HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1912-009 148 OI{O:NANCE NO. \I An <lrdinance Pr6vldlng tor tht' A5tle&8meat, Levy, and Collection of Poll Taxes, and for Other Purposes... AlIOUN'r OR' POLL TAX. 1Il'P{). ~eotbn 1. A poB ta-x or tOll l' dollars (lM,oo) In lawful money of I h. t'Toited State~ is hereb)' mnu$Uy iqlf)Osed on all male l"esi,dentlt:1ot 'the , OOWll of .5eW&l'll. Ala..~\l:a. "ver t",...,tl.~~'oQRe and' Under iJft.r .HSI'M of age, "'ho are Dot twt,iT6 memhet's sert:iD~ withullt tm.r. nt a V'olUttt~J!_ Atelil,,~ '<3rtment in the- .,said town. Said 'POll ta:k- Mba.U I)e dlle and payable ..m <'tbe' .l1rst day' (jI, B :Pteinoor of each and ever.\' Year. The towft. lIU\>rS;~i is berebr made tbe poll tax eollectot. PBUIA. FACIE JIlVIDJi1NCJB OF LIABILITY, .TO. SOOtlon t. The poll bO.>ks of the 8~id' town for the yeal' for which such l,a,x is COll6Ctibleh Pro- perl cer~lftdd b)' the o1ftcer ha.ving 0 81'g& a. propFrly certified cop~; of the be t,rima facie t:v~df'nl;e. of t:b.e U plt.~ P,)ll tax of eVl'rymaJc electot U, ft.v, years of aj!e. and w 0 is nptei:cmp~ 8.8 11.l seqt!on No I I.)f this ordh,a.nce provided, wbose flame appears thereon, MANNI1Ut OF COLLECTING, lllTC. Seetion it The town marshal as the poll tax OQUe<5t-oJ:', sha.ll reqUire every, person, liS provid. ed todn section one of this ordinal,ce to pay his po,} tax at ~h:~ time o( imp:Jsiuf,;' or aue:-;s.- inil the sauw or 10 lipu th~re-of to flu'nitib .one able budied man tor .one day of ei~ht hours-to work under the JirectiolH~ of fj....id poll tax col. lee "or. AOd it is hereby made thp, duty of ever.}' fiuoh person to pay the same in D;loriey or fh la'bor as provided for in this seceion to said t nvn ml\l'~bal asvoU ta:.t:: oollector, ondemit.nd. and in det,t.ult of so doing the said 0011 tax col. lector shall. witbm twent;r.four hours there- aft,er repor~ t,he same to the town C)erk in writinW'. and tbereafter the said t.ownderk shan make; evort m writing of tbe faCts to th~ eom-I mOll coq;nci! at the next mtletiog, Said council malo' 8\lthorizet,he oHY attorney to proceed to t,he collection of Huon uncollected :poll ta;lt 'by an action in, an,Y (!I()urt of competentjurisdio, ion I iu the manner providoo b;r la.w, , POLLTAXBE))IPTS, I:TC, Section 4. ,Pall tax n;lCC1Pt,S in blank, sillned I a.nd numbered o()n8~cutivetr, 8haII bQ delivered b)' the towp clerk 0 the town mus~laM the . 