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An Ordinance Providing for the Con- I
struction, Maintenance and Repair
of Sidewalk.., and for Other Pur-
Be it ordaineu h.' toe ('ommon ('ouneil of the
Town of Sfcward. Alu.'-ilm:
Slwtion l,-ThNl the Town MarsL,1i "h,11l be
ex-officio Stl'f'et l'unllJli:-;:;,ioiler fir tlw Tuwn or
Se\"'~lrd, Alaska, and that ht' ~h:JJJ exercise a
-personal :;;upervbiun over a.ll sih}('''\'alks of :t
puI,lk nature in ~mid town, and ,.,11,),11 see to it
that th8 saUle atv maint,ained in a ,,(l,fe u.nd
llassa,ble cundition, su as not to bf' a mt'DltCe to
We or limh.
Se('.. 2.'~ rhat Wllf~n?Yel" in t-hfl ol'inilll1 of sa,id '
Strf'l~t C0U1111issiuher, or of th(. CUlJ.!illOn Coun- i
l'il. anr sidewulkvl' a publiL lIaLun, in __aid town:
is in a ~{)nflition llan~erol1"; to life 'H' limb he,'
or it _"'hall gi\ e wntten notice ti'.te[',-nf tu 'the ~
O\\T.Cr, or IICr,'iOn IHHing c.bar;.:l-j of U-H-~ lJropert,y :
abutUn,Q' ou or cOllnt-'cted Wit.~l :-mitl ~idf~wan{: I
'which suW no~il'e sbnll describe said sfJewalk I
witb .suffil'ient Cl'I'UtiDtr In l'n;)hjf' ","me to 'If;
identined, nnd nl,tHv the own('}', 01' oihle'r ,)f',r~ I
son. us tlH~ ense lllas he, of tIle ('ol:djj,iou of' ~..tid
~i(lew;\ll{, :J.l1ci that hI-' is re"lulrcd, u).-t!t-r VCJlalty, i
: to make said ...itlewalk safe ant] l''cL~'i<l\-'Je forth-
, with.
i See, :1,.-rrhat if the uWIH'l', or tW!'s,m havinu-
I iu dml'j.(e ans lirl/pm't}' in 1'fflnt llf, or ('ljnl1ccwd
i wjr.l~, 01' .uuutt.ing- on, .01' IHl.i,al'en~ tu <iny d~-
i fecLIYp. slrlp.walk. ur ~n(h~w:,li{o;, 1)[ a lIllI/II{' na~
i HIre, as in this (,l'dinaol'e l'rl)yid('(!. o-;llUJl omit..
i nC/1'}ect or fail. within ten clays aIt.'l' "f'ryice ;
I Ull,ln him of. the n'j'Lice I'l'ovicltu fUl.' in Sl'dion i
'12 of this urdlnanCt, to makt. t.he .-;a::l "i!1ewalk
r sa.f~ unll }lp,>s<.l,hle, he shall hI::' Ul'.f'I1Wti ~l1ilty of:
I ~h~{n~~e~i~~n)l~' <ilt~~lm Ui~~~ i~~~T~~J\~:~l+.~ln~~~,e~~~/; 1
I thn,n $ we, <.wd, i~ cas,e uf fai~ul'f; to lllLY the "aid
tine, he sh,Lll h~ lnlprisoDf'd in tbe tllwn jal.l of
) S("wanl. Alaska" une clay fur c\"cr.r ,$2 of saitl '
I fine.
I St.!.:, 4.--1f any tine is paid. 3-,: herein providf'd
.for, t.he Municipal Mal--(lstrate shall forthwith
I deliver the amllUIJC 1;0 paid. to tlw 'l'uwn rrn;a...;-
! Ul'er, and said 'fDwn 'l'J't;asurcr :;,hall receipt;
I therefor 'l'he Town '11rcu'iurl'r, to) whom any
\ such money is (ieliven:u, must report t.he fact,..,
I forthwith to the Town C1Prk <tIld hold the
moue)' SUbject to the disl>o"itiO\1 Dr the C(Jm-
I man Council in puttlOg said sidHnJ.lk or side-
I wu.lk:'l in u, safe and pa-~,..,a,b]e coudltion,
See. ;) - If the o\vner of (my ill'opert)" men-
I tioned in thi;.; o..llinance be a. mm-resident of.
