HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1912-A /71, / . 'Ll F/, ' V~~/1 .~k :~~6o~ '/ !,~ ORDINANCE NO. A. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RULF-I? AND F'Ii'I1TTLATIONS FOR THE TOWN OF SEWARD ALASKA? FOR THE COUNCIL, CITY OFFICERS ArID CITY GOVERNllENT, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. j BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Counoil of the Town of Seward, Alaska. Seotion 1- The officers of the Town of Seward shall be a President of the Counoil, who shall be ex-officio Mayor of the Town a Munioipal Clerk; a munioipal Treasurer; a Munioipal Magistrate; a Municipal Attorney; Munic1pal~Officer; a ohief of the Police; a ohief of the Fire Department; a Patrolman and an Assessor. SECTTON 2- Suoh officers shall be ohosen at the first reg- ular meeting of the Counoil, or as soon thereafter as may be by the \ Counoil deemee expedient, and the person eleoted or appointed to ~ such offioe shall h~ld offioe for the life ~f the then nounoil, unless by the Council removed, or until Buch time as his succeSBor is elected or appointed and qual '\.fied. In the selection of offi.ere a majority vete of four of the councilmen at a meeting where at least five counoilmen are present shall be necessary for a ohojoe. SECTION 3- Any offioer appointed by the Council, removing from the town, or shall ne~lect or refuse to qualify within two days after the ohoioe, or who vaoates hie offioe in any way as provide' by law and ordinanoe, shall be deemed to have vacated his offioe, and the Common Counoil shall prooeed to fill suoh vacanoy as provided by these rules. SECTION 4- Before entering upo n the duties of their respec- tive offioes all of the officers of the town shall take and subsctibe the oath presoribed by *aw and file the same with the clerk of the town. In addition to suoh oath, the Munioipal Treasurer shall give the bond required by law. SECTION 5- Eaoh and every officer shall, and upon demand must, turn over to his suocessor in office all books, papers, mat- tera, or other property belonging to the Town of Seward, which have oome into his hands in his official capaoity or as such officer. ~FCTTON 6- The duties of each of the officers so elected or appointed and qualified shall be those presoribed by Congress of the United States and the Laws of the Territory of Alaska relating to municipal corporations in Alaska ao far as the same may be applicable, to obey and anforoe the Ordinanoe and Resolutions of the Town of Seward, Alaska, and suoh instruotions and regulations as may be pre- soribed by the Common ('!ouncil of s~id Town of Seward, Alaska. SECTIOn r. The Mayor shall be the executive offioer of the Town and Counoil, and shall exercise a oareful supervision over the general affairs of the Town add Counoil, and shall take oare that the Ordinances of the Town are duly observed and enforoed, and that all of the subordinate offioers of the ~~wn 119cbarge their respeotive dutIes. He ehal1, when present, rrss1de over all of the meetings of the Council, and ahall have a vote upon all questions before that body, and may at the seoond regular meeting of the Counoil in eaoh year, oommunioate, by message to the Council, a general statement of the ~u.t~ipal affairs of the Town and recommend the adoption of such meaeureaas ne may deem pro~er and expediant for the best interests of the Town, and may from time to time make such epecial oornmunica- tione to the Council as he may deem necessary or useful. In the case of emergenot he may appoint speoial patrolman to maintain the peaoe and dignity of the Town, and may also, whenever the occasion demand it appoint extra watchman or patrolman, t" Euard agair.et flre anJ in the interests of fire proteCltion. He shall affix hiA ofnctal signa- ture to all orders, or other p~rers whenever necessary, Ordinanoes, Resolutions, Rulea and Regulationa, promulgated by the r.ouucil. Pe 'shall have no veto power on any matter regularly rassed by the Coun- cil. He shall sign all warrants drawn upon the treasury, and shall perform suoh other duties as are prescribed by law, or the Ordinan- oes or Resolutions of the said Town, or that the Council rJlay require. Ii J SEC':TION 8- During the temporary absenoe of the Mayor from the Town, or if ~rom sickness or other cauae, he is unable to aot, the President Pro Tern. shall be the Acting Mayor, and shall exercise all the powers and perform alll the duties of such office during suoh temporary absence or disability, The Couoil shall choose one of their number to aot as President Pro Tern. SECTION.