HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1982-056 07/26/82 U1:lm . . . . . CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 82-56 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY FOR CONTRACTUAL USE OF THE CITY JAIL FACILITIES WHEREAS, the State of Alaska, Department of Public Safety, wishes to enter into an agreement with the City of Seward for use of the City jail facilities; and WHEREAS, the State has forwarded to the City a contract for such use, setting forth provisions to be in effect from July 1, 1982, through June 30, 1983; and WHEREAS, the State has agreed to reimburse the City for use of its facilities at an annual rate of $165,720, to be paid in 12 monthly installments; and WHEREAS, such jail facilities as requested by the State are available for State use and the City administration recommends approval of execution of the agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, that: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into the "Contract for Services" as attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, with the State of Alaska Department of Public Safety for use of the City jail facilities. Section 2. The effective date of this resolution shall be July 1, 1982. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, this 26th day of July 1982. SEWARD, ALASKA AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: BURGESS, CRIPPS, GILLESPIE, MEEHAN, O'BRIEN AND SWARTZ NONE SORIANO NONE . . . . . CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 82-56 Page 2 of 2 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: HUGHES, THORSNESS, GANTZ, POWELL AND BRUNDIN Attorneys for the City of Seward, Alaska FrkLv1f~ City Attorney (City Seal) . . . STATE OF AU\SKA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CONTRACT FOR SERVICES THE PARTIES to this Contract are the Alaska Department of Public Safety (hel'einafter referred to as the Department), and the City of Se\'/al'd (hereinafter refened to as the City). WHEREAS the Department is entering into this contract by direct negotiation and not by competitive bids since this is a contract for professional services; and \.IHEREAS the City is wi 11 i ng to undertake the performance of thi s contract under the terms, general provisions, and appendices attached and made a part of this agreement; and MOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: . THE CITY HILL, at the request of the Department, undel'take the incarceration of prisoners in the custody or control of the Department. The City will p1'ovide, maintain, staff and administer a prisoner facili- ty for the incarceration of pl'isoners of the Depal'trient. The faci1 ities and services provided by the City will include qualified personnel and will be adequate to provide for the safekeeping, housing, care, subsis- tence and discipline of prisoners and the protect~on of the public. Furthermol'e, the City vlill adopt the minimum standal'ds as set forth below. 1. Qualification of Guard Special characteristics and requirements the contractor should cons i der vlhen hi l'i ng gUill'ds to oversee the secu ri ty and well-being of State prisonel's in their custody are as follows: a. Prior work experience with the public or of a responsible nature that \'lOuld give incications of a good reputCiUcn, good \vork hilbits and reliability. b. No persons convicted of a felony crime(s) or sOI'-ieu:; misdomeanods) (\'lhe1'e crimes agilinst a perC.