HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1912-001 l;~ ORDINANCE NO. L AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A BCHOOL DISTRICT IN THE ,TOWN OF SEWARD, IN THE DISTRICT OF ALASKA, TO PROVIDE FOR THE HANAGEIJ~NT OF THE SCHOOLS THEREIN, AHD FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAI1'ED by the Coronion Counc il of the Town of Seward: Section 1. There is hereby created and tstablished in and for the Tdwn of Seward, District of Alaska, a School Di~trict, which said School District is and shall be named "SEWARD SC:WOL DIS'J'RICTtt, and which said School District shall embrace the terr~tory within the ex- terior boundaries of the Incorporated Town of Seward. Section 2. There shall be a public school or public schools maintained in and for said Seward School District, m good and sub- st;ancial house or houses, in manner and form as the public needs may r~quire. Section 3. Thesupe~'vision and management of the said Seward < School District and the public school or sk:hools ':.herein ahall be vested in a School Boa.rd of three members,! consisting of a Director, , I. ,./'l. ~ , , ,;.r. a Treasurer , and a Clerk, to be elected annually on the first Tuesday',' in April of each year, by the votes of all adults who are citizens of the United States, or why have declared therein intentiClfl to become citizens, ,and who are re:sidents of said Seward School Distriot. The members o!f s~iQ School Board first elected shall hold their offices for the term of one, two, and three years, respectively, and until their successors are elected anti qualified, an~ on~ member of said Boar& shall be electe~ each ye~r < \ thereafter and shall hold his office for a:period of three years, and until his successor ilB elected and qualiified; and they shall each, i before entering upon the duties of their orfice, take an oath in writ- ing to honestly and f~ithfully discharge t~e duties of their trust. If' for any reason any: person elected a hlem1>er of said School :Board fa~lB or refuses to qualify within two daYll after his elecqon, or. in ca~e a vacancy in 8ai& School Foard occurs 'by reason of death, resig~ < I nat.ion, removal or otherwise, the Common Council may cal). a special , elfction to fill such vac~ncy. ! i i' 15 c. ~ Section 4. The members of said School Board have the power to make, establish and enforce all necessary and proper rules and regu- lations not in conflict with the laws of the District of Alaska or the 1 I I , laws of the United States, for the government and management of said Public Schools, the teachers thereof, ,and the pupils therein; they shall also have power to expend all municipal funds available for school purposes,except for the construction and equipment of school nouses and the acquisition of sites for the same. Said Board shall alSO have the power to hire and employ the necessary teachers, to pro- vide/for the heating and lighting of the school houses, and in general to do and perform everything necessary and proper for the due main- tenance of schools. Section 5. The Treasurer of the School Board shall be the cus- todian of all the municipal funds available for school purposes, and I such Treasurer shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, give his bond, with sufficient sureties, to the said School District, in such sum as the Comr'ion Council may diract and subject to its app- roval, but not le,ss than twice the amount that may come into his hands as Treasurer, conditioned that such Treasurer shall honestly and faith- fully disburse and aocount for all moneys ifor all moneys that may come into his hands as Treasurer. Section 6. The Clerk of the Board o~ School Directors shall draw a'Jl warrants on the $chools funds, as hereinafter provided, and shall keep a stric t account wi t:b_ the Treasurer olf said School :Fund, chargin@; said Treasurer with all moneys receive& fro~ any source whatever on I aq:count of said School Fund. l',nd credi ting: him with all warrants drawn a~ainst said fundj a~d shall make a monthly detailed statement to the Common Counc 11 of the financ ilitl condi t~on bf said School Fund. and for what purpose any moneys have been paid out, for the preceeding month. Section 7. Every claim payable o~t of the School ~und shall be itemized and shall be certified to by ~he claimant, to the effect that the same is true and correct, and shall bet filed with the Clerk of the S<;hool Tooard and shall be approved by a maj ori ty of all mempers of said I 1. I I j 17 Board and a certificate of such approval shall be endorsed thereon signed by a majority of said Board; whereupon the Clerk of said School Board shall draw and sign a warrant on the Treasurer of said School Board for the payment thereof, which warrant shall be countersigned by the President of said School Board, and shall specify for what pur- pose and for what month thp same is drawn. Section 8. This Ord'inar,ce shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed ana. approvtd thie 18th day of June.\.D.1912. AT:r,ST: )'I<?1J;<< . <fa;'~ tJ - C er ,~' '~li ) d~~~. ~~ l-re ilent 0 Co /lon COrei an Eli:-o'fficio Mayor of thf!!'own of Sewarq. 1 j : I I " '1