HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1984-055 . . . . . CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 84-55 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, ADOPTING THE CITY OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1984 WHEREAS, on April 4, 1984, the City Manager submitted to the City Council a proposed budget for the City of Seward for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1984; and WHEREAS, public hearings have been held on the proposed budget on May 14 and May 29, 1984; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, that: Section 1. The City operating budget for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1984, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and which contains estimated revenues and expenditures for Fiscal Year 1984/85, is HEREBY ADOPTED, and the funds needed therefore are hereby appropriated. Section 2. The total assessed valuation assessed by the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assessor, and any supplemental assessment rolls for said period which may be certified by the Borough Assessor at a future date, shall be the basis for computing estimated revenues for the City of Seward, Alaska. Section 3. The rate of levy on the 1983 real and personal property tax rolls shall be and is hereby levied at the rate of 5.0 mils per dollar of assessed valuation in Municipal Service Zone One (Borough designation TCA 40) and 3.5 mils per dollar assessed valuation in Municipal Service Zone Two (Borough designation TCA 41). Section 4. This resolution shall take effect July 1, 1984. PASSED AND APPROVED BY ALASKA, this 1/ day of THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C~OF SEWARD, ~ ~ <fLA. ./ , 19 . THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA r\ 0 \ > '-..-1 :Jl)d~ Jt N F. -CILLE:SPIE, VI MAYOR -1- . . CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 84-55 . Gillespie, Hilton, Swartz, Williams and Wilson None Cripps and Meehan None AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: HUGHES, THORSNESS, GANTZ, POWELL AND BRUNDIN, Attorneys for the City of Seward, Alaska 7/IU/1}!J~ Fred B. Arvidson, City Attorney (City . . -2- . 1~e.L - 83 -p,\Jc!~ii 19 '0'0 -'('I 13\J.I 1" 6' I'\o...nt s --1'1.."\ \ 't'4 Aa,,~ DESCRIPTION REVENUE 101 GENERAL FUND 310 General taxes 311 General Property Taxes 10 Real Property Taxes 20 Personal Property Taxes 311 Total Property Taxes 318 Other Taxes 10 City Sales Tax 318 Total Property Taxes 319 Penalties and Interest on Delinquent Taxes 10 General Property Tax Penalties 319 Total Penalties and Interest on Delinquent 310 Total General Taxes .;l03 140 T7/ ISo ,9.4(,,) "1d~ LBO, 000 " J 3~.lSo!) '-lO,600 5c.,6e7 ;00; o Ill) 235, ~40 :31\ ,<.S"o ~Ilt..__ 3t\b , bcm ~ ~ Be:.,58e. \ l...i: aol.) '1',13(" I'+V DOll 80 ~ee \ u-: 000 ".., 13!.. I~()' OOP-- .. , , . (,,00 \,-~5 1400 \<402- Taxes 1000 1'\00 -----L 't~~___ ----11-'-1 S _ 31(, 8~8 '137 "ro '10<., \3'+_ %1,2.I.{S , , 320 Licenses and Permits 323 Licenses and Permits 10 Taxi Permits 20 Building Permits 30 Dog Licenses 40 Auto License Commiss~ons SO Miscellaneous Permits and Licenses 323 Total Licenses and Permits 320 Total Licenses and Permits ,r'O 100 ~IO IS aoo 15,000 ~ I q1.,. / , bOO boO 1031 '.500 "lSoo ~..,qo ,r 100 '-\0'7 2..3,350 _.__P;~oo 31,loqlt> Z3 350 ;23,300 31, (.~(., J , 330 Other Revenue - Grants and Shared Revenue 332 Federal Revenue Sharing 10 Federal Revenue Sharing 332 Total Federal Revenue Sharing 333 Payments in Lieu of Taxes 40 Harbor Fund SO Electric Fund 60 Water Fund 61 Sewer Fund 333 Total Payments in Lieu of Taxes ~ ~ \$D..141 )56 ,47 , 4;l.'NO , ./.P/1"\O 40/000 52..600 151 sea 18Spllo / ~ooo ';l.I,DOO .s .m_ . ..__J:L200 _ __ 1.1'" B68..__~ L.'73.3~_._. .. YI"O..l.1 , 13<.)I~q \3 1-'l'i 1:3' CJl/.Q _.__._.J..____..____ ,;)..OS 140 ~----r----.. ".-- ;;Loo l11.4n ) \,000 Booo ~OO _\<:.11,;.,91"1 ___L~QL7 . . BG. <..2..0 .-'-'- tl2.2.z..o -___..J---.-_.___. 5B4'15 , ~IO 111 ->~ ;!.b8 /0 \ ;2. ... ,;.- . -. <c, i ~igz - 'a3 DESCRIPTION ~,-,d~"" 101 General Fund 330 Other Revenue - Grants and Shared Revenue 335 State Shared Revenue 11 Alaska Liquor Tax 12 Alaska Amusement Device Tax 13 Alaska Raw Fish Tax 14 Alaska Shared Revenue ~ 15 Alaska Municipal Assist Funds 335 Total State Shared Revenue 330 Total Other Revenue \5000 " 11..00 ) 2-8,000 21.\'l}3'1l.. 34.. 