HomeMy WebLinkAbout11282007 Historic Preservation MinutesCity uJ'Seward, Alaska Historic Preservation Commission Minutes November 18, 2007 G'ulume 1, Page 97 Csll to Order The November 28, 2007 rescheduled regulaz meeting of the Seward Historic Preservation Commission was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Vice Chair Tom Swann. Opening Ceremony Commissioner Swann led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Roll Call There were present: Vice Chair •I'om Swatut presiding, and Linda Lasota John French Jolund Luther Doug Capra comprising a quorum of the Commission; and Dunna Glenz, Planning Assistant Absent were: Shannon Kovac, excused `.. Greg Carpenter, excused Special Reports City Administration Report Planning Assistant Donna C:lenz reported on the following items: • Hoped everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday. • Expressed condolences to the Lindsey family and stated that tfie memorial service for llalc Lutdsey was on Sunday, December 2, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. at the SeaLile Center. • Provided information by lay down on (ditarod Days 200R and the planned anniversary celebration. • The library was preparing for New Year's Eve Ball. • Holiday Christmas Ai7lvre was December 2nd weekend. • Administration planned to attend a meeting with the Mary• Lnwell Center Partners on Friday to discuss the courses of action. • The next Historic Preservation meeting was scheduled for January 16, 2008. In response to French, Glenz stated she would inquire anJ provide the infornation back ro the Commission, if the Mary Lowell Center meeting was open to the public and the time. ( in o1 Sctvard.:1laska Historic Prescrvulion Commission Alimrtes :'s orentber ?8. 'OO i Vulturte 2. Pa};e yX Other Reports, Announcements & Presentations Friends of the .lesse Lee home update- Swann Swann stated the Friends of the .lesse I.ee Home effort was to continue to develop the educational portion of the program because that would determine internal design. I le stated they had requested an additional 2.6 million in the State budget to work un stabilization. Ile continued with the Friends were currently working with the City to loan a legal identity that would become the school ilsrlf and would be able lu accept bids and lake un liability. He stated this Alaska Cbnununity F'uwtdatiun allowed them to take bids but did not take liflbiliri. Railcar updalr - tiwann Swann stated that nothing was developed in regards to the special :uaion group and the Chamber of Commerce planneJ to proceed with lhr Rrquesl li+r Proposal process. Wrbsilr C;pdalrs -Capra Capra reported he had talked with Josh tastes and planned w get a copy of the website in a CD/DVD format. Capra stated he intended to work on the I1P VI%ebsitr at home and then reload it un the City website. Ile noted he wvuld address the changes and cornctiuns the Cwmnissiun had provided. ..rl Huben Yark- Kariu Sturdy Sturdy wished evenone a IIsppy I Ioliday. She slated the schematic of the Huben Park lounlain had been sent kt the Slab of Alaska lur aulhurizatiun to RF'1' but shu had out heard back Innn them. Shc uuntinucd that she had written the ScflLifc C'cnter about the fence project and suggested they pick up with the bidders and write a contract. She stated that she had not heard hack. In response to La_sota, Sturdy stated had sent the fountain intbrmation to the State in mid- October bel'ure I Ialloween. Sturdy stated she would follow up on the phone with the Slate ollicr. Alaska Ilisturiral Surirh-Capra Capra stated he was on the Program, the Grant and the Local I listorical Society committees and recommended the Commission Icwk at the Sucieh's websitr. Ile discussed sums ul' the advocacy issues. Capra discussed the problems in Sitka artd tltc Sheldon Jackson L+nivcrsity and requested that fl resolution of suplxirt he placed vn the nest meetings agenda. He stated a meeting was to he held nn Pehrwlry R. 2008 and the annual meeting was to occur October I6-18, 2008 in Anchorage to discuss ~0 years of Alaska Statehood. Ile asked to be placed on each Hisluric Preservation meeting agenda lur continued updates to the Cutnutissiun. City oJSeward, Alaska NLstnrlc Preservation Commission Minutes :November 2R, 2007 Yalume 2, Page 99 In response to Fn:nch, Capra stated the Historical Society was supporting the Alaska Collection from the Sheldon Jackson Utuversity stay in Alaska. Citizens' Comments on Any Subject Except Those ltems Scheduled !''or Public Hearing- Nonc Approval of Agenda and Consent Agenda In response to French, Glenz stated very little w•as allowed to be added to the agenda once the agenda had been published. She continued that items neuicd to be publicly noticed to allow the public to participate and/or be; aware of the action or discussion that were to come before the Commission. [n response to Swann, Glenz stated the email letter regarding the "Old Solly" building from Carol Griswold should not be placed on the agenda for discussion at the ctumnt meeting, since it had not been advertised, but a request could br made to add the letter and discussion on ,Innunry's agenda. Motion (Lasola/Luther) Approve the Agenda and Consent Agenda Motion Passed Unanimous Consent The following items were approved under the C.onunt Agenda: Septcrober 27, 2(1117 Historic Preservation Special Meeting Minutes Public Hearing -None Unfinished Business- None New Buainesa- Approval of Historic Preservation Meeting Schedule for 2008 Motion (LuthedLasota) Approve the Historic Preservarion Meeting Schedule for 2008 Morton Passed Unanimous Consent Discussion of Historic Preservation Month Capra stated that the Jesse Lee Home, Statehood and the lditarod were tht•ee possible topics that were in the news. C'frv oJ:`'eH~urd..Afruku Hi.ctnric Pre.