HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1912-011 ..~ 161 OR1>J:NANCE # 11 AN ORDI"~CE TO :;;q,()'JIThi 1N iR :{Plj~( I AI, iu:TJ GI::::J::}{AL :Tli~~IC 11' ,\J, 'lI'}~(;'LrJi"',3 I'T '~1.n "'or:; 'J::' J'!.J-\'-W, ::)~7..;_J, ,,-,Yc ':... :'~ ,c TJvr,j of Seward, Seward, Ala8ka,by its Commo. CouRcil, does ordain ae follow.: TIME OF ELECTION. Sect!OIl I. There 8hall be a general held i~ the Town of Seward, Seward, Alaeka, first Tuesday of April; said election .hall a. m. and ehall centinue until? o'clock p. without closing the polls. muni.1~al election at:umal17 on the eommeJ!ce at 7 oJclocK m. of the same liay SPECIAL }:,nnnCIPAL ELECTIONS. Sec. 2. Speeial elections may be held at any time to fill va..net.. in the Common Council, proYided that not 115.15 than tell '.Je' ..ti.. of the time alld place of holdiJ\g l!ai4 ole.tlo., aAd the officer or officers to be elected, be given by the ~oWJt, Cl~rk of t",,~! Town (If ;3~',JH,~.,l_. 3eward, Alaeka, and that .uch elections be helt 1~ confo~!ity with the provieione of this o.ctini1,nc.. ,." +'0 L~n.':r'H: lTiurd.cjI-'?l ~'lF'ct,ion~. SI'EClAI, ]<~lJ~C"'l('i~: :,_, :::-ILL VACA..1{CnS IN SCHOOL BOARD. Special elections may be held at any timf! to fill VA.can- Clf!!!I in th~ S~w,lt'(l, f\lH,Hka, ":l"~ 0,,1 1) "~J.'d, ylhe;1 a vacancy in the member.hip of said board occurB from death. resignation, removal or other callee I :pro'.ridf!d t.h;.>.t 'ell ,1.'/13 noti\?t' of the time and pla... of holdhll!: said election and the officer 'II' flfficf'!l'!3 to 1)~" elec t.ed. be given by the remaining members of the scr.aol r.oHrd. said elect.ions muet otherwise 88 far f,S 'he same <ire "q!l-'licable bF. held in conform! ty wi th t.he :provi 1'51 ons of thi 13 o:r'llinRllce as to general municipal ~lections. OPFICERS AND TElru;~~ 0:::" OFFICE. Sec. 3. At each annual generel ~lecti'n there ~hall be elected ly the qualified voters of the Town of seward, SeWard, Alflsks, !.'Ieven Councilmen, who flnall eech hold office for one year frolO ,,,nd after election and until tr.ere Bucce5Bors shall be elected and qualified, unless otherwise removed as l)rovided by law, 2,no. also such member of the ~;eward, Alaska, School P,oard, who~e term expires during the year for which sRia election Is held, a,nd shall hold his office for the period provided by law, and until r.is successor ie elected and qualified.u'11eRs other- wise removed a8 provided by law. Q.UALIFICATIOHS OF VOTERS FOR COU1iCnID~N. Sec. 4. 7he qualification of a voter for councilman stall be as follows: He shall be a male citizen of the United ftat.., or ofte who has dec1Rred hie intention to become a c.:ltlzon of t.he Unit.1i Statee,Twenty-one years of age or over, who has reeided continuously one year next preceeding the election in the T.rri- tory of Alaska, and six months next preceed1~~ the election with ia the limits of the Town of Seward.Seward. Al..ka, and shall have duly registered. Q,UALIFICATIONS OF 'v'O~};RS Ji'OR ':Er,mJ'ms OF SCHOOL BOARD. the Sec. 5. ~'h. qualifications fo a voter for members of the SeWard, Alaska, School Yoard 8hall be as followe: All adults, male and female, who are citizens of the i;nited states, or who have declared their intention to become such and who Hre bona fide resid~nte of the Seward, Alaska, eehool district. EVERY VOT1!