- The Municipal Clerk shall be the keeper of the corporate seal and all papera and reoords of the town. He shall at- tend the meetings of the Town Counoil and keep a record of the pro- ceedings thereof. Be shall make full entry of all tne1r resolutions and decisions 11;""" ;;.,11 ;.a','",~-f:ions concern'ng the raising of money for the allowance of accounts against the town. Be shall report the vote of eaoh member on ever~' ;uea tion voted upon; eiin all orders made and warrants issued by order of the Council for payment of money; re- oord the reports of the Municipal Treasurer of the receipts and dis- bursements of the town; pfeserve and file all accou~ts acted uron by the Counoil; preserve and file all petitions, arplicatione for fran- chises and other matters coming before the Couo11 officially and reoord the aotion of the Council thereon; reoord all orders levying taxesj perform all other duties that rr,ay from time to time be requir- ed by existing law, rule or order of the Common Council, or any reso- lution or ordinance thereof. He shall keep proper books of aocounts) 6howing therein all sums appropriated by the Council; the date of such appropriation; and for what purpose, the date and amount of all varrants drawn upon the Treasurery and against what fund and to whom }aya~le; and all disbursements of publio money. Upon the delivery by 11m to the Trea.surer of any tax-toll or list, he shall charge the 'reaourer with the gross amount of the taxes shown upon auch tax- :011 or list, and shall also charge him with any moneys belon~ing to ~he To\m of Reward which mall borne into the hands of the Clerk and by lim turned over to the Terasurer.. He shall attest all rules, orders, cr other r:ap~rs where neCeS8&ry, regulatior,a and resoh:.tlons and <rdinances promulgated by the Counoil and al'llgn all warre.nte drawn up- ~ the treasury by his offioial signature and ~tte6t the same by tpe twn seal. He shall at the last regular meeting of the Council ll,ake fdetailed report of all the fin~noial and other business of hie of- tce: showinE an:ount cf town money received by fhe town and the dis- Dsition thereof; all warrants drawn on the Treasury, and such other nfO~Mation as will give a olear understanding of the business of hs office and the finances of the town, In the absenoe of the Clerk f:om any lC.eetiu,g the Counoil may appoint a. Clerk Pro Terr.. ~~TI0N 10- The ~lnicl~l Magistrate shall have jurisdiction ~d power to hear, try and determine all cases arising under the O~d- !lEl.nces of tbe Town of Seward. Before entering upon his duties, he s,all take and su.bsoribe an oath to faithfully rerfOl'm the duties of he office, and fill the same with the Municipal Clerk. He shall, al- aI, give a bond, with good and sufficient sureties, to the Town of S~ward. in the au::: of One Thousand dcllt>..re, cond.itioned for the fai~:b- ftl dicharge of the duties of his office, which bond ahall be filed Ii ith the Hunic ipal Clerk. SIerrON 11- The Hunidpal Treb..8'Ure1' shh11 gi'lre the bond l'e- qt;ired by law and shall collect all taxea levied by the Council; and shall reoeive and safely keef all monies belonging to the town, 0% that ahall come to the t.wn~by taxation or otherwise; ~nd p~y the sane out only uron the warrant eicned by the Mayor and countersigned by the Clerk. He shall keep, in ;rorer ~ooount books provided for that purpose, an accurate and detailed account of all monies receiv- by him, together with an account of all die1lUreements. He shall leep flerarate accounts with the general fund of the treasury and with each special fund that may be raiaed for any specifio purposej anc when any warrant is drawn on any rarticular fund he ahall ray it