18S" ~-----' (,,31 .8'" '1'1'1,'i% , , 340 Other Revenue - General Government 341. General Government 10 Television Contributions 11 Copying 13 Computer Fees 30 Zoning Fees 40 Contract and Legal Administration 41 Project Management 50 Administration Harbor 51 Administration Electric 52 Administration Water 53 Administration Sewer 90 Miscellaneous Administration Revenue 341 Total General Government 342 Public Safety 11 Dog Pound Revenue 15 Miscellaneous Police Grants 16 Miscellaneous Fire Dept. Grants 20 Jail Contract 30 Alaska Railroad Surveillance 342 Total Public Safety 343 Highways and Streets 10 Work Order Revenue 35 Equipment Rental 343 Total Highways and Streets :n/ooo "'000 ) 3101"00 ).00 ~6(8) ')1l.,. 5S~I.lt)o 'lI,'2.i.) ;:'~Y15 '\ lobI) I~ I.. oot:> , 1.'1.\3, 11.0 - '2/:>01 ~ Ib7,OOO \1.00 118 ",01 \'1..,OUO \5/000 J.1,O/)() Ire3 - IN -"5...,<I'r" I~OOU IJOOO 3C,ocD ~bS,81 'i .;l..'iO, 000 W&CN ~75. 2-'iD ~I, DOl) 3/000 ?>~OUO .:/.O() "'150)0\,\1) 173,3'11 33QSo Sb,81ol.. 3\ 'lc>B , 3'-14(>1 , 1.,000 1 \51.,111- ~ <Z5 (../Y107 d4~J Iq(q \.il.,O()O ZSB.bb3 11/S00 3,50() ~/ 000 ) 8 MQNT"~ :L\)'91'N A<::iv~ ~l{oo " ~ 4~Yn 1,331 435,11,1../ 683 :141./ d-'i, 'l.30 2P3J ~4"o81 ;l..).) :')12/0110 51,,'1510 :;1.:1.,1.,33 3l'1oB 01-1,...1;1. J.j./13"+ (031 l" 7"'2-, I I€, IS 'bO Y4107 12.~J '1310 31000 133118 , ------ 55'138 (:,0803 _~l.__ IB,ooo 8ClO '1~,DOO S3b, 82..10 2.-5'8 b38 88_'t...).<..4 ~Q~~/o . 33,000 ~, 6llb "310, ' 01) '300 ~ooo ""\5,000 3781'1 I l'io,31'i <:f ,~ __-.-?~r-o ---1a3.. '+.36 ~ . Ii 0l'i'l571 " _".___Y:~I 00(,) _A!;..?1.L____ ~,ooO .__J , ()l>O 57 (Joo , DESCRIPTION 101 General Fund 340 Other Revenue - General Government 347 Recreation Revenue 10 Recreation Fees and Contributions 11 7th Avenue Pavillion 12 Camping Fees 347 Total Recreation Revenue 340 Total Other Revenues - General Government 350 Fines and Bails 351 Fines 10 Fines and Bails II, Auto Impounds 351 Total Fines and Bails 360 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 361 Interest Earned 10 Time Certificate Deposits, Repurchase Agreements, Etc. 11 Seward Fisheries Interest 12 Ut~lity Receivable Penalties and Interest 361 Total Interest Earned 362' Rents and Royalties 10 Land Rent and Lease 15 Jail Vehicle Rent 16 Jail Facility Rental 20 Municipal Building Rent 30 Harbor Building Rent 362 Total Rents and Royalties 364 Sales Fixed Assets 10 Surplus Equipment Sales 11 Surplus Land Sales 364 Total Sales Fixed Assets 367 Transfer from Other Funds 29 Transfer from Ge~eral. Fund 367 Total Transfer from Other Funds f~3i l'te1..- 83 \Qf'" _ ~d II...... ..., ~ "'O~ - ;2\1."\9'1 Actvo-l ~ $0 \u~'loo 10 \'10 - 9'lS,c5'1a ,\..30 f/> 11030 402, $b8. <.31 '34l.{~ ~~~43---' / II S/ e1.~ 1(,"1<1 / Lf ..000 32.-)..('1 / II) 'l.,llO 11018'1, ~----- \2.,303 250 , 00 , 2JQ~ oo~ , \43 ,1..(/ ~ ~'-- \~3 7101.f / >>> '500 gJ 500 I 30.2 5e't -" J \,-\000 . <) \'4.000 ~~ C>~ J 1~9 S,ouo ---50::!~~ . / \'35,000 2.. '-n'l ~) 000 33~00o Ib R-.. 10.3,27'-1 5;000 <t 5,000 6 .--_..,-~-..~.~------ flS "B...d~ IS vd ;T \300 P 'JOO d IS,OO\) ''',100 , 145"2. Y15 ~ . \5...000 1(. 300 \ ,%5. '3'-1 c..,OOO LillO 1o,4ClCl 1~/oOO ~ 1~.Ol>O t1()() DOl> ) I) ,",,0 3, bOl> L(6~ WO . ~'5)Clbl) 1031 '100(,) , Uh.I.:l1 , \ So 1)00 /d to bbO 33. bOD \ \,-,ClOO 205 , eOO .s: 000 ~ 5'".000 'II. 3\'+ 'I (., 3 1<1 , \-:>$ 000 , 24")"/ !oJ 000 3:0,000 1...800 1~:3,Z.i4 qsoo ~ 'Boo 1105: 1.1.'" lb~ bhb , Uf,SC\tLP'tLOtl O\. Genel:al vund \60 Otuel: ~iScellaneouS Re'.1enue 369 Otuel: ~iScellaneous Re'.1enue \.0 Gal:bage contl:act \.1 Gal:bage Hauling RightS ,;0 Cit'j Clel:\I. VeeS - 90 ~iScellaneous se~'.1ice Re'.1enue '6' Total Othe< MiseeH,OeDu, aeveuue ,60 Tot.l Othe< Mi.cell.neou, aevenue .und 101 Total Gen".l Yond aevenue \"'~~- e~ ' . 't,...P~ \1>000 \IoJooO 1);00 8~ ~"\ ~ ~~U ~~ ~~ ~~ p.. t}. .,)L' \'4 533 ) '51 t I A-- -~- ~.- ~ \bpOb f:> 1- ... ~- ~Q9.~ .~-- >>JI~~.' . f'1( 4 ----=::::;;;;- - ,. -- - .- ----=::: =-- \ IQ1;l..- S~ r \'1~3' -.".-, ,,-\-"~ \ l~ DESCRIPTION ~~'f'\ ,Ac1~ 101 GENERAL FUND 111 Mayor & council 510 General Governmen~ 511 Legislative 10 Mayor & council J'-I})l.lb '2,.\}oOB \i~5:'"oC 21 Audit l-'l. 0\.>0 ~ 22 Advertising & publication .. i C\J 40bO \'50'1 4..,000 I ~ 23 Subscriptions & Dues )..800 350b -z.,. '"L3 <0 J5CO , , 24 Travel & subsistence 10,000 1.500 5,11-\ \0 Cleo J 25 communications 1.\00 yO\) IIDt.. "10'0 27 Legal \SO, 000 \ 00,00 C> \ i 50(., ",\Splt) . 37 Insurance "1.000 48"15 I 500.0 \e~"1.,.o 39 contracted Services 1.,000 ,,2.000 'rjJ 'II 41 Office Supplies 5,\1-0 10000 5b""\~ eooo 57 Municipal Lobby Fees i"L bOI) 1",000 50 0'1\ '"i~OOO .> 69 Contingency 1<..,1,)5"" \5.000 -' \S}lOO B'l\o 71 MayorS Expense l,bOl) ~OoO ~ \ cDO .J 73 promotion & Entertainment 10000 ~o/)o \.