HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes2008-007 CITY OF' SE`1':1RD, ALASKA RESULU'I'IUN 2008-007 Sponsored by: Oates A RGSOLI!'I'IUN OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL OF TFIE CITY OF SEWARll, :1LASKA, AUTHUKI"LING TIIE CITY ~IANAGF:R TO PAY DGES OWF:U TO TIIE ALASKA POWER ASSOCIATION (FUKIIEKLY :1RECA) FOR THE PEAR 1008 IN THF: A~~IUUNT OF $18410.00 WHEREAS, the Alaska Power Association (APA, formerly ARF.CA) is the organization representing telephone and electric utilities in the State ofAlaska; and WHERE:IS, the APA organization providus a !Drum and opportunity fur interaction and professional coordination of electric utility activities and is an extremely valuahle organization for the City to belong to and participate in; and WHEREAS, dte dues for APA for the year 2008 arc Eigluccn Thousand Pour I lundred Ten dollars $18410.00; and R'HERE:IS, It is important for the City of Seward to maintain contact on a professional basis with other electric utilities in the State of Alaska, and in the ualion, in order to benefit from their larger sizes which allows us to participate in multiple training and educational prug~ams which L we cannot afford to support un the local level. NU~V,'hHF:REF'URE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIIE CITY C'O[JNCII, OF"1'HE Cl'I'1' OF SER'ARD, AI,ASK.A, that. Section 1. "f he City blanagcr is authorized to pay the year 2008 dues to APA in the amount of Li¢hteen Thousand Four Hundred'lcn dollars $18410.00. Section 2. This resolution shall take clicct immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council ufthc City of Seward, Alaska, this 28th day ul'January, 2008. ca rr oH• SF.~vaRn, .at.ASI:A I2}aOL['TION 2008-007 ... TILE CITY OF SEA-'A}tll, ALASKA -~ ~~r. Clark Corbridge, 1ltayor APES: Dunham, Valdatta. Rardars~n, Amberg, Smith, Ke11ar, Corbridge NOFa: Nrnie :\BSENT: None :~BST:~IN: 'Jane ATTEST: __ `, _r. ~ - - ,Iean Lends, C14C, City Clerk .. ', c •, 'fir:: v :~ A U.~a`.. ~. p .~. -~~ ;' r ,,,, fO J131 ~~~~'~• Council Agenda Statement Meeting Date: January 28, 2008 'Through: Phillip Oates, City Manage From: Tim Barnum, Electric Utility Manager Agenda Item: Payment of 2008 Alaska Power Association Ducs BACKCROLTNA & .IUSTIFICA'I'IUN: Alaska Power Association (lunncrly ARFC'.A1 is the organisation representing telephone and electric utilities in the Sutte of Alaska. [t is extremely important for ttre City of Seward to meet and work with other electric utilities on conmton pmhlems of all types and have a voice on electrical issues on the local, state and national political arena. This is the must valuable organi-ration to which the City ol'Seward Electric Utiliq~ belongs. The dues for 2008 are Seventcx;n "I7rousand Nine Hundred Fight dollars ($17908.00) and a Reserve Surcharge of Five Hundred two dollar ($502.00). This brings Urc total amount due to Eighteen Thousand Pour I lundred Ten dollars ($18410.00). The City of Seward dues for 2007 were Seventeen Thousand "l7trcu Hurtdred Seventeen Uol tars $ 17,317.00. The 2008 dues are Sevcntu:n 'thousand Nine Hundred Eight dollars ($17908.00) an incnasc of Unc Hundred Seventy-seven Dollars ($591.00) and a reserve surcharge of Fivc Hundred two dollars ($502.00). The APA Board of Dinxtots approved Policy II-6 that authori-r-es the establisluncnt of a cash n sewe account for the trade association as part of a business contingency plan. This surcharge is being applied to all Active and Contributing Members ol'the trade assoc. i art i un. 'fhe money is budgetui in account 501-5400-5130. Council approval is reyuind since the dues exceed Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00). CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST: Where applicable, this resolution is consistent with the Seward City Code, Charter, Comprehensive Plans, Land Use Ylans, Strategic Plan and City Council Rules of Procedures. Other: ~iil FISCAL NOTE: /' Money is budgeted in Accuunl SUl-54W~''~~'~~^~'~ - .Appruvcd by Finance Department: RGCOMMENllA'1'ION: City Cowtcil approve Resolution 20OR-001authorizing the City Manager to pay year 2UUR dues for Alaska Power Association (1'ormcrly ARBCA) in the tunount of Eighteen Thousand Fuur Hundred 'l cn dollars ($ I R410.OOj from Account 501-5400-5130. . -. l 1 .'