only out of the monies belonging to the fund. He shall at the last regul....r u.eeting of tl1e Cnunc il for eaoh year submit a full re- v ;~rti~ ~riting SHowing in detail the receipts and disbursements of the Jreoeeding year as to eaoh and all of the s,parate funds of the treasury; and shall whenever required bp the Counoil, submit a sim- ilar report; and shall perform such otber duties as the Counoil May prescribe by prdinanoe or resolution, or that may be presoribed by law, or which may be proper and necessary to a full and cGrrect un- der8tand1n~ of th b e town ~1nanoes. (2) ! I I' SECTION 12- The Asseseor shall annually make a oorrect list of all the proper;y, real and pereonal, subject to taxation by the town, with the names of the owners and the valuation thereof, and oert1t1 and return the same to the ('lark. Suoh aueaamen~ statement or liat, .hall be made upon books proper for that r,urpose, by direo- tion of the Couno,il;, but real property or possessorJ.' rights thereto, or improvements thereon, shall be assessed in a separate list from the per.onal property. The time of rr.a.king such assessment, and the return thereot. as well as the time of appeal to the Council for ~ revision thereot. as herein set frth, 9h~11 be prescribed by ordi~- anoe; and he Ihall perform suoh other duties as are presoribed by law or by the. ordinance. or resolutions of said town, or that the Common Counoil may require. Seotion 13.- The Municipal Attorney shall be the legal advis- er of the Counoil. He shall draw all suoh ordinanoes or resolut10ms as may be required by the Ciuncil, or any standing Committee there- ot. and .hall proscule and defend, under direction of suoh Council, any and all action. brough~ in the Courts by or against the Town. or in whioh the Town is a party, and perfor~ such other duties in the line ot Bi. prefession as the Town ~ay require. SECTIOI 14.- The Chief of the Police shall be the oheif of- ficer of the Town. and shall see that all the ordinances, resolu- tion. and mandates of the Council are duly executed and observed, and .hall take oare th~t the pe~ce and good order of the Town's pr...rved, and .hall perform such other duties as the Council may fro. time to time presoeibe by ordinanoe or otherwise, or that may be preloribed by law. SEC!IOI 15.- The Chief of the Fire Depart~net shall be the general exeoutive offioer thereof, and shall have the oontrol, care and .&B.,ement of all apparatus and other ~roperty ~ertainin~ to such '.partaent, and shall direct the drill and discipline of the fire o~nlel and handle and oommand them in the extiguishment of f1re.. He shall be chosen from the members of the Fire Departmnet ani upon the nomination or recommendation of the members thereof, ani Ihall perform euch other duties as the Counoil, by ordinance or otherwiee. may provide; he shall be ex-o"fioio Fire Warden, and .. .uoh Jhallr~erform such duti~~ aR t.hp, ~o~on Council may, by ordinanoe, preso.ibe, but it shall be hie special duty to examine iate the oonstruction and condttion of ohinneys. fire-plaoes, h.arthl, .tove., stove pipes, ovens, smoke staoks, boilers, and appa.ratU8 u.ed in or about any building, and cause the same to be r..ov8d or plaoed in a safe or secufe oondition, when deemed dan- ~erou.; prevent the deposit of ashes in unsafe plaoes; and may at anJ t1ae enter into any open hOllea, store house ot other build- ins or enolosure, tor the purpose of inspecting the same and with a v1ew to guard aga.inst fire, or to exeoute the ordinanoes of the Counoil regarding tire proteotion; and to perfcrm euoh other du- ti.. as the Common Counoil may from time to time require or ;re- .oribe by ordinanoe, or otherwiase. ~rovided, however, that the .&l&ry allowed by the Common Counoil for services as chief of the Ylre Department be the full amount for all services rended as suoh Ok6et ot the Fire Deaprtment and ex-officio Fire Warden. 8101101 16.- The Counoil ehall, at the beginning of the t.:m of eaoh officer appointed or eleoted by them, by ordinanoe fix hi. oompen.ation for the term, which coapensation when so t~ed lhall be neither inoreased or diminished during the term, aor lhall laid offioers be entitled to recive, in any form or s~, any other or additional oompensation. _'101 1'7.