HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2007-104Sponsored hy: Oates CITY' OF SF.W'ARD, Ai.ASK~ RESOLUTION 2007-104 A RESOLI:'I'ION OF THE CITY' COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF SE\\'~1RD, ALASKA, AllOP'1'IN(. T'HE SA1.1LL BOAT HARBOR ENTERPRISE F'ti~l) FtUD<;h'.I' N'OR CALEVl)AR YEAR 2UU8 \VHGREAS, on October 2, 200?, the City vianager submitted to the City Council a proposed budget for the City of Seward for Calendar Year 2005; and \\7IEREAS, the budget ~~as introduced at the regularly scheduled Council meeting on October S, 3007, and work sessions are conducted and televised on October 29, October 30, November 1, and November ?. 3007; and \VIIEREAS, public hearings are held on the proposed budget on October 33, 3007 and November 13, 200?, with final adoption scheduled for November 26, 2007. VOW' 'fHERF:F'URF:, Kt: 1'I' RN;SI)L\'F.D BY "fHF. CITY C.'OGNC'II. OF THE CI"I'Y' OI'' SE\YARl), ALASKA, that. Sectiuu I. T'hc Harbor Enusprisu Fund budget for Calendar Year 200K which is attached hereto and wade a part hereof by rclercnce and which contains estimated revenues and expenses Liu ihc. pi~riod Jauuary 1 - Ueeenilier 31, 20118, is HF.RF:RY r11)OPTF.D, and the necessary funds are hereby appmpria[ed. Section ?. This resolution shall lake effect January 1. 2005. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of thu City ol'Seward, Alaska, this 26`s day of November, 300?. THE CITY OF SE\\':~RD, _1LASIiA C-~~;%_ ~-~~ Clark Curbridgr, ~Ixyur CITY OP' SL~VARD, ALASIi.A RESOLtiTION ?007-103 AYES: Dunham, 4'aldatta, Bardarson, Ambere, Sntith, Kcllar, Corbridge NOES: None ABSkN'I': None ABti1'A1N: Nurse ATTH'.S' l ~ , Sian Lewis, 41C ' C? City Clcrk _ 1,~,,,~¢ , ~~. vF iJL;~Q ~~L (Cite Seal) ! ~=~;:t ''~~Ciit' ~~~~~ n I h , . ~ r' yl~v ~ em J ~ ~~ P y .o' • Ge .. ~ fig; .~~F,'~. J'y: - ~ l~ ~ .~:~~' ~~~ ~ • ~f«ei 115 ~~~~ s.~lnLl. -3onr --lAx-~olz rtvTr:rz>rx-sr rt~~tr~ ftudKered SraLenluu of Revenues and F..epenses and CLanges in xetained Earnings !-'or Fiscal Ycar?0(13 2005 2(x16 200% 2008 2(N)7-OK O A. mal _ Acn,al Dudpa DrrJgcr Vatvnm Yo Changt pmring rcvawr Moorage 1,01 i.3K5 1,192.8(3 1,31 1,+110 1,3ft1,4(N) ~ 9,,000 F4.04~d \\qurfagc .53,'67 37.716 7.Q000 ZI,INNI 1,000 5.0"b Boar Gft Feu .5;,720 J5,5+I 85,000 89.250 +,250 S.i)^, Power Sala 179,470 201,170 215.000 23U,INx1 IS,UVU 7.0'!0 Passcngrr frnnir Fa' 271.09'1 625,5.36 6+7.379 :0807.5 61.x+6 9.S"b Iirmn:nul Lrut~s 231,66.3 2K7.71d1 289,902 293,796 7.391 33')0 M.,xi~l,.1u515nK.nua,r•-~r~,~7 11b.87J 7K,529 9L500 241,(50 Ii9,65U IG.iG`!o Toulopcratingrevenue 5[.943.424 52,499,065 52,557,151 52,893.52I S 336,340 11.2% Operating espensr hrfure depreciation: 5alanrc ti 8rnrlirs 621,987. 678523 K31,1114 8.35.707 ~i,i,93 O.b9o pu..ha~rJ Services 355,521 2b9,077 28(1,2(x1 276.7,10 1,150 -L2°v Puwcr fur Rcsalr 85,915 [+9.