~R '1'0 REGISTER. Sec. 6. :'0 per80n or persons, posseeeing the qualifica- r 1~~'~ hone prctTid.edfor il'l s~et.iofl 4~f t.hi. o~~iJlance ehall be allow.. to vote at any general or special municipal election for membere of the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Seward,Alaska,without first having registered on the registration or poll book of said town, at tIle time and in the manner provided by the ordinances of the said town. ~UALIFICATIONS OF COUNCILMffi~N. lee. 7. ;'10 person shall be eligible ',8 l;ouncilman, or be qualified to act as such, who is not ~ duly registered and qualified elector of said Town of Seward, Seward, Alaska, provided that no female person shall be eligible as Councilman or be quali- fied to ~ct<8 such. ~UALIFICATIONS OF 1.r..8MB1~:W OF SCHOOL BOARD. Sec. 8. Every adult, male or female, who is a citizen of the United States, or has declared his or her intention to be- cor"e such and who is a bona fide resident of He Seward, Alaska, school district, is eligible.s a member of the Seward, Alaska, school board, either director, treaeurer or clerk thereof. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the ~own Clerk at least twenty days before any general e1ectioB, and tel days before any special election, to cause to be published in a newspaper of gen- eral circulation published in the Town of Seward, Seward. Alaska, and to cause to be posted in three conspicious and yublic,places in the TOWJl of Seward, Seward, Alaska, a Dotioe of tUch electio'n, which notice shall state the time and place of holditg such elec- tion, the hour that the polls wi}l open and close, ani, the quali- fication of voters at such election both for Councilme1 and mem- bers of the School Board. Provided, t.hat in case any special election to fi"! 1 a vacancy in the Seward, Alaska, School Board is called in the manner provided by law and the ordinances of t.he said town the notic~ pro- vided for in this paragraph aB to Bpecial electionB shall be ca~eed to be published in the manner in this section provided, by the re maining membe rs 0 f the :.lcho 01 },oard. OFFICERS OF ELECTION. Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of the Cownon Counoil, at their last meeting prior to any general municipal election, annually to appoint, for said general election, three Judges, who shall be qualified electors for councilmen of the town of Seward, Seward, Alaska,and who shall constitute a board of judges of sucr. election or board of election, and prior to every special election to app- oint for such special election three judges who shall be qualified eleotors'for councilmen of the said Town of SeWard, SeWard, Alaska, and who 'shall constitute a board of judges of such special election or board of election. 'he said Common Council shall also. at the time of making the appointment of judges of election for the gen- eral municipal election, or the spacial election, as the case may be, appoint two s.itable person!!! to act as clerks of election, who shall be qualified electors or voters for Councilmen of the Town of Seward, Seward, Alaska. FILLING VACANCIl~S IN E:L;ECTIOl~ BOARD. SEc. II. If any ,judge of election appointed as provided in section 10 of this ordinance fails to attend and serTe a~ the proper time and place, the voters present may select another judge, .ho is a qualified voter for Councilmen, to serve in his place, and if any clerk of election fails to attend and serve at the proper time and place, ae provided by thi s ordinaJloe, the voters present may select another clerk, who is a qualified voter for Councilmen, to act in his place. OATH OF ELECTION OFFICERS. Sec. 12. Before entering on the discharge of their r=- 165 l'~e{ft!Ve d\d.it!'1'J .said jUdZCC1U,,; clor}:r; ",bi.I1 "nc:>~, ;;, .no ':,u1- ncri be te) t}.e fo:l:l owin,! onth: I, ..............:.. ,(10 llol~,'11'11:r 'me.t~'(or !