HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1949-199 r ORDINAKOB NO. 199 AN ORDIIlUOB FIXING THB RATE OF OOMPBHSATIOH TO BE PAID BY THE CITY OP SIWARD! ALASKA TO OPPICBRS APPOIKTBD BY THE WAYOR OP SAID CITY POR THB TBRW BNDING WITH HIS TERM OP OPPICB AND REPEALING ALL ORDINAKCBS IN CO.PLICT HBRBWITH AND DBCLARING AN BMBRGBHOY. BB IT ORDAINBD BY THB CO)()(OR COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SBWARD, ALASKA. Section 1. That the compensation to bo pald the Municlpal Ottlcors of the 01ty of S.ward, Alaska, for the term endlng with the t.ra of the Mayor is heroby tlx.d and established by the terms her.- inafter contained in this ordinance, which compenaat10n shall be ne1U1er incre.sed nor diminiahed during the continuance in orfice of .81d ott\eers. Section 2. Tho Municipal Clerk shall receive a monthly salary at the rat. ot '360.00 per month. Section 3. The Mun1clp.1 Assessor shall receive 8 salary at the rate ot $500000 per ye.r. Stctlon 4. The Chier ot the 'ire Dept. ahal1 recelve a monthly aalary .t the rate ot $400.00 per month. Section 6. The Supt. of the Street Devt shell recelve a aonthly salary at the rate of $400.00 per month. section 6. Tbe Chier ot Polic. ahal1 receive a aonthly salary at the rat. Of '400.00 per month and the Patrolman shall recetve a monthly ..lery at the rate of '350.00 per month. Section T. The Munlcipal Treasurer shell receive a aalery at the rat. of '100.00 per yoer. Soctton 8. The Municipal Health Officer shall recetve a .onthly salary at the rate of $25.00 per month. Stetion 9. The City Attorney shill rec.ive a monthly .alary at the rate of '200.00 per month. Section 10. The Clty Bng1neer shell receive a monthly salary at th. rate of $350.00 per menth. Sectlon 11. Bech ot the aaleries hereln provld.d for shall be paid of the Geaera1 Punda of the Ctty of Seward, Alaska and shall b, pa14 monthly. The Oo..on Oounci1 ahall at its first .eeting in 'ach month approve and order paid the sslarlee of all of the above naaed officer. for the prece,d1ng month .nd proper .arrants aha11 be drawn on the Trea.urer for the payment of Ba.,. Section 120 All ordinancea and partB of ordlnance. in conflict herew1th are hereby rep.aled. S.etion 13. An emergency 18 hereby declared to .xist and th1. Ord1nanc. ahall take effect i.-ed1ately upon ita paaaag' and approval. ~Pa88ed by the Co..on OQUDeil of the Clt1 of Seward, Alaska th1a /1 d81 or October, 1949. '-, . Approved: 1;, .A.~L.'-..i.1 ,r~-7 )(ayo~ .Atteat: /~ ~ C1ty 1.rk