HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1915-023 r~----- .J .~". J ~""-' ,',., ''" , ..;;' nolO ORDINANCE, nUMBER 23. ORDINANCB CREATDm T~ OFFICB 0J? ~~rCIPAL?JRCHASn,G AG~~T SECTION 1. The offioe of Munioipal Purohasing Agent is hereby oreated. SKGTION 2. That the Muniolp~l Clerk shall be ex-offioio Purohasing Agent 9.-1'1d he shall receive nO oompensa.tion for suoh serviaes. it being hereby madt3 ,. part of his duths as Clerk. SECTIO~ 3. No supplies for the Town shall be furnished exoept by requisition. whioh shall be presented to said Purohasing Agent, and he is authorized to make any and all such purohases under the limitations hereinafter oontained. SECTION 4. No supplies of a~' kind whatever shall oe furnished the Town bl any person, firm or oorporation, unless a written order therefor is presented, whioh said order stall be signed by suoh Purohaaing Agent 8..1'1rl oOllnteraigned o~' a nemoer of the Counoil aoting as one of a stand_ing oommittee duly a?pointed by the Mayor. SECTION 5. The Purohasing !gent may be authorized oy resolution. or motion. properly entered, of thp. Counoil, to i~our an expense for suoh supplies in any sum nO exoeeding Fifty (~5v.oo) Dollars. for any specified objeot or purpose; &1'11 whenever the exoendi ture shall exoeed that amount suoh resol'~tion or motion ahall provide for advertising for bids 8..1'1d the reoeiving of sealed bids therefor, the Counoil reserving the right to rejeot any and all bids; ~nd when any oid is aooepted, it shall be the lowest and best bid. S~CTION 6. In oase of emer~enoy oaused oy fire, flood. act of ~od or any other unusual oOQurrenoe, indebtedness m~T oe oontraoted oy the Counoil u,L)on the una1'1imous vote thereof, in suoh amount as it may deem just to meet suoh emergenoy or oocurrenoe. and in suoh o&se, the advt3rtising for oids shall be unneoessa:ry. This Ordinance shall take effeot and be in ~lll foroe from and after the date of its passage~ Passed and approved by the COrrJr.lon Counoil thia 17th d~T of May, 1915. (Sr;:AL) c. A. Itrers President of the Counoil and ex-offioio Mayor of Se~ard, Alaska. Attest: Vf. T. Luo as Munioi~al Clerk