HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2007-068F'ailcd Sponsored hy: Uatus C7"1'Y OF SEWARD, AL:ISKA RFSOLU'1'ION 2UU7-U68 A RESOLI''PION OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF THF. CITY OF SE~i'.1RD, ALASKA, ADOPTING: A 11iORATORIU~1 UF' ALL PROPF,RTl' I,FASF. AND SALES UN' C11'Y' Ow:NED LAND IN THE NASH ROAD BENCH AREA UNTIL :1 DEVELOPIIIENT STUDY OF TIIE :1REA IS COMPLETED AND REVIF.Y'1'ED RY COUNCIL; TIIE MORATORIUl17 INCLUDES THF. RF.QI-F:S'I' Kl' BRAD SNOR'DEN TO PF:RCHASF. AN APPRUX1:11A'FE Fl~`E (5) ACRF. PORTION l)F CITY 0~1'NEU PROPERTY WHICH IIAS A LEGAL llESCRIP'FION OF TR:1CT lll FOURTH OF JULY CREEK SUBDIVISION, ROBCRTS REPEAT 1VIIEREAS, Brad Snowden has applied to purchase a portion (approximately live (5) acres) ul'Tract H1, Fourth ul'luly Creek Subdivision, Roberts Replat for future WHEREAS, Tract Hl is located in the Resource Management Zoning District which allows for residential and convnercial uses; and RF.AS, Tract H1 is not specifically mentioned in the Municipal Lands Plan (1995), which is the primary document for determining status for W`HERF.AS, the Municipal Lands Management Ylan (1995) recommends the Vash Road FSench areas be retained and evaluated for 1'uUUC uses as industrial, commercial, residetrtial andlur resource management; and W'HF.RFAS, the Planning and Loning Conuuission held a public hearing un May 15, 2007. and approved Resolution 2007-10, recommending City Council dispose of a portion of Tract Hl and the Commission found the Request for Proposal (RFP) process was yn the best interest of the City and reconuncuded that the RFP process be followed; and' / 1Z'HEREAS, on .tune 5, 20(17 the Planning and Zoning Camnission approved ~' Resolution 2007-12 recommending Council support and fund a study of potential i development options for the "Bench" area on the East side of Resurrection Bay. No't', THF.KF.F'ORF:, BF. IT RF.SOI,VF.D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE C'IT1' OF SEWARD, ALASKA that: Section 1. Tltc sale ul' art approximate five (5) acre portion of Tract II1, Fourth of CIT'Y' OF SEWARD, ALASKA RF.SOLLTION 2007-0(i8 July Creek Subdivision Roberts Replat is not in the best iutcrest of the public andlur the ... City at this time. Sectiou 2. The public interest prior to completing a study of the impact on City services of such land Icasc and sales and the City shall be best sen•ed by completing a study of potential development options for the City owned parcels known as the "Bench" area, both above u~d buluw Nash Road, on the East side of Resurrection Bay before leasing or selling any further City owned property within the "Nash RuaJ Bench" area. (sec attacheil map) Section 3. There shall he a moratorium on considcratioo of unsolicited proposals (ur the purchase of City owned land within the "Nash Road Rench" area (both above and below Nash Road) in order to allow the City to complete a Nash Road Bench study to consider the impact of land sales and development options to City services and any needed inl~astructure improvements. This moratorium shall end on the earlier of hvcnty four (24) months from this date or the completion of the Nash Road Bench study and reviewed by the City Council, whichever occurs first. Section 1. This resolution shall take effect ten (lU) days 1'ullowing its adoption APPROVED KY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TILE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, this 24`~ day of September 2007. ~ THF. CITY OH' SEWARD, ALASKA Vauta Shafer, Mayor AYES: None NOES: Dunham, Valdatta, Schafer, Bardarson, T}tomas, Amberg, Shafer ALiSENT: None :~BSTATN: None A7"1'N:S7': .;;eaunap: J~~ Lewis, CMC ~%• {~ .tiro 9>~ ~r~~ C;~ty Clerk ~' G : ~~O ~iTF,~ 1 ~' ~ J (City Seal) ~ ~ -S~L'+L o ;; w Council Agenda Statement Meeting Date: September 24, 2007 Through: Phillip Oates, City Manager !~! _ From: Donna Glenz, Planning Assistant Agenda Item: Adopting a moratorium of all property lease and sales of City owned Land in the Nash Road Bench Area until a development study of the area is completed and reviewed by council; the moratorium includes the request by Brad Snowden to purchase an approximate five (5) acre portion of land owned by the City, which has a legal description of Tract H1, Fourth of July Creek Subdivision, Roberts Replat. BACKGROUND & JUSTIFICATION: The City has received a proposal from Brad Snowden to purchase approximately five (5) acres of Tract Hl, Fourth of July Creek Subdivision, Roberts Replat. Tract Hl is a 9.4 acre parcel located on the east side of Resurrection Bay. Tract H1 has frontage along Nash Road on the east and beach frontage on the West sides of the parcel. There is an old cat trail traversing through the parcel and into a gully at the South portion of the property. The gully has a history of being inundated during flood events. There is a high bluff along the West side of the property above Resurrection Bay. Tract H1 is in the Resource Management zoning district. The applicant has requested to purchase approximately five (5) acres of the Northern portion of Tract H1 for future development and a single family home. The staff review has focused on infrastructure concerns with development in this area. The Fire, Electric and Public Works Departments have expressed concerns regarding the lack of public infrastructure to support current development of properties along Nash Road. Specific concerns voiced by the Fire and Police Departments were line of site issues for driveway access to Nash Road and general snow removal. Public Works voiced concerns with the lack of public services, including water, sewer and electric. T'he Electric Department voiced strong concerns with allowing development without subdivision agreements being in place. Increased development in this area will require additional public infrastructure. The Planning and Zoning Commission approved Resolution 2007-10, recommending disposal of a portion of Tract Hl, Fourth of July Creek Subdivision, Roberts Replat, at the May 15, 2007 meeting; however they voiced concern for the lack of a development plan of the Nash Road Bench area. At the June 5; 2007 Pl~ Couannd'lZ sum ort eand fund ao study 1 of potent al Resolution 2007-12, recommendmg PP development options for the "Bench" area on the East side ofResurrection Bay. 1~ ~~~ CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST: Where applicable, this resolution is consistent with the Seward .City Code, Charter, Comprehensive Plans, Land Use Plans, Strategic Plan and City Council Rules of Procedures. The Municipal Lands Management Plan (1995) recommends the Nash Road Bench areas be retained and evaluated for future uses as industrial, commercial, residential and/or resource management. FISCAL NOTE: Approved by Finance Deparkment: ~~^~ RECOMMENDATION: Council approve Resolution 2007- , adopting a moratorium of all lease and land sales of City owned land in the in the Nash Road Bench Area until a development study of the area is completed and reviewed by Council; the moratorium includes the request by Brad Snowden to purchase an approximate five (5) acre portion of City owned property which has a legal description of Tract H1 Fourth of July Creek Subdivision, Roberts replat. 12