HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1986-023-S . . . . . CITY OF SEWARD, AIASKA RESOLUTION NO. 86-23-S A RESOWTICN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, AIASKA, CONFIRMING THE SPErIAL ASSESSMENT ROLL OF THE SPErIAL ThlPROVEMENT DISTRICI' DESCRIBED AS SANITARY SEWER DISTRICI' 86-2 WHEREAS, after a public hearing, the City Carmcil of the City of Seward, Alaska, did authorize the construction of inproverrents described as Sanitary Sewer District 86-2; and WHEREAS, a special assessrrent has been proposed which will apportion the =st of the inproverrent arrong the properties to be bene- fited by it; and WHEREAS, after =nducting a public hearing, the City Carmcil has formd that the rrethod of assessrrent proposed by the City Adminis- tration and attached hereto is a fair rrethod of apportioning the =sts of the inproverrent; NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, AIASKA, that: Section 1. The Special Assessrrent Roll, a copy of which is attached hereto and in=rporated herein by reference, for the Special Irrproverrent District described as SANITARY SEWER DISTRICI' 86-2, is hereby approved and =nfinred. Section 2. Assessrrents are hereby levied against the prop- erties set forth in the Special Assessrrent Roll in the arrormts set opposite each property in such roll. Section 3. Defe=ed payrrent of the assessrrent against each property is hereby declared acceptable with the payrrents being made pursuant to the following schedule: ANNUAL PAYMENT RATE OF NUMBER OF AMJUNT OF INTEREST CHARGE DATE INl'EREST ANNUAL IN- PENALTY IF ON LATE PAYMENT STAIJlo1ENTS PAYMENT IS AND PENALTY UN- LATE TIL PAID July I 9% 10 10% 12% (of pymt.due) Section 4. This resolution shall take effect imrrediately upon passage and posting. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, AIASKA, this 14 day of April ,19 86. -l- . . . . CITY OF SEN'lARD, ALASKA RESOLUTIOO NO. 86-23-S A'ITACHMENT . SPOCIAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE SPOCIAL IMPIDVEMENT DISTRIcr ~ AS SANITARY SEWER DISTRIcr 86-2 PROPERrY DESCRIPI'IOO L14, Add #3, Jesse lee Heights Sub LI5A,Add #3, Jesse lee Heights Sub L 4, Add #3, Jesse lee Heights Sub L7, B9, Bayview Addition L8, B9, Bayview Addition L9, B9, Bayview Addition LIO, B9, Bayview Addition Lll, B9, Bayview Addition L12, B9, Bayview Addition LB, B9, Bayview Addition L14, B9, Bayview Addition LIS, B9, Bayview Addition Ll6, B9, Bayview Addition L17, B9, Bayview Addition L18, B9, Bayview Addition Tract G USGLO #93l REx:::ORD CMNER Frank Irick Frank Irick Donald Snellman Donald Snellman Donald Snellman Donald Snellman Donald Snellman Donald Snellman Donald Snellman Donald Snellnan Donald Snellman Donald Snellman Donald Snellman Donald Snellnan Donald Snellman Donald Snellnan ASSESSMENT AMOUNI' $ 4,407.88 $ 42,366.08 $ 38,755.69 $ 2,441.29 $ 2,441.29 $ 2,441.29 $ 2,441.29 $ 2,441.29 $ 2,441.29 $ 2,441.29 $ 2,441.29 $ 2,441.29 $ 2,441.29 $ 2,441.29 $ 2,441.29 $ 12,206.43 . . CITY OF SE.WARD, ALASKA RESOLUTICN NO. 86-23-S . THE CITY OF SE.WARD, ALASKA ~~~Me&' HARRY GIESELER, MAYOR AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: BOOHER, GIESELER, HILTON, MEEHAN, SCHOLL & SIMUTIS NONE NONE GILLESPIE APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATl'EST: HUGHES, THORSNESS, GANTZ, PC1iVELL AND BRUNDIN, Attorneys for the City of Seward, Alaska 7~ !1/~ Fred B. Arvidson, City Attorney . (City Seal) . -2-