- The Common Counoil may at any time, in its 4laoreation, require any offioer pi person. before entering upon hi. dutie., to give a bond with two or mere sureties, to be ap- proved by the said Council, in any amount the Council IT,ay eee tit, oonditioned for the faithf~l and honest performance of such t~.t; and auoh bond may at any time, at the disorea.tion of s&id Council, b. required of any officer of said Town of Seward in 0.... where the lame is not prov~ded for by ordinance and whether the laid of~ioer handles, oris aagut to handle funds of said Town, or not . aBettOI L8.- In all oases in the Ordinanoes of the Town of Sewazd, low in foroe, or whioh may hereafter be enacted, the mas- ..1t.. sender inoludes the fem1ne gender, and the singular num- b.~ 1Dolud.. the plural number, unless it 18 otherwise epeo1f10- " !i ~"~'i'1!.;r I' ..",:~~,.,-(~,~~~,:" . ~'~'i:Ia. ,.it;". . ally diaignated in any ordinance, or i' the sinoe and interpretation thereof requirel:! a lliffe:rent construction. SECTION 19.- Regular meetings of the Council will be held on the First and Third Monfays of eaoh ~onth at ei~ht o'olook P. M. Special meetings may be called by the Mayor, or upon request of tWD members of the Counoil, by the Municipal Clerk. SECTION 20.- All olaims against the Town shall be itemized. Upon presentation to the Clerk properly verified, all olains shall be referred to the Committee on Finance and Claims for investiga- tion and report. Provided, that in every oase where any claim is rresen~ed against the said Town which is not correct, it shall be the Duty of the oommL;tee under whose firection or oontroil the ex- pense was inourrdd to adjust the same and see that it is correot before it is approved. And Provided Further, that if any claim is n(t itemized and verified as require~ by this seotion it shall be the duty of the said Clerk to require that the same is in proper form before transmitting it to ..aid oommittee. SECTION 21.- When a motion is under debate, no motion shall be made but to adjourn, to lay on the table, for the previous ques- tion, to postpone to a day certain, to commIt or amend, to post- pone indefinitely; which said several .otions shall have preoeden- oe in the order in whioh they are above arranged. SECTION 22. - The vcbt:e oil. all J,;questions exoept on the passage of res- olutions) ordinances, orders foT paymen; of money, or providing for the levying and oolleotion of taxes, shall be by viva vooe, unless two mem- bers of the Council shall cal+ for the Ayes and N~ys, in whioh event the roll shall be oalled and the vote of eaoh member reoorded by the Clerk, The roll shall also be called and the vote recorded on the passage of all ordinanoes, orders for payment of money, reeolutions or for the levying and oollection of taxes. No motion, appointment, res- olution, ordinanoes, orders for payment of money or '~ter for the levy- ing and oolleotion of taxes shall be deemed to be oarried unless four nlembers of the Council shall have vote4 in the affirmative, at a meeting where five members of the Council are present. SECTION 23.- Every member who shall be present when a ques- tion is put, shall vote for or againat the same, unless the Coun- cil shall excuse him, but no member shall be permitted to vote on a question unless present when his name is oalled in ita regular al~nabetical order. Provided that the name of the ~reeiien! of the Council shall be the last called. SECTION 24. - No standing rule or order of the Counoil shall be resoinded or suspended except by a vote of five members of t1e Council in the affirmative; nor shall the order of b'lsiness estab- lished by the Counoil be postponed or ohanged exoept by a like vote. SECTION 25.- Every proposed ordinance shall) after having been introduced and read, lay on the table until the ne.t regular meetin~ of the Council. It ahall not, exoept under suspension of the ru~e, be passed at the meeting at which it was introduoed. Each proposed ordinance After it becomes a law shall be enrolled by the Clerk in a book kept for that purpose. SECTION 26. Anj two or mare'1fficea of the TO>'1n of Seward may be held by the st'.me person, who may, in the discretion of the Council, reoeive the compensation attached to both offices. SECTION 27.