HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd2008-0039pu„mreJ by: Phnniue euJ Zou ne Commisi on Iu4otluelion OVla: Marth 10, 2f10tl Public Haring Gale. Marth 34, 3WB ~ 8nvalmeul Hvla: Much 3<, EWA CITY OF gEWARD, ALASKA ORDINANCE NO.5008-003 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THF. CITV OF SEWARU, ALASKA, AMENDING THF. LAND USE PLAN AND RF,ZONING OF LOTS 20, 21 AND 22, CLEARVIEW SUBDIVISION NUMBER b FROM IWO FAMH.V RF.SIDF.NTIAI. (R2)'IO AUTO COMMERCIAL (AC) WHEIgF:AS, en aDDlicnnt has requested a e of Lots 20, 21, and 22, Clearnew Subdivision Numbar 6, from Two Family Rcsidcutial (R2) m Anm Commecial (AC); and WHEREAS, the 8ewmd City Coda SCC §15.01.035, Numrdmmns, (b) (3) allows the considers[ion of this rczanc as the laud is contiguous m the requested zoning distict and is greater than one (1) acre; and WHEREAS, tlm rota) area of land being rezoned is approximately 1.3 acres; and ~ WHEREAS, Ne Seward City Codo SCC 415.OLU3g Nnevdmevre, (b) (3) allows the considcretion of Wis rezone ae the IvsA is contiguous to the requested zoning disrcict and ie greater then one (I) acre; and WHEREAS, the ollmial Zoving Map described in SCC 15.01.03(1 will have to be ammldcd ficm'I'wo Family Residential (R2); to Amo Commerial (AC) and the official Land Use map will have to be amended from Two Family Residential (tit) to Aoro Commercial (AC) in rrsponecro this rezone; end WHEREAS, Ne Platming & Zoing Commission has complied with public nolicc and public hearht6 procedures for amending zoning and land use district designations, as required by Title I5; and WHEREAS, at the kebmary 19, 200A meeting, the Plamring and Zoning Commission reviewed the applioefion, held a public hearing end rcconuumldcd City Ccuncil approval oRhc pmposcd zoning entendmen[ included in this ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT ORDAINED HY THE CITY COUNCII. OF THE CITY OF' SEWARD, ALASKA [hat: city of sewam Ordinance No. 2008-003 Page 2 0(2 Scefion 1. The oRCial Land Use Map of [he City is hereby amcndcd by chanpng ~ the Iwd nse designation of Lots 20, 21 and 22, Clearview Subdivision Numbu 6 firm Two Family Aesidwtial (R2) to Aura COmmcrcial (AC) (as displayed in anazhed doaamem). 9acfion 2. Tha official Zoning Mep of the Cily fs hereby amavded by changjng the zoning desipyra[ion of Lals 20, 21 and 22, Clearview Snbdivision Number 6 Gom Two Pamily Residential (RZ); to Aulo Cnmmacial (AC) (az displayeA in attechcd docmncnt numbec). Secrion S. This oMinence elmll tako eEad ten (10) days following enattment. ENACTED HY THE CITY f.OlINC1L OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, THIS 10th DAV OF March, 2006. THE CITY OF SE WARD, ALASKA Clark Carbridge, Maynr r AYES: Dwham, Valdenn, Hardareon, Amberg, Smith, Corbridge NOES. None ABSENT: Kellar ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: .1e" Lcwis,yCM~C wny City Clerk ,,vi2y O.•-3;'~y ere. (City Seal) `~ 4jpFPOgs~(~9O to O _ 'fit ke S ,>tT f ~'v Council Agenda Statement Meeting Uam: Mamh 10, 2008 To: Phillip Omes, City Mmmgcr~/ Through: Bub Hicks, Commwity Development llveetor From: Doran 6lenz, Pl ^^ nAssismnt Agenda tram: Amwdmg We Leud Use Plw wd remrung of Lots 20, 21 wd 22, Clearview SuWivision Numher 6 from Two kaudly Reeidentlvl (R2) to Auto Curtuvcmial (AC) BACKGROUND R dUSTIFICAT[ON~ poi Anmhed f City Cuwcil review wd adoption is Ordwwce 2000.