\'a 5;000 'lE 79 Miscellaneous Expenses -cj t/> 8<-1 (J Equipment \10 000 \/000 ..__\]>~_'_._ 1000 93 ~ .:2-....- 10 Total Mayor & council 2.'/5 2.'\5 \0'0 e,33 _J~~ j - - / --- 511 Total Legislative 38:' '11'1 ~'15. 2.."~ lOS, 833 -~..~ . *' ~ .,(l)J'l~ o~ ~,,"cb "'''I; 4B4 . foy~ -----_.._-~.~.- :::------- OESe""''''' -=--= \<1n- t3 "Bud~ ,""OJ 600't- .- 'Bu6~ \\,,\S11- \te"C\1D ,,1) \p I Ie \ '4C>)5D> l- SIS <1 54\ ""JIo'lO 1.5,3BIo \1,\5'1 tlo... bB(P -nG 10 3101 -oJl':n .$'G1.(' 1$IJl-~ -..0 ~5J 13'108 \'\} <..10 qc.o\ ""IeS"\ ,..(135 ,e1S . . ,'l..5 Ic3S 35(" 1>8\ Soo ':lS"0 ,;2~ tJ 2,500 .;{.()Co l.o2B "- ot>t) 1 "}po 0 'I lot> (,) ,-\Ol.-...( \0 poo <.l}'" 0 uoaO .;ll.olo; (.\~()O 1,000 \,000 "':; ,/bI>O \)000 \poO ~?>O (5"UO J ,...\")5 ~ISO ' J.'\ .:J 000 J \"000 \ 000 ~ '150 J c/> ~,-\~Q II.IS <}\.IOO I l\50 :;.0<:> \"'.0 300 /. f) \l>t)o \~ \ 6bO ;'000 ~ ._i..Q.Q9---"- .. ~ ~_.... Etc. ~ ~ ~l \;1.1 ...--~-~-'---- ~ ~ ~ Xtl \~1 ........__J-.._-'-' . 101 GENERAL V\lHD 112~ 510 General Govern\uent 512 Executive 10 City Manager, ?urchasing, Etc. 11 Salades 12 overtime 14 Leave Time 15 In Lieu of VlCA Tax 16 Retirement 17 Health Insurance 18 ~orkmens compensation ~2 Advertising & ?ublication 23 Subscriptions & Dues 24 Travel & subsistence 25 communications 26 Education & Training 3B Maintenance & Repair 41 Office Supplies 44 operating Supplies ,45 Gas & Lube 63 Bonding Expense 79 MiscellaneoUS Expense 93 Equipment 10 Total CitY Manager, ?urchasing, 512 Total Executive -----= f~h - ----------. -~ \ -_.--~----- i963 ~" o 'hU~( J'11S2.- k1.> "'.... l;,J '",-\01"'."" )..1..,\ \'i~ DESCRIPTION -g ::T A2t \J o..Q. 101 GENERAL FUND 113 City Clerk 510 General Government 514 Elections/Personnel 10 City Clerk Personnel '3b6~ ~11 Salaries 100 q 0<1 1.9.2.."8 <..10,3& / , / 14 Leave Time a)~4l.. 802.<- 5135 '6'IS5 15 In Lieu of FICA Tax 3(,,2.-'1 31"45 '2.514 <..{ 2..B 3 16 Retirement 92-15 \\,Y8'> 1:,'12.1 <\'\1L 17 Health Insurance '-\50\ 52..;"\ ~15"7 52....0 18 Workmens Compensation 35'i 58... .;l.b:. bBb . 19 Other Benefits <t> Sooo '-fBoo 500 0 , 22 Advertising & Publication I'Z.C>O \/O~O <..j~O ~ouo 23 Subscriptions & Dues 1300 500 4S"' 500 24 Travel & Subsistence LlSOO t( 000 1"'2.S" Lj()OO 25 Communications <goo 'You 4,,(" 1'00 26 Education & Training <J1 5(.)() '..n..s- 500 36 Rents & Leases 1800 5'()() 65 1844 38 Maintenance & Repair 3000 30()O \l35 15'lC 39 Contracted Services <6 2S"oo ~Sl .5'00 41 Office Supplies 2.955 l...800 1033 "roc 44 Operating Supplies soo 11..c>o ;;;l5'4 Sou 62 Employee Incentive ~ ~C,oo 500 3000 63 Bonding Expense YSD ],00 l'lO )00 72 Elections z.S""UQ 2JVo ( 5 2..0 d,SuQ 79 Miscellaneous Expenses 'Z.'l.Du ,tJ (05 f;5 93 Equipment 3300 ~;n.7 1,627 --- ~'2.~O~O_-- ' _. 10 Total City Clerk Personnel \ 11 ,$5'S' 1L2 ,010 \ ___~ Ib8 -"-~~~-n"---- 514 Total Elections/Personnel . l'2..'1, '"\o~ 111555 -.-l~f>~- 131bB , ._-. _.._..---~.".._'---- 4(.. 12- O~""'.. <g40 fr~__ \'i~ j", -li:> i~~-g'-i a ~^~~ 1",....J .- .....'" ,-\~"'\N DESCRIPTION '"'B vd~\ 13ucl0 A.si\JoJ 101 GENERAL FUND 114 Finance 510 General Government 515 Financial Administration/Data Processing 1.0 Finance \"15, v3] 11 Salaries \55/-110 I e<(}15~ \0", "DB J 12 Overtime 1\ I t; t5 al 14 Leave Time 1'18\8 J.I eat \~)5z..'\ #l. '2.. 1o~'1 I Ie 151 15 In Lieu of FICA Tax \0,1.1.'-/ 10)'\'1.'1 '=>58"1 16 Retirement )''f)l.bl.. .;L'l;rn... \,) 2J.1 (0 ~ 7J -t5B 17 Health Insurance '"1.)<\0 :> \5) \u'l.,. 8110 \S .,S-o J . 18 Workrnens Compensation 1141. 1,10 II. ., \ \ \~()S 23 Subscriptions & Dues ) ,-+5r L)O \..IS\... 572- 24 Travel & Subsistence '2.1.$"0 ?,1Uo 3SQ2- '-loUO 25 Communications \550 \400 \031 11..00 26 Education & Training \<.<.>0 1015 1014 1$00 36 Rents & Leases II J'+l.o :;too 200 300 0 38 Maintenance & Repair l....eq 18~<O "'/'l.D(" 9300 39 Contracted Services '12.'11 IO~OO 8305 I 0;0 Q() 41 Office Supplies 2.~S 0 4500 3<.l1..... 10,000 44 Operating Supplies q( 2>0 lB'-+b 55'1~ /oSOD 63 Bonding Expense '300 300 \'10 300 79 Miscellaneous Expenses \,5"" So 3Y \00 93 Equipment 1'2.,z.8l.. "1':'-7 _ e""L_ 1000 ~".!----_.,~ 10 Total Finance 3'1 b, ,..., 30~ l'l3 \82...019 31'-1- 9l.f7 515 Total Financial Administration/Data Procession " ./ '3~D 1'/1 3o~ . "'R3 \ 82.. 01'1 31'"1 q47 . . -. J .. ~~ G. , iCf7.J - il..f B \,,,,."\o~~ I I"'ll-- 'Cl3 -..\1....(,.. DESCRiPTlON 13uc:laa-i ~ud~ A c:r ua...I . "~-- _.~.~-------- 101 GENERAL FUND 115 Economic Development/Community Promotion 510 General Government 516 Economic Development/Community Promotion 10 Development/Promotion (../1,4'51 '-1.. 6S~ )q q 3 q 11 Salaries -,2,.0(, :..; 14 Leave Time 1> 4'1'U. d-.