~ffiI'!"l) th:;,t 1 will honestly DJ1d f:;.i thfully f'erform the ,iutle:"J of ny trust., tl:at 1 will perforr:J the duties of ,jud[tJ of election (or clerk uf eloction. as the case nlay be) l!CcOr(iin(: to l:tW; that .\ VIiI] h::lsiduOUl31y en- ,:l,eaYel' to })revont fraud. deeei t or .'tlJuse in cond\H:tin( the election to t.)H: illest ;)f m:; [l.1:dlity. ;f) help me God. . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 'uuacribed :'Ul.j s''Orn to l;cfore ;,e thJ\1 ....... ;,ay of .......... ....,19... . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,aid 1.l"tJ-; '3[;:11 If' :dminiatel'crt [,y :I.l1l:: ufficer Hu!'ilOrizcG. ty 1,.tW t,) adH,inif3ter oath:1 in tr,p ~e\'ritory Df ,\1:;.,11\.1.1. "nd the onths of lllF,.ch of the !'laid jud~en [;.Yl'.J. elerk~ when so h.xeH lHifl su'l;8crited !Shall lie filed with the Town Clerk of ;JaV!ard. .~ewu.rd. Ala.,ku.. ".ny member of tLeboard of election $!la11 tl,drdniater fmd certify o(~th!3 required to l,e adInhdsteri:'d durinc the :)roces~" of a.ny election. (jJi'~2'1~I :':G ': 't,; }'tlTJ~iJ. .E~rG. ~jec. 13. }.riul' to t.,he o~)(JniI11 of n,p poL 1..9, one: (:1' ti.e .iud~et; o:f" election ,~h~i.ll 1";lJ<C pu'!.li,; proGl:.\.!,';~l.tion of the t~;)Jtle. 'j,ntl ti'.irt.J millute~l liefiJre tb,', olo,;1nl" of th!~ -)01J;., i);A' i.d t/:c a;,id .Judge~ of electhm almll Jnak(' public procl'1!!..ation thst the polls will close in hul r :,o\.Yl hour. .,;hen t};e ]Joll!) .11'(' cloned th~ fact not be procla,imed a.loud, ~,t the poJ.:L1nu 1'1'10('. nnct :.<fter "meh proclamation no ballots must lit!! recnived. 'Pcf')l'e rt'!:(:(:ivini,: nJt 1m1- lots the eJ.ection boa,I'd ;,~Uf>t. i:1 the preaemce of hny 1';!TbO!, ;>;'lJO;1IJ- led. i~t the IJoJ.11ni; place. open ;~n:\ exhibit 'trld clol1e the 1o.l10t boxes. 'intj there;d'tel' the:y r.mt";t not llf; rcmov()d fro\. thl:' pollinc place 01" pl'eeenco of the byetandc're until all b:!.llot:il are counted. lor muat ti!cy be opcn€-:i u~';t11 a,ftetf tl1(~ l)()~,l:} ,'~;.l"'e fir~;)lly clolJed. J..(~I,lJ 1.1 :'r, ';':\.. LY 1.1 ~,\r j:, ' v' .'1(,(:. \",;: I :'.", ,to S.~:c. 14. "he l,on,.cd of elect on ohn.ll k.:ep r.lnd bt~ res- ponsible f,'f.' t.he. :J)oll list13, tal1;y' 113t!., arid poll bool( ret:iBter and ahall relturn the awnc wi t.h tho elect.ion returns. ';'he 'j",)V!n Clerk aLall deli vel' to one 'f the jud(:e:; of election on thp. loorninC of tit A election b.,f re the openir1k7 of the }Jolls. t;,fB poll llook register or re,ll:iotra.tion book, :mJ olw.ll t;cJcf; naL\ ju"lCe's receipt therefor.und ld'Hi:n e!Jlc.h voter for m('mbl"l''' of '..111' Common Gouncil Lrmd1'3 jl1,f:l ballot to the JUdt-ScO of elccti'Jn, tLe ~mid jud;;;en of election s}w..ll th€'n ,,,nei there e:xa;cln(,'; the poll Look rC!.cillter. l.l.nd if' lhe nWlJ(!' of the (,lector del3irint; t.o vote !