HomeMy WebLinkAbout05292018 City Council Laydown - Joe Fong Providence Update 1�05�� • ,, Providence Seward Medical & Care Center Update Seward City Council Meeting e.- 3) May 29, 2018 Contained herein are some brief updates on the 2018 priority areas for Providence Seward Medical & Care Center. Additional details or updates in other areas can be provided to City Council upon request. CT Project Update The design phase of the project has reached the 35%completion milestone. The project budget has been compiled and is$1.5 million. This includes the purchase of the new CT equipment, construction and renovation to install the equipment inside the medical center and some contingency funds. We have secured $520,000 of the total project budget through a combination of our capital dollars and a grant of$140,000 from the Providence Alaska Foundation. We are working to secure the remaining amount ideally entirely through additional grants and donations but anticipate asking City Council for some financial support as well. Our goal is to secure funding as quickly as possible so that we can start this project late this summer or early fall (2018). Seward Mountain Haven Census The current census at Mountain Haven is 37. We have one elder scheduled for admission on Thursday (5/29). One of our elders was transferred out last week and if their condition stabilizes we would look to admit them back to Mountain Haven bringing the census to 39. We met with City Administration last week and are working on updating the bond payment and forecasting schedules for short and long range planning purposes. Safety and Security A focus area for 2018 is the safety and security of our staff. We are upgrading existing equipment and installing new measures to increase building security at both the medical center and Mountain Haven. We will also schedule de-escalation training for all staff and implement an annual review on these techniques. Furthermore,we continue to work on improving our emergency preparedness procedures and protocols ensuring we also consider our staffs safety during disaster situations. New Services Podiatry Clinic—Dr. Heather Kaufman, a podiatrist in Anchorage will be coming to Seward quarterly. Her next clinic will be August 4, 2018 at the Providence/Seward Community Health Center building. To schedule an appointment, call Anchorage Foot and Ankle Clinic at (907) 344-2155. Endoscopy Clinic—Dr. Sweeney will be coming to Seward,June 12, 2018 to perform colonoscopies. This is the first endoscopy clinic we have scheduled and are working towards regularly scheduled clinics. To schedule a procedure, contact Dr. Sweeney's clinic at (907) 562-2928. For local assistance, contact Stephanie K. at Seward Community Health Center at (907) 224-2273 Community Health Needs Assessment Survey As of Tuesday morning(May 29th), we have 690 responses to the survey. We will leave the survey open until the end of day, Wednesday, May 30th. As a reminder,the survey can be accessed online via a link through the City of Seward website (www.cityofseward.us). Once the survey is complete,the responses will be tallied and we expect a final report by this fall. Drawings for the participation prizes will be conducted mid-June and with the recipient's permission, we'll announce the winners shortly thereafter. Thank you to everyone who helped spread the word and completed the survey. Community Benefit Grant Ten organizations applied to our 2018 community benefit grant program. Our Health Advisory Council is in the process of evaluating the applications and we anticipate making the award announcements by the end of June.