principal and interest thereof, dllQ issue suid bonds either as a separate series 01' in com- bination ,Ii th oth er bon<J.s to be ilLJ,thorized :for the extension and ilLll,rov eFen t of scdd ut ili ty, all us authol'ized by the -''J.ct of ConGress approved karch 6, 1946, Chapter 52, 60 ~tat. 33, - 1 - said bonds to be issued by s'J.bse "uent Grdinance or hesolution issued by the Common COWlcil of the City of ::'-8'.'13.1'0. uTJon such terms, conditions, c.nd 1llatllrities QS may be ordained b~r s:J.id Council and upon an interest rate not exceedin~; five .::'Ell' cent (5/'1) . (2). ",hall the Cit~- of .:.ie',:c,rd, for tLe ~.'Urrose of eX::Cilld- inl;, rehabilitatin;c;, ila,JTovin~, betterinc;, repairing and equip:Jing the "G'.lard J1lunicipul electrical utility s3rstem, and in addition to t1:le oono.s to be issued for the fJul'IJOse of refundin:..; the existin.g indebtedness ov,ed to the heconstruction Finance Cor1'ora- tion, issue revenue bonds, either with or without interest coupons, sUPl,orted by a .Uledse of tte revenues of sc.id utility, said bonds to be issueci either as a sere,rQte series or in conbin:ltion wit~l any boncis issued to refWld the existins indebtedness to the ~:econstruction Fin3J1ce Corporation, all as authorized by the .:'ct of Congress QIJFoved l.iarch 6, 1946, Chapter 52, 60 utat. 33, said bonds to be issued by subseCluent Ordinance or Hesolution of the Common COWldil 01' the City of Jevw.rd u}Jon such maturities, terms and concH tions as may be ordained by tIle said Council and upon un L1terest rate not exceedinz five reI' cent (5;0). uection III. ..;.11 Cualified voters of said TI1WlicilJality rec:istered in COInl]liance v!ith tIle ordino.nc8s of the City cf ..,,8'iJUl'd, sl'ull be ,ualif'ie d tu vote at s&id elect ion 8.nd )ersons thereof ot~lervJise r~ll:ilified to vote 'who have not I'e::;istered in CO"11,liat1Ce 'i,'i th the ol'dinunces of said City sl,all not be "ualified to vcte. >-Jection IV.Ehe pollinc; ")lace for tIle s::icl election shull be at tile City hall in the 8",id City of ",ev:urd, -lEd tile rolls s~wll be o~'ened from 8:00 ... 1". of said election QcJ,)' until 7: (10 1.. 1\_. of S o..id Q uJ: . set :Lorth, and hereby appoints 7fkflH~ /t!u~tlEu{ as hereby cc-,'l-,oints L 'rvrI1J~~ as jud::es to condu.ct ",ection V. The C i tjT ~;.~ ~ ' &Do. sc.id de ction at jlLJnne r Ie ere in and caid election. - 2 - ~ection VI. hotice of s~id election 8L~11 be ~iven by .-ostin.:; a Ylritten Llotice tLereon on the bulletin bo:ud of the Citl~,- l.'-all ('1' said ci t~', the United i3t~ces ,Ljet Lffice, 21d ut the of1'ico 01' t~le ">.lac~~a l(ailroad Dock in sc.Ld city, c~ll of vihich ~)lace~3 ilre hel'eby 1'0 UIlll (h'K declo.r'ed to be conspicuous l'laces ':;1 thin the corporate limits of saicl city. "",(lid notice of election sLall be )usted not less thiJl1 ten (10) days [n:'ior to saiu election. u8ction VII. -.iaid not ice shelll be signed by the l'.,ayor of said city und attested by the City Clerk and shall be in sub- stunt iully the followins form: liCh'ICb Vi! ""'.LJ!.;GL..l.. 12.LC'lION f duy of be held in the ~~~~- City of i:::ew:::.rd, ~i ,s.l~ecJ~al ele ction will "clas},a, on the , 194'7, for the })lll'i1ose of submittin~ to the :lualified voters of sedd City, Vd10 are recistered and 'luulified to vote in accor(j.e~l1ce '"ith the Ordin0.nces 01' tLe City of 08ward ~overnin~: elections, the followin~ 1uestions: "",hull the City of b8ward, _.lu sleel, for tile l)lll' :pOR e of refundin:; the existin3 indebtedness upon jJr incipal 3Ild interest owed to the }(econstr'uction l"in&nce Corporation, issue revenue bonds, either with or without interest 6'V coupons, of the City of ;:,ey;ard in the sum