HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1950-206 " O!lI!IlWlCl NO. 200 AN OHDIliANCE 01 m CITY OJ SBlABD, AJ.4,.CQ ro PWVIDI lOR mE ISSUDCI AND SALI Of DGOTTART;E INTIRRST"BIWUlIG'RIVENUK :BOIlS 01 m cm~ SlWJ.RD 1V"~1 IN -. THE SU1I 01 TWO HO.\1I)Y) TBllJUND DOJ"lM\~ ~=.OO} OR SO lWCH THIBlm', AS lIlY -Bl', DClSSAIY .'1'Q-PRO " ' lOB THE mANSION ,.AND J51.TIliSION or m lWIICIPALLY ODlD.AND OPIRA.T.ID SIJARD E~C SIam. Ni- strAiT 1ft) AC'f. OF OONUBES APPIDTID b IAR~~ CHJP. 2b.~ STA!. 33" SlIDOONDS TO BISUPPOiTID AND ' BY 1.t'~ or THE Riviffiis lROM SAID UTILm AS AUTHORIZID IN SAIJ)"'ACT: .0....0.. BE IT ORDIINID DY the Common Council of the City of S..erd Alaska as follows: '. Seoiion 1. TU.t pursuant to the Act of Congress approTed 'tlL Karch. 194b, Caapier 52, 60 stat. 33, wh.ereby .unicipal cor- p.ratio.. in Alaska are permi. tted t. reconstruot, i.proTe, uhnd, ..tter, repair and equip pUllic works ..neb. are to De operated UPOJ1 I. reTenue-producing basis, a special eleotion is l1ere8Y called .to ie uld in tae City of SEWARD, Alaska, on tlle Uta day of Deeu- .er 1950-, under th.e provisions of said Act and pursuant to tlle / lawa of the Terri tory of Alaska and the Ordinances of tlle City of Seward . -.----~ ~., Section 2. That t h.ere sh.all be submitted to the qualified Toters of said City, autllorized to Tote at said eleotion, the following Proposition: "Saall th.e City of Seward, for 'the purpose of expanding, improving, bettering, extending and equipplDg the Seward municipal electric utility syst..; aDd, in addition to the bonds h.eretofore authorized and issued pursuaat to Ordinances No. 197 sad No. 200 for a similar purpose, - issue NTenue BOndS, r I i i .1 th,r wi ti. or wi tilout interest oeupeu, 8u~p.rt.d by a pledge of the revenues of 8a1d utility, au.. to.ds to \). issued ei th.er as a separate series or in cOlllination with the DO~. keretotore autkorizei and issaed. \)1 subsequent Ordinance or Resolution of tDe C..-oll Counoil of the City of Seward upon such maturities, terms and conditions as -81 ... orclaiaed \), said COIIMIl Council _0. upon an interest rate of four and tuee quar- ters per cato (4-3/4~); tae Cit1 ot Seward to be autltorized to issue such ioads in the t9~al dount of Two Hundred Tllousu.d Dollars (~OO,OOO.OO) or so much thereof as may ne necessary to provide funds for suoh. program of eXJ8D.sia as ..., b. deemed necessary 11 the CoJlllOn Council acting upon th.e advioe aud reooaenclatiOll. of th.e Utility Board of tae Ci t1 of Seward t.ereo.. It Section 3. All qualified voters of said municipality reg- istered in complianoe with the ordinances of the City of Seward shall be qualified to vote at said eleotio., and persons ot.b.er- wise qualified to Tote But who have not registered in compliance with said ordinance, saall not Ie entitled to vote. Section 4. The polling plaoe for the said election sWl ie at the City Hall in the City of Seward, Alaska, and the polls shall be open from ~ a.m. until 'l p.a. of said election day. Seotion 5. Tke City of Seward, by its CODOn CouoH, does .erelY ap,.iat Iou J 0 Rosaes., Alioe 1. t.rua and Gus Manthey as Judge. to oonduet said election at t.b.e ti.. aDd place and in the manner herein set forta, and appoints Miriam Painter and Betty Rafferty as Clerks of said election. Seotion b. Notioe of said election sAall be giTen by post* Ord. 20b - Page 2 I [ I I I I. !i II , , I I iDg a written notioe thereef on the Dulletin aoard of the City Ball; on the Dulletin Doard in tae United States Post Office; and on the bull.~ia loud in the offioeof t.l1e Alaska Railroad Doalt in Seward, Alaska, all of wmoA pJ.aces are a.relDy declared to be oonspicuoWJ places wi. tun the corporate lilli ts of said City. Said Notioe of Ileoiion sull .. posted llOt leas than tell. (10) days prior to tae date of said election. Section 'I. Saici Notice saall be signed by the Mayor of the City of Seward and Ie attested by the Municipal Clerk, and saall De substantially in the form following: NOrICE OF SPECIAL EI.EcrrION A Special Election will be held in the City of Seward, Alaska on the lith day of nec- eaDer 1950 for tn. purpose of su.mitting t. the qualified voters of said City, who are registered to vote in accordance wita the Ord- inance of the City of Seward governing elections, the following question: "SHALL the City of Seward, for the purpose of ex,anding, rehabilitating, improvi~, .etter- ing, extending and equipping the municl,ally own.d and operated Seward Ileotrio System; and, in addition to the bonds heretofore authorized and issued with respect to said utility pursuant to Ordinance 100 200 of the Ci iy of Seward ( as authorized by Act of Congress approved 6th March 1946, Ciapier;2 