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Alla illlf..:I ll)fSll{V Sll ljl6 A{fi[ ~:lOld {!:luno:) All:) UlO~ uOllllUlll{:lOld ~ql P~ld~:l:lll pllq ~q lllql P~llllS l~lu~d.m:) UOHBJU3S3.1d ABa ~BI.tI- .I3JU3WB;) ~3.1~ ~UON - SUOHBJU3S3.1d '11/ SJU3W3;lunouuy 'SJ,lOd3l{ .I3QJO 'AlPOpd ls~qilrq ~ql ~UlOq ~ql JO uonlllOlS~l ~ql ~)fllUl Ol uOlss!llJUlo:) UOllllAl~S~ld :lpOlS!H ~ql p(\p~l!P puu AlpOpd AlD II Sll ~UloH ~~1 ~SS~[ ~ql P~Z!llilO:l~l q:lrqM 99-S00Z: uonnlos~"}I p~sslld {!:luno:) All:) SOOZ: 'SZ: Aln[ ~ :sMoIIOJ Sll s~lllAlPll All:) uo ~lupdn uu ~Allil UMOlg J,lOd3l{ uOH8.lJS!U!Wpy 4!;) SUO!l!SOd lUU:lll A OMl II~MO"}l S~Ulll[ :SllM lu~sqy lUUlSlSSY iltJ!UUllld 'zu~IO llUUOa l~UUUfd 'UMOlg UlfO:lIllW pUU ~uolsS!llJUlo:) ~quo Ulruonb II ilU!spdUlO:l l~ilU!n~H-l~)flllA\ llf~llq:llW UUUMS Ulol l~lu~d.m:) il~lD pUU 'ilU!PlS~ld l!llq:)-:lllAO)! uouullqS :lU~S~ld ~l~M ~l~ql liB;) 1I0l{ 'illllJ ~ql Ol ~:lUlllil~IIV JO ~ilp~Id ~ql P~I l~lU~d.m:) AUOW3.13;) ~U!U3dO 'JllAO)! UouuuqS 'l!llq:) Aq 'Ul'd St::9 llll~plO Ol P~IIll:l SllM UOlSS!llJUlO:) UOllllAl~S~ld :lpOlS!H p.mM~S ~qlJO ilU!l~~Ul .mlnil~l SOOZ: 'Lz: Aln[ ~ql .I3p.lO OJ liB:) moz 'a Afnf' WfsVlV 'p.lVMiJS fo N!:J pEZ iJlIvJ '[ iJU1nfOA SiJJnU!J.1{ UO!SS!UlUlOJ UO!JViUiJSiJ.lJ ;)!.lOjS!H v8Z 235 City of Seward, Alaska July 27, 2005 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume 1, Page 235 Site visit to Jesse Lee Home with roofing consultant, Pat Reilly Carpenter noted that the consultant had stated that in his opinion there was not a viable temporary fix for the Jesse Lee Home. He stated that the roof was in such poor condition that it required complete rebuild, starting at the foundation. Citizen Comments on Agenda Items Not Scheduled For Public Hearing Lynn Hohl, inside the City, suggested that the Commission look into the Scenic Byway Grant program for assistance with the Hoben Park project. She noted that her main focus was the Johnston Park Tract in Woodrow Subdivision. She informed the Commission that she was the eastern representative to the Borough Planning Commission. HoW stated that the Woodrow Subdivision had come before the Platting Committee for a Right-of-Way (ROW)dedication and she noted that it was a perfect time to request a name dedication to the dedicated Park Tract. She noted that in June she had requested postponement of the platting action so that the formal naming of the Park Tract and other concerns regarding the ROW might be considered. She discussed the encroachments into the Park Tract by private individuals. HoW stated that the Department of Transportation (DOT) had stated that the ROW had been requested at 100 feet per the Alaska Statute 19.10.015; noting that the intention was to take the additional ROW fro m the park tract to the east of the current Bear Lake Road. She continued to inform the Commission with the following questions and concerns that she had submitted to DOT: 