1'0,' ,11 t-~ coHect -0/0, n o,r be" 10, re the, " ll,.., t day 0 II tseptember of e 011 yeal'~ and he sh$llbe cha.rlJed WIth $be amOunt or ~uch poll taX receipts de-- Jivet'lli to bilQ an<l<red'!ed wl'h 'h_"",nl1led, a.nusbaU settle witb. sa,{d town ole-dt &nd ~h~ll pay -o?Gr' the amounts conect.ed by Jim to the I town t~urer on or beto~e the flhJt d.ar of each m.onth with a statement i~ g and under oath ot the tota}.aDlount ot~ ta-x' QOl. leoted by hiln <luring 'be I,,", p month. lie .1JallaL.. heoredlled with 11 ~J>t. by bhn tqrn~over to t .' i~.tllJ8 ordinanbe provtdtKi. Th _ _ 0- ,marshal as the \lOlltfoXooUeotpr, DIU"" >>t' ~ "Ii' \hi> IIn, day 01 SeptelD bjlr 01 e""h y...r. P!OOOiiiI to levy, assess. impo~ and oolleet t'tax berd.npt'()vid~for, Andit "qut;y of tile tOWD oler~ on or before to de- liver to said marshal the ~U.. ev@l"J" thing ..a provllllllllor In ,hlB OfdlllililC\!. . DI8POSlTIOlt OP,POLL T.4;J. JI~,.ftc. H....l<lI15. ~ll mouehl>mlliB' poBle.. .1011 01 tH town ,,,,,,,,,,i:Ilr t1'QID ',town mar- shal as tile pol! 1";11' O\)jklO,t t,,, I tul/!l as . 111 \hl. woT\4ed. 1>\ilce4 In ,he f the ~ rd. uol_ o'he ' 1>, the i<>ync,1 <1l ~. ~to~ disp081 '" ' \ ' " \ . --_.-~~.--7.-~..:. ---'.- V\ ~..,-<-.", .~ ' . 149 ()T'TT'L ~,f (' () ~ ..... . ' . AN ORJj;iNA~,~'F' PROVrpnTG 'GlOB THK.ASSJl~s<n'1"Nrr, ',J"YV. PH: (~OT"TJi"~TI()jl OF POLT, 'l'tYF,<1, AND "'OR OTHF:R PURPOSli':~. ALO':I't' Of' DOLT,rAY,T>:TC. snr.;'tinn I. A 1'1):'..:" 'l'd,v Of' "'nr Dollan, (:4.00) ill IT"! 11 ~. -' >. ,'j.; thf'l Unitp,l c!' ;,,, L;, ' .f'.:b:' ,~~--":'ll:' .L",")O"l0d on '111 ;J3.1.~ ''''981.dentE of tr,r'! TO!:ll or <1",,'''';''(. I' '~I., ;.':,'j"~' "':"~(-'r,t,'P'-(Yr~8 ~l".\~1. 11.n\~_,~-r tift" "~:j1'?~1 of aGA, l~lht' ~l!.'e [lrlt ,,(~i, t,.,.. .'~ .' r:; , ; ", i. ," .1 t,. ;,o".t l~a:r, of 11 v()lu!1tAf~1" :f'i T'P' rl~r)artHlp.f.t in tnr' Bni.r1 +")'"j,, Saillj P'lll 'ri-lX shall be rI'le Qnrl 1)c1;'ablA! on t'he 1'irBt day nf' q~rt;':~i:;r~~f ,!j' t"1(i~'n. d.n() p.vAr~r ~rear. The T07il', i e,rro"111 1.::: ""e~reIJY darli"~ the PolL rr 1. \( ~~) .L.l\~:; :.'{ lll. PL\.i I, l;tjjl"R vVID"}]r,}i~ u1<' J,UEHI'1'Y, ~Tf). S'3'Jtlon 2.. The 1_0111x'I)1'1' .,.1' th;~ :,;':Lrl 1,')"'0 f'(,.,.. t,.,,~ ~'f'lar i'or ',7hic" RUfl'h tRX is ~ollectiblp, 'VJ"o:f.p.Tl:r ro"" i i.Ji,<" ';;r Pv: ;)'t":t'1.