HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2007-131Sponsored h.': O~ues CITY OF SE~~':',RD, ALA51tiA RESULU'f1UN 2UU7-131 .a 12ESOLUI7UN Uh' "LH1: CIT'Y' C:UI. NCII, OF THE C:ITI' OF SF.~~~ARD, e1LASl41, aC'C'EY1'1N(; A CHANT' I\ T'HF. A~T(~T?NT OF ti1,299.ti0 FROA7 THE :~LASI{a HIC:H~~'Al' SA h'h`I'Y Uh'F'ICF FQR ?OOR FTRST QL?ARTF.R AS'LEP DRl~'ING UNllER 'CL1F INFLUF.NCh. (DLIT) F,NFORCF.'VIF.NT CA:~TPAI(~N' ANll AT'YRUPI(14'1'INC FINDS ~i'HF;RF..4S, the Seward Police Department has been awarded a Prvgran~ Coordination Grant from the Alaska I lighway Safety Oitice, in the amount of $1,299.ti0; and \VHF.RF,AS, the City is not required to provide any cash or in kind match; and W' H h:Rh:Ati, the use of these funds muse he for the purf~ose ofproviding overtime saturation patrols by the tieward T'olice Department for the enforcement of Di;[ violations during October, November and December of 2007; and ~~'IIEREAS, these funds will be of essential assistance to the Seward Police Departmem in the enforcement of DUI vivlations. VOy~ , THEREFORE, BE IT RESUL VED B~' THE CI'T'Y CUC1K'1L UF'1'HE Cl'f1' OF SEN'ARD, :~L:1SI{A, that: Sectiou 1. The City b4auager is hereby authot'iu-d to accept the 2007 AS'L'EP Dl!I r.nforc~ment, Alaska H ighway Safety Office grant in the amount of ti 1,299.(it) and enter into a grant agreement. Section 2. Funding in the amount of 51,299.60 is accepted to gran[ revenue account no. I01 OOOU 4680-0200 and appropriated tv the police departmeni s overtime accouni. no. 101 1210- 5020. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. crs~ orsr.~~.aun. 4I,ASf<.:~ RESOLE"TION 2007-1:i1 PASSED :11\D :1PPRO~-F;D by the City Cuuuci) of the City of Seward, Alaska, this ]0"' day of December, ?007. TILE CITE' OI' SE~~ A)tl). al_.ASIi.~ Clark CorbridKr, A1:~.or AYl/S: Dunham, Valdatta, Anrbcr_~, Smith, Kellar. Corbridge VC)ES: 1\one A}iti>;~l'I': Bardarson ,1Rti'1AIV. \une ATTI:S7 )e~yr Levers. CIvIC' Cih~ C4erk -,r;,,e,, s ~ ' v E3 • t~~~~1iJ ~_ 5 n -.~~ r ,~ ~" '' `~/,y~ 19,,'x,, i rte: sae ~ ..,~. ~,~; -~„ ~~ ~ °~jr~ro.~'~"'~ Council Agenda Statement Meeting Date: llccxmbes k (1~', 2007 ' Tv: Phillip Oates, City Mauagcr~~ Prom: Tom Clemons, Chief of Police Akcenda Item: Alaska Highway Safety Cram (AS11/P DUl `4R First Quarter BACKGROUND & .1115'f1F[CATION: The Alaska Highway Safeh~ Offico, AlISO, has requested that the City of Beware! continue to participate in the Alaska Strategic '1'rillic Enforcement YaMership, ASTF:P, llUl Overtime Enforcement campaign by providing overtime saturation patrols. Luring selected holidays, the blitz campaign, and assigned weekends, [he Seward Police Department will conduct high-visibility IlU cnlorcement patrols. AHSU has awarded a grant itt the amotmt of $1,299.bU for October, November and December 2007. This progtam is a 100°,~o grant fiutded project, with no local matching funds required The tenus of the grant and the grant budges are attached. INTENT: The intent of this grant is to save lives by arresting and punishing alcohol and dmg impaired drivers and maintain current puhkic pen:eptions of DI Il enforectttent issues. CONSISTENCY C.`HECKLIST: ~L'iten. applicable, this resolution is consistent with the Seward City Ccxle, Charter, Comprchertsive Plans, Ltutd Lhc Plans, Strategic Plan attd City Council Rules of Procaiures. Other: FISCAL NOTE: There is no local funding required tv match these grant funds. Approved by Finance Department: ~so~(,~ tf. RECOMMENDAT101V: City Council approve Resolution 2007- _ 13 ~ , accepting a grant from the Alaska Highway Safety Office in the atnotmt of $1,299.60, and appropriating funds. ~~'~