HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1988-065 . . . Sponsored by: Schaefermever CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO.88-065 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, ADOPTING THE CITY OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1988 WHEREAS, on May 3, 1988, the city manager submitted to the city Council a proposed budget for the city of Seward for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1988; and WHEREAS, public hearings have been held on the proposed budget on May 9 and May 23, 1988; and WHEREAS, the City Council met in a work session to review the proposed budget on May 3 and May 16, 1988; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, that: Section 1. The city operating budget for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1988, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference and which contains estimated revenues and expenditures for Fiscal Year 1989, is HEREBY ADOPTED, and the funds needed therefore are hereby appropriated. Section 2. The total assessed valuation assessed by the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assessor, and any supplemental assessment rolls for said period which may be certified by the Borough Assessor at a future date, shall be the basis for computing estimated revenues for the city of Seward, Alaska. Section 3. The rate of levy on the 1988 real and personal property tax rolls shall be and is hereby levied at the rate of 3.0 mils per dollar of assessed valuation in Municipal Service Zones One (Borough designation TCA 40) and Two (Borough designation TCA 41). section 4. 1988. This resolution shall take effect July 1, PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, this 23 day of May , 1988. 1 . . . GENERAL FUND REVENUES Account Name Property Taxes Real Property Personal Property Oil Property To~al Property Taxes Sales Tax Property Tax Penalties Total General Taxes Licenses & Permits Taxi Permits P-uilding Permits Dog License Auto License Miscellaneous Total Licen~es & Permits Federal Revenue Sharing paymnt In Lieu Of Taxes Harhor Electric Water Sewer Other Tntal P.LL.T. State Grants & Taxes Liquor Tax Amusement Tax Daycare Assistance Raw Fish Tax Shared Revenue Municipal Assistance Total Grants & Taxes General Government T.V. Contributions Copying Computer Fees 1989 Budget $266,068 104,b62 o 370,630 846,552 15,000 1,232,182 500 bO,OOO 300 20,000 250 71,050 o 99,984 345,792 44,340 44,501 o 534,617 13,125 :n.., o 150,000 153,081 226,bR2 543,26:3 2,500 4,000 36,000 . . . GEN.