(~P,C' na'ri'1,'S charge t1;P'Y'f:Of'. ()1" a prol_o1'iy cPJ"tit'ied eon' 01. ",-",Il ~J~~.r', ~~~ll ~)e pril~a f'ac1e eVi(~0)1']A o~ t~A linlJility to ~ay -pOll t~.~.'< ()j' \~.J\~T',i'" ~"J-~.L~ ~~-l..':\; 'l~ '_nr1.e!:' :flf'ty YAn.~S of' (l~A, and who is not eYt-~":l)t r, !~~ i :1 :-.:< C~ I,,' ,:". T , )]' t 1; i fJ Crr: inanc:e 1)1'0"- irl,ed, "'~108 '1a;'ie a.Jvedrf> thn]'AOfi. 1,)\ W71i'Y' J'" COIJ 1BCTUm. FT C. . SA!c1 i (m 5 . The TO,'ln FelT:,'1!",l b: t":, ~,nU t,;] (101l-lctor, shaLl. rC1ui!,A every person, as providecl 1'(""" iO', ~PCT :t\\. \), ." di ~,1i3 ,.,-"ri.i YlXY~ t,., ..j.j,:! '".i~ 10(\1,1 t::lX at; t'1e timp- of' il!;rJo~',L'1," OT ;;.::Pi:: i,:: ," ;;:::. ,~, or in lieu thereof t,0 f'llY'?-:i'J'1 :J:le ::uldlJodied r,an 1<':' or ('~'L,~r ",1 ei;~:'t '1]O'l....;.; to "!o1'1< under t,n.f! r1.i1'Act,ion8 of sa.i6, voll tliX '~0.U Fe t":,,, Ju. it L; '1..:-....A1ly l11al:\p, the duty 0:1:' AV(~C'~' E1J.(~h l~{~.L>})Or6 ~,~., '(J3.:.' the S81(~A irl .....anoy or in labor ab proYin~d. for in t, hi I:: ~': t' r;~. i CL ~ to t:' r". , '" 11(....... _ Tr,"T jiar13hal as Poll Tax ~()lle(:t()!', on de.i;and, lind in '''At's lIt of' L.) (:ci1." "J' r-I'i(! Poll Tax Coll,,- ctor s'hall, "'iti1ill t"ienty-tO',l:>:' '1"'1:>:'" t,hH::"~',,' tfO-I'. ~.'_ ':'""t t,."rJ Ba~,e to ti"lt-J TC~".~::l ~l~\,K" in ~.~r!:'it,ing, anei. thAy'eaj't,(,y. .J--_ r- _T"'_ -- --~..., " ,.- 151 l= 'fe.'!;,. 01'~ ", '1'1r111 j jake report in wri ti:1g of the facts to the OO;l1,l1on CO:1w.::il Cit t"", liAyt MAAting. Raid Caur.cil l'la:r a'lt!1C'I- ize the Oity .Attn:('!,ny t.o iJl'iJC1l<J.' GO t'18 0011ection of SUJh llncollActerl poll tax by an acti.c:r. iT' &r.y CCI-;:c't )J ;()Lr:,,(~t('nt ~u::r:'iBdiction in the manneT.' ~.rovided by law. POLL TAX m:';J,:l~):"'~, "Tr:. 8eetion 4. Poll tax re~eipt8 in bl~, f:igriArj 8nr'l r" ,i-,1 ....;....... '.;\_'.i.: :t,.",;_ l,r,')l'r, 8'1a11 '08 delivAre,1 111' t'l'~ tmvn clerk to t'<1A town .';rjY'~.;'k.J a::~ ,:,leA poll tax f'lollector on 01' b0:F'o"'P, t"e first c:ay 01 SAptp,;r;- ber of A8.en YfJhr, ;,rH '1" fj;vll l)e cl1a'~E.(Ad with t},e am0'.mt of suoh poll tHY l'e~AiT)ts r.I,1:"",)",1, I.;) ;,-'.r:: nnn. CY'edited with th08!" ::r:'etn!'ned., and shall set tle wit 1'1 8I1i(1. 