%'l 'It'll.. 15 In Lieu of FICA Tax 60<::> DC>(> )533 \,,\5 16 Retirement e5 to \13 .3q3~ S'1o'1 17 Health Insurance p 2k>11 \51B "2.(,1..S 18 Workmens Compensation lot) 5$\. 30' 3/010 22 Advertising & Publication 10,"2..00 \ \L-<. ,..<..... \0<.>0 . -24 Travel & Subsistence :ftoo 15,/~3( 14'18 $000 25 Communications \400 \:S00 Y3'O 1000 26 Education & Training 100 105c> <..\80 1000 38 Maintenance & Repair \is ;;Ll.X) rt ;1.0(",) 39 Contracted Services (.juoD ,-'!!oDOD 211 \38 53 ~eo J . ,I 41 Office Supplies 412- )Soc 81 lubu " 42 Vehicle Supplies (..()O Vo, 5bB 3uo 44 Operating Supplies 5000 >"0 \0'-11 "3 <.1'-' J 45 Gas & Lube 3<.S"" \'2..00 ~b lc..uU 73 Promotion & Entertainment \1'100 5<:>00 25<..13 500u J 93 Equipment L, <.00 2.~\ '" ,;2WD :2..(00 Total Development/Promotion -_. 10 Sr,b:;l~ ll~ '113 11'1 "tt:. _12.'1,103'f 11 International Trade Board , .._._~-"-T~.~_._-~~"- ___< ._.._;_~.. __.~_..~_w_ 22 Advertising & Publications 3O,IbbD '"\'\13 '1433 "" 23 Subscriptions & Dues 'tOO \.01.>0 420 1",000 . 24 Travel & Subsistence 1)00 Iqooo " '''I'''Ob 25 Communications z.-O() UlO <75 So 41 Office Supplies ~oo ;;LOO 0 r;1 56 Exchange Programs 550c 3000 ."2.>4 2,J-OO " 73 Promotion & Entertainment ~soo 3d-lb \l.fb9 "3000 79 Miscellaneous Expense t6 cD r/; <b 11 Total International Trade Board 56 bOO - ~ :>iY-- 1O't(q =~ib55Q=--== , . (J~? _____ G.f'. . D\'.SCRl.P1:l0~ 12 Chambe~ of comme~ce 61 COl\t~ibutiOl\S *' 12 'total Chatnbe~ of comme~ce ,,. ,oca1 Eeoomaie ..,.'opo.oClco..."iC' .,o..cion ~ f~S 11' 13 ~ I'\~ro~ - 3'\ 0>..-t~~".,I 'Svy~ ~. 'i R"S \~ "\.;r...l 'Do.~ 'IV'o-?f\l'\~ ~ ~ (l. ~ . ~ 11.$. 11.\ CP""f~"'''~\1J4 I'\~ - , \"~ ;::f\ CoN-1~W '$J"'\I:J-f> ~ \' ,,,.. 0>""-"'" 7'.. - f'< SI" ,"'.. _.~:... ",">1..;1 I""" ~ . . -----------.--- . \".'12. ~ 83 'D~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \'1t J - "... Dvo5ef ~8C1.31...- ~ ~ ~ ~ 2-\.......\. . p...;;...;.J. ~-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ l", 0 --~-- ~-- ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ . . W' iC;e!. - 83 !,!8:l_ 6"t ~ ;\\"M1f:~ DvJ~;:r tsv~ -z.{..... (e<.4 DESCRIPT lON Ac::r ..,OJ -' --. -- _._-^-- un GENERAL FUND 117 Parks & Recreation : 5.\.0 General Government 517 Recreation 10 Recreation 51/10(, 'I \ 15" '5YI 11 Salaries BI,I<.-7 'l">...I../J3 12 Overtime t/> \5uo 1 liS- t5"11 J 14 Leave Time '\578 91.'14 bBoS- II DOc.. " 1, u!,o 15 In Lieu of FICA (Hz...B 1.01..1.1- Y1bl.. 16 Retirement 11;300 130'31 6543 \3,.. 4 L.~ 17 Health Insurance l,,75'B ,BS\ 4135 la.,S- . 18 Workrnens Compensation SS"B 49S3 1'\'11 l.\~1 22 Advertising & Publication toe 100 "2.-;5 ,oe 23 Subscriptions & Dues lOb ~o 1.:.0 100 24 Travel & Subsistence L"oo \500 \'2.~1o B.,"OU 25 Communications Suo /.:;>00 2.85 1000 31 Utilities <.jSOO 52..00 ,;1.1.3'4 5"50<,) 33 Heat <1J ~ 119 \000 36 Rents & Leases I~ I~o b~z...s- SoU c..OOo 38 Maintenance & Repair 2,5DD Y'l...l"l.... nJ..k, 5~ot> 39 Contracted Services ;2,OUO IB15 le3G\ :looo 41 Office Supplies 210 315 '231 '!,7C;; 42 Vehicle Supplies p ::>se 3>8 500 44 Operating Supplies '.,)$0 3850 2..11:1-I 3OQO 45 Gas & Lube ~IOO tSoo 81(" \SOO 46 Small Tools & Equipment 300 ,08 ,oB <ODe:> 47 Janitor Supplies rt> "300 ~I 400 . 69 Contingency \..000 (/> If ,- 79 Miscellaneous Expenses 'JOoo '12- 6.J 5"'00 92 Buildings P .;to, bOO \ "l" Z2f,., ~,c("o 93 Equipment I,SOO 3j~OO '1b~ 3,000 10 Total Recreation \50,10'1 \e~ SqS- \7-3 ?-O"l ~(31"1 J.. , 11 Tot Lot Enhancement 38 Maintenance & Repair ql r;t II ~ 44 Operating Supplies 16 oJ '-Io'! ~ 55 Tot Lot Enhancement 0 3000 1$ j, 93 Equipment 10$5'1 lOSS I lu ~oJ_.____ e , 11 Total Tot Lot Enhancement \05S1 1355\ \D i4L-__ o_ r/> . - ,---<- G'. 191..' i/'3 1'l'8.3-\!>4 I g \'\1.9N~') .~~" . 8~ 1 . "0'1 - .,J 'Eud3~ '"Bvc1~ ~I...'\(al.( ",p<lJ..d DESCRI PT ION "::"uvo...\ vd<lL\ .. ~ ".....--- ----- . 101 GENERAL FUND 117 Parks & Recreation 510 General Government 517 .Recreation 19 Winter Recreation Program - f((~ 24 Travel & Subsistence ... ,.l1r <i> $IS 10'-/'1 I 'L<l b , 44 Operating Supplies ... r-Il.r <<5 150 5b1 I.OClO ~45 Gas & Lube - 1''<S ~ ~ooo ~Olc.. 1100 .6 ". 56 Swim Program , r I<. > ~,'OO \S~O 3000 69 Contingency - 'I'".ts 16'>50 Q/ <-.t J2S , 79 Miscellaneous . f Ii. S tf. tS6 'iI SOD . 93 Equipment .j:'fi.S ~ 55"00 l.(l.W.j '-i UJ<..) 19' Total Winter Recreation Program ... ~ Il S \l.j~SC 1 3,' l,,)"'''- '181, \3;1 0() -- 2D Teen Center 11 Salaries Z3JSbl.. ;;l.(.J <./ b1 IS....'1'1c.. '31)42. 14 Leave Time 2.10-'1 2.eo" I li5B a.. 