~:RAI" FTlNT1 K_EVENUES A(CI-,oun t NamE' :~on itl~ Fi'~f?S CI)tltr2ct &. Lega.l Adwil Projec~ Man~gement Allrnj -J. j;';4.Y'hor A,dmin, Elpr.trir AdmLl, Water Ad.!!1 3,!!. ; S (~Wf? r f/f j ,:;( (\,Ji:H:;) 'RPi.lP!ll!f::' (1~(PW':'4V A~,;:;p~~mpl11~ -- - - ~ - - ~ ~ - - -- - - - Tn": ~l G~?ner~.J Gn\7!~' ?lJb 1 i r <::;r1 fp..t'~J . - -- - - ~ I'nO' Pi) .if:.: ,::(I.::'\rt~rii J-C. Trp.pnllnc-j Fpps t'1i~~("" r)lll j ('t? G l"..:~Y!. t- ~ -:vi] c..;\ },'-i 1 ~ T)pp'l (:;r'..:=lil1.'~" .T.~il r.nDt:!,.=>,'t A-r"Y' S11J""7f~~ 11 E~ncp Tni-~_l pnb' 5c Saff?'ty publ j IC Wo~'k,~ ~~treE't. [1t::>pt work" Ordf?t' ~:l"ref-.).t Ffl"! 1 plJlpn1 J(f""n1.:.-1.J Shop Work nl'rlpr"i Tl_l t.,=,.l Pl)_b] i (_' W()'f":': ~:::.; Rpcrpatinn Rpvenues F~~q & Contrihution5 Prlui 11 .; flil H"-"f-JoS r;;:ql"lp i. ng Fl?P~ M j .;::.;ce 1.-1 ~-._Tlf'.3'(_loll~3 (:::r~r! t::: To~~l R~i~ R~v~rrues :. i 'j-'JT';.-t1:'Y ReVenl)El~':::; ServicE' Incomp ::npyjng f1'l),o.d R'3.ising Src-" "p l-ly-,:.=tnt:f... ~ntal Library Rpvpnues Fine'" IV. BCl.i.ls JY:3q Rllrlnpt - .,. ",;;,I - - ~lI)O n n :'"11 q- '~t" l 165 41') 5 fi , 'I n 1 56.301 " 59.0ne; ~:31..r:)G7 'J,')n n 47. qiG n ?4r" non 1!1.00(l ')07 lhh 44.7r;f1 ~,,()nn 4!1,nOn q:, . 2 fi') ')3,,')(1(1 ~-; h [i 1'),10n 12.924 131;874 r)nr~ J nor; ? 5;-"';(1 [) 5,000 J f); O\ln . . . GENEHAL FUND R.F:VENUE~ Account Name Interest Earned Investments Notes Receivable Utlty Penalties & Int Tntal Interest Earned Rents & Royalties Land RE'nt & Lease Jail Vehicle Rent Jail Facility Rent Municipal Bldg Rpnt Harbor Building Rent Harbor Land GE'ase Total Rents & Royalties sale Of Fixed A~~et~ Equipment T,and Total Sale Of A~~et~ Transfr Frm Other Fund~ From General Fund Other M1sr. Revenue Garbage Contract Garhage HallIng Eights V.A. Joh Rill EevenuE' City Clerk Fep~ Misc Service Revpnue Total Other Misc Eevenue S.M.I.r.. 1989 BudgE't 185,000 o 18,000 203,000 246,896 (1 o 42,4~9 36,000 ~3,7~4 ~~q,08q 7,500 o ;;>,500 o ;:>0,000 o [) 100 500 20,600 N/A Total Genl Fund Revenues $~.8R9,117 --------- --------- r i. ry ':If Sew~.rc' (;eJ lpral Fl,HHl Totals by Department . ~~~~~:~l~~:____________ Mayor f:, Cnunr. i 1 r:: i ty Me 11<'I\1p1' City Clerk Financp Community DevelopmeD Parks << Recreatinn General Services Lihrary Police .Jail Animal Control Fire Engineer/Utility Man Building Inspection Street City Shop Municipal Building Debt Service . . 19f19 Approved $263,717 215, :314 100,221 ::\30, :-lfiO 102,816 304,9139 455,177 103,217 732,261 240,000 o lEU,337 150,771 55,943 29.5,356 215,9'11 101,045 34,632 $3,889,117 --------- --------- MAYOF & r.OUNCIL . Acconnt: Name . . Salaries Retirf"ment Work",r's Comp Other Benefits Audit Adverrl'3ing Subscriptions & Dues TT::l.Vel Communir.ations Edur.