~ervarinn Cornmiscfon .49inures :Vuvenrher ?S. 2U(17 hot ante 2, Puge 1(JO Swann suggested the topic o^ Statehood be reserved for the May Fireside Chat during Histuric Prescrvatiou month. In response to Luther, Capra stated that neither the Iditamd nor Statehood were in closer proximity to May. Capra suggested that Urc Cummissiuu provide spanker and a panel to discuss Statehood. Swann concurred with the concept. Swann cautioned the Commission to locus on one event rather than lour Capra suggested that the Conunission bring an exhibit to Seward and he would contact the Statehood Commissiot to provide an event. l.uiher clarified that the activities did not have to br big events and hr gave an example. Swann cautioned the Commission nut to take un tau much. Capra stated hr could solicit the Statehood (:'ommission for a guest speaker. Lasota agreed that a speaker would be a good idea and that an exhibit required a place to put it and the museum and library were pretty crammed. Cilcnz suggested the Cbnunission schedule a work session in t>ecember or January to create a resolution with a subject, topic and ideas for Historic Preservation Month to move forward to Council for approval. Swann agreed with the su~estiun and noted the nerd w include the Fireside Chats. Discussion of Annual Histuric Preservation Award Swann suggested that the Commission present in May during I listoric Preservation month. Glettz inlotmed lhr Commission the award had been n~cently presented by Council as part ul' the Histuric 1'resrrvatiun ntuuth crlcbratiuu. "Chc award had also ix.cn proscntcd in March fur Seward's 17av. Swann suggested the Commission thitil: about it. br prepared to disctus it more in January and have the iulumratiun packets in to slalTby February. In response to Luther Swann stated that the Commission or members of the public submitted nominations. City of Seward dlnska Historic Preservuiiun Commission .49intdes November 28. 200? i'oh~me ?, Pine 101 I7tc Commission discussed and agreed to place a new story in the Phoenix Lug rryursting public nominations for the Annual Award. Capra suggested this also he distributed to the Chamber. Capra volunteered to write the press release. He also suggested the Mural Society he considered as a nominee for the Iistoric Preservation Award. In response to French, Glcrtz stated the Commission needed to schedtde the time frame. The Commission discussed the time frame and decided to have the cut off for nominations in March and the selection he made at the April 16, 2(108 meeting. Glenz noted the press release would be added to the January agenda Y'or approval. Discussion of the Fireside Lectures The Commission diseucsed the past Fireside Chats and the communities support for them. Capra suggested the Ray Building as a forum fur the lectures. Swann n'mindcd the Commission of the need to request permission to hold these chats from Council. The Commission continued to discuss possible topics, speakers and ideas for the lectures. Some suggestions were the Iditarod, the Jesse Lee Home and tishing. Lasuta su~estcd a work session be scheduled to discuss and firm up ideas for Historic Preservation month quid the Fireside Chats. The Commission continued to discuss topics and possible times. The Comtission set a Work Session for 6:30 p.m. on January 9, 2008 to discuss Historic Preservation Month, the Annual Award and the Fireside Chttts. Resolution 2UU7-IK, recommending the City Council designate the City of Seward as the Mural Capital of Alaska and requesting the State of Alaska to endorse the designation Gleru reviewed Resolution 2UU7-US and the history ofthe murals in Seward. She stated staff' recommended approval of the resolution. City o/ Seward, Aluslui Nictnric Pre.cetva(ion C'nrrtmission :blirnt(es :Yoremher 2.5. ?U(17 h'olume Z. Ptrge 102 Mulion (Luther/Lasota) Appr»ve Resolution 2007-0~ Motion Passed Clnanimous lofurmatiunal Items - (:Vo union reytrirecll-None Commission Cummenls- French reviewed the cmails received from Carol GriswolJ regarding the "OIJ Svlly" building. requested the issues that haJ been brought up by Carol GriswulJ anJ art inquiry iota the status ul'the NL3PA compliance 1'or the arcaJc property and the Mary Lowell Center be added t~ the Januan meclink agcnJa lur Discussion. Luther stated he Jisa~~reed with French and suggested the Commission not get invulveJ. Swartn clarified that what French wanteJ to know was what was legally rvquiroJ. He statcJ the Commission ought lu be aware ul'stuJius that shoulJ be aeurring. French stated that he would like to know the status of and if the law had been followed with the demolition of the arcade building. He clarified that he did not think the Commission needeJ tv ..r take specitic action but should be aware of what was going on. Capra interjecteJ a point of order staling that this was turning into a discussion. He suggested a representative attend the nmeting on Friday if it were open to the puhlic. I ti~i~z supported Luther's comment outing that as a Commission they not be involved. Shc stated that all of the sites mentioned were on the I Iistorical Inventory List. Citizens' Comments- Nonr Commissions and Administration Response to Ciliscns' Comments- Nonc The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. _, i' .~~ i ~ -- - Anne alley ,~:+"`~ „rrr~~ ~;i^ rcw. =~~ar.N~. vice C-iui~ fc~ Gxecutivc Liaisoli' <'; U:~~E'i ~~'.~ Shannon Kovac. Chair •'Or~ Ojtiiq' '4J ~, (City Seal) -'`'- d'• a o ~, 4 .