of J~"cJO - matlll'in3 serially from two (2) to fifteen (15) years from date, and for the IJayment of eO.id bonds pledge the revenue of said utility for t~le :)ayment of IJrinci:pal QUd interest thereof, ~illd issue said Lands either as a separate series or ~~n combination wi th other bonds to be authorized faT tile extension cmd ifl)l'ove!:'lent of said ut ilit;/, ull :;.s author izeu by the .cct of Con-.:ress uPI)roved l,"arch 6, 1946, Cha1>ter 52, 60 "",tat. 33, s2.id bonds to be issued by subsequent Ordinance or Uesolution issued by the COl:lmon Council of tJ'e City of-J8':vard Ul)On such terms, conditions, -ind maturities as may be ol'dained by said Council und upon ~~ interest rate not exceedinc five 1)81' cent (51"). "hall the City of .::ie'Nard, for the J'urpose of eXl'i:L'1din;::;, re11abili ta tin;::;, im~)rovin.z, be t tel' in,~, 1'e L:air ins und elJ.uil)pin~ the 0e'viurdc'"UIlicipul electrical utility system, dlld in c.ddition to the bones to be issued for t""8 j)urpose of refLmdin:.:; tLe existinc; inuebtedness owed to tile ..:(econstruction l"in3.nce Cor;;oration, issue revenue bonds, either Dith or Dithout interest couuons, sup]orted by a j,led;::;e of the revenues of s,,"id utility, se.id bonds to be issued either as a separate series or in co'~~nc.tion with any bonds issueci to refLU'ld tile existin~ indebtedness to the ~econstruction ~inc.nce CorporatioIl, all as authorized by the "~ct of CCllsress QlilrOved Larch 6,1946, CLapter 52, - 3 - ~,. 60 ..)t~,t. 33, 8J.id bonus to be L3sued b~ sUbse'luent urdinance or ~':eso1ut ion of the COl'lmon Counc i1 of th e City of ",ewc..rd u)on such maturities, terms c,r.:.d condi- tions as DiU;: be ordained b~' the Gelid Counc il and ufon un interest rute not exce8diDC; five .:.131' cent (5,,,). 1']:.e pollinc; )lace 'Jiill be c1.t the City Hall in the City of ,~ev"Ql'd, ..1:3.8,:::" ::md the 1)0118 viill be I)"en from 8:00 _"-_ I... until 7:00 1.-'.1. or ;:",c.id da~l. 1'110813 gersons VillO &1'e citi7;ens of the United .:itates over the '-lee cf' tVlenty-one ye:.u'"", 'iIL,o UTe bOIlCe 1'io.e resiuents of the t'erTitor~' oL.lQS~;.,J., oDd \:ho IHlve been such Tesiden ts continuously dllX'inG the entire ~'eal' iJ"uedL.tely I'Teceedln~ tl',e election, Qnd Vlho Ju',ve been SlLCh residents cOIltinllollsly for thirty days next ireceedin"j the election vithin tile cOTliorc:..te limits of tlle City of 0eward, who are &blo to reCi.d tLe COIwtitution of t~,1e united utates in .r..n::;lish 1311Guc..,c;e, end to v:rite trie 2n::;li8h L:rrL~lla:.;e, ,:..rid who are :re,..;lstered ',;;.nd :.'x.:ili.Ciec[ to vote in accol'ucmce Vii th the ordin:mces of t~le City of i.:oev,c.rd l~overninl; elections, shall be CJ.ualif'ied to vote at said election. ~o 8aeciul reGistration for this election prior to the date tile reoI' s11ulliJe rec;.uired. Ii.' ::c Dl::::.jority of the voters c.lt s::~id sl'ecial electj.on shc..ll CClSt tlleir V~8S in f!J.vor of i.s~minG reV8:Jue bon,ls in the amount 0'1' ,IIj ft~; ~~ for the ,~)ur ~ose of refw1\ling the existing .Lndebtedness Llpon jJl'inc i}Jo.l and interest ov;ed to the J::econstruc- tion 1!'inClllCe GorjJorution on bonds llel'etofore i,'3Su8d"urslu.nt to ul'dill(lllce l.~o. //1 1 and l'evenue bor.ds in the U,,"OLL'1 t of S~l")1) ~ fU1' t;ie l,ul".,)ose of eXjJu'l,dinc;, rel1,-,bilitatin..:.:;) irl1l'l'Ovinc, bette1'in,.~, l'81,:.;.il'in~; :J.Ilc1 er1uippinc; tl,,=, .:>8vi:J.rd Flunici[:al electric;",l 'ltility systen, und sh~J.ll by SL1Cll vote C:llIthori:::e tl'e iSSlLUlce of line ;,~unJl'ed l<'oLlr rJ.'110US~'.""d ::JolLu's (,(l()~~,GOO.()(j) in l'evellue bonds of trle Git~i of .::ievvelrd, tl:.en the COLl.Lcil of s::.id City !.,ro-u0;30.8 . ~ tCJ .