(Jn \'I::>r[- CO'-"'I,'-;-i-"'l'~:'.'..-{) "/1'1', I'n r:'!Il;-"l,',\/,)(f ~-rl (.111:1.,~rl (;l;lf.~ I'~-:C",~"':"r.-' l.: .. . ~ ".." I U _ '- I, 'r) J~; C I .~. . I .' . -. '-. _ .. . '_ I - I.,.. . c. A guard orientation millluill furnished by the [lep~-t!n.:";~ I'. to be reud and signed off by the Chief of Po'j ;Cl; CIne' distributed to all nevI hires and pt'esent employ,",:s. . " 2. Fi I'e Safet,r a. The City I'li11 put in place and maintain smoke detection devices. t The City \~ill put in use, at the earliest possible time, those nwttresses approved as fire retardant. ~, The C~ty will adopt regulations on smoking for all prisn0ers keeping in mind the health and welfare of all pri :;("'-"15 being held. 3. 'p~"ys i calFi' ~J.l iti es C':ntract jiJ. h will provide the following basic facil ities and m~intenanc( requirements: <, The .;'lil facilities \~ill be subject to sanituy inspr>c; ian. I;, feh', ,r';iture:; within the living or recn:>ation areas of the faci: . '~y must be kept in an acceptable comfol't range dUI'ins sumrTt:t' or I'linter. Artificial 1 ight is required. C. Apptoc; idte sanitation facilities will be made available to en';'."p c'teanliness and acceptable health and safety stiH;:Jc;,:s. Cleanliness, health and safety ndes should be ~~;;:J and complied with. 4. r- , t- ~".J;': Set.v ;. /; FU(Jd Ser"I(', is one important aspect to prisoners in CIJI.;'inement Foud set'vice should satisfy the basic daily ',',ident t'c"..,:ireplents for individuals in confinement. Each (,. :,oner shGl' be served three (3) nutritionally adequate ","d1s a day. C .!. Mr.Jical and [ental Services a The City is responsible for providing basic 1:Il:>dic,11 ser'vjl,'~s on a reimbursement basis to those pl'~oor<el's 1.. need of such set'vi ces chanwd I-iith, 01' COn\'; ::-tr:::~ of, il Stat,-, nffpn',p. ~P1rl cnrfip(-\d- -i;l th(~-!'r f ~:~'il-:-l: '-., ?, r,',i \1 \'ii U: Lf'~: ir~,:'i\/i::iu.Jl1 s t: .1;;'\ (:::<1 '-;C("',' ir." ".;'..: ,,'u~;~ ~ suhmi Lc'd tn thp f)p.nill'tlnc~nt cCl,tif i ed l)" th,,' C';.;' s author'-:Z"d ^epresr.ntative b('f':I:';o f,,::."m','-,L '.Ii:', ',,: 1!;d(1C. Any mil,:"ll' ilit:'d'jcal serv'j'_-e t'equ'il'cd fC'i',' ;)';!~. prisN:" \~i11 be rep')l'ted as soon as pr'ilctical t,) ';lie [jepartr~e:!i, with Fin explanation of the medic:d prol,i,';;, ",','.1 JijSti-'.i";'j the ne,"d. Elective medicd s,.'l'v'ices \,J'il' 1:.;1' h:~ pai::' ::" by the Department \-lithout. pt'iOt' ilppt'(lVi~1. - ~ b. Emergency prClc('ll~n'('s \'Ii 11 be posted in a conspicuous place \~hel'e stuff I'lill have l'eady and immediate access to the phone number,; for medical, psychiatric or other such services ::, ordel' to p~ovide immed'jClte service to pri soner:.' ,,' need. . c. Each prisonct serving more than a seven (7) day sentence should be }iven a physical examination, to be reimbursed by the Department, within seven (7) days after initial admission to the contract jail. d. Dental services fo\' State prisoners \'Iill be extended or limited to the following benefits as a Departmental responsibil ity fOl i'risoners serving six (6) months ai' less. Emergency ServicEs: contral bleeding, relie\'? pain, elimin~te acute infection, opel'il t we proccdu :'es reouhed to prevent pu 1 pa 1 death ,'nd i mm i !lent 1 os s of teeth, treatment of injuries to teeth and/or repair of suppod.ing deiltal structures caused by accident or injlwy. . No dental !,ervices with respect to congenital