HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2007-101CI"I'1' OF SLy1.~RD, AI,ASK.1 RESOLI''I'IOV ?007-IU1 Sponsored by: Oates A RF:SOLUIIUN OF THF. CITY CUIiVCIL Oh THF. CITY OF SE~V:IRD. AI:ASKA, ADUPTINC TIiF. R'ATF:R EN'"1'ERPRISE F[7NT) BUll(;ET FOR CALF.NUAR YEAR 2008 ~~'IIERGAS, mi October 2, 2007, the City Manager submitted to the City Council a proposed budget for the City of Seward 1'ur Calendar Year 2005; and ~VIIEREAS, the budget was inlruduced at [he regularly scheduled Counci] meeting on Ucluber 8, 200%, and work sessiixrs arc conducted and [elevised oa October 29. October 3t1• November I, and November 2, 2007; and H'IIEREAS, public hearings ve held un the proposed budget on Ocrobcr 22, with final adoption scheduled for November 1 1, 2007. NO~V THEREFORR, FiF. CI' RESOLVED BY TILE CITY C'OiIN('ll. OF 1'HE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, that. Section 1. The Water Cnterprise Fund budget for Calendar Year 2008 which is attached herclu and made a part hereof by reference and which contains estimated revenues and expenses [or the period January I December 31, 2008, is HF.RF.HY AL)OP'1'Ell, acrd the necessary funds arc botchy appruprielcd. Seetiou 2. This resolution shall take effect January I, 2008. NASSEll AND APPROVED by the Cily Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, this 13~ dal' of November, 2001+. l'HE Cl1'1' OF SE1~'AItD, ALASKA (' ' ~: ~~ Clark Corhridge, Mayot ~ ciTr or s~w'~kn, ,at:,asi:a ~usoLi_ rion zoos-ioi A Y F:ti: Dunham, Valdatta, Bardarson, ,~mberg, Kellar, Corbridge ~()r~: ~1one ABSGN1': Smith :~BSTAN: I~onc 11`LEST ~~ ~~.~~J ~_, oharma Dolle~rhidc; CMC Ac•lin~~ City Ck:rk (City Seal) :'~~.+1. t~~~.,, ~-. `~' _,.,. =: i; f,'~~ N ~~~ ~' c .oj~,q L P G 7 aicsB~`~• W.ATF;R tNTG1:f'RiSE FUfVf) Iiud~{zizd Stateuu•tu v4 4z.evenucs and I:xpeu~cs and Changes in Ilcr;rined Gamulgs For Fiscal fear ZOOi~ 2005 2000 2007 2008 2007 03 Actual Acnal (fudgtx RudOree Vananec %(:hattKe OperaatRg t<vrnLLC Rcstdcnual 3x1.78+ 3ti5,2+u 371:)+0 3N.00(i 1 `190 0.$^5 .tins+U t'rcneral Sernce 102,823 99,3}5 91,.'00 9.1.700 O O.Of'~ large Crnrrai Scn•,cc 187, 1.55 136,'le'9 179.1kH) 183.+8+ ~), l3~i .S. ,^'o :MSCSaSa i8.PAi `6,830 SS,CgC1 5~?SY', i,LPAI 2.3°a inducbul5alcs 195,070 152,x`?.3 143.0(H) 1:iU.1k10 2.(XN) 1.4'"0 MisecUanenut 04.370 61.082 .59,700 68,1100 8,3rN1 13.9ct, C:harKrs for Sen•ices !i), 5,13 b:,tN?8 bB,lHH1 (11.000 6,-100 -9.+"~ 7oesl n}ptatutK rcvrnue: 9.832 ^~ 98+.• S97J,340 985.9134 ~1L,64i 1.~?0 Opepnng rx}pnyc btfore deprcmrinn: Salancs ~ Iirnrtns 193,72( 287,783 _'73,331 2'4.;175 1,2+{ o.xs Nurch:ucd services 230,31'1 1$8,929 .128,921 .i+; .(NXI 1$179 5.5."5 SuppLr-a 8~. .