~rinn & Training L.egal Tnsl1r::l.nr.e cnntrar.t",d Services supplies Mf"i'lls Exchanop Prnaram r~nbby Fl':'es r.nntinClpnr.v -- -- "" M::l.yor's fi:xpens<" Prnmnr;nn Misr. Expense F.qu;pll1ent Tot~ls 1989 Approved $18,000 1,750 656 250 20,000 7,000 11 ,646 10,000 800 fiOO 86,000 4,915 o 16,000 1.000 3,000 71..000 o 2,000 4,100 500 ?,!)OO $201,717 ------- ------- . . . CITY MANAGER Account Name Personal services salaries Overtime T,pave Time In Lieu Of Fica Fetirpmpnt Heed th Insurance Worker's Cnmp Medicare Tntal Per~onal svcs Advertisi.ng Subscriptions & Dues Travel r.ommunications Training Insurance MaintF'nance Suppltes Gf'I~ & I,11be Transfer T~abor Bonding Exp Misc Expense E'1ujpment TOTAL 1989 Approved $137,1::l6 o 16,6J6 3,663 14,493 10,665 5,4::lJ 996 189,000 250 1,500 8,000 4,000 J,OOO 3,914 .500 2,500 3,600 o 5.'>0 500 o $215,314 ------- ------- r.TTY CLF,RK . ~:=~~~~._~~~~-------- P~rson31 SE'rvir.es Sa.larie~ &. Wages Overrimp r.",,,,'lp Time In Li~u Of Fir.a Retiremr'llt HpCllrh Tn~uranr.e Wnrker's r.nmp Mpdir.are Total P~r~onal svcs Acivertising Subscriptions & Dues Travel Communications Trr>.injng Rents & Leas",~ In~lH'<l.nCe Maintf"nanr.e r.ontract",ri SPTvices Supplies . Transfer Lahar Bonding Exp J:<~ 'I pct j ons Misc Expense Equipment Total City C1E'rk . 1ClH9 Approven $61,963 500 7,508 1,975 6, .580 7,110 7,478 345 88,459 o ::125 3,000 800 fi15 o 1,R22 o o 2,200 o 500 2,500 o o $100,221 ------- ------- 100,221 . . . l?INANCE ~r:'('(1unt NAiTlA ?~r~nn.:=,. 1 Sf=>.t'vi C'es s....; 1;--) j- . p-:-- .'~ VJ;'-:~I '~" OVPt'tlmt? :.f.'-'~\f'-: T'~qf:-' Tn Lien of F'i <,.c, 1;(-.,:; ;':1:1" H~~"" th IDS1J r',~~,( } VUf i 'j' k, ~ I' {~( Inn I . .. Modir..:;y'p I,~Y 'Int.=. 1 Pet'snn.~ ~ ~\l{-Z .~\, l' ,Of;' ;'] ~- i <", . i~ ::;Lh-:;;-rirltl!-li~~'. d D'liF>~ T r';:~\'Flo 1 (;ommun i ca t i i)f: S TrH -} 'I i i'lU ~. F~) "':-" N Lf-:-<:tses Tn~l)'! rtrIl'P M...:;"jl'{/::""i;"'II"P I . -: ; ,-Cl ( . ~ ... t' 1 \7 j f' I ..~...:: Sllnnl ~ t=oS; . . .......1"';,,-,-. f-' (' ;.~ I-\(Jl Rnndincr ft'vn - .. -'oJ "- Mi',:c' ~:'\{pP:')~~f' PCTllinmpnt ... ...... TOTAr. l<.JRq Approvp0. r--. .. r_ ~ , '. I ;....~ i n r ". - ~, ',', q ??~ eO. fior, 19,5'3?' r.~""" ,. -l ~7"': .,',.... , non :ir'J} '.' ~r..,(' ? nno .r\ [)n '7~r R,jf)H 9,nnn ~) nn(~ 17 :-1\ 1\1 i_I A.no :lO() q,noo $?C'.r ?r,o - ..----..-- -------.- . . . COMMfJNITY DEVELOPMENT Ac'-'olln't N<'l.me Per~onAJ Servir.e~ Salaries No W<'l.gF'S overtime Leavp Time In Liell Of Fica Rptirement Heal th Insur03.nce Workpr's Cnmp Medicare Ti"l.x Total Personal svcs AdvE'rtising Sllbsr.riptinns & Dues Travel Communlr.ations TrAining Rent'" F< Lei'l.ses InSllrA.nce Maintenance Contract sE'Tvices supp 1 ie~ [,as 1'ranRfer fJabor Cnn't)" i h1) t:i nns promotion E'1uipmen't TOTAL DEVELOPMENT l'mg ApproveCl $41 ,fi97 n fi,040 1,975 4,47R 3,203 1,fi7Fl o fi7,971 o 700 1,500 goo fiOO G::lg 1,881 200 10,000 4,02!'i fiOO o o 4,000 70,000 $102,816 _._----- _._----- . . . PARKS & RECRRATlnN Account: N-3.me ?