-ippeUI'S thereon t,be judg-crs of election shall ~ntcr on the poll Look or l'eg15tr;::.ti~m lJ,:)ok, Ll t}:e check line opponi te H,e nHme of the person the word "Votcdl' 11' the n:jJue .jf !.lie person deairlni; to vote for lnt~mber;; of th~ Con:::lOn Council dOl>.a not appear on the },wll 1J 'ilL or rer;istrlltion l,ook. telfl judGes of election 5hall I."efuse to rec(:lvt1 hi;3 'L:~ll,)t.."o liat, tully paper or ceI'tific,~tf! rt~turnf.d :1".);:. .my elect.ion "unt tJe rejectHl for wnnt. of form, ii' it C:1r. 1;( nnt.i::;f:wtorily un(ter~tt)Qd. j ..\J....T~O;<:M ~. ;.;ec. 1 b. All 'b".LIo !,,) tor C ,u:lc:ilHlcn f311n..l ue of whi te '"per. upon Y:hic,[; ahall ue writ.ten or printed or ).'artly written or Jrinted the ni..; ea of ..the, candidateel\H Coul\cil',en of tile -;'o,;m of ".ew",rd. "eward, ..:"1.aa1ca. .:"11 1allot's for ,.".ny mernl.cr of the school ion.rd.whetLer dir~ctor, tre;;U\LU'CX'. or clerk, !3hall te of white paper upo!: which shH.ll 1,e wri-ten ",0:1' printed. 01' llurtl;r written 1;1' l,rinted, tl:e ~W,f.~6 of U:e ct~miid~Lt!;;3 for mem1jer ,If f.1:;>.id SellOe)1 board, and said 'Lnl1ot shall allltJ i"dic..,.t'3 the office for whic!. such ;lerfior: i:J voted,11ihcther director, ~'reaaurer, or clcl'k. us the case ii~UY lit~. ;;0 L.:l.llot j'U31, te iS6ued ,.)1' circulated on the day of -::sleet ion bl.vini,; D.flY mll.I'k or:!.:he buck tlH'l'eof ...heJ:'e~)y it l'dLht '0(' J8atil1t:ui7.l1wd fro othc.c' hallots. or from whioh it. can be aGcnrt;dn- edv,-b.it perr.\OIl!3, or cla1'5:'; ,.d' ~)(':..aona, used or vot~u it. :.;very \mllot Il1lut lie six inchea by t1\'elve inches in dze. Every oallot must 'lie r~~ lL~"", U ." folded in such a ',a.nner Uli}t notir\!~ written or ~)rilJted thereon can 'be seen, wLen the same in handed to the ,iudt:;ee of election for the purpo ee of Yo tinge :.B...\I~]~OT~,> (FOIJ~.iF.~:l 'rUCi~T!'~l;;'~, ,~,,t,rc. ;;ec. 16. If, in the uallot box, two or more -1oc.l1ot~3 L,,:l'fl folded to,r,ather they must both be rejected. No 'ball&t, or 1)rJ.rt thereof, must be rej ected l:y reason of any otd3curi ty tLerein in relation to t,}a! n8.!p. of t:.e pereo:' v0ted f.,)!' ,)1' ti.,c designatio., of the office, if the board, from an inspection 0 f tLe l)allot can de- termine the person vated for and theoffice intended. If the naas of mare than per50ns aN: designatf.'d on uny ballot found in the lnl.ll- ot Lox for the office of Councilman, ,;::.11 of the ua,'ea designated for naid office muet be rejected, ~I.nd i f ~,he munee of more than OrH~ person are designated on any ballot found in the ballot box for school director, treasurer afthe school board or clerk of the school board, 'lfl the Cal!le may be. then all oft],e na.rnes eo designated on euch ba.llot must bEl rejected. '7hflfact of !'lucl", rejection in any ::Juch Cl1ses, an,i the rel180n therefor, must 'be no ted on the ballot and signed by a majority of th~ election board. If a ballot 16 found in the ballot box containinG the na,we of the peraoll and the office for .vhich he is designa.ted either two or more times, it must not for that reason be rejected, 1Jut. muet be counted as one ballot. ~0M:lON COUl~ClL '1'0 l'iWVI])E l'01J..IlJG I)LAC:r~. Sec. 17. 