HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2007-130Pulled by 4dministration Sponsored b}': Oates CITY OF SE~~'Altl), .aI:ASKA RESOI.I,'f IC)N ?007-130 ~~~-~,~ RESOLVTIO~ of ~rHr: crrv couvcll. OF THe clTt' or' sr,w.axn,: Al's,-~SICA, SUPPOR'i'INC aPPT.iCAT'IOV FOR A C'O:~'IMI'NI'i%Y DE~'ELOP3IENT BLOCK GRA)\T FOR THE PUItYOSF; ,%'OF CON5~dtUC'PINC;'I'HE tiF:R'aRn COi\II\IU~iIT1' PL.aYGItOUI\n,:% VI'IIERE_+,5, the City of Seward is reyuired to post nutici• i+f;jiublic hearing in a newspaper of local rii trihution, and also poses public uuticcs in va rius conspicuous areas throughout the cummun~ ~~ (library, post office, City Hall) ro en. re that members of the cununuuity arc. able to prov e public input on public hearing itemsy nd ~VHERk:AS, the City Seward rocogniacs the v~ous activities which quality for funding from the C:ommunitl' De lopmcnl Block Grant ~ 'd strongly supports the grass routs eftiuts o1 the N..A.R.K.S. group to ~molr, design, hm aise, and construct a new community playground in Seward. as a project~~which will have stgrtificant positive impacts to the community, especialh Tor low and muds~• tr. utcon~~ families who will have the opportunity to rxpetience healthy activities with their laurih s a~o cost; and ~y'IILRL:IS, this proja~t helps n, rlridr as a rising threat to public health in .Alaska lchildhood obesity) by pnn•iding children a~safe and healthy place to recreate and play outdoors, and encourages lamily activity and reereat~on; and \ i R'HEI2EAti, the cnmmuni~'playground is an in astruclure protect which enhances the yualin of lire. for families and tyy extension, promotes uc amic. development by encouraging families with children to stay in Seward to raise their lanrilies; nd WHLRL:IS, the City ufSeward has provided an in-kind c~itribution in the loon ui'lanil to house the conunuctity playground, as well as an initial cash contnb~ton ut•SS,U00 to begin the. project, and the Y:~H.KS group has successfully raised more than S~O,000 rn additional firnds lawn various ~urips and indi~riduals, demonstrating a widespread iuterus~in, and support nf, the project; and ` ~y`HEItF!;Ati, multiple community meetings were held on Thursday, September 211, 200'% to utcajinran: input from all facets of the conmtunity as to the dcsigu criteria for tli~ playet-ound, and included input from Z00 elementary school and daycare students, as well as an open forum atte»ded by inure than 100 conuuunity members representing a wide cross sectign of the community; artd ~VHEIiEAS, based nn widespread local support for the project, and the fact lhat~}his project has anracted other funds and resources in the form of financial contributions and c l l l OF S~«'ARD kPSC)I l:"LION 2007-13(1 hundreds of volunteers willing to contrrUutr lime and materials to construct the pia~ti;rvund, the City Council of the. City of Seward, Alaska hereby supports the communin• playcround as Seward's priorii•~ project [or CDB(i furniin;. NO~~'. "I HT:KEFORE, BF. 17' RESOLVED B~ THF'. CTT1' COCNC'TL OF THE C'I'h1' Or SE~j'ARD, AL:1SI+:\, that: Section 1. The Seward City Council hereby supprnts the community play~routtd as Srward's prirnih~ pro.ji+et !vr Community L)evclopment Block Graut funding, and agr'zes to serve as the project applicant, in cooperation with the Parents Advocating Recreation Kids' Stul'I' (PARKS) group, as co-applicant for this: grant. Section 2. This resolution shall take zffcct unmediatelV upon its adoption. PISSED ANT) APPROVED by the City C'auncil u!'the City of Seward, Alaska, ibis 10"' day of L~ccernber, 2007. THl•- Cl'Ch' UE SG~I'ARD, aLASTu1 ~~~%C-C- f L~ - ti ~' i ii~A SS~~ ~' ~ 4 %~ ,, Clark Corbridge, NIuyor ~'"f -~ ;1TTEST: ~ 4::.... ~t - COUNCIL AGENDA S1'Arl'EMENT Mwling Datc: December lU, 2UU7 i_ ~, ' Through: Phillip Oates, City Manager .~ _ ~ l ~+ ~ ; , ~1 From: Kristin Lrchinger, rinance Direc[or ~ - r '% Agenda hem: Support for Communiry Playground C;rnnt Application BACKGROUND 8: JI?ST1N'ICA'f(ON: "fhe City of Seward recognizes the various activities which qualify for funding from the Community Development Block Grant, Based ott strong camnurrity-wide support for the grass- roots efforts of the P.A.k.K.S. group to promote, design, fimdraise, and construct a new community playground, it is clear that this project will have significant positive impacts on the comnwnity, especially on low and moderate income families who will have [he opportunity to experience healthy activities with their families at no cost. 'Phis project is one ol'marry courts by the community to address a rising throat lu public health in viral Alaska communities, childhood obesity. The comnutaity playground will provide children a safe and healthy place to recreate and play outdoors, and will encourage families to play and recreate together. Playgrowtd equipment will meet AIWA accessibility requirements, and will encourage children to climb, slide, jump, and balance, as they negotia[e the various elements of the playground, including a tree fori, balance beam, slide, chin-up bar, trampoline bridge, climbing net, wiggle bridge, ladders, rings, sand box, monkey bars, mazes, ale. A prujcct ul'lhis magrtitudc will be a significant piccu of public inliastruclu[r in Seward, and much of Utc project is expected to be fuudcd through donatiats, grutts, utd volunteer labor. This project will enhance the quality of life for families and will encourage and promote economic development, as prospective residents weigh the value that local residents place un recreational and educational opporiunities, in deciding where to relocate, This project will encourage families with children to stay in Seward and raise their 1'atuilies, which will promote year-round residency attd jobs. 'fhe City has provided an in-kind contribution in the form of land to house the community playground, as well as an initial cash contrhution of $5,000 to begin the project, and the PARKS group has successfully raised more than SSO,OOU in additional funds from various groups arrd individuals, demonstrating a widespread interest in, and support ul; t}tc prujcct. ht addition, the project has incorporated input from hundreds of individuals through community meetings held on Thursday, Septcntber 2U, 2UU7, to develop the basic design criteria to begin designing the playground. This project has generated support from a wide cross-section of the comrnunily and has attracted other funds and resources in the form of financial cauributions artd .17 CITY ON' SEWARD RESOhUTIUN 2007- hundreds of volunteers willing to contribute time and materials to construct the playground, die City C:uuncil of the City of Seward, Alaska hereby supports the conuuunity playground as Seward's priority project fos Ci3SG funding. CONSiS'1'I;NCY CIIECKLIS~': Where apphcaUle, this agenda statement is consistent wttli the Seward City C'.ode, Chatter, Comprehensive Platrs, Land Use Plans, Strategic Plan, and City Council Rules of Procedures. FISCAL 1OTL: This rosolution does not seek financial support from the City. Approved by Finance Department: RECUMME1v'I)A'f1ON: Council approve Resolution 2007- 1°jOsupporting application for a Community Development Block Crant for the purpose of constructing a community playground. I'