HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2007-129Spunsurcrl hv: Dunham Cl'1'\' OF SE~VAFtD, ALASKe1 RESOLC'11UN ?007-129 :1 RESU7.I?TIOR OF"i'Hk: CITY C'UL1C7l. OF THF: CIT2' OF SEti1'ARD, :+,L:1SKA, F.XTI;VUII\G HOLID,\Y' WISHES TO'I'HF. COD[ML`~1'I'ti' B1' SPONSI)RI1G THE Sk;WARD SCHOOL, ASSEitIB1.1F.S AI\D PRO~''IDIVG TIC'1iF:7,S FOR I'Hr: NARLE~I .lAT8.4SS:1D0I2ti 8.-tSItETt3.1L1. SNO~~' k'(.)R C:O~IML1iSt'I'1'>\tF.S1BEItti IN KF.ED;~ND APPROPRIATIN(: $l,ti00Il\ kL~US ~~'HEREAS, the [larlern :Ambassadors basketball show will br. perforniing in Seward on Friday, i)ecembzr 14. 2itQ7 at 7:00 p.nt. at the Seward High School; and ~ti HERE<1S, then mission statement is to deliver a qualitybaskelb.+ll show desi;rtzd for 111 audiences throughout the LLS and inten,atiaially'. and to promote the values of staying in school, staytng off dru~*s and ti~sterin¢ racial harmony: and WHEREAS, sponsors aru being sought to fund an assembly for each of our three schoiils in Seward; and 1YIIEREAti, the Se~ti'ard City Council wishes to extend holiday wishes to the cornnnmity and pav for all th, ee "Stay in Schaal, Stay off Drugs" assemblies fora 1,2UU, and purchase 2U tickets each for scuiors, adults and students in enioy the shrnv: and WHEREAS, the Seward Parks ~~ Recreation DeparW,cnr have agreed to help facilitate gcttutg tickets to Seward service providr,s such as thz Senior Citizen Center, Seward Schools, and ,Sea View Cummut,iry.Sert•ices to crrsun: tickets go to pc~up}c u•h~ mayno! b,.: able to iurchase thcu,. vOW','I'HE;RF.FORE, BE 1'1' RF.SOL~'ED B1''CHF. CITY COUN('II.OPTIIE CITY OF SEl1':1Ry, A1..>Sti.a that: Srctiuu 1. I'he Seward City Cnuncil wishes lu pay for three "Stay in School, Stayoll'DruGs" assetttb&cs irr tLa arttuunt of 5 t,~(N1, and purcltsse 60 tickets fi)r 5400 tv be Landed ou[ to comuw nit}' members in need. Section 2. i^und~ in the amount ofal,tiil0 are hereby appropriated ti•om the e:ity cnunci( cor,tutgcncy accuunt nu. ]Ul-1 110-j690 to the Sports & Rec Class Kegisu•atiUn Fund account no. 1420-33 i0 0030 w pay far the dtrze assemblies and thz purchase of (i0 tickets. Sectiuu 3. This resolution shall take affect immediately upon its adopliun. PASSED :111) APPROVED by the C'iq' Council UL the cite of Sep;ard, Alaska, this l0`h day ul' Uecembcr, 21111?. CST\' U4 SGY4'AlZll, ;\L,~SKA Riac,~ t r-o~ znu~-izQ T-{F crr~~ or sF•.~v_~ttn. ~a~.astc<~ ~ ,~ e< i` r (..ct~~' !per Clark Corbridgr, i\fayor 1 AYES: Dunham. \'aldatta..Aiuberg, Smith. Kellar, Corbridge ~'UES: vone ABSENT'. t;•asdarsot~ AhtSl'AIN: Vone a't'TFST; ' -: -~ li'nn Lewis C'lrv Clerk ,~aUl~~-it~a,j ' ~~~ ..:..~iR~ se) (City Seall ~"a ,... ~`;~ '< ~.~' = n r - M Qj ` ir' ~.ii.~~ w r ! _.a-- o p ~ L:~ ~. E?1, ''` • , ,% s, G r ~~d~Pilil. aa1=%'. Council Agenda Statement ~4eeting Date: December 10.2007 1'0: \Tayor, City Council ~t~l~;~i From: Jean Lewis 1 11, ~_1,,. Thru Aganda Item' Harlem Ambassador tickets BACKCrRO1_iNL) & 1lJSTIFICaTION: Council member Thmham requested the cityeomrcil parlieipau• in cunununiry outreach nfsonre sort fur the holidays and suggested getting tickets to the Harlem .Ambassadors for the underprivilogi•d In spcakin~~ with Parks & Recreation, they' volunteered to facilitate m gelling tickets to sen'ice providers liu people ++'ho were not able to purchase them. «'ith the last minute schedule change for [he Harlem Atnbassadurs, they were able to put on assemblies at the three schools if Seward wished. Sponsors +vcrc being sought to pay for those assemblies. These assemblies emphasise slaying in school and staying off drugs. To do three assetnblics, the price is; 55(!(! for the first one, $400 for the second and $300 fur the third, for a total of <1.'00. I l council also wishes to pay the. admission for 20 seniors, 2(I adults and 20 students [o go to the evening show, that price is 5400, for the grand total of $1,601.1. This money would come out of the city council contingency Lund. lr rf~~sT: Comnumiry outreach and cheer for die holidays. CONSISTL~ICY ('H I-'CKl IST: 1'4'here applicable, this resolution/erdieaeee is consistent with the Seward City Code, C'haricr, Comprehensive Plans. l .and Lysc Plans, Siralegic Pian and City Council Rules of Procedw-es. Uthcr FTSCAI. NOI'r': S1,ti00 from the city council contingency Qa/cc-ou_n-tom. -,, Approved by' Finance Depaiiment: ~Z~u~ V~ RLCO~i1yTTiNDA' I'IUN: The Sc++ard Cily Council sponsor al I three assemblies fur the schools and purchase and distribute 6U tickets throughout the conmtunity to attend the Harlem Arnbassadurs basketball show. .•~ .: r