60 Stat. 33), issue revenue bonds, either with or without lnterest coupons, ill. the 8Jlount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) or so much thereof as may be nec- essarl to complete the program of expansion advised and recommended by the Utility Board of the City of Seward, Alaska, and approved by tlle Common Council of the City of Seward, supported by a further pledge of the revenues of said Seward Electric System; such additional bonds t. be issued either as a separate series or in com- Prd 2.06 - Page 3 r bination with the issue of bonds in the sum of One Hundred Four Thousand Dollars ($104,000) heretofore issued by the City in connection with said Utility; said bonds to be issued by subsequentOrdinance or Resolution of the Common Council of the City of Seward, iilaska upon such maturities, terms and conditions as may be or- dained by the Common Council and upon an interest rate of four and three-quarters per centum. The polling place will be at the City Hall in the City of Seward, Alaska and the polls will be open from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. of said election day. Those persons who are citizens of the United States over the age of twen~y-one years; who are bona fide residents of the ferritory of Alaska, and who have been such residents continuously during the entire year immediately prior to and preceding the Election, and who have been such residents continuously for thirty days next pre- ceding the Election, within the corporate limits of the City of Seward, Alaska; who are able to read the Constitution of the United States in the ]illglish language, and to write the English lan- guage, and who are registered and qualified to vote in accordance wi th ~he Ord.inances pf the City of Seward governing elections, shall be qualified to vote at said Election. No special registration for this election prior to the date thereof shall be required. If a majority of the voters at said election shall oast their vote in favor of issuing revenue bonds in the amount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) or so muoh thereif as may be neoessary to oomplete the program of expansion of the Seward Eleotrio System as may be outlined and recommended by the Utility Board and approved by the Common Counoil of the City of Seward; then the Common Council shall cause to be issued revenue bonds in such amount as shall be necessary to oomplete said project, and such bonds shall secured only by a further pledge of the revenues from said Utility; interest on such bonds to be four and three-quar- ters per centum (4-3/4%), and the bonds shall probably run in oombination with the issue of One Ord 206 - Page 4 Hundred 'our Thousand Dollars ($104,uou.00) of similar bonds heretofore authorized and issued by the City in cODllection with said Seward Electric System. This Notice is given pursuant to the Act of Congress approved 6th March 1946, Chapter 52, 60 stat. 33 (Title 48 Sections 44f-44i USeA) Sections 16-5-5 to i6-5-1 Alaska Compiled Laws Annotated 1949). (Signed) EUGENE N. IJl.Nm Mayor ATTEST : Sigrid Stearns Clerk. Section 8. The form of the ballot shall consist of the question set forth in Section 2 of this Ordinance, with the addit- ion of the following: [I FOR issuing revenue bonds of said Ci ty in the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary to complete the approved project of expansion of the Seward Electric System. [] AGAINST issuing revenue bonds of said City in the sum. of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2UO,OOO.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary to complete the approved project of expansion of the Seward Electric System. Section 9. All provisions of the laws of the United States of America, the Territory of Alaska, and the General urdinances of the City of Seward, Alaska regulating elections and the canvass of ret- urns shall govern the election to be held under the provisions Ord 2U6 - Page 5 r-- hereof. Seotion 10. If the above proposition carries at the said election, the Common Council will take all necessary steps to issue and sell said bonds and acquire the additional facilities and equipment to complete the program of necessary expansion. Section 11. This Ordinance shall be posted on the bulletin loard of the City Hall in Seward, Alaska for a period of ten days prior to the date of said election. Section 12. An emergency is hereby declared, and this Ordinance shall take effect immediately after its passage and approval. PASSED by the Common Council of the Ci ty of Seward, .Alaska and APPROVED by the Mayor, all nn this 20th day of November 1950.. e~ 1.~7' Mayor A'l"l'llST : ~ tc.J#~ # Git Clerk Ord 206 - Page 6 , """'"'' ,,, ," f~