malformatic'n, cosmet'ic surgery, or dentistl'y for purely cosmetic rEasons are to be assumed as a Department )'e s p 0 n sib i " i t Y . e. tio unconsc;~)US pel':~()i', or one 1n immediate need of medical a:t2:ltion, ::1dY be booked or held in a detention facility ur:,"ss a me'iical release has been obtained from a medical doctor. I Any other prisoner r'toquir'ng medical attcnhon shall be treated a; ~CQn as p~ssihle. The jailer or other responsibi2 employee shall maintain control over the custody and issue of all medicine to all prisoners under treatment for chronic ailments to ensure propel' use ?nd to guard ag0inst overd~se. Prescl'iption medicatiun L to be dispensed in GJr'plii',ncc ',,'ith directions specified by the physici:tll. c . .~l.~:.I'.~_'_r_'. :_T.~~/.l C;;:2 1 ~ '1J~dul ~S t:L.J.'r~(~!_i:~~ . .;~O:. Li;y, to trie limiL of 'its existing capilcity, ','rill fu,","~.:, ',",;., "'; te qua rt, "''; for ~aU, of these c 1 a sse~, of pri ::oners; adul t ma'j 2, female adult, juv(~nile ~nale, juvenile female. . . . . . b. Emergency procedures will be posted in a con~picuous place \'Ihen~ staff \'li11 have ready and immediate access to the phone numbc;rs for medical, psychiatric or other such services in ol'der to pl'Clvide immediate cervice to prisoners in need. c. Each prisoner serving more than a seven (7) day sentence should be given a physical examination, Lo be reimbursed by the Department, within seven (7) day~ after initial admission to the contract jail. d. Dental sel'vices fOI' State prisonel's vlill be extr.:loeo or limited to the following benefits as a Departmentnl responsibility for prisoners serving six (6) mc',,:;'s 01' less. Emergency Services: control bleeding, relieve pain, eliminate acute infection, operative procedul'es reauin:d to pl0vent pu1 ,,:I 1 death and imninent loss of teeth, treatment of injuries to teeth an(!ci' '(epe,,' d supporting dental structures caused by ilcci0~nt or i nj u ry . No dental services with respect to congrllitid mal formation, cosmetic sur'gery, or denti stry for '''1'21,)' cosmetic reasons are to be assumed as a f)E'part[~:"I1. responsibil ity. e. No unconsci ous person, or one in i mmec!'i;i '_'.:' need ,-,; medical attention, may be booked or hfL:n .1 d2:c,dion facility unless a medical release has be'-t, 'Jbt:~~::(.:; from a medical doctor. , Any other prisonel' )'equ'iring medical a:.l\~ntion SIbil be treated as soon as possihlc. The jai;~r ur othe' responsible employee shan lOaintain cc..'Tol OW,;' do" custody and issue of all medicine to al I prisoners under treatment for chronic ailments to ensure proper us: ~nC to guard against overdose Prescdption medi cationi s t.o be dj spcn:ed in CCG1p1 i<\.1::2 with directiens specified by the physician, 6. J_'!.."_c:'.!il cLteii1:l1 ~,:'~~,_j~.S,=-l2..~,::'. _1~' Hi:' City, ':o~hL' :'ii;i'~ llf 'it'; c~:'is!:i:1g capc:city, \.lin fUI^ni~,h separate quarter,. 'or' C'(tch ,J 1,;,-::,' classes 0f pdsonei'J: adult mille, fenlClle adui:., .juveni 1 e I:':, IE, juvenilp female. .,./. All juveniles win be delai:Jer! in compliance \'/ith AS 47.10.130 so that they Cali,i~)L Ccli1i;!IUnicate v/ith or vie\'1 the adult prisonel's. Femd'ie prisoners \~ill be supe)'vised in every instance by fem.:;le pc:'snnne!, except in emel'gency situations. 