+`)3 1(x),1100 150.000 50,(kW 50.0°,0 Strpplits and Mainanancc 85?61 11x1,+Ul I I+,7(1(1 I Ib,70U 2,1x10 L7°b GasralandAJnuntstnnv< I59jlti P)L+,'~ 270,256 23L118 39,133 -19.5°o Totaloperutngexpcnsc SI,3I0,208 51,388,771 51,596,170 SL010275 S 14,[05 0.9% Operating income hrlnrr dq,nziation 633,2I6 1,1111,094 961,01 I 1,283,246 33.5% Dry.rcawun 976 K.i3 ~,, 973 y71 (bl 817 r 1 (x11 I? 53 ~i99 ~ d 2 ?"~~ , . , , ,. . ; .5 Operatmgloss -5343.6I7 5136,123 540,568 529,247 (7L6Yo Nnn-nprrariug revnnre (expcnscj Inrrrra 6'. oJw~nnmmc $x.805 2.53,717 12.000 3d.(A70 18.850 Imcnsta~~her cxpcncc -IS+.329 37,2,(36 --412,22_' -331.3:'6 _G,jgO Tonal non-operating «vrnue (expense) !)5,524 68,449 -380,222 -347.3"/6 -8.6% Income (loss) before vanafrrs 5439,141 Sti7.G74 -5421,1W0 -5118,129 -24,$% Transicrs in 11 0 ll U 0.0"''0 Capital contnbutiom 2,K69,1157 615,018 0 U YDIV/0.' Tans&rsout 271 B77 -288~Ib 237,311 -332,929 15.7°,'0 Change in net asset. 52.[57.939 5393,77ti -5%OK,9(12 5651,058 8.2% Begsnntng net assets 10,354,485 I2,SI2,424 I2.90G.200 (2,19%,29K -5.5% Ending net a-asecc 512.SI2.42•} 512.906100 197 )9K 51 1.544,7,40 -5.3^% Of total drprenannn rxpen<r, ihr following ;uuu uuu were aunburablc to apical assces funded wuh raprr:>! rnnnrhunous: !aj S If1,931 or 52.3" ^F, (h' SS h1,931 trc 52 59b: c;'. 5514x32 or 5L 0°~o: ; d''. 5610,')+2 or s I P~6 i3 (,I I ~" C)F SEVVARD SIvL•iLL BOAT FiAIZBOR ENTERPRISE FUND Budgeted Sratrmcut of Cash Flow For Fiscal Ycar 2008 Begitutvrg (:ash Balance at 1/I/07°: Cash is provided by ~usrd Fnr: Change in net asset, Add expense irenu not a(leclutg cash I )epreciarion Nct cash provided by opaations Other sources (uses) of cash r)cbI pnnc~pal patmunts Capual ~aulay. 2007 2008 2007-U8 Budget Budget % Change $69G,GI 1 -i08,9(L? 651,058 8Z°ii, [,OOI,879 I,.'.53,999 2~.2"/n $292,977 $G02,941 I05.8% _327,107 ;a i 343,048 (, J -6.5% -36,043;6:' SI,O#3 rd; (1.[W/n Net inaease (decrease) ut cash -$65,I73 $208,850 Estimated ending cash balance: $631,438 840 ` Tm-Ltdcs only 1 Utbor Eutaprae Fund: cxdudcs related capital projrcra ~a) 51 IS,WO _ 2000 Bond; $.i.i,(xx) = z(x); Flnar Extension BuuJ; $135.(x)0 - 2000 South Harbor Bnnd and X17,10';' c, 1 nr•clili loan rcunburscmcnt to momr pool fiord. (h) tvtnrnr Pool :nnrrdnmons. No VIRRf cuutributiun the year. ~c) $I2S,000 - 2(x)0 Bnnd; $Si,000 = ?.00i Roar Gxcerowu Buud: a14S.000 - 2006 South Harbor Bond and 513.0 }3 u l ravcliti loan reunbursement to motor pool hmd. {d) t,4nroi Pool conurLut,um- Nu ~(IZRI' contribution this vear. Cuh Balan¢ -I lurbor Fuud & Rdarnl C apiul Projects ;Balance ~~ Y/3U/U%): Rv,d il)I Snell ILJaI F6rbur Fnt:rpnu Fund $~ I I,662 Fund 274 - Snell Buat Harbor Expmsion I,206,OI-{ Bc,ud Fund+: F.annarkal fiord 27b - Harbor DndFmg 4I,'07 I]uuu krJ G rt topical Projcu Fund 315 - Harbor Repair and Rrnovanon 2',3,54 Ganicnl:rd G rc capitol prop-a Ford 41i. - ~talor t<lanucmn.c and krpau 0 n!a Fund 306 - t'arun~tt Pc: Bond 333,4'_3 f.n n,::rkra Ir v Lund papmnts Taal Flar6or-niu.d Cssh: 'y2,320, I (ill