- ~ive members ot the Council shall oonstitute a quorm for the transaotion of business, but a less number I!.ay adjourn, provided that no ordinanoe or resolution shall be pass- ed or adopted exce~t by four member of the Council at a meeting where not leae t1an five members of the council ar~reaent. SECTION 28.- The Counoil may at a~y time, by a majority vote of all the Counoilmem elected, go into exeoutive session, during w)ich all ~eraons not members of the Council shall be ex- cluded. IXUXf3W SECTION 29.- Robert's Rules of Order shall be the a'lthor- ity on parliamentary rules, except as in this ordinanoe provided. SECTION 30.- The rules and regulations provided for in tn~ ordinance may be amended by a. vote of five members of the Council but before any a6tion is taken on any proposed amendment, it shall be laid over until the next regular meeting after its introduction, except in oase of the suspension of the rules. SECTION 31.- The Standing Committees of the Counoil shall I, consist of two members to be aprointed by the Mayor, unless the Counoil otherwiae direct, Such oommittees shall be as follows; 1. Committee on Assessment and Collection of taxes, 2. Committee on Public Schools, 3. Committee on Fire Protection and Water Supply, 4. Committee on Lights, Sewerage and Warfage, 5. Committee on Public Health and Police Protection, 6. Committee on Finance and Claims, 7. Committee on Streets 8. Committee on Printing. Select committees for the Purpose of oonsidering any special mat ter may be appointed at the will of the counoi1. SECTION 33.- All ordinanoes shall be published either by posting copies thereof at three public plaoes in the Town of Sew- ard, one of which shall be at the United States Poat Offioe; or the same may be published by the order of the Council, in a News- paper of general circulation publihed in said Town. One publica- tion of each ordinance in suoh neneparer shall be suffioient. SECTION 33.- At all meeting of the Counoil the following order of busine~s shall be observed: 1. Roll Call 2. Reading, Correction and Approval of the Minutes of previous meeting, 3. Presentation of Messages, memorials, petitions and communications, and their teferneioe or other dispo- sition, 4. Introduction, referenoe and other disposition of ord- inances and resolutions, 5. Presentation and fefersnce of claims, 6. Choosin~ City Offioers, 7. Reports of Standing Committees, 8. Report Special Committees, Unfinished business, New Business, Adjournment, SECTION 34.- All ordinanoes, an~ parts of.ordinanoes, incon- siatant herewith, and particularly each and every part of the Ord- inanoe of the Town of Seard, un-numbered, Entitled "Rules and Regulations for the City of Seward, for the Council, City Officers and City Clovernrnent," Passed and approved on the 18th, day of June, A. D. 1912, are hereby repeal~d. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect, from and after the date of tta passage abd approval. Passed under s11srension of the rules and approved by the Common Council of the TORn of 8eward, Alaska, this 10th, day of May A. Ii. 19l5. ~ Aprroved by the President of tr:p Comffiop oounoil, this tenth (lOtb~ day of May, 1915. '" _.__ C. A. t4'yers. President of the Council and ex-officio Mayor of Seward, Alaska. Attest: V!. T. Luca.s. M~nicipa1 Clerk. ~ " , i , , ,.- ~~~~;t o~ N,'I\" ~~ JD~1915 ~.~ I I i I I 1 ~4'~(./~ ) \' !\UL::~B AI],!) m;G1J:,,\TIONS J"OR THE Cl'l'Y O}' 3E!!ARD. Fa R 'fIlE GOUNC IL. C 1'l'Y a}'}' H.:.c:HS ,.,J:n (; l'rY Gu VErlm:8NT . () 1"'F1 CERG. Section 1. ~he officers o~ the city shall be a President of the Council. who shall be ex-officio T~ayor of the 01 ty; Ii. .... Ir io-' 4- tem; a Clerk~ a Magistrate; a Treasurer; an Assessor; V 0,/' a City IJarshal. who shall be Chief of Police and Fire \'iaraen: and a President pro ....- a City Attorney; Chief of the rire DepartMent, all of whom ahall be chosen by t.he Coun- e11. If,ANNER OF CHOSHG O'VFICr-;RS AED 'fERN: OF O-"'}'IC1~. 