'iT Request an exception be considered to Alaska Statute 19.10.015 andjust extend the ROW to the toe of the existing rock wall 'iT Consider naming the existing Park Tract, JD Johnston Park on the Plat 'iT Concerns of parking and other improvements within the 100 foot ROW dedication 'iT Wants to know the public process for disposal of public park lands for either ROW or for the sale to adjoining property owners. She voiced strong concerns that the process had been moving along without public involvement. 'iT If the encroachment did not exist or were resolved in another manner, could the additional required ROW be taken to the west and south of the current Bear Lake Road. 'iT Are park encroachments normally handled by the selling of park lands to the adjoining property owners. HoW continued by requesting the Commission discuss this issue and forward a request to the Borough requesting the naming of the park tract be dedicated on the Plat as J. D. Johnston Park. She encouraged the individuals on the Commission to also write the Borough platting office with the concerns. She reminded the Commission that the current road was a very narrow road with a horseshoe turn. She stated that the traffic control report for 2003 showed a count of969 vehicles per day. She noted that paving the current road will likely increase the speed and life safety issues. Carol Griswold, inside the City. Supported the removal of the encroachments by private individuals into the park and the comments and concerns voiced by HoW. She stated that naming the dedicated Park Tact on the Plat was a very important issue. Honoring the man (J.D. Johnston) that had the vision to dedicate the land to park almost 100 years ago was vital. Griswold encouraged the Commission to continue to try to keep the Hoben Park plan alive and moving along. .UO!SS~O;) UO!lUAJ;:)S;:)ld :l!lOlS!H PlUM;:)S ;:)lfl UlO.IJ SlU;:)UlUlO:l ;:)UlO:l{;:)M PInoM UO!SS~O;) ;:)lfllUlfl P;:)lOU ;:)lfS .U;:)lU "'(;:);:)l;) lU;:)8 ;:)lfl JO ~;:)AO~ Apoq ;:)lfl SUM UO!S~O;) ~ll!llllUId lf~nOl08 ;:)lfllUlfllJUlS lfl!M p;:)llll:lUO:lll{OH JU3SUO;J SnOW!UllUIl P3SSlld uOHoW "'f1l3ds IqoH J3UO!SS!wwo;J ~U!UUllId q~noJog MOllll OJ S31nH 3qJ pU3dsns (UUllMS/31lA0)() uOHoW .;:)lnlUU IU:l!lOlS!l{JO p;:)fqns AUU uo UO!SS~O;) ~ll!llllUId lf~nolO8 ;:)lfl Ol ;:):llnOS AlOS!APU uu su pu PIno:l UO!SS~O;) UO!lUAJ;:)S;:)ld :lpOlS!H ;:)lfllUlfl p;:)s!Apu .lJlllS .Al!;) ;:)lfl ;:)p!SlnO suo!luu~!s;:)p ;:)sn puuI AUU uo AlPolflnu ;:)lfl SUM UO!SS~O;) ~ll!llllUld lf~nolO8 ;:)l{llUlfl P;:)lOU SUM n .Sl!Ul!l Al!;) ;:)lfl U!l{l!M UlO.IJ Sl;:)UO!SS~O;) Ol P;:)l!Ul!llOU SUM UO!SS~O;) UO!lUAJ;:)S;:)ld :lpOlS!H ;:)If.L .U;:)lU AU8 UO!l:l;:)llllS;:)"}I ;:)lfl U!l{l!M S;:)!ll;:)dold UU UO P;:)lU;:)UlUlO:l puu P;:)lOl!llOUl UO!SS~O;) UO!lUAJ;:)S;:)ld :lpOlS!H ;:)lfl lUlfl UO!SS~O;) ;:)l{l p;:)uuoJU! lJUlS .Sl!Ul!l Al!;) ;:)lfl ;:)p!SlnO SUM Ul;:):lUO:l JO All;:)dold ;:)lfllUlfl ~ll!lOU 'UO!SS~O;) UO!lUAJ;:)S;:)ld :lpOlS!H ;:)lflJO ;:)IOl ;:)l{l Ol SU Ul;:):lUO:l P;:):l!OA;:)H .SlU;:)UlUlO:l :l!