\.ssue l'evenue bonns in t;~c ~.U..nl of Gnf~ ~~Ull(. i'ed .i:,'OU1' 'J.'hous[md Dol1o.1'S (",104,,-JOO.C)U) sec'.l1'Gd only by :J. [Cled'je of' tho l'eVerHle of s"'.\,0 lltilit~' in tLG t,!t:"l .pC'j'F~i;;:J.l SLU1'. of , - /..I.. - ~ OneL'':U11dl'ed ,/')!J:C~ r:LOI123.1'd Dollars (""lUL:_,GOO.OO) 01" s~1C[' "art thereof uS the Ci t;; Counc il of t~le Oi t,y of Sevmrd may deem necess:lI'~; to 3.ccompli -,' t,he refLL"lding ''': existinG in5.ebtednec2 to t~~I_e ~(8con.struction .lj'il1Cl.DCe Cor}.Jorution of t:l8 ~L;11er['_~iI1G ~Lmt u.n(~ d1,jtc:ib'",ti:Jn ~'~' stem of tl:e r;mnicirul1y o'.med electric",l ,..,.tj 11. t.)l I) Interest Ul!on 2,:~id bc)r~cls ~~'::'Jl"L I1Jjt eJ:C89d fi.ve -'~l' " (~ , en" ~ " ' c_.<. l.J ./;J J .J.. er C.l"::.nl~l1-i,1. ~.~(~n :~'.lic}. J:'Jl1d~.: :-:-:~.~al2. (--~:..i. tu.:re SC I' i_:tlly ~~C)lT'_ t\'JO (~) to fifteell (15) yeul1s frorc UL--tt3 w~1i til.e 5_:Jf.:uo..ace thereof sLQ1J ir1 :,,11 1'8SL'ects confirHl "itll L;81:8r:-,1 10.1; :,r;d '.;i ti" the ordil1illlCeS of tLe Oi t~i of .:Jc',iard. ,j.ll...is !lot ice =L;~ 0l.Ve':1 ~;LlrSLlant to ti':'8 .l.ct of Co.Ll,:;ress U':').t-)I'ovecl. L.lc.lrch 6, l~-}/j-C, ,....",'y"-Or c;~ ,/ru tat -'~J-o..i V<;"j /.(" U w 0 "i:n8'~ ~ 'layor ( 33. 1,X~, ....ttest; City Clerk ",action VIII.l'lle form of t:'e bc,llot 31":;,11 consist of' the 'luestions set -Cu::,tL in .:.>ection II of this ol',Ji1.Qnce ',\,ith tr,e uddition of the fol1ovling: ]:!'or refuno.i!l'~ ke existins indebtedness upon ~lrinciI.:al unO. interest o-"Jed to k"e l..8coEstr:.1ction Finu"c.ce Corporution upon bonds heretofol"e iscued I'ursuant to vrdinance /91 ,the amount of s!.1ch indebted- ness beinc #..'~~o"n Df) ,and the is Sl'ance of revenue bonds with or without interest coul,ons 8.S stuted G.bove. "",,;Z;..inst refL:.ndin~ the existing indebte'lness upon IJrinci;;;ul 8ilQ in tere st ol'red to the neconstruction }!'iIlJIlCe \)01'1.)01' it ion ullon bonU.s heretofore is;:;ued pursu::mt to UrdirL..tlCe /91, the ill20l.lnt of such indebtedness being ~.5~()()b "..! ,<:<rid t!',e issu:mcs of revenue bonds with or wHhout interect coul,ons 3.S stated above. POl' iw;uin~ revenue bOIlllS of said Ci t~, in the SlUll 0~1J".f.4tJf!"f)() . for ~lle .0urpose <?f exr311d~ns, rehQblllte.tln:..;, lJil)rOVillC, betterlnt';, repcJ.lr- Inc; ~lIld erlui~:1-:1n,:; tIle 3e,l3.rd municipal electriccll ut:U.ity cystem. ",-c:;uinst,.,issuin:..; revenue bonds of said City in t..he SlUll ofjlO5q,~fJ{) ~ for tlle ]Ju!'}ose of e Xl.iQ nO. in::; , rehabilitatin,;, ir1IJrovin_', betterinG, re])3.irin:; und e,.;uin,inC the >->Ql,mrd f<ll.Ulicipal electrical utility system. ""ect ion I-,~. .....11 ,;Jrovis ions of tl"e h\'iiS of the United :Otates of ..ii181'ica, the 'rerritory of .J..aska, ~...nd the ,::c,!Oe:r8.l ordinunc8s - 5 - ~ of tIDe City of -,e'dOl"d l'eClllE\tin~ elections and the CC.nVo.8S of l'etl~l'ns shull covel'n tlle election to be held under the ,:JJ:ovisions hereof. ....ection ~c. If the ubove )roposition Co.r1'i08 e.t t:~e oaid election the COillm.on Council vIill toke ull f;teIs necessary CG.'1d 1'0 per to i S8 ue ond 8 e 11 s aid bond sand d.C c;uire s&id ut ilit ies d.ud facilities. wection ~a. '1'llis ordinance sLG.ll be llosted on tLe bulletin bOill'd of the Oi ty II all, "eward, ..1 C.S lea , 1'01' 0. }1eriod of ten (10) cby8 )rior to clute of election. i.;ection ~~II. '1'his ordinance 8110.11 take effect immediutely U1Jon its passage and s.plJroval, an elller::;ency IlD.ving been decl3.l"ed. 1 asseu by the COIDIllon Council of the City of ""81'13.1'0., ...lus}:&., a:>1d Cl]Jrroved by the Layor, all on this 2..3 day of ~../.ot./ , 1949. .~ttest ; t?-rd ;r.~. lhayor lJ1t(A~~ ~J' c Cl y g:;terk - 6 -