'I bS' 0 15 In Lieu of FICA Tax I SIo 7 '-'bU n.n )./37 16 Retirement 358"1 '3,qo~ ~~'1~ 31o'l..'3 17 Health Insurance '2-1..1""1 l...<C 11 \s.,e ;lla'-> , 18 Workmens Compensation )"1'\ \ <..e. 'I 141 :lee 23 Dues & Subscriptions l'Lo \ <.<; b~ \<.u 24 Travel & Subsistence 550 550 ;113 \'100 25 Communications 3,75 ~1..r- W2.... ?>50 31 Utilities '\00 \ 1...00 lCOJ 11..00 33 Heat 30"0 ~Q 8n... l!coo f, * 38 Maintenance & Repairs , 0)000 \ ()()o ~oOc 10S Office Supplies , . 41 ~o YbO \ llD 4(,)0 44 Operating. Supplies 100 \00 3Z.3 ""\00 45 Gas & Lube <6 d; tq 10000 47 Janitor Supplies ,)",00 z...rb 33~ o-OQ 93 Equipment .3p-oo ;,<.too ~. .Ll__._~_.___ :?~Qo ....- .- 20 Total Teen Center LjI.r7Sq <.{'t '1.,B .;2.q \1:.'1 5b.7S0~ , ~".--T---- . ----..- :J...]1.1b't 517 Total Parks & Recreation Old./ I~q ~ b(" 8S~ liD 9<1 \ . / * 1\, 5ka.~ ~/'bo.~ _ F,cr Iq,OO c:l.100 ~,Ij!- /)0 ~.,Tr~1;.l ;5trV'\.U.I> ~oo 39 I l.h ~("i<.lt. -:l<JW'1.M POff- 1", L(oo . DEseR L PTlON 101 GENERAL FUND 118 General Services .510 General Government 518 General Government Service 10 General Services 13 Unemployment Wages 25 Communications 31 Utilities 37 Insurance 38 Maintenance & Repair 41 Office Supplies 44 Operating Supplies 45 Gas & Lube 66 Doubtful Accounts 79 Miscellaneous Expense 10 Total General Services 11 Public Copier Expense 38 Maintenance & Repair 44 Operating Supplies 11 Total Public Copier Expenses 14 Seward Volunteer Ambulance Corps 61 Contributions 14 Total Seward Volunteer Ambulance Corps 17 KRXA Ads 61 Contributions 17 Total KRXA Ads 20 Senior Citizens 41 Office Supplies 61 Contributions 20 Total Senior Citizens G'. 4-)3 l'ln.- 8..s 'BucloJ 5.:000 Ii> '11)'"1..55 olb lq~ I 1/"00 ~ dJ lIS <6 .\ 81& , 145 'i312 <t. qS (j; {1$ r;t \000 \ 000 / '-100 ~ooo .;1,400 .....__ 1"!II.1 \'1~..s - 0" 13 uc!,iT t.; o<J (J J 1000 <-12.ptlO 25" 1'1 \500 it> ~ <P qJ o 15'-117 400 >(Jo 100 <I </. t> a ~oo 'I DDO ,'-IDe> ,., ....... o V"'o"".~-, ....\ ~.\\(1I<+ ACI" uo-9-.. n "188 ) q..., "3 Z-;u> I 1\81.\ I \~OOO 1000 50...8810 '31.000 ,- .1.000 ~ . r6 R1 __..J.~'lf>_-- l.Y "7;;3.B~____ ~()(;> /00 ~-- -"--~- -~-_.._-- \ \:.0,,__ 683 JyO --, 0 iJ---- , " <6 d ----~.- ~ rp ($ 30'1 5000 ~= 5301_____ ___~._i_._____. ....__ ____L. ._~- Li lJ() a.ODO j~'y QQ &.4 I !'H2. -83 ,""":1- R'-I Q "^"ft....-n.. \ . I \ .-.... - I ~ ;J..I~~ie"l DESCR1PT (ON . "B\.ld~ 13uc:l~ ,4,0"'...\ 101 GENERAL FUND 118 General Services 510 General Government 518 General Government Service 30 Library d-.OOO 'i8B Ol.~O() ~ coo 31 Utilities ) 15bl.( 33 Heat 3/5'00 3SoCJ 3\'"'0 61 Contributions J1,ooo ;;J.l) 000 \ 8. 000 )1/ ODD 30 Total Library 3'l. 500 32..~O() ,;1./,J52- 3~ 500 --~_.~, 35 Seward General Hospital --}~!g,~~_. 61 Contributions 80. S88 \ '2S ooe, 100,1'1\ 35 Total Seward General Hospital "10 see. lucx.o IOC>, ,.. I 1'+0 ()O 0 40' Public Health Nurse -~-------*. 61 Contributions \ 'l..o 0 \~O 300 ! 40 Total Public Health Nurse \)..00 \ 'Lao 300 __. ~~ ,~__^_~.___n~~__ SO SLAC 61 Contributions 3000 3000 3000 .---R.QQSL____ ---.,-- 50 Total SLAC 3uoo 7>000 -~~ -~~_._- 70 Television System 22 Advertising and Publication 2..1.>00 J.c.oo \I~O 'l.;S"oo 25 Communications ~ cp 3S 5"0 27 Legal ',000 500 3(:,3 500 31 Utilities ). 600 J,GOO 1510 .;1,000 I 36 Rents & Leases ~ \lI \00 \OD 38 11aintenance & Repairs ;l.~JDOO \5,ODO 8510'-1 \ CJ,ooo 39 Contracted Services ~()OO ';'000 25Se 1000 . . 41 Office Supplies . (j. ~ "50 300 44 Operating Supplies ::l:.ooo \ "00 '-132..- 1000 66 Doubtful Accounts p 0 0 500 93 Equipment Purchases <:.i cD 3,'\ c;t -~.-.---'-"'-~- 70 Total Television System 3$,000 ClJ.5oo ICo IU> 11 '15"'0 518 Total General Government Service ~ 'l.D~ 0161,11 214 q(.lf _ 3oqe~lo___ .J 510 Totel General Government ~1oO. 't,01.o.___ c.Jb 7 llf d'~ 9i:.-t \11'+ 330 ) "--i^---',;-c--- . G.5"1 !~11.- 83 I (~~n - BY s IN\L>f'Il~'!. <.\ l.~ \..4 DESCRIPTION 13",d ;-r "'B \J d ;;1' AW"uo..Q.. --------~ ._~.----- 101 GENERAL FUND 121 Police Department 520 Public Safety 526 Police Administration 10 Police Administration vn (.,'07 'i'Z.4~ 11 Salaries 3'\1..)108 :=,Cl <.. 11.l!. > ~ 12 Over Time <'''.; \8L \'to DOt> l.. '4 J! 5/0 '> I.; S 30 .; '-I~53~ 14 Leave Time 51.. 1."'''' Y8711 3()~03 ) J .:<<4 5~S 15. In Lieu of FICA Tax <.3) 'I, b 0!4,oll 152..S""t ..) 16 Retirement b1..S~B \:f1;:~Ol- l.\1o'\53 6507(. .- 17 Health Insurance , , 341U . 2.'i}.,~ 3~ oCl-t ..'l.o"oB 18 Workmens Compensation 15p3~ IS"lo~ b3"Z.8 1"1)43 22 Advertising & Publication ,p a \5 lD .;loo 23 Subscriptions & Dues 'ioo "100 .2..