{qnd ;:)lfl puu "'(lUd ;:)l{lJO lloddns ll! ;:)"'{ods UUUMS .UO!lOUl U lf~nOll{l UO!SS~O;) ;:)lflJO S;:)lfS!M ;:)lflJO lJUlS ;:)S!APU Ol pUU :l!{qnd ;:)lfl Aq P;:)lU;:)S;:)ld u;:)~ PUlf lUlfl s;:)nss! ;:)lfl ssn:ls!p Ol UO!SS~O;) ;:)lfl p;:)~UlnO:lu;:) ;:)lfS .ss;:):lold :l!{qnd ;:)lfllf~noll{l P;:)IPUUlf ~ PIn OM "'(lUd ;:)l{l Olll! ~U!l{:lUOl:lU;:) Sl;:)UMO All;:)dold ~ll!ll!ofpu Ol PUUI "'(lUd AUU JO ;:)IuS ;:)lfllUlfll;:)lf P;:)lnSSU PUlf uurupuruo lUlfl P;:)lOU ;:)lfS .s;:):llnos;:)"}I fUuo!lUNJO lU;:)Ulpud;:)O UlO.IJ 'UUUlpuruo S!ll{;) UlO.IJ UO!lUUllOJU! PUll "'(lUd ;:)lfl uo UO!SS~O;) ;:)l{l p;:)lupdn ZU;:)IO J31lJ.L 'IJlld 3'111'] J1l3g JOJ 3~Ullq3 3WllN: 3!qdllJ~03~ 3!JOJSm 3qJ uo 3JllpdIl SS3U!Sng M3N: ;:)UON - SS3U!Sng p3qS!UYUIl auoN - ~UP1l3H 3Uqnd JU3SUO;J snow!ulluIl P3SSlld UOHOW P3PU3Wll Sll llpU3~Y JU3SUO;J pUll llpU3~Y 3qJ 3AOJddy (J3~Um3H-J3'111l A\IUUllMS) UOHOW .S;:)lnll!lli ~ll!l;:);:)UllU{n~;:)l ~OOz: 'II AUW ;:)lfl p;:)pnI:lll! upu;:)~y lU;:)SUO;) ;:)lfllUlfl P;:)lOU lJUlS .lU;) T!U"M :lpOlS!H ;}:ll;}lliUlO;)JO l~UlUl{;) ;}l{Uo ;}mlnd ;}quo uo!ssn:ls!o .3 .~;}llUlS UOHUlOlS;}l ;}UlOH ;};}'1 ;}SS;}f M;}!A;}"}I .0 Ul;:)l! SS;:)ll!sn8 M;:)N l;}pun p;:)ppu ~ SUJ;}l! OMllUlfl p;}ls;:)nbal UUUMS llpU3~y JU3SUO;J pUll llpU3~y JO 11lAOJddy 9EZ iJ:ivJ 'r iJwn[OA SiJlnUWv UO!SS!WWO:.J UO!jViUiJSiJ.lJ :J!.I0}S!H ~ooz 'a ~lnr VJfSVlV 'p.lVMiJS fo ND 986 City of Seward, Alaska July 27, 2005 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume 1, PaKe 237 Commission back on the rules. Swann requested that staff clarify the issues of the ROW dedication, the encroachments and the park name dedication within the platting process. In response to Swann, Glenz stated that she had been informed that the action to eliminate the encroachments into the park were to be handled in a public process. She noted that the platting action was dedicating a 100 foot ROW, taking the land to the east of the current Bear Lake Road as ROW. She noted that once a plat was approved and recorded the action was completed. By dedicating the current park tract name on the plat, during the platting action, there would be no further action needed. Following a lengthy discussion of support for the limitation of intrusion into the park lands and support for the recognition of the homesteader, J. D. Johnston the Commission directed staff to forward the following request to the Kenai Peninsula Borough Planning Commission. Motion (Swann/Carpenter) The Seward Historic Preservation Commission directs staff to: 1. Convey to the Kenai Peninsula Borough Platting Officer and the Borough Platting Committee the publics interest that the requested 100 foot Right of Way should be limited to the area west and south of the toe ofthe park lands,(cliff abutting travelway) thus minimizing the encroachment into the public park lands. 