'i'he Cornman Council shall a.t least thirty days before any general l:lunicipal election. and at leant two w\,:,p.ka be- fa-e any epeoial municipal. election. by re6olut1on, designate tile place in the Town of 8eward, a.ward, Ala.eka. fa- holding sucr, nleo- tion, and shall, l1efore such election, H.t :,he po:ling place, pro- vide a eufficient number of placel3, booths or compartmentSl, wh~ch shall 'be furnished witJ~ such SU1)pliee and convenienc(~s ,'S sha.ll enable the voter oonveniently to prepare "if.1 tJaLot for vutin~, and ill which vo terr~ :r.a:! prepare their 1Jallote. VO'1'ING. Seo. 18. Votingmay commence as eoon as the polls are open, and may continue during all the time they remain open; a per- Elon offering a vote must band hie ballot or ballots, as the case may be, properly folded as in this ordinance provided, to one of the judges of election, and at thesaJIle time announce his name, and whether the ballot is for "Councilmen~ or "Sohool Eoard"; and said judge of election must receive the 'ballot or ballots and aaoertain if the person desiring to vote for m..bers of the Common Council is to be found in the polloI' registration book; if aaid book con- tains the name of said voter. l,efore di sposin€; the ballot in the appropriate ballot box, one of the judges shall announce the name 'of the voter, and the same shall be reoorded on the poll list by the cler~; the ,1ude6 shall then aepeldt the vallot or ballots, dh- out openin~ or examining the same, in the proper ballot box or bo~e5 if the name of sa.id person 80 deelrinG to vote :IoaXJIUI:tx.fBmUlx}):JVOU.tx for members of the Common Council be not found upon the polloI' ree,ietration book by tile:' judge., his ballot for members of the Com- mon Council must be rejected by the board of election. Eahh clerk must keep a list of peraone voting and the name of each person ~ho votee must 1:;e entered thereon and nwubered in the order of voting. BALLOT DOJo.:S 8cC. I9.There shall be two ballot boxes, one for the val- .10t5 for Councilmen, and one for the ballote for members of the IIchool Board, Siad ballot l)oxes shall b. provided vy the tlommon Council. 1GB C 1 r1\.i'...L;':;~ (}:~. G ;'{C L 't) O~, }~ ri"'C _ :J eo. See. 20. I t shall l'e thf'. duty of the mernllera of the election board, or any voter present, to challeni;c any person off.. ering to vote whom h.. shall know or 8uapeet,not to be qualified ;H:l a voter. If' a person offeriYlt~ to vote is cha.llenged as unqualified one of the jUdges of election sha.ll administer to him the followinG oath or affirmation: "You do solemnly S11l'>.ar (or l~ffirm) that you will well and truly answer all Buch questions as shall be put to you touchinS your place of residence and qualification ,U.l a voter of this elec- tion: · The judges of election shall then propound such quastiont to the person challenged as .,be necessat:y to test his qualifica- tions as a voter at that election. The judges may hear such other testimony and iuDt:x consider Bueh other evidence as i8 proper on the question. A majority of the judges ehall decide the matter. If the Challenge is deoided against the person offering to vote, the ballc of'fered must. without examination,ue destroyed in his presence by a, judge or judges of election, if determined in his favor. th.~ ballot must be deposited in the proper ba.llot box. If the person so chal- len.ed refuses to answer fUlly any question put to him touching hi~ qualif'ica.tions as a voter, the jUdges shall reject his ballot. The board of election must Cause one of the clerke to keep 3. liet show- ing: First . 