-' amending tM Land Use Plw wtl Rezoning of Lots 20, 21, and 22, Clearvicw subdivision Number 6 tram Two Family Residential (R2) to Auta Commercial (AC) (as aftarficd hseto) The applicant u reyucstwg this rezone m oNer to provide Iwd suitable 1'ur future coaunercul uses aduwed wiWw the Autn Commercial DisniM. LOGS 20, 21 and 22 arc cunevdy vacant Iwd appronimately one one tbvd (1.3) acm. SCC §15.01.035, Amendments, (b) (3) allows tM cuvsidemtion of this rezone as thn aroa ie comlguous m the regvestnl inning disniM and is greater than ovc (1) azre in area. The large, approximately 2 acrc'fmM A, dimetly to lbe Bas[, currently zoned AuW Commercial is owned by the CIRI Coryomtion end contairss n warelwux wtl parking lot used to support the CrRUKmai FjoNs Tours harbor tom business. The pamele N the NoM across Resuemction Boulevard are prosrndy zwed Twn Family ResidenRal (R2) and eonmin gev ally single family homes. The 9 lots tv the Nonhwest are cwendy weed Two Pemily Residential (jt2), presently urdevebped and ffu We mast part owned by the applicant, leirer Bvtnryrises. The Iarge approximately IS acre Trod 5 m the Soutb and Southwest is zoned Resours:e Manegemrnq is cwrrndy wdevcloped land Domed by the npplicwy Leirer Fnterprixs. In order for the lot to be mmmd, [hc underlying Lvnd Usn Plan wW also have to to amended. the Land Ilse Plan mluPtul with Ne 2020 Seward Cumprchcnsive Plan recommends dds aroa be romn~ tv Two Famify [4aidrndai (RZj. Howavor 0w area eomigwvs to Luts 21, 22 end 2i on the East, is recommrndM to remdn Auto C'.ommercial and a Lugo Wnion of Tract 5 to the Suulh is rccommrndM m be rewnW to Anto Commercial. SCC IS.OS.025. Land vsa dbtriMa--EatnbliehM, definitions a) F_rm6lished The city is hereby divided Imo tarot use dutrlas which shall be bounded arW d fined ax shown art rM ~cia! lumd nse map. This ~cial map, rogeMer wlth all explamrory mattv~ IHervvn, as vrhibfred al the rime afpabhc hearirsg, is hereby aMPted by rg(erence and declared m 6e a parr ofthin eMptec The curtavl maiag of the area requested for rezone is 'Two Family Residentral (R2) delineil iu StAI 15.05.025 (h). na (3J Medium density (orw m eaves dwe-ing units per acre) nanririnwl Musing ores with a mu Qjsirtgle and Iwo-family units, free from other zcept those which use bath ro ~dble and canwnienl ro residems uj such a alsni¢ The requested ]vnins and Laud Uee Map change of Ne area fns rezone is Auro Cnmmecial (AC) dcHncd N SCC 15.05.025 (b). a9 (A) Intended ro -rovide areas m modate highway oriemed a eia! actlvirias such as q~ces, tarsals Irulieuriowl uses, and ilmimd pecsomltrervioes acrd rend ores reyuiring subsramlal aurdrwr udiviry, n ~c aM parking and which also serve the Wirer aM nearby residemial areas, mdwhich do nor mureriully denuctfrom nearby rerrdentid areas. Ifie applicant and owner of Ne Intl 20, 21 end 22 mqueswd 1'or rezone has had the Innd nvnilable for salt as is unently zoned Twn-family Residential for some tune. The applicant has received an oRer on dre laud and a request for the rezone from Ne edjohdng properly owner m the tut. As sNLLd in dre apPlicavlS apphratrom Kerui Fjords Tours/CIIU (ow r oP'Imct A, w the east) hopes ro mparrd then cmmvf cuswmer parking end storage holding by pvrcheswg Lots 20, 21 and 22, Geerview Subdivision Number 6. Aecoeri' 9 the primary concern of ell zoswrg a;tions is w promote public health, mfety and 6evcml welfare (SW 15.01.010), Communlry Development recommnnds this rezone for several reasons: L TNS axone will allow for Ne muimnm use of Lota 20, 21 and 22, Clearview Sold. No. 6 by