\ 'lOC) 24 Travel & Subsistence 5"301 5000 336\0 '-1000 25 Communications '-lOOO LI 000 330B 5000 26 Education & Training <..'300 \000 SSo ':>Ooc;> 37 Insurance '2.3 '2.1...1 ll>\B n..o~'ir. abOo .; 38 Maintenance & Repair 1000 '-\000 3,15'+ '-1500 39 Contracted Services 300 4 (j!J c1$ 41 Office Supplies '3><.6 ~- ~oo 'L3'l. 3 30DO 42 Vehicle Supplies ;;2.000 <.,)00 \,41 2..~00 43 Uniform Allowance 2..~oo ",auo \~I AsQO 44 Operating Supplies 3500 J,l~o ,;/-053 5000 45 Gas & Lube 8'2.ro 8180 '-1% "l.- 'loot) 46 Small Tools & Equipment 5"00 5"00 a5 $00 79 Miscellaneous Expenses 'fo rP ~Coo $""00 . 93 Equipment 13,()()O 'l.3/DO" ~1,CSl.., \481S"" ----.....J--. ...------- 10 Total Police Department ~ ,4, '"l-43 (" 11 ~OO 4S( '")01. 1(2.. q8J , __...-:.L-._......_._._ }I '2 ICia, _ A-'l \'\81- .g<-\ 'l( ""oNn.~ l\"'~ __ ..:.\...~l~ DESCRIPTION 13l.>d~\ lSv ii Ac:T v~ -~-- -- 101 GENERAL FUND 121 Police Department 520 Public Safety 526 Police Administration 20 Jail Contract 11 Salaries \? 1..55 3 1\8/loD~ 83J '-1'\4 1~\4e 12 Over Time 5758 "\581 ~ 3'5" 1';$10 , 14 Leave Time \oJ(,41 147'4'1 q~'-l~ ~<.I'lt:t 15 In Lieu of FICA Tax 58010 8\Q", lo\.{oB ..,~q " 16 Retirement \3>...'\7 ";)\'t.3~ IS,St:tS ;( 152... ) " 17 Health Insurance '1LD8 1'5':702.. ~"CZI \S,I'5"O . 18 Workmens Compensation '1073 IG2..1. '-lo'lo B2.-..~ 22 Advertising & Publication S-oo (.,00 t1f (,,00 24 Travel & Subsistence I" .,,> C) ~OO Yt. ~"'''o 25 Communications d> ISo 1'-\0 \:50 26 Education & Training \}>oC) SOO 116 5"00 31 Utilities \9o() \800 \'].00 I&e"o 36 Rents & Leases b,()()O B4"14 5(,1.('\ 84"7'+ 37 Insurance .;lJooo .;1.'400 1:505 .;('\uo 38 Maintenance & Repairs \2..0<"> \SOo .3'l1 \Soe. 39 Contract Services 'l..'-O d-Do a5 ~vo 41 Office Supplies 1500 800 \(,,4 800 43 Uniform Allowance 1500 \3<:>0 \3'39 \';100 44 Operating Supplies ;l000 ~ 110310 ~OOO 46 Small Tools & Equipment 150 350 fZ1 350 47 Janitor Supplies I..joo 4DO .;In ~OD 48 Food Supplies 1>100 1',,000 ''?,040 \ l,OOO . 49 Miscellaneous Supplies & Expenses ) ()() \00 I> 100 67 Administrative Expense l.oJ.lo p qj (6 79 Miscellaneous Expense 1J ~ 2U ~ 93 Equipment .J,.ooo 61 000 1132- ~ 000 '-' .__..:::L.._ _ 20 Total Jail Contract _.__~. __.~._N__ J.5~ 2.58 -- \ l..eO)2- ;),37 5b5 1101 v4~ .. ) ... .~--7--------_.' 16 IQtI, _ 0., l'!En-~ <g M~N~ ,\tl.- ~.J <-f.....'1/S~ DESCR1PT ION 1Sudif Aav....Q --.-. 101 GENERAL FUND 121 Police Department 520 Public Safety 526 Police Administration 40 Animal Control \ 2. S)IY ~) O;l3 11 Salaries 1..1.> e'l4 J.())./b' " , 12 Over Time \2..'1- \'545 IW \511 14 Leave Time 2.>4'3 .;!I.\'l L.. \b~'-f J.b\/P I \LL7 15 In Lieu of FICA Tax 1~1S- \ 'l '\'4 ~'"78 16 Retirement 3J71 <-1371, 2.3 81# 31.f11 17 Health Insurance 2..l..)U ,;1.b\1 \5"i8 0110""- . 18 Workmens Compensation 11/:,8 l'l"lf III ( '3D" '25 Communications s6 \(,0 ~ 100 31 Utilities 1100 llOc "1(,S' Ileo 37 Insurance 12..00 1'2..00 800 ,So * 38 Maintenance & Repairs 400 300 \03 300 41 Office Supplies So ~ I 2.)- 42 Vehicle Supplies 150 ISo t5 \50 43 Uniform Allowance 100 150 10 2..00 44 Operating Supplies SOD '-Iuo :1.1.1., laUD 45 Gas & Lube 800 1000 80S 12.00 46 Small Tools & Equipment \ co 50 q'; 5(,) 47 Janitor Supplies 100 50 {l5 6D 93 Equipment \ oc 500 . .t.. . 1/ bOO -----~- J, -..-- 40 Total Animal Control 38~o\ 3'119 I ];> 32-(' 5~...~le -,. 526 Total Police Administration 8ec.~'11o ~SS)'Sb (.3b, 218 \ o2.S 45t:t .-7-~-_..'..._."'.'." 121 Total Police Department e6C> 'Ilia ~,15lo b:3ID'L18 >02J:~._ -~~._-- ;~ll . --r. I~~Z. - 63 ^.. 8 - -~~ \..:iI. \lD3 -C1"f rIt\Of'II"'~ '>..(""~I~ DESC:HII''J'[ON ~I.lc:l :r "B ud~ Ac:TucJ. - _. - ----. 101 GENERAL FUND 122 Fire Department 520 Public Safety 527 Fire Fighting 10 Fire Department 11 Salaries 14 Leave Time 15 In Lieu of FICA Tax 16 Retirement 17 Health Insurance 18 Workmens Compensation 23 Subscriptions & Dues 24 Travel & Subsistence 25 Communications 26 Education & Training 31 Utilities 33 Heat 37 Insurance 38 Maintenance & Repair 39 Contracted Services 41 Office Supplies 42 Vehicle Supplies 43 Uniform Allowance 44 Operating Supplies 45 Gas & Lube 46 Small Tools & Equipment 47 Janitor Supplies 93 Equipment 10 Total Fire Department 11 Volunteer Training *23 Subscriptions & Dues 26 Education & Training *"'l( 41 Office Supplies 44 Operating Supplies 75 Volunteer Firemen Stipend 93 Equipment 11 Total Volunteer Training 527 Total Fire Fighting II Volu..;Tu.... Tro..'N"1 -ll:: 1.'1 Tn.o.>Al *" )' U.\v~ \\\..( I,~ Z7"SQQ 35}3'-8 ("\;1b"3 '17;'113 ~}"I-I" Lj'l2.8 ~ en (.. 87..<\ \b 00 \'175 118(" '12..100 ~3"1~ se8'! 3845 \0 46'l \b'l'l ~ c>.bll 1';7'0 ~l.SO 815 .;< Ill.. lac. 4S11 . sso \50 lif u() !085 1300 2.