~r80rld 1 S~!,v.i Cf?S Sr1 1 __"). r -j ps ~ Ou€' r t: i. P.1t:> T ,I-"rY'i.7P 'r i me In Li,:=v Of F~t~i y-ement Health Insurance WnrgeY' j" (;t1ml' Medica.rp T~y W~(lF'S:; "*" " Fica TntAl Ppr~nD~J Svcs Advf?rt j ~.:i :ltJ Subscriptions & Dups Travel Communications Trcl i nj nO' [1 t i 1 j tiE's Hei9, t Fpri ts IV: G~M ses In~ll:(';:1n("p Maintenance Con t ~('al: t Se:rv j re~~ ~:;llnn 1 i p~ -.&...... .--. -- (~;:\_!-:; L<3.bo:t' Transfpt' Sfrlr.t!.J. "fnr) 1 ~.:. Mi....;r: Expenses hll i ld il1lfs:. ... -...1-. EqlJ i pmen t Total GenE'ral PAFlK MAINTENANCE C<'l.mpgrounds TJ'ti ~t i rips Heat }fprJ1-<;:: l~ f...Prl~es M,,,int:en<:l.ncE' snpp.1ies G",.8 & I,uh"" Sl"J18 ~i.i Tnn J <.-: .JanatQrial 1-\l,d ldings EcJu i pme r1 t TOTAL PARK MAINT. PROGRAMS Advf7rt is ,inQ Travel Training Mainrpnanr.e iqFlq A nnr'ovpd --,.-... - - -- $1:~R;J:::;a o h.73Q [J FJ,7"4 7," 0 5, ]n5 2,0.'''2 1h4,9?R o 265 ,,00 ';' i J_~,n "11)0 \, [) 4. ?OO h , F,] "f o o 2,250 o o o o [J o 180,410 6,4nr 6,0.50 500 fl, bOO 3,500 400 ],100 400 300 n 2,000 26,150 2.500 ?OO o r, PARKS N RECREATION Account N'l.mp . con. tr., ~ct Servi res Snpp J J p~:.:; G~~ SmAll Tnol~ Ice Skate Program R~skpTb~ll ProgrRm Swim Program Miscellanenus progra Misr ExpE'nse r~(p.l i pJl!"n l' TOTAL PROGRAMS Total Park~ & Rec. . . ]989 Approved 22,500 ]0,000 FiOO 100 !'i00 [) 4.ROO 6,bOO o 1.00n 48,700 $255,260 ----- -.- ------- I TEEN CENTER . ~~~:~~:_~~~:_------- PersoDRl Servir.es S,,'I ar ips .'" wag",,,, Ovprtll11p T.PR'lp 1'i mp Tn T. i F'lJ of I"i r.A RptjrE'ment' HF'A.l rh Insurancp Wnt'kF'r's r.omp Mecii.c;:,r", 'l'i'lX TntA] Pprsonal Svr.s . Dups & SuhRcriprinns TrAVf'1 r.nmmnnjcat'inn~ Tra.in ing Util:i.ties Her;t M"l j nt'pn"lnr.e r.ont'ract Sprvtces Suppl ies Gas Small TnnlR T.ahnr TrAnsfer F.l1uipmpnt' TOTAL TRRN r.RNTRR Total Parks N Rer.reatinn . ,9R9 Approved $?fi,OOR o 3,lbl 1,810 2,R58 3,fifi5 291 (] 37.67Q fiOO o fiOO 150 1,800 1,fiOO ?,Oon 1,200 2,900 600 ~on o bOO $49,729 ------ ------ 304,9R9 ------- ------- . . . GENERAI, SEPVF'1".'" 19R9 Ac~ount Name Approved GENI<:RAL SERV rCES Unemployment Wages P~RS F. T ,P. Communir.ations o t 11 i t j e'" InsurancE' M",intpnance SuppliE'S Ga~s Doubtful Accounts Miqr: Expensps Equipment TOTAL GENERAL SERVo PUBLIC COPIE? MaintenancE' supplies TOTAL PUBLIC COPIER SENIOR. CITPENS Supplii='s Contribution TOTAL sR CITIZENS LIBP.ARY UtiliTies Heat Contribution TOTAL LTBRARY HOSPITAL r.nntr<'lr.t'" r.nntribution TOTAL HOSPITAL HEALTH CARE public Health Nllrse SLAC Home Health Gari=' TOTAL H~ALTH CARE T.V. system $10,000 17,000 o 50,000 11,027 o o o o B9.