'action 2. ~',uch officers ehf~ll be chosen by ballot, and shall hold thE:ir sevel'al office. during the pleasure of the Council. In the selection of officers a majority vote of all the Councilmen present shall "be necessary for a choice. '- -- Section 3. Any officer removin~ frop the city. or who shall ne- elect or refuse to qualify wi thin two days after the' choice or elec - :1 tion. ehall be deemed to have vacated his office, and the Common I Council shall proceed to fill such vacanc~ as provided by these rules. Any vacancy in Ule office of Councilman eha11 be filled by special election, and special electione to fill vacancies, ar for any other pUl'poee. ahall be held and conducted. and the returns thereof shall be made in the same form and manner as provided by law. '(.UAL1F1C1I.'l' IONS. ~)e(,tion 4. llefore entering upon the duties of their respective offices. all the officers of the city shall takE' and eut>acrne the vath prl::!- .I I j scribed by law. and file the eae1e wi th the Clerk of t.he City. 1:'1 addition to such oath, the Treasurer ahall ~ive a bond required by law. clUTIEB OF OFFIC;;~HS-l,lAYOH. .1 ; :.;ec.:tion 5. "'he i'ayor shall l)e executive of the city, and shall ex.er- i! . j cis(: a careful 8upervi eion over i te General affaire; shall take care ! ~ that the ordinances of the city are duly enforced and observed; shall appoint all standing COITun! tteee; and shall exercise a. e:eneral super.. vi sion over the subordinate officers of the city. Le shall. v:h~l pre- " II : I ~ , \ ---~~.. -"--' , - -~.- -=:;:.~_.~_J ,'.~ -...... :.. , ' 3' .=~:':-:"=~':."_.'.-. !d} ~{ , sent, pres!ae ove~ the meetin~s of the Council, and shall, at the second regular meeting of the Council in each year, cummunicate by message to the Council a general statemento! the condition and muni- oipal affairs of the elty, with recommendations thereon, and also from time to time maY,11'lake such special communications to the Council as he may deem necessary and useful. In case of emergency, he may appoint speoial policemen to maintain the peace and or4er of, the city, an4 may, also, wheneT~ the exigencies 4emand it, appoint extra watch- men or patrolmen to guard against fire, and in the interests of fire protection. He shall affix his official signature to all or4inances, re:soluUons ,rule8 and regulations proJnul,;ated by the CouncIl, and shall also sien a~l warrants drawn upon the Treasury. PRESIDENT PRO. TEll. Sebtion 6. During the temporary absence of the Mayor from the city, or if from sicknes8 or ~ther oauee. he Is unab~e to aot, the President Prp Te.. ehall be the Acting ~ayor, and sha~l exerci.. all the powere an4 perform all the duties of such offiQe during such temporary ab- .enoe.or disability. CLERK. Section 7. The City Clerk shall be the keep~r af the Corporate Seal an4 all the papers and rp.oords of the city. He shall attend allmeet- inge of the Council. and keep a record of the proeecd1nce thereof. He ah.11 keep proper books of account, Elhowing therein, allsu!118 appro- prlatea by t.he Council, the date of Buch appropriation. and for what purpose; the da.te and amount of all warrant. drawn upon the 'Frea.ury an~against what fund. and to whom payable. Upon the delivery by hi. to the, Treasurer of any tax roll or list. he ahall Charge the 'frecu,. ur,-r Jrl th the gross WllOunt of the taxes shown upon such tax xtoll or belonllZl& to the 01 \y .. " liet, and ehsJ.l alao cnar/l:e him wi th any moneys ~hiCh ltlay co.e into tl?e hands of the q.erk and by him turned over to the TreaBur~~. R. sh..ll att~.t all 1'1),1819, regu.le.tjone, resolutions ar'd ordinandee prQ- t ~ ~~eat.d by the Council, and all ~rrante drawn upon the rre~.u~t" I '\...... ~ . :hl, offfcial sicna'.re ana the ,Cit, Seal, and shall perform .uah \ Itl'J,er ~jJ1e. ae th. Co~cil :nay. flrom time to time, require. , 'I ; Wh',,~ I: ' I i,l \~,j , I'! I II II ! I 14 1;1 I; .