HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1952-021 r=-~-------' !r '"~ . _r .. .~ ...i./" , , , TI'.iUU!r~ 9f ,~~~~ Depar'\Jaent ot $ducatioll , '. , aEsOLUTIOR ~/' '(SUbll1t or1g1~d tint carbOD) ~;. __ 'm It ...~ , , .' haa JU4e app11catloll",to, par- , '(1.,.1 Dde ot Distri9\) ,t tidJl&t8 1n the distribution ot funda under Section 2 ot Chapter 60 SLA 1949. aJ1d WHERIAS, WIder the tefll8 ot Section 2 ot C:hapt,r 60. SLA 1949, the' 1'uDcl1a te be used tor the construction and repair ot scbool bulldiDgs in the at~asaid district, and WHEREAS, the .aid ~ Council o~ has considered and is tu117 (strike out tbe on~e) intoraed ot tbe provisions ct the said Section and Chapter, and WHEREAS, the sai4.Q1U Council o~s advised that ,its shere , (strIkeout the one~) 1. t28,846.l5, ani! . WHEREAS, the said WI Couqcll' ~ has on deposit. in the -.. . ... (strike out the o~e) ... "".1.1 ,It ~I U~.. ~ nl ~ I ot --... " the SUID ~ W'~;.~ , (~ ot"Bazik)' (Plaoe) Which represents to. .. IlIatching tor each one dollar ot Territorial money received" and , WHEREAS, the said Wl VC9DCll~, promises that the -tolfing ,(strike out the o~) . I funds will be \J,sed on17 tor construction and repair at school buildings till, THEREFORE, BE :rr RESOt.VED by the - .. -"J ~Boar4 oi' . (sta:k8 out the one m.a Omcil not.pp icsble) 1. That all monies grante4 to the ~ '~,~ 8011001 dtstriot under Section 2 Chapter 60 SLA 1949 shall be exI*nded tor ~ exclue1ve purpose at construction and repair ot school buildings, and, 2. That the Schoo180ard will subm1t to the Coaaissloner ot ~_"on , _ detailed report ot such expenditures on December 31 _DIll June 30 eacb year until t.he total ot $28,846.15 plus matching t'und8 have ~.n CollP~ exhlW8ted. ' I I I I i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 , 10 '11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Page CITY OF SBWARD RBSOLUTION - 21 'NHEREAS, the CITY OF StNfu?D, has made application to varticipate in the distribution of funds under Section 2 of Chapter 60 Sk\ 1949, and WHEREAS, under the terms of Section 2 of Chapter 60 SLA 1949, the fund is to be used for the construction and rej:air of school b.1ildings in th'e' aforesaid, district, and, '~nlEREAS, the said City Call1ncil has considered and is fully informed of the provisions of the said Section and Chapter, and WHERE~S, the said City Council is advised that its share is $28,846.15, and WHEREP.S, the c~id City Council has National Bank of Anch. of Seward, $0.35 matching for each one dollar on deposit in the Seward Branch 1st the sum of $10.096.15, which represents of Territorial money received, and "THEREAS, the said City Council promises that the IlIiitching funds will be used only for construction and repair of er::hool buildings NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Co~ncil 1. That all monies granted to the Seward School District under Section 2 Chapter 60 SLA 1949 shall be expended for the exclusive purpose of construction andrepair of school Dulldings. and. 2. That the School Board will submit to the Commissioner of Gducati~n a detailed report of such expenditures on December 31 and June 30 each ~ear until the total of $28,846.15 plus matching funds h~ve been completely exhausted. CERTIFIC;\TS OF SCHJOL BOARD Of~ CITY COUNCIL We, the undersigner! members of the City Council of the City of Se\Jard, nlii ska, do hereby certify: 1. That the attached iesolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution finally adopted at a meeting of the Seward City Council held on the 4th day of August, 1952, and duly recorded in the official minutes of the City Council; 2. That said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accor~~nC@ with law end a leqal quorum was present throughout the meetiJ:g, A. G. McRae Russell Painter C. E. Johnson Thos. E. Howell Kend E. '-'paulding Leon D. Lewis Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of '"uaust, 1952, Councilman Counci lrran Councillll3.n Treas School Board School 130ard Clerk School Board Sigrid Pteams, City Clerk ~---~---- I _,.._.._...___u..___--.________...c-~,=- CERTIFICATE OF SCHOOL BOARD OR CITY CuUNCIL We, the undersigned members of the School Board or the City Council of the ,.~. ., , '" t" '~~ ,'J....... t... ,.j...\~.. ,_ City ot -r" , Alaska, do hereby certifYl 1. That the attached Resolution is a true and correct copy of the Resolution finally adopted at a ~eeting of the -17 .. City Council~~...:ld"""" -~~-_~~t--tl held on the ~"day of &-,~ , 195,a., and dUly recorded in the official minutes of the City Council . t . . .. . . . l t. , , iii.. 2. That said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accordance with law and a le~al quorum was present through- out the meeting. o:~~"Q"Q-~ ~~~ \ . ~ ;;le ) /rY/~~ ~~~ ~{'ri.;;le) ~~f)&~ h,h~ .I (Ti Ue r ( ~~d~,~ /~~ 1./ ll'~tle ~ Jj, d:,~ _rLI ~tfl_ (Title thisLday Of_o.~f4 195~ ~~~~ (Notel Signed by at least 3 members of a City Council and by at least 3 members of a School Board.) Subsoribed and sworn to before me (SEAL) Please indicate below the status of school buEding construction in your district; if completed, give date of completion. If construction is in progress, zive approximate date of completion. If construction is planned, give approx~.IT',a t.E date of starting. .11I111 tau..... . II _~_ u.. ......u.u __I ~.... et ,. P: ~ j .... · N.... , -. r -, _l~"'lm. ..... 1U11_"~.M.. .. et ,be "lIllnil ............. ~-oM.f" .. .. IIhul ~n.u.. . I Jl.- IN. ..... aWl -A.hl1~" Dept.-:r-L~ 1:~~r~951"'.-.. tm"M1\tr ., & ... JdP IvlIlllotn..... 18 t.W _ '-t.. .. ,... ....u.... ,tltV-l. ..... p~ ::1--:, .~ r.: " j I. 'I> ~ p', i.1 j,n r, ~)~Jj(J