>'1 oN 06 IClCO 1000 bCole \000 f6 !1i '..N \::loo .;!.b()Q 2Soc> \ 'aU> 3000 (.,ClOO (.,000 3(,,2-3 10000 Y3~'T ?a 7 a. W'l..O ,9..uuo 3000 y$t>o '-1538 5500 ~ It qj (j, lIS"" 2r loS '150 l"OQ boo S'l3 10'"'0 1> 500 I.::t.\ 100 (,) 2SSo Ll"o<t't Ib9B 54;1.6 (. DO \So 550 850 :300 300 "l35"" Soo '1S IS 11(" IS-o . "1380 ?>'l ~l~ IO~i~_ Y-I.41S" ~~'B;:; __ \ll2.S.~':L..:.._ _ u 59 3S1 1l(,1..1o .- J (ll '4:.1..{ () (; Y\.lCl loDe 1::>>:01 () S 2..0 I It ,J 50 cP (j \5'00 '300 '\0 (2f ("...00 1b~ 5000 qSoo 16 :3390 ~1___ 3000 14,00 1.S', .3 C\ () lo9(H~ J.(., (bu .... J 'tl..\. Lf 8Ic. -.J'-\1.,..~__ '10 ~'2..q :)O~ (/D ---..--..< __~.___""___'.A~..._'~ _ I~OOO 5-.0 . IJESCIU PT ION 101 GENERAL FUND 123 Building Inspection & Permits 520 Public Safety 528 Building Inspection & Permits 10 Building Inspection & Engineering 11 Salaries 12 Overtime 14 Leave Time 15 In Lieu of FICA Tax 16 Retirement 17 Health Insurance 18 Workmens Compensation 22 Advertising & Publication 23 Subscriptions & Dues 24 Travel & Subsistence 25 Communications 26 Education & Training 28 Engineering 31 Utilities 36 Rents & Leases 38 Maintenance & Repairs 39 Contracted Services 41 Office Supplies 42 Vehicle Supplies 44 Operating Supplies 45 Gas & Lube 46 Small Tools & Equipment 53 Construction Management 79 Miscellaneous Expenses 93 Equipment 10 Total Building Inspection & Engineering 528 Total Building Inspection & Permits 520 Total Public Safety ....-. A"'- 10 <!::1.t'. - I.' t'l8'l.. - 8:> 13"c! ;T l'\e.'3 -8~ C3...JiiJ lU2..'ctCa . rjJ 1'i'l52. 51b4 Zo,1.8'1 '185""' 4ob'l &00 9..00 .3000 2.5'00 q5 \0,000 <t> 1::3,000 1500 q. 5;000 1500 1000 3000 ? <Zl (; 5000 J ~~,;l.lb ~~ .;U(., , m ;)..(\, I 8 v>\",..~ 2.l~~lll"l AtJvc.1 I.,B 2.3'1 -' <6 'f 104 I.. 3o.S \'2.q4~ I Y735 1<.,5 -' ~ 330 184 U ",s, 2.U 3S'l'l' '2S49 85JL. qOl.. B <...8 J)... b'-ll B91 (, 1\ d:;>'O 24)4'110 1<..0 \8S- H81o'2..Q ~ J 14ejoL'1 ----_. , (4-e .~,-Cf . 3D,,/"'N~ rt 31o~'f \284 4311 \/01 13'-1 \00 (<:l ~ 5uo r.6 . "2.b f::l)' \ 0 s~~o :38,1'1 II) '4" 'Nee9 ) \3)q I 5pS:J ~ 100 ~DOO 300 >6 150 DO 0 el '7000 ,,/ IOc:. rt ':<'000 1$00 500 :J500 rj rp :2 OOC> ~ooo bo'lI.lS'1 Iooq ,YS<t bCl'l 'fSct , 10",/000 Ic.a.r- :3, UOO 800 500 I~O"o r6 \000 ai ~oo . 10..000 300 o - 'J0-7~ 16 71~ _u.____ --;r---.-- ~.581) ~~1 DESCRIPTION 101 General Fund 124 Engineer/Utility Management 520 Public Safety 529 Engineer/Utility Manager 10 Engineer/Utility Manager Temporary 11 Salaries 12 Overtime 14 Leave Time 15 In Lieu of FICA Tax 16 Retirement 17 Health Insurance 18 Workmens Compensation 22 Advertising and Publication 23 Subscriptions and Dues 24 Travel and Subsistence 25 Communications 26 Education and Training 31 Utilities 36 Rents and Leases 38 Maintenance and Repair 41 Office Supplies 44 Operating Supplies 45 Gas and Lube 46 Small Tools and Equipment 53 Construction Management 79 Miscellaneous Expenses 93 Equipment 10 Total Engineer fUtility Manager 529 Total Engineer/Utility Manager Temporary r:;;;. .......\. I~~ l'l"i~. a~ :0:8; ...~w Dvd~ "G....d or rP 1> ~ <P 8 '(v\ur-.j~ ~ ~~)_ 'lIJ r/> \~S73 3>Qso \2,)553 5'U-o . )"3)"\.. (00 .;200 3QOO \5co 500 6'(.) 3600 500 1000 150 .;l.400 \<.>0 sri 300 ;;------- ._~~~.-- ____.1:.____.. __~().__.. IJESCRIPTION -~ G.. i'lEl1... ~ tl;:. I'lB3 - 8'+ 8 \"I"~ 'l-I",'I$\J A~u~ . '"B vd IT ~..,J 101 General Fund 125 Building Inspection and Permits 520 Public Safety 525 Building Inspection and Permits 10 Building Inspection 11 Salaries 12 Overtime 14 Leave Time 15 In Lieu of FICA Tax 16 Retirement 17 Health Insurance 18 Workmens Compensation 22 Advertising and Publication 23 Subscriptions and Dues 24 Travel and Subsistence 25 Communications 26 Education and Training 31 Utilities 36 Rents and Leases 38 Maintenance and Repair 39 Contracted Services 41 Office Supplies 42 Vehicle Supplies 44 Operating Supplies 45 Gas and Lube 46 Small Tools and Equipment 79 Miscellaneous Expenses 10 Total Building Inspection 525 Total Building Inspection and Permits f/J 1> ({; <P ~ -~._.__._...- S~.31( ~ bC,\9 3dl3 8~11a 4'fb;3W ~5\1 .;too ~C)O \ oUt) ",/ \ \ c>o 500 Ie, 2.)- ~ooo 80C 5,000 02IClO \050 ISO 8<:0 100. 3CO 'i't fO~ -.i{fZ?>S ____.._ --.---- IQSz..- 61>- Ili83 ~ 84 8 !\o\ortr.-, . DESCRIPTION G.f.. ISvd~ ISvd J z...\~'1\~'f I c:r ur...Q 101 General Fund 126 Utility Engineer Management 520 Public Safety 524 Utility Engineer Management 10 Utility Engineer .2~ 33 I 11 Salaries 12 Overtime ~ 14 Leave Time '3 'fee; 15 In Lieu of FICA Tax \,,~'-( 16 Retirement <iO~ 17 Health Insurance \1010 . 