7. General Contrc;~ ~iid_,:,:.!p-"yvi:\ion Requirements a. Routine i,.;2ction~ of all cells shall be conducted as often as r:"'e,;sary,, ~;J~ not less than once each hour to protec~, ti;,' safety' nd ,'/e; fa re of prisoners. ^ record of each ins[l':ci..ioti sL,.:' 'ye logged in appropl'iate records. Special a~tclition '.:~ll1 be given to cells occupied by perso~s j3iled for intuxication to guard against self-inflj(; :on oT t',::der.tal or pel'sonal injury. b. Visiting~!; ill be ii':'.:;r;tted a minimum of nine hours per week to be ,.prc"c; 'J"T a three-day time pel'iod allovling for one I,,' i'hc V!:. i Li ,11; days to occur on the Neekend. A record of ~ll vi~~nr- ~hall be maintained indicating date, tim,' '''](1 ick:;:,.' :.j of each visitol'. Co Proper PI,', .,.,i. :OP. ""In be taken to ensure the safe keep 1,' uf p: "r ,'ty to 1 ongi n9 to pl'i soners. 8. The City \.d 11, ',' the' e'.;' ',a Liepa rtment pl'i sonel' escapes frol'1 or 1 ;?dVeS Lhe r' "rni '-,('s u! : pe iacil ity Vii thout authority, notify the Cepa, ;;,,1<'(1' ":i;;' ;';at,ly and make every reasonable effot't to retld'" :):f" "t'; : <.'r to the faci 'I ity \'/ithout cost to the Def)a rt.:k'nt .c" chi n ..:!:: ity limits of Sewiu'd. 9. 1he City v;ill ~,y "'ut.ual c.:.;',:emcnt, 0\' on an individual basis, perform support." su,,';" to effect a vlol'k release program, for [JfT??'tli'?n~ ,,~';';onei's, ,-,'d the State of Alaska will be 2ntit~ed ~o rc:.'." from~(;f' City all money paid fl'oll! the \'icH'k furlough \'iaqeS ,: d UepC!<;"''lt prisoner to the City for :;L;b~;'i::;~cn',;c: 'c'.; ai!':)uI!t ,,: looney to be paid \~ill be establ-ishe:! by '/' D2p,,'~,:;'-'t. All progl'illDS and supervis'ion c f f)C'~'d r't:,lent ,J"; f,onerr ')i.l:S i de the conf'i nes of the jail facility l'equ-;',t. 'wiGf' J~t<"iVa1 of the Departr.lent, \,dth the excc>;Jti(J'i of l(iL"ine C.-ii;!:;,'" Justice pr'oceedings, such as ~:~)llr.t 1:l:"i'in9': ",-,oj iflL;,", ,E\./S t'y members of the CI'imina'l Just; Cl, S~hter'. j'l~ :./ ,':lj1 t.,'" ';'it tf~.:..; ;:.~il dC'jjlt)' :,~; b~~' ':fi:~l",.l!...~::d df. '.... (.:-..I.>.J~_?:I.~ tj,'l.' D/ thp CU' ,1'sS-;0l1ei' of the l:)C';)d~~t;!;c~nt, or' .~:. ~r::: l,..;":':~'~ ~'.O :: ~.' -e c0iT1ul idllce \'rith the;:.er',:::~ of -:i;'-is .'t "0':1' 'd' Til' :';t'l \.,-;11 ~,eep all r'2CoHt~: nt:l~jn'ci j,y the' ~r.">,~',~i.';:(:: re~~.;'iveJtr: t;~" operation of the j2ii facility, ((, ,t.",,' ':.:,:i': recpt:;" ava;li:,,~l,:~ fOl' inspection [1./ D,:';",l!'t;:;,'nt "1! u5'~ ;.- I'"'; '(":; '" . . . IN WITNESS OF THIS AGREEMENT, the undersigned duly authorized officers have subscribed their name on behalf of the Department and the City, respect.ively, but it is expl'essTy understood and agreed that this contract shall not be binding on either party until it has been finally approved and signed by the Department of Administration, State of Alaska, under the authority of AS 37.05.220. City: Depaj't!nent of Public Safety Approval: B". J . . Official litle Official Title Date: State of Alaska Approval: Department of Adr.linlstl'aTfOn Date: . I\PPEr:Dli, " 11hen a prisonel' is mQved from the Sel'lal'd Jail Facility to bc; incarcel'ated elsel'lhere, a record of the individual's time served 1n t!-.1t facility "Jill accompany the indiv-idual at the time of transfer. ~;:Ien a prisoner exceeds th, contracted numbel" of days set forth in Section 17 of this contr".ct:, the individual should be trar;"feried to another state corr::c:ional facility unless he/she, or individu~l's attorney, signs a waiv~r for~going the requirements prescr'ibed in Section 17.