<1.00 n 181,427 1,7.'00 2,500 4,250 500 4,000 4,500 o o o o o 250,000 250,000 o 3,000 1,000 4,000 5,000 Tot~l General Servic $455.177 --------- ------- . . . r.lRRARY Aj-~rt)l1n~- N.:iJn,::. Per~'-lnal Spr'!~.-~~ ~:,41.B.r j PS n\!pl"'r _'~m~ T.e,,:":t\lE' T_.l!n~ Tn T.l.PU nf Fir:~ Pr-. 1- 4 TPlnr"-llt" He,3,1 th ~ f1Sl_''y';3.n!-~:- Workpl' ,~ C(:~rnp MF'dir.<'ll'P TotAl P~~~snnal 3vrs Acl"~:,:,:r't j ~~ j ng Sllhsl"":P _1 pt ions t{ !J1Je~3 T:ravr:-I Comml1nications Tra1njno nt:ilities HPrtt" Hen t~:; N. Leases TnquY'~n( f- M...~ itl1:p:.1anc:~ ~nnt"11~ct ser"ices Library Mat:eriaJs ~;llpp -: -i ps Gas & Lube Transfer IJabor S(ehol'3.rship Rnnd.' jlg .Fxp Misr. Expense FC]11 j pm en 1 T01'AT, ]q8q Approvp{i $53,97R (1 6,540 n !1._ ",>;7 10;60!: " 630 77,8?5 o n o 600 o 3,000 2,fiOO o 2, :'04 1,'300 6,408 6,000 2,'700 n n (1 o 500 o $1(1~~.2j7 -------. - -------- POLIr.F: Ar.r.nllnt NA.mf' . person."'-l Services S;=.'I Fll"'j "',:; N WFlrIPq - - -".w,I Ov",rtjme LerivP T ~ m(~ In [,iP1J Of Ficrl RptirpmeD1 Health InsurancE' Worker's Cnmp Med. i ca re T a.x . . Total Persona.l Sv,,'~ Arlver-r-jrina Suhscripttnns & nups TrAvel Communir.ations 'T'Y'<4 ~;1 i 1"")(. .-.-- .... InSllrCinrp M.qtnrE'nAnc:p Contrar.t Servir.ps Snpp)ies [Jni form A 110waTIce r:'M~ Sm.qll Tools T:r-'rtHS-f:Pl" L0nflY' Misc Expensps F(rl~ ipment TOTAr, POLICE ANIMAL CONTROL OE'pari:mE'nt Tntal J989 Appr0v~d $437,916 33,000 49,1:'4 70,4';>3 45,83'1 42,fifiO JR;~1ql J ,287 649,fi34 ?no 1 ,OOn 4,000 5,700 1,200 27;977 !) , 000 o 8,ono 2,000 7,000 550 " " o o 712,2fi1 2n,oon $7:1'??Fil ------- ------- .JAIL .~~=~~~:_~:~:_------- Persnn~l Services Salaries N wage~ Overtime Leave limp In r~iell Of Fici'l Re't i 1:'pment Health Insura.ncE' wn-rknr I Fi r-:omp Medicare Tax Total personal svcs . Advertisjng Trave 1 r::nmmunicatjons Training lTtilitie", Rents &. Leases Insurance Ma.intenance Contract Services Sll.pp 1 i es Uniforms Small Tools Food Transfer Labor Misc Expenses Equipment TOTAl, .JAIL . 19Rq Approved $1:-l~-l,lJ5 1?,~41 Hi,12<1 9,260 15,24<1 17,775 5,777 83 20<1,729 100 500 150 100 o o 9,1:>28 fiOO 200 4,900 1,300 100 12,893 o o o $240,000 ------- ------- "'IRE . Acr'{11]nr Namp ~--_.~~----~~---------- ppr~ntla1 Spr"iceq Sril rl T'l i f":'~:; . . Overt j Jl1.1? T!P;"lVP T imp In Liell 01' Fic<3 Rpt i r~pmp~ ,"I Hp;llt~ Tnsuranr.e Wnrk""," I" romp Total personal svcs A.r.iu~T' t.l s j T}C! S':llnsr'l" ipt: ions &. D1JF:'S 'r.'r~\lf"'l cQmmnn., r;~ t- i nrl'::::; Tr;:) i 1') i DO fIt.; 1 t t: ips J{pat T!1 S 1] r ,::; 1'1 (. l;~ Mri i n 1- pn;'~n CF> \~i")n '--1~,~(.:t Sr:-~r'v ices; ~l1Pf) -j ips Unifnrm AllowancE' G~s Smi'l.ll To(~Js 'T'}~,;:n-l~~, f l:-':r' r ,ri r)(/)'" Mi~C' Rynpn<.:.::;p<:.:; ---~ - ---~ -- ,. -. Erl11 j i ljYTf-'J! 1- T[l'1'Ar, FTFF VOV1NTEER. TRAINING S1)h~r:rjptjon'3 .)