allowing the increased development of the Auw Commercial Trwl A w the Gart. 2. Them arc lirniladons involved wiU attempNns to prioritize coaunmdtY needs and desires with the laud use nmds for two family homes verses other activities. At this fime Ue wmmurdry has a very limimd selection of land available for cormvercial developmem within close Proximity to Yho SewaN Small Dom Harhnq whereas more opfioru are available for land for fwo family Immw. fhc olewie depmvnevt noted current electrical ivHastrunme may not be adegmre for commercial devdopmovt. The applicnt wu made aware ofdds coveerv. At Ne time of 1'lamdvg and ZoNng Public Hearing four public concerns were submitted for consideration. One citizen voiced covicem for inerenced treffie and public safely on Yhocvix Road due to ingress and egress et lots 20 and 2l. This wvicem will be mitigated through note 4 of tlrc Subdivision Plaz, which .antes "Driveway Iceafioru 1'or Lots 20 and 21 require approval by the City of Seward prim w roruvucMn." AnoNer resident voiuxl conecm over the possibility of forme wmmemivl development moving lmNa into the residential zoning district. One commissioner notW thm tltis couccm can he lesswed by the 20 cool 30 foot utility aasemwt on the noMwest Im lines, hetwaw rheas loo proposed for Aum Cnmmemial mooing and the adjaernt Ints iv residential costing. A third member of the public voiced coneem n reascl noise and aeffie, scoring, `"Chem is suNcicnt land nmside of townG1wiWont crowding into residwdal neighborhoods." Noise and tmitic concems hove bcen addressel abovq and she City scoff does not supparl enwureging cosvsnereiN businosecs to loaaze vvtsida of the City. Amdser person expressed conccma related to recwt Flootting issuos iv Me are4 and possible wsvaswnetion resulting 6om vehicle smmge in a Flood risk are This conecrv was addressed in Note 3 0l' We Subdivision Plat, scoring thaz if a lot'v located within a FEMA desigoamd hood hard area, "development must comply with City of Seward Floodplain Management Regulmions. A survey to detcrvwsc We elevntinn of the properly may be required prior to developmwc" CONS[STENCV OFIECFO.IST YES t]'O_ NLA I. Comprehensive Ylan (2020) X Promote expansion and developmem ol'local entrepreneurial husinesses. (page 16) 3. Snaregic Plan p99Y) X Promote Residentini and Commwcial Developmwt inside Me City (page 9) PLANNING AND ZONING ItF:VIEW Al dtc Febmery 19, 2008 PlaminK and Zosuog mee[in6 the Commission appmvW Remlution 2008-01 rcwsvmeuding City Cowcil adapt Ord'mavce 2008-XX, amending the Laml Uac Plau and Remnning of Lots 20, 21 wd 22, Clearvicw Subdivision Number 6 Gom'RVO Pamily Residevfial Q22) m Aum Commercial (21C)- As regvircd by the City Cndq neighboring properly owucre within 300 feet of the mea subject to review were mdliW of the proposed rnone and amendment m the Land Use Plan. Members of the public akended the meeting and voiced the above concems m the Phumiug sad Zoning Commission. FISCAL NOTE: The City of gewnrd will have no cods associated with this amendment m the I.avd Use Plw and chmsga ol'wrdng dcsigmtion.//~~``~~ Approved by Finance Depanmam__ ~uav RECOMMENDATION: The Seward Planning and Zosimg Commission recoaunrnds: oa3 March 10, 2008: Cowoil iuwduw ONinwcc 20U8~ Amcadmg We Land Ilse Rlw asul rewrdag of Lots 20, 21 and 22, Cleerview $uM1divisinn Nmnber 6 from Two Fwiily Residential (R2) m Auto Commercial (AC) Doi March 24,2W8: Cowcil wntlucisapublic hearing and adopts Ordinwce 2008-Z.