'I'he namee of all the peraons challenged. :Jecond - '1'he grounds of such challenge. ':'hird _ 'The determination of the uoard upon such challenge. CLOJI:iG OF l'O'L8 TO m; PFWCI..AI'1m. Sec. 21. When the ,lolls are closed, proclaama tion there of'sha 1 ue lnade at the place of voting by one of the judlote~ of election, and no yote shall afterwards be received. CAUVA:3SING A1D !'!ETtr:>{NING 'nm VO'1'l~. Sec. 22. As soon aB the polls are finally closed on the evening of the d~ of election t.he judges shall firet open the bal", . lot box containine: the votes cast for Councilmen and commence count-- ing the yotee, ~ when theee are counted ~d the result ascertained it shall be checked with the poll list, and all ballots replaced to be counted again a. provided for in Section 23 bell", the judges '2" ahall then open the ba.llot box containine the votes callt for the member. of the school board and proceed in the same manner. In no case shall the box be removed from the room in which ~~y election m may be held until all the ballots are finally counted. COUNTING OF 'r1m: EAlLO'!'S T\.i hE P1J.Bl,IC. 3ec. 23. The countini of ballots shall in all cases.be ~ ublic. Ballots af'ter having been counted a.nd checked as provided f'cr in Section 22 above shall be taken out carefully by the judges of elecj;ion, who shall open them and read aloud the name of the pereon voted for. and the office for which every such p~rson is "foted for. provided that no more ballote ellall be drawn fro!1"l the l)ox than enough to check wi th the poll list. Du'n,.:;j 01< CLERKS A::' 1'0 ''J' AlLY. ETC. 900.24. Each clerk shall write &own the office to be fil. ed. and the mm ofeaoh pereon Toted for for such office, andthey shall keep the number of votes by tallies as they are read aloud I by one of the jUd,ee. The countin{l'; of' yotes I'lha.ll be continued wift\ out adjournment until all are counted. II I I <. ~-:-=:~.- . ::'::'.:-:.::::.:::':::.--:"-=~~--':=::~-: II II " h , I r-- \ ~_l.c. 171 - --:"\::: aBPOSITION OF BALLOTS. Seo. 25. It shall be the duty of one of the Ju.dgee to string the ballote at the time of countine. and after all the bal- :1 lots have be.. counted and strune. it Shall be the duty of Ule JUdge. to plaoe them ln a ..aled envelope and write thereon MBal_ lots of Municipal Election ot the Town of Seward, seward, Alaeka. held thi......day of ........ 190....." and deliver sald sealed envelppe to the ~own Clerk. who shall keep the same, unopened for the period of one year,to be used only as ev1dence in case, or oases of conteet. whe. called for: at Ule end of which time'lt ehall be the duty of said Town Clerk to burn &aid ballots 1s the pre.ence of two other city off1cia18 a8 witne.ses thereto. and male.' and keep a memarandum in writing of the.. facts. CERTIFICATE - ELECTION RETURNS, ETC. Sec. 26. Ae soon ae all of the ballots are read oft and counte., a certificate shall be drawn upon each of the papers con- taining the poll lists and tallie., or attached thereto, 8tatine the number of votee eaoh person voted tor halll received and 4e.ie- natinc the office for which he was voted. Said oertificate ahall I be lIli..ed by the judges and clerks of election; and said oertifi- " oate8. with the poll liete, tally papers, a.nd oaths of judge. and !i clerke shall be .ealed in an envelope by one of the judges and en- dor.ed "Election Return.: and be delivered to the Town Clerk. The poll book and certified copy thereof ehall aleo be dellvered to