( Dll.e"> T1"'2'i7f-' ~ T....~_j_ninu I:n<":;J.1I'rinr ;..... Sllnnl ip,,> - .-.... .- _..- - - Sl-i pf:..nri Equipment' VOLUNTEER TRAINING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNE AdvE'rtising Sl.1hscrip'tions &. Travpl [';l.)!llmuni cat ions Training ?1i-i in !-pnance Supplies Fllf"l Dlles 198'1 Apprnved $;1O.7fi? n 9,71'."1 :.) , q.'1O h,fi58 7 110 :~, ;:>4."1 1 P ,9')0 ') f7l () '100 ?,,,OO 1,.'100 1 ?O() fi,PlOO 4,nnn 4,F;47 G,Of)O \1 q, .''\4.',> i',00 J , ? 00 1 ,ono o ?,')O ?,OOO '; ~)4 ; r-:..t,...., 3fiO F ('to(j 4,000 o :1,?40 10,OOf) 1 , p,no ? 5 , 100 750 n o o o o 7,',0 o . . . CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 88-065 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA ~.e .A~M.-4 H1\RRY GIESELER, MAYOR DUNHAM, GIESELER, HILTON, MEEHAN, NOLL, O'BRIEN, SIMUTIS NONE NONE NONE Q~J~ Linda S. Murphy, CMC City Clerk Patricia Jones, Acting City (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: HUGHES, THORSNESS, GANTZ, POWELL & BRUNDIN, Attorneys for the City of Seward, AK 7~ nt ~ Fred B. Arvidson City Attorney Clerk 2 FIRE . Account Name --------------------- Eq11ipmE'nt TOTAL EMER PREPAREDN TOTAL FIRE . . 1989 Approved 6,hQ5 7,69." $187,337 ------- ------- CITY ENGINEER &. ll1'1 ),ITY MAJlJAf~F.R . ~~~:~~:_~:~~-------- Personal Servir.es Salaries &. Wages overtime Le<'\ve 1'ime In Lip1) of Fica Retirpment Healt\1 Insurance Wnrkpr's Comp . . Total Personal svcs Adverti~ing Suh~criptions & Dues Travel Communications Training Engineering UtiJities Rpnts &. Leases Insnra.nGE' Maintenance Contract serviGPs supplies Gas Small Tools Labor TrClnsfer Construction Mgmnt Misc ExpensAs Equipment TOTAL l{)R{) Approvpd $95.019 o ]1,513 3,950 10,179 7,110 ~,R15 131, 586 100 150 1,000 700 400 o 3,000 5,520 2,850 400 2,500 1,415 100 50 500 o 500 o $150,771 ------- ------- BUILDING INSPECTION . Account NamF? ------~------------- Personal Services Salaries lj wages overtime Leave Time In Lieu Of Fica Retirement Health Insurance Worker's Comp Total Personal svcs Advertising SubscripTions & Dues Travel Communications Training Utilities Rents & Leases InS1H'anc", Maintenance Contract Servir.es S1.lpplies . ~::lj Tools Labor Transfer Mi ~,;(. ~',xppn""es TOTAL . 19i39 Approved $:33; 297 o 4,034 1,975 3,62b 3,203 1,390 47,524 100 50 2~0 :300 2 ~.i0 625 3, '180 1,039 :300 1,000 500 150 25 o 50 $.'ih, 94:~ ------- ------- STRF~~ OFPARTMPNT A("/ :;)IJ11 1- N;~1ml'::" .:EN.ERAr, _ n~FRA:InNS 1_'_("3{.)I)~,~ I ;:',t' \{ j {"f'~--:. -:':,- -: ,."