1'0"" I '-;It,rJ<, ,',n" shall IJay oITer the amounts collectec:i;y hi!!, to tne tO",fl Tt:r(~cti; eAT ('n OT"JP,fnT.'f' the first d&.y ('f' each :'1onth \'Jitn a statement iT' v;1.'i'- ir.-..: ;,',n: Ur.'~F,~, :'~t..... of' the total Ci;':lO,mt af' poll. tax collected by him oUT'ir:: +>-'." t"-(>"(~A'1i'1:; l'~onth. He shall also bA crAcE ted. v::L th unpaiCl Y'pClpj:r, t: - ,c- :lj_, l "u,.-",,- O'TP'" to the Town ClerK, as in this oriina"ce pro1Tideci. '1'''~ Said Tll1'm l'[:Tprr'l flH the voll tu;' aOlleryto''', l11Uf't Lt ollee, on the first r'l&, (j ~:).; "~.:. ,'::T' rf' PB.Cl'1 year, proc€;cr' tc' xennlt}(x levy, aasess, ilT'lJOI3P <.:rc. cei1.f.:<';, ~,H 'Joll tax herein pro1Tirled for. And it shall be t.he out l' of t;.", TO",'L C.l' :l'1Y" 1.Arore said day to deli1Ter to Raid ].1arshal the lioll li:,1 ;,r,," i:''-'J1';' th.i.tl."~ 5:3 !IT'mrided t'or in this orr:Hnance. DISPOSI'rIO'J O'Ji' POI,:, 'rAe, : O?T1'( l :,1 i1"'l Section s. All money coming int.o thp IJOssession of t.he '1','>1" ~l. ,"n',' ':('0;,; +"(1 To"'n },~arshnl as thA Poll Tax Clollector, f01' 1-,,,1.:_ t<.'Y.,;; ::is in this ordinance IJro1Tided, shall 1)e placed in the general nU1,(~ 01" t':1A To'r'n of' C'(w"ard, unless otnpI'Wifle TJT'o"irte:l :.):1 tne Common 0O't.lncil ()1 t,;,>" ':""';1 of "(~,"prc1, anci. nhall ue su'h1ect to the disposition o:f t!le Raie; ~)o:,m,;i1. TI.E o~ '1'.AKINO ~F~ECT, ETC. THI~ OBDINANCJ': ilaall tai<A f'j! e,t " , ' tLl tnr'r)e and eff'ect from and after thIS Gate of its p::c,',e" ',' '." ..11 "'lJ,r:,I. , , i ~ t5:{ ?fl:";~{l{'l tn0.0"Y? r:il1f:'1~p[!eion of:' T~R ~ul'~h f'l[i"~ lll_'}Jl'o,rC'( y t,1-. ,. - \.' ~J" _ L.1.. ,1.1 'rr:"']; n1' ~~e 'c-r>', AIHf'k,a, t~l'" ')6t}-' T '.1-:.' .).1' }~~.l ~ l(;~ , J...., , ....!"'r, i;, P~'H: ir'pnt ')1' t,'h~ ~\ll~l ,Oil 0o,ncil this .~rjt ~ :.r t'!, ,t, c') 1 . . kt///;{f;u~ _E'/" P:c'p::>iq,ent 01' t,' "l 0n: ~nnn I'")ouncil cl;';.L ny-oJ') ieio j H?:Ir (It ~(~. .',r' , / J ~'.:~?;'"1. I,y!pnt: .... ~ /J / / " ' ? lif/N( ll\.-;!t~, --- (/' l' [)"T~ ," '1 (>~tr .. ~ 'l... '_ ,~. r. , j54 - -_._..,--_.----._--_....~-,. --~-,---_.- ._---_.._.._~.,-~~. >--"--'--."''''__nw. ~_...__.. ~" / d~,t' .l, "-C /' ' f yf 'f ? I ,'~-C'{/" t I ~,,~ --.----.-...-...".-----.--- ...--.---., {/(I /0. 1::> ~ ;~~. ~,. u. ' ?t..-( ( -I "., /_4. _." .-- .___. ,. .~u__.."_,_~.. /r' ""t /,..b .~~t--1..~,. 'L..-~ ,y..a 3S- ,.c>/.