, and hu.ve no ag'ent in thfj 'l'ol\n of Sew:lrd, or if
the on-neT or person in cll<trl,re having" been con-
victed. the crown of Sew<1rd. thruugh its Street
Commissioner. under and h" (lirf:ction of its
Cornuwn Council. may mu.ke :-;l1id ...idewalk, or
sidewaU{s. 'Safe and pa~sablt', and thr~ Str-eet
Commissioner shall cert.ify to the cI'own Treas.
urer the cost :md 8,Jvense of :sO dain!.!: and 'Suid
lJ.'reasurer shall assess against tht~ pl'olJerty and
the owner thereof the amount so certified.
~aid amount shalllJe a lien on ,mill property \
and shall be enforced amI collectt~d as proYIlled I
br law.
Sec. 6.-The street~ of the 'rown of Sf>wn.rd,l
Ala~ka, shall, from timt". to tlml;-'. h,\- resolution!
~~jhR~~i~~~~~ b.~\~~~~~i1i~~g~ tl~~Sl~~~nStz.~~~tl~, I
shall keep a pcrma-nent ri~curd of "nch clas,.Ifl,'- \
cation. whieh record shall. show the wiut.h of I
$treet$. the witlth of sidewalk", position of curb I
line and date of such Cla-i;sirtcation,
Sec. 7.-The sldewalks on each side of bHRi, ,
ness ~trp.~ts and avenues hercufter bltilt shall
be ten feet wide, inclusive I)f the ('urn line
thereof. The sidewalks on el1eh side of the
residpoce streets herea,ftcr built shall l)e four
feet wide, the outel. edg-e thereof to be :;,ix feet
from t,he prupel"tr line. Upon each ~ide of
evel'Y r-;treet and avenue in th8 Town ot Seward,
a curb or curb line shaH extend ten feet from
and para.llel to the property line. All :'lide.
wal1{s hereafter built within t,he Town of
Seward ~hall be laid upon lit uniform g-rade 1
. under t,he ~upervisjon of the Street Commis~
I stoner, and sball con~ist of l,lanking at least
two inches thicl't. AU stringer;.; in re8idence
; walks f<.hall be two inches IJ.\' six inches. I
. Sec. 8.-All telegraph, telephone, electric ,
light and other poles, and all hydrants. shall
be pla.ced inside of and within one inch of the
curbinl{, and under the direction Qf the Coun-
cil. or its designa.ted officer. antl it shall be un-
laWful to place any obstruc.tions whateV€I' out-
side of the curbing or line. thereof.
I Sec.9.-Any person who snall desire to dil{
up the :'ltreet~ of the Town of Seward, or erect
I poles thereon, or 'make excavat-ioDN therein, or
in anywise obstruct the ~treets of Seward by
any other work which shall tend to temporarily
interfere with the free and uDohstruct,ed use 01
the streets Of the sidewa.lkH. shall. before com-
menr.ing sucb excByations or other work, first
! ~bd~igoau~n;t~f i;:~i;~~ tgf d~i~~~dth11~~~~
i which permit shall s~cifical1y state the extent
, and character of the work for -WhlCh the street
is to be used. An!' perSOll failing to Recure such
permit, as in this section set forth, before so
commencing excavations or other work. shaH ~
f he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. and upon
'conviction thhereof. shall be tined in a sum not
, less than ~ nor more than $100. and in case of
failure to pay the said tine he !ihall be im-
prisoned in the town jail of Seward. Alaska.
one day for every $2 of said tine.
Sec. 10.-'rhat all ordinance:; and proviSions
thereof in conflict herewith. and particularlr
Ordinance No.8. are hereby repealed.
Sec: H.-This ordinance shu.11 be published
on the ~th, 10th and 11th days of July,
A. D., 1913, in the Seward Daily Gatewa}-,
a newspa~r publlshed in the Town of
Sewar d and shall be posted in three pUblic
places in:said town, and shall take effect and be
in force from and after the date of its pa,s:sa!re.
Pas8ed and approved thh. 7th day of July.
A. D.. 19/3, CRAS, CRAWFORD.
President of the Common Council amI ex-otncio
Mayor of the TO.Yn of Seward, Alaska,
Attest: P. J. COTTER. I
[SEAL] Town Clerk. .
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