the olerk at the same t1.e. :~A!,'VA8::HNa A1W UECLA~"tA':'I0:1 OF HESULTS. Sec. 27. The jude.. of election must then ~.d there OaR. vase all votes i1ven and ~.t declare the seveD persons voted for fot Couacilm.en having the hiehest number of va.tes caet eleoted.an4 I th. persons va.ted for for ecAool director, treasurer of the .chool I board and clerk of the school board,reepeot1vely, aa the Ca.e ~ !i be. having the highest number of votel! (,H18t electe4. I I 1 I I I C;ER'I' IFIC AT); ISSUJ::i) BY JUDGES OF l~LEC'1'ION. See. 28. The Judiee of election must immediately uke Olt and deliver to each of each persons, on demand. a oertificate or election siped by each of them. OATH OF OFFICE.' I Sec. 29. All officers elected under this ordinance, be- I fore ent.r1ns upon the duties of their offioe, must take aDd .ub- I scribe, before ~ person qualified to administer an oath in the Ter- ri tory of' Alask_ ,substantially the following oath or affirmation: " I...........~...., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will tupport the cOlul!ti tution of the United State., and tha.~ I will !lup. I port the law8 of the Territory of Alaska and the Towa of Seward. 5eWlllltd. Ala.ka. .. W111, to the be.t of my ability. fai thtully and. honestly per;f'orm the duties of the office of ........... durin" ., ~ cQnt1nuaaoe therein. So ~elp me God. ,\ II i I , II II r VACANCIliW IN On-lCl';. Sec. 30. Any alective office, under thia .~~.x ordin- anoe, ehall be deemed VQoant ul>on the death, removal or re e1inatio.. of the incumbent, or whebever the incumbent shall be ab.ent frGim . ,1 the town for a period of sixty d~s after the expiration of the tlt 1im! ted in leave of absence (which leave of absenoe shall ~e crall'~. ad by the C oomnon CoucH) or by t.he failure. for any rea.on w11tho.._ lood excu.e ,: of the person eleoted to qualify therefor w1 thin two; day. atter .h1s election. Vacanc1elll ahall be filled by special e1.., , tio. in the ~er as pJ,"Ovided for in thi" ordinanoe. J\n o1'ficer ! electe~, by a a;;C1al election to fill a va.cancy must, wi thin flv. ' li.I" 4ays after bda electe4.qualify ,therefor.a.s in ca.fSe ,1' an; o ff1cer I elected at a.. l'al eleotton, or he ehil.ll be deetQltd 110 ha..ve de- l! ollned, and the: office con.id.red vacant. ,f; ,I -" I.... 17;~ .... 'OOMPElifSAT10N OF ELEC'l'ION OFJ<'IGERS. Sec. 31. There shall be allowed and paid by the ~own of Seward, Seward, Alaska. to t},e several judies and clerk1& of elec. ti.., provided for in this ordina~ce, the sum of six dollars each , while holdinE the elections. Tn.:u~ OF TAKING E.i!'FECT. Th1. ordlnnce shall take effect and be in full force and effect trom and after the date of its passage and approval. ",'I Paa.ed under auepeneion of the rulee and approved by t~e CommoR C u. 11 of the Town of Seward. Seward, Alaska. this ~../~. day 0 f ............, 19t ~ ''J! , c!;b.P,!~!!1l1 by, the l'resident of the C01l:l.'!lon Council, this.}!.pf \1 day of .~'HVIdof' 19",;' t1' J I 'I J., L" ( f ~ /f! C'.f / ~ . . . . . . . . <II . . . . <II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Prel!l~ ent Of, ~e Council and ex-off- iC1f:/I;~(O; :~f~::~:' Sew card , Ala3ka. ..f It1;;' .......... ..own lerk , '\ !I Atte.t: II H \i 'I Ii I I I II !\ I' 'I I I I \I I' ,I II \: I' '"""' 174 -) ~0i#/Z.///I(' /" ,,,", ../-/t..L T/ 7-7 . .-/ 1"',____ U--t '" ,-<''1 ~ 1" ~ I