\gainte,wneC 87907 +'1.19.1 90.b0U 91.1(w 500 Qb% General 2l ;\dmimarnncr I;+,.562 191900 209,42r; 230567 21.141 111.1% Tncal u}prating cxpensa SGSti. 5721,811 1.178 5943,2 541,(164 4.0°,u Opcra,ir~ mcomc before dcpmciatiwt 333.323 162,596 71,162 {2,712 -39.9°•0 Dzpremunn '6 x(18 (q - 4!.[92 (bl 182,"%9 .~ ~ ~ 173,3'1' ~;d) -5.194, -' C3}t<r+ting income doss) ~~~~ S 168,4(14 -. I [,J67 -S 110.650 fro IVun uprnting rtvenuts (ta:pmses) Inrrrrcr in<nnp .'1 138 f 10.39'? 61,500 3r%.OOU ++.i"v Othcrrrocnut 3iz.f2il }1,56; (3 O IntrrnSt t•%pCILSC il (~ 0 -94.020 -- l).U9o 'Coral noo-r,paati.q revrrt,n (rvprnuf) 32.458 $IM1,966 6 DD -S5,(120 ~0 -108.2Ye c hrf+rc mroFm and <ontnbuuoru Gunin $689.473 5309,370 -$$0,007 -5135,67(1 I7 S.il°6 r -TransimOut -86,581 d-1,219 -82,367 -8:#.879 1.2°0 Transfers In b5.7S0 0 n 0 it.U"r ital contributions Ca Z+.INMI 0 0 O u.t7c; ~~ p (:hange N na risen 5692,642 522,5,121 5132.934 •S2f9,549 ti5.2% ses nu e B i 54,677 555 55.370.I97 SS,S9S,3I8 55,451,384 n tg s c as eg Ending net suers 35,370,197 55,595,3I8 SS,+e2.384 55,22,835 Uf a:nl depr<aannn rxprnu. rhr Fsllnw,ng .nuount> wcrc attributable w r~p,nl asse ts funded wnh :apuil cnntribunonc ia1 517186 ur 23"5; (b~Y 5! ".280 or I340: 'ic1 822,612 nr R°i5; q' dj S 17,286 or 10 95 t •+ ~ f i) CrrY of sLw~Rn WATLh ENTERPRISE Fi_INll Budgeted Statement of Cash Flow For fiscal Year 2008 2007 21108 211117-U8 Budget Budget % Change Beginning cash balance at 1/1/07: " 33,052,7GG (:ash is provided bti (used fi>r Change in net assets -$I32 a34 -$2 f 9,549 -h5?°~;, Add expense items nnr affecting i.uic Dr.Yreeianon 182,729 173.392 -S.I~4> Net cash provided by (used for) operaliuns Other uses of cash L1cbt principal paymrnrs (:spiral nurlaV Nrl increase (decrease) in cash Estimated ending cash balance 3}9,,'95 $-Fti,i~7 -T92.7°,% 0 (29,889 0.0°~ -223,8.19 Via` 216,69 (bj 3.2°~° 5174,OS~ -$392„42 -125,6°b 32,878,712 32,485,970 ~a; $223,3-}9 nprexuts: Equiputrtu - S 132.#85; Dcprocianon reserve contnbuunn = 391,SA+ fib; 321o.ti96 mprescnu: F.quipmrnt _ 513Q000: Deprecianon «sen~e fund = 336,h90 Fund 700 .'vlajrn Maiutruamr, i:.rpair A Rcplaccmcnt Fund fund 704 I'orrst Ain-s/G:urwav Water and Scwcr Linu Fund 705 - Nell Huusr ~i2 Chlorination Room Fwtd 707 - Storage Tanks Fwtd 708 - Firc Hvdnnt. ['haze II Fund 7 10 - l4'atcr Sourre Study Fund 7 I3 - Thad :1v<nur Water Ltnr Total PJav r-rcl-ncd Gish: +.019 Earmarked Cor:apital budArr 23.3[.3 F_,tmarked fnr eaprcal prajza -.i,4aS i~-,m,arkrd fin ~npiul prulrct 29,Z:i3 I•:ann:ukrd lur cupit:d project 52„799 L•annarked lur .aptul project +2,772 Eanuurked (or capital project 52.755 To b: reimbursed by DEC loan 53,340."+5 Capital Needs List Our willimi galluu stwugr look - SLS million Bcnwn Rcssun StuGun LTC farilirv water infrastrnctutc. I