18 Workmens Compensation \ 'l.:~( 23 Subscriptions and Dues 100 24 Trave+ and Subsistence \000 25 Communications Sac 26 Education and Training 500 31 Utilities loLl 36 Rents and Leases 3000 38 Maintenance and Repair '300 39 Contracted Services 5cc 41 Office Supplies 500 42 Vehicle Supplies \~ 44 Operating Supplies ISo 45 Gas and Lube 500 46 Small Tools and Equipment 100 79 Miscellaneous Expenses -_..._--~._.<._- ~O() . _ 10 .Total Utility Engineer q, ct> -=-4'(. r'l~._ 524 Total Utility Engineer Management f/> q, rI> _<f1} m _ . ~.. \ 'ii':z..- is > i9i33-~ e Ma~t"~ "='. z.~l~ IJES(:I( 1FT I (IN 13wd or l3> ud ;:r A2fuc-O 101 GENERAL FUND 131 Roads & Streets 530 Public Works 532 Street Department 10 Street Department 110'\, o'l b lyo...48' e;5c(,,1 1(,1./ l:.l. '3 11 Salaries ,,/ .) 12 Over Time Z8~'l4 ~)y" bSn I... 71'1' > J 14 Leave Time z~-,53S 1,'11.3 1\,s~'1 1'1 S53 >"' 15 In Lieu of FICA Tax 'ta"7S 85S'f S''-i,(q '11.83 16 Retirement .;l.'1..,1.11 ,;110,173 \I..pl ( :4S 5'-1 ~ 17 Health Insurance II U'l- 11)3'11 "'B3~ 11,;3B_ . , 18 Workmens Compensation 18.Bl..e \"7011 'ioS" La I{,S ,j 23 Subscriptions & Dues 50 ~ l..Go "15 24 Travel & Subsistence 500 ;LOt> l..'l.. 2...n:> 25 Communications "ISo \ '1.Po 393 '",of> 38 Maintenance & Repair .::1.0. DuO ).1;,CJoo ILl'S ;20000 ,,/ 39 Contracted Services iloac l.JOOO rt .:1;000 Vehicle Supplies , 42 3000 "'000 2..'''0..0 bovo Operating Supplies .J 44 .:l0-,000 aD, liD<> L.~.S3<4 30poo 45 Gas & Lube \....000 \-,"000 8 l.fo r \.;l.uOO , 46 Small Tools & Equipment <.100 '-100 1,,2- SDO 79 Miscellaneous Expenses 5ouo d 9l ~ 93 Equipment 'i., \3'4 5:l,()()() \ lloS::-L>._ <lS ) 3'+~. JQO 10 Total Street Department '-is! liS 333 'i'if -z.c.'-t So") -' D4C JC{O 532 Total Street Department , .;l.o~ ~1 /..is \ 115 :;33 ??9. -----.--__.....J-______._. . . . ~~3 . -'1: 19%'2.- i3 I \'T83'" 8'1 q V'-1_1\.~ ~-YS <.\~\t/oI N~J DEseR I PT [(IN l3.....d~ "'Bvcl~\ AJvoS I,,)JqLT ~ . 101 GENERAL FUND 134 City Shop 530 Public Works 533 City Shop 10 City Shop 15},2.8 11 Salaries to'!, l2..3 '10 'l..El'l 38010 J 12 Over Time 112..'" L600 .;l.2Si 31:>19 14 Leave Time <(<..\1..1. 87;1.(, 51'h.. 8'\80 15 In Lieu of FICA Tax 3~2.l". 40",/ <.311 3'15'"0 16 Retirement losn. \'l...e'~ c<\oS- ",/ 2-'1l . , J 17 Health Insurance 1.(501 57..3<1 3157 5wO 18 Workmens Compensation 'lS8f 31oB3 \1.S1 3t31. ~ 26 Education & Training ~ \C)oo Q$ \000 31 Utilities 3000 <,(100 3/31 Sloo 33 Heat ~600 $000 3QS2,.. :8000 37 Insurance '-\'1~ \..(0'\1 18n... 0/1,)00 38 Maintenance & Repairs ~o't) ~ooo 4'1e t5looo 42 Vehicle Supplies al 300 18 2uo 44 Operating Supplies 3000 .5000 <..<.., 100 {gOOD 45 Gas & Lube <.kxJ (,,00 '2-'l'l \coo 46 Small Tools & Equipment I DOO '150 ~ t,OD ..) 93 Equipment ~ooo jooo 0 Jooo =.~~5.==-~. - Nl) 2.'iL "---- 10 Total City Shop 11.1518 \3111.'1 533 Total City Shop \'2.1516 \31,1;).1 73"15S Jl4\ "l<.\'v , , . . ,..-+---~.-,=-"~_._-. . ~~ - . 0.: i~iiL. - B.3 \9'8'3 -'6'i 8 ~UOIt\..:> ~2.~l"''t DESCRiPTION -:E ud iLl" '"Bud ;j' Aa-vo..Q 101 GENERAL FUND 135 Municipal Building 530 Public Works 534 Municipal Building 10 Municipal Building 11 Salaries ,:l(411o )3,88 l.... 15".014 1.5/ bo3 I 12 Over Time <P <1 ~ fi$ 14 Leave Time J bu<..j 281.>/0 lIBI 3Cf4L 15 In Lieu of FICA Tax \'-IL.'-l 1/,,43 \lIq IlIa 16 Retirement 31..1.>'- 1/43 l.\.ISl" '371lp 17 Health Insurance 2612..- ,;u,,11 ('366 2..lo.2.re 18 Workmens Compensation \'3'-13 iS~ S'lt \ () lli '31 Utilities ,SOo ,500 "'~'\5" qooo 33 Heat \ 4;; 00 llipoo ,038 lopoc.:i 37 Insurance 3S<><l 3\,\\ 1.IoY '1... ~o"l.O 38 Maintenance & Repair 4 1.00 3000 11"l.3 .3000 42 Vehicle Supplies ~ W \8'-\ .200 44 Operating Supplies 1&,00 "00 1 '-'40 \ :loO 45 Gas & Lube ~ \(,)0 4'l... 100 46 Small Tools & Equipment 2." :lS (6 Js- 47 Janitor Supplies 3500 3Soo \,6'\3 '36"00 93 Equipment SOD 5>0 ~..~ 3100 --'---"-" I.", q!i~_ 10 Total Municipal Building (,,1.3'10 to5" B;l.l -~~~q----- 534 Total Municipal Building bb"3lfD bS""~ Y55'l7 -~'!;11t---- '----J-~~-'-- 530 Total Public Works ~l.?3qo b(f~1 45 S 1.7 557 53! J ___ __'::"_~.L.__ . f~tS . 1,,;>' '\> I)J~ Dvd~ . p.,D:I)~ nESCRtI'T\OI'l 1 ~ 1 General fund Debt service 0 Debt service 551 Debt service ,\000 Gl.uQo c..o()Q 10 Debt service ~SJ431p %i5 ~ .-----r::;~- 81 l'dncipal ~ ~ "eel q5:::l~.- d"-- 82 Debt Interest ~- ~_...-.._~~-~.- ~- 10 'fotal Debt service ~ ~ ~ CU,\U, · 551 'fotal Debt service ._~~-_._. <\68\ ~-- _.,. ...,_F___-.-.-.,---~' n'"__'" .-----"'.. -.,.,......- -~,.. 0 'fotal General fund Debt service ~ 3 ~11 .,,~~ ~ ~ ~ . nd '0' ,ot.1 Goner" fUnd ...end1tOr" p~d'fo - - J ~\.- F.~\ \"", - . .- ) 9 ~ ~ 55 fu .