HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1914-019 2t2 \ I I i I \- I i I ; I 1 I I i , I I i I I i I i I I i i ! ---y -'_. .&. _'~ toDtll .u' ItIe Il...a.. 'bekmal... to hi' a . ......~;" '~" .,,..u lIIlaIllie ~ lU( "lieCI " liaIiLJlr 'ak lIIlaIl~" a lion. to .,TWn, ',' of: s.....v with two qr more I1U'etIu ,In clooiblo $0 a_: ~ot tile fII.... l>elo..... U. Wd to_., that I. liable to be OIl Go.... tIll>_ it...... ..... time, wbloil JI&l4 bo$d ,man be._ ~ ~ till> Com_' Council c1l ...Id 'toInI, to the, '.ffect that qld baDk will oate!,. ~ .ua. fund. anti par' them ov.l< to tho ~_ 1t8~ or oft lda ONer upon the preient... ttoa' of. the-proJlU' voueher: In cue 'no bank In the Town of Sew_ will 1_ the.... qnlr04 bond. then the TO"" TA_. _ j cIopojl\t oaid funda I.. on,. other bonk I.. the Toutton' c1l AIqka,' Ila mlI7 ,.\eet, proYldlng [Rob bonk "'all r_ the _4 U i>erelb , Nqulro4. Thlo 0f4I........ man 'be In full r_ ...d e1feet _ aDd afte> Ita........ , Pa_ the councll and ~ b7' tbe l'1;o>Il- dent anti' ,OInk the_. ~ lot11 """' of Au- guft A, D. 1914. ,I' ~.O.PATTEN. . Preeldent pro tom....... c1l tloe eoun.1I _ e>t I OlIIc\oM....... c1l the Town,of-. ~ ' T. R. )lEEDHAM. , "l Clerk or the _ of ~. , Date of ....hllcatlo.. Au". 14 l~&., ' ,I " I' 1\ , " " j, r ......,.,... t.)~ n OPT'r'^~~c",~ '1:1"\ I Q ..~........,L. ..tl.. .i., ,...;-11-.._ An orjln~;.nce ;rov '0;;'" _c:~;o8~tory .;..C~L' +~.- fl:>-Lds cf J:-~le Tc; l' of Se\~r2:.rd, 2..Dd ::~cr a '.., nd ::C1' t~, (.~: safe l'~c~;ring cf tte S,-".i."e. 1',__ . t cl',:.iair~eJ ... tl-:t CCLtLCn Ceune il cf tl-~e TO'.in cf 8e'.'.:~rLj. l.\..l~.s::.;.,; Tl__ t the T r'e:'",Sl.lrC l' C f t~~~e 8 ~.: id T:':'\'in of Se'\.ji;;.l"cL.) is \;.,:l~ t;J.o r ~i.z c.l t..nc.. -..L i rec tell, t 0 }~:.. :;~.: L..~l ;1.1 ;~l~a.) c 01..; i.n~ i r; t<:; his : ;_.'- -~'..,-j) CE; lon~ .~_r~~ t c se..ic.l ted.n, 5n ~ ;~'s..nk situ~teu. t~ '~l"c, ",n;. ?rev:L..1.ingjThat Ot::;fc.il'e c....n:{ :Lc:,'osit 'iliall ~)e ".io.:.."e as l:erein clirccte-3 sc,ili \)L;.rlk sh,,],l ;;ive a ~ two er ~ore 3~reties~2r~b1e the beml tc t:,: Tv"n of 8..:),,2,.1'(1., : t:, '-:u..~..cunt cf ~h,: :f~nd8 1.: c lOE" in' - ~ tc s~i~l tc\,n ti-:. t is 11:a,c:l-:: to bc.~ c.r.' deposit tl:jt;:;l'~;in c..t cne ..., l' .Ll;,e , whihh s,deL bcncl , - 1 ' z~a.i.. DC a::;1.'oveJ. "1""-,: .. J '~;<:. CCLcL,sn Council of s...i.d to'.-.'n, tG tLe ef~~ect t "t ~.;c:..":d "I~.'c_rl~ \..l.Ll. sc'fely : el::p ~..,id. fund a ;;..r:J ;ay t1-.e11. cut 1-( t::e T, "':In r:=rei:~31.tl't:l~ (_r on ~is c).:..'_~er u~'.on tLe prc:::::_r;.-!c..',tion :..'~ t:-~e r:l~opel' lIO-! ci-,er: In ca.se no 'h8.nk in t~-!2 TO';'in cf Se\-,~,rd ".ill t'l'I'---iah t:~c r,.-;C}.:il'ed bC'lld., then tLe: Tc,.;b Trea.surer rl ay 'ie:-Gs i t s:.~ld funds in :~T':r ot"(-(,r 1:an} in t:l0 Tel'~: ~l. tOl'Y ct ALskc" he ~'i_::"Y s .~-<: 8 c t , r l' C "ij 1. '.:.~ =: l~.;; s';..cL. ; ,1".1< ilL: 11 f . , :~;~ 18.1-: t e. ;onLl <;_,8 1 C ::.:e in l't:y,1..:.ired. T':is 0r3 nance sbrdl ,'8 in full fcrce 'n': c;ffE;ct Leer!. ~'..n ~..~t8r j t~ ~~~,8c-'.:.t;e. "PaS8E:_1 "t' cC1uncil s.nd. Si6:~:/-:'~ "l"~)" t~" ;:rC2~)~~:t ~.nJ. ~~lel~k t' ,:;reef, t':,:a-l/i1!!S:- "",",,' cf July 1..I. 'Y'd -...._.1.- Se\i8.rd. cl<fl VJ ~ .. ...~;-- ....:> ~'.-- )': ~:t t;~,~. 'J.O::f.i. 01 .Se\"J~~,l'Ll. l,X :rIe..yor c, /~.~J-- /