~ '"I I '" I, I I ~ I! I' \{ " " ,~ ,\ 1 j 1 '1, ; ~ \ I; i'1 :1 'i,i i,'J', ,1 I., ': Ii ; fi' \. " ../1 \..1 , ",It .:J) \ '\ any tax shall be levied vy the Council he shall make up the tax roll thereof, upon such valuations of real and personal property as may be fixed by the Assessor or the Council, and upon deli verine such tax roll to t.he Treasurer, take his receipt therefor, and charge hil~l with the gross amount thereof, as above provided. He shall at the last regular meeting of the Council in each year, make a detailed report of all the financial and other business of his office, showing amounta of city money l'(;ceived by the city and disposition thereof; all warrants drawn on the ';reasury, and such other information as will give a clear under- standing of the business of his office and the finances of the city. In the al)sence of the Clerk from any meeting, the Council may appoint a Clerk pro te~. CITY MAGIS'!'RATE. ~;eotion 8. '~he (,ouncil shall apoint a '-'1 ty l:a~istra te, who shall have jurisdiction and power to hear, try and determine all cases arising under the ordinances of said City of Seward. 'I'he City :"agietrate, l,efore enterinr; upon hi s duties, shall take and subscribe an oath to faithfully perform the duties of his office, and file the same with the City Clerk. He shall, also, give a bond, with good and sufficient sureties, to the City of Seward, in ~he sum of ~ne Thousand Dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the dutiee of his office, which bond shall be filed with the City Clerk. 'l'RE,(SURER. Section 9. The Tresurer shall collect all taxes levied by the Council, and shall receive and safely keep all moneye belongln<< to the city, or that shall come tJ it by taxation or otherwise. and pay the same out only upon the WArrant of the Uayor, attested by the Clerk. He shall ~, in proper account books provided ~or that purpose. keep an accurate and detAiled account of all moneys received by him, to- gether with an a~count of all disbursements; shall keep separate accounts with the general fund of the Treasury and with each special fund that may lle raised for any specific purpose, and 'Nhen a warrant is drawn on any particular fund, he shall pay it only out of the f'IOneys belonging to SUCh fund. He shall, at the last. regular meeting of the Council for each year, submit a full report in writing, showing in de- ""-IT- ~ 1 '" , . I) "Y - - ~l jj , I 1, II i I , II "I ,I . )' ~ -.-------..J<-")oo-,_____ -; I .~ ,~' :::.cC=, -::.=--===::::.::;:~=':::=.. ~,. P',...J~:".._..__ . ,-- .. -.....,.,....-.-... ~""<_.~ ; I tall. the receipts and aieburs.ments ~f the pr.seeding year as to eaeh and all of the separate funds in the Tresury. and shall. whenever re- qu~ret by the Council. submit a similar report. and shall perform such other duties as the Council may prescribe by ordinanoe or resolution. or which may be proper and necessary to a full and correct understandins , of t~e city finances. ASSESSOR. Section 10. The Asseosor shall annually make a correct list of all the property. real and personal, subjec~ to taxation by the city. with the names of the owners. and the valuation thereof, and certify and return the same to the Clerk; such assessment roll or list ;shall b, W44e upon books prepared for that purpose by direction of the Coun- c11' !but real property or possessory rights thereto, or improvement. , . thereon. shall be assessed in a separate list from the personal pr09 . ' pert,. The time of mak1nr; such assessment and the return thereof. ! &8 lV'll as the time of appealing to the Council for a revision thereof. shall be prescribed by ordinance. CITY ATTORNEY. Section 11. The City Attorney Shall lie the legal aelTher of ths Council. He shall draw all such ordinances or regulations as may be required by the Council. or any standing Committees thereof. and shall pro~ecute and defen4. under the ,direction of such Council, any and I all actions brought in the Courts by Or against the oity, or in whtch the city is' a party, and perform such other dutie$ in the. line; of~ie pro- tesiion as the city n~y require. CITY l'AHSHAL. " Section 12. The City Marshal shal,l be the chief police otficer of the city, and shall 'Bee that all the ordinances. reBolutionsa~ , mandatee of the Council are duly execut.ed and observed, and ehalltake' I ca~ that the peace and good order of the city is preeerTed. and Ihall' pe~torm such other duties ae the Council may from time to time pr~scr1~e I CHJEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT. Section 13. ~he Chief of the Fire:;epartn,ent shall be the &s11lerall 'I I and shall have tr.e control, eare ~d ...._. k ',~ ( ~.