! 1" '\ t':><.:, ~.. W~(jF>':':; ._ - - ..' H.-" Chi!' f' i i lJ1f-' ;..,,"?,7 ;. T:':'> 1"': m,F' "1 -, . , t.~ I : , ' p ,'> t- -1 ;". ~lr .~.; , ~11-';:~ 11~ll 1 '~~::;l,"P.::::tl II ~, Wor"~_f=-l '::.--; t-:nmlJ _ . u j,. J'y'jf->d i C.....:..d 1'-' 'Trl~"';" ~rnt~l Persnn~l S"~s /'~d \If-.... j ~'.:. i i'~ Sll-hSf"t., i pr 11 )'1:..=.; N. nllf~C::; Tra';,F:' l CnmmlJni -2J...illns:, T 1 \ ~_ ' ,J r ~ : r 1, (~ p Smdl] Toe\ ls r,a-l,n1' Tr";.;1n~:fer r/li C". 1~V'1)t~n'; . ... n_ FC}u -1 fHrie n "t .,..0''''; TOTAL GENERAL OPERATIONS .- --- ~:~~~~ - ~~~~=~~~~~:_---- M'" in t en.M.11 r. p (~( 11)-' ('l:l('..t"E~d Sf-':r'V; (':ps Operating Supplies I.CI.hol" Tr"l.n,-,fec' TOTAL sTREP~ MATNT. SIGNS IV [vlI\Rf~TNG nppr~~j_ng Supplies Lahor TTrins;fel- TOTAL SIGN & MARKING SNOW '" reeE CONTROl, CnrjtY';4I,t:~(l Ser~71C'P-:~ (I.'pt~"-;-~~ 11'U C:;;.Jp1)1 it~~ r'Mhn~' l'ransf"l' TOTAr. SNOW ~ rrp r:nNTPn' .' flRAINAGE OnprAtinn snnnllp',;;; ... - - -. - ~- - -..,.. -- _.~ - - T1Fthnr T_C2d'.;>fi-~<.". '~nTI-\; ,)rf~,Tl'<.~~:--::'--' ~qnG A nn r()\:p(~ --,.. ,.. <;;1'24,197 In;47.i1 1.2,4' :1 ,~ q?h 1';>,484 i 0: hh~:-l ~.:'3f):;:' Clh8 187..877 lOO 200 :-)[1(1 ? 000 n; 9~~ c-j 3.,000 (i ~~r) _ ,1)00) 1,000 o 64,10F. F;,OOO 1 fi , !iOO 10. "iOe ..lO.OOO 7?,OOO 8,000 1,000 C),oon 10,000 14,000 60.noo 84.00n 1,000 7 i ~lon F... ~)nrj STREET DEPARTMENT 1989 Account Name Approved . ROADSIDE BRUSH/TREE CONTROL Operating Supplies IJabor Transfer 750 2,000 TOTAL ROADSIDE 2,750 EQUIPMENT 0 & M Maintenance &. Repair Contract Sprvjr.eR Vehicle Supplies operating Snpplies Ga,s &. Lube Labor Transfer 15,000 o 8,000 0,000 12,000 Jo,OOO TOTAL EQUIP. 0 & M 55,000 TOTAL STREET DEPT, $295,356 ------- ------- . . CITY SHOP .~~~~~: - ~~~:_--- ----- Personal Servjr.es Salaries & Wi5!ges Overtime Leave Time In Lieu Of Fica RE'tirement Health Insurance Worker's Comp Medicare Tax Total Personal svcs Training Utilitie~ HeAt Insurance Maintenance Vehicle Parts Supplie~ Gas Small Tools Labor Transfl"r .Erl'l j pmen t TOTAl, . 1989 Approved $114,035 5,000 13,817 3,950 12,681 10,665 4,685 487 165,320 2,100 16,745 7,000 4,10fi 1,000 200 5,000 1,500 3,000 10,000 o $2JfJ,971 MUNICIPAL BUILDING ~~~~~~:_~~~:_------- Personal Servic~s Salaries & Wages Overtime Leave Time In Lieu Of Fica ReTirement Health Insurance Worker's Comp M~dicare Tax Total P~rsonal Svr.s Training Utilities Hpat Insurance Maintenance Supplies Gas Small Tools I,abor Transfer Equipment . TOTAL . 1989 Approved $:.:12,814 o 3,749 1,975 3,3FlO 3,555 1,26fi o 46,739 o 23,000 9,000 6,406 10,000 5,400 o 500 o o $101,04h ------- -------