~. ',7~: {>j,t.' II " j.; . ::,. ex~cut1ve officer thereof. 7 /, I I II '1 I , I I I i I , ~ ) I I J . ; 'I ., 1 I I I ; ; ,I ' . i I . 9 \, .._'-~ '.""-'.'.' _._",,-, .. _._-~... ,.'., --,---~._~- "':":':':::'~_' _ ._::'::'.'::::vf:.: -' \~ ! 1 ;.i\ ,\J -----1 --, gament of all 1he apparatus and other property pertaining to such de- partment, and shall direct the drill and discipline of the fire 001:1- plLny, and handle and command the same in the extinguishment of fires, and shall perform such other duties as the Council, by ordinance or . otherwise, may demand. Cm,lPllNSATIOll OF OFFICERS. Section 14. Thp- oompensation of all officers provided by these Regulations shall be fixed by the,Counoil. TJ'EETINGS OF courCIL. Section 15. ~eeular meetings of the Council will be held Flrst and ~hird Mondays of each month at eight (8) o'clock F. on the ? L. ,() Special meetings l),ay be called by the "ayor , or on request of two rnem- mere of the councll'7Jt-a7 ~/( C LAI 118. Section 16. All claims aeainst the city shall be itemi~.~. Upon Co~nittee on Finance and Claims for claims shall be ref'.,~ to the its investigation and report. presentation properly verified, all YEAS AND NAYS. " " Section 17. The yeas and nays shall be taken on all resolutions o'r ordinances making appropriations of money, or providing for the levying and collection of taxes. They shall also be taken upon any other question by request of any two (2) members of the Council. ~UORUM. Section lU. Five members of the Council shall constitute a quo- rum for the transaction of business, but a less nwnber may adjourn. Ex}~CUTIVF. SESSION. Section19. The Council may, at any time, by majority vote, go into executive session, during which all persons not members of the Council .hall be excluded. FAT~IN.reNTARY PRACTICE. .1 Section 20. Robert's Hules Qf Order shall be the authority on parliamentary law, except as r erein provided. -._",,,,, .l:I:>:. r-- . ' 11 p3, It' :~\ .;f; t" , -'-'~;::::-.-=:.....-:-=~= ',.7: -::':::;'~,-.C::-:'_=;;:C:;;;'_:;:,_ ~~ AMENDlm:NT S. , ! Seotion 21. Thtse Rules and Reculationsmay be amended by a vote of tive (5) members of the Council; but before action is taken on any pr.~o.ed amendment. it Shall be laid over until the next regular meet- In.:after it. lntroiuction, except by unanimous vote of the nember. , ,,'''.nt. COUMIT'1'KR8. Section 22. The Standing Committees of the Council sha.ll condst ~f"o (2) members oth~rwlse direct. I to he appointed by the ~'ayor. unlesa the Counoil Such committees shall be as follows: 1. Committee on assessment and collection of taxes. 2. Committee ~n public sohools. 3. Committee on fire protection and water supply. . 4. Committee on streets,lights.sewerage and waarfa.ge. 5. Committee on public hea.lth and police proteotion. 6. Committee on finance and claims. ~ i Select COhmit~ees for the purpose of coneidering an, special II&tter may be apr,ointed at t.he will of the Council. ORDER OF TIUSIEYjSS. Seotion 23. At all meeting. of the Counoil the follow1ng,order of ~u.~ne8S shall be observed: 1. Roll C.ll. 2. lleadint;, correo ti on and approval 0 f !l1inute 80 f pre;vloufS , I meetin.. 3. Fresentation of meesages,memoria.ls,petitions and.'communl- cationp. and their reference or: other disposition. 4. Introduction,reference and other disposition of ordinan- ces an~ resolution.. " 5. Presentatlbn and reference of claims. " , I. Choosing Clty ,Offieers. 7. Reports of Stand.ing Co~ittee8. 8. Reports Special Commi tteee. I .: 9. li1scellaneou8 bu~nes8: not abovl! included. ~alr._, ed and fllI;" ',r rm~ve':hY ./(-..Y Of J~ D;,-J>>2. .: . . .lth.t~~ Clerk ~/(J1~'na1rmJl,n. L--.---------...----l-~ _.~. ._~_~._ .__ -.,..,........._~_.~ _.._ .... If II I j I ; j 1 / , j ! 1 '1 I I I f " I 1 I J' I '1 I j