2. Name the dedicated Park Tract portion of this plat, J. D. Johnston Park. Motion Passed Unanimous Review of revised Priorities List and volunteers for work on projects of interest Kovac noted that the Commission had held a work session to discuss and prioritize the 2005- 2006 Priorities List. She stated that the City Council had approved Resolution 2005-66 directing the Commission to make the restoration of the Jesse Lee Home the highest priority. Kovac requested that the Commissioners discuss and state which projects they wished to work on individually. She noted that she was concerned that the Commission meets the obligations required by the Certified Local Government status. Jesse Lee Home - Swann, Walker-Herttinger J. D. Johnston - Swann Hoben Park and the Historic Iditarod Trail- Carpenter Alaska Heritage Resources Survey and the Historic Architectural and archaeological resources within the community - Kovac Review and selection of the 2005 Annual Historic Preservation Award winner "jOH33w .Ill10j3.1 JX30 3qJ moo .I300!M p.lllMV 00HllA.l3S3.1d J!.IoJS!H 500Z: 3qJ JO 00!P313S 3qJ 300dJsod (.I3J03d.l1l:J/001lMS) oOHoW JllAO)( 'OOllMS :O~ '.I3J03Wll:J '.I3jom3H-.I3}(11lA\. :S3 A p31!1l~ oOHoW oOHoW O!llW 3qJ 00 3JO A SDOW!01l0I1 p31!1lJ oOHoW jO!J33W JX30 mOD p.lllMll 500Z: 3qJ .I0J S.l300!M OM.J JO 00HJ3PS 3qJ 300dJsod (JllAO)(fOOllMS) oOHoW "UO!lOW 11 PUOO;}S OJ P;}MOlfll SUM l!llq:J ;}qJ ll1qJ P;}llllS SUM n "UO!lOW 11 PUOO;}S Oll!l1qO ;}ql JO Al!{!q11 ;}quo UO!ll1OY!lllP 11 p;}lS;}nb;}ll!l1qJ ;}q.l pOOJ3S JO }(Jll'l S3!(( oOHoW jOH33w JX30 mOD S.l300!M OM.JJO 00H3313S 3qJ 300dJsOd /OOllMS) oOHoW ".I300!M p.lllMV OOHllA.l3S3.1d J!.IoJS!H 500Z: 3qJ .IoJ SOOH1l0!WOO OM.J JJ3PS (.I3jO!>>3H-.I3}(11lM/.I3J03Wll:J) oOHoW "Z ;};}ll!WWOJ fll!UU;}lU;}J ;}ql pUll Z l;}ID{Inl1ll :sMoIIoJ Sll S;}lOA :)qJ pll;}l :l[l;}IJ;}q.L ":l[l;}IJ ;}qJ Aq dn p;}:l[o!d sloII11q pUll P;}OllId ;}l;}M S;}lOA ~UO!SS!wwoJ ;}qJ Ol p;}lnq!llS!p ;}l;}M sloIfllH J03S00:J SDOW!01l0I1 P3SSlld oOHoW SOOH1l0!WOO 3qJ 3S0(:J (.I3J03Wll:JfUOllMS) oOHoW "1:)~U!ll;}H-1;}:l[fllA\ Aq P;}PUOO;}S SUM UO!ll1U!WOU ;}q.l "l;}UU!M. pmMV UO!ll1Al;}S;}ld O!lOlS!H ~OOZ ;}qJ SU UlllqunG ATJ:)A;}H p;}pnpu! qO~M ';};}ll!WWOJ fll!UU;}lU;}J pmM;}S ;}qJ P;}ll1ll!WOU UUllMS "UUllMS Aq P;}PUOO;}S SUM UO!ll1U!WOU ;}q.l "l;}UU!M. pmMV UO!ll1Al;}S;}ld O!lOlS!H ~OOZ ;}qJ SUl;}ID{Inl1ll UOf P;}ll1U!WOU l;}lU~J l;}UUIM. pmM V UO!ll1Al;}S;}ld O!lOlS!H IllTIUUV ~OOZ 10J SUO!ll1U!WOU 10J lOOg ;}qJ p;}u;}do Ol1AO)l .plOH l;}PI!O Ull A ;}ql uo ;}UOP Sl1Ml11qJ :l[lOM;}qJ lOJ l;}ID{ITIl1ll uOf 10J p;}ll!wqns p11q ;}q uO!ll1o!Idd11 ;}ql P;}M;}!A;}ll;}lU;}dmJ "Al!UTIWWOO ;}qJ JO l;}p11mqO;}qJ ~U!Al;}s;}ld Ol smoq SS;}{lUTIOO P;}ll1UOP pllq UlllqunG ll1qJ P;}lOU ;}qS "l;}UU!M pmM11 ;}ql su UlllqunG ATJ;}A;}H lOJ p;}ll!wqns pllq ;}qs UO!ll10ndd11 ;}qJ P;}M;}!A;}ll;}~U!lll;}H-l;}:l[fllA\ 8[[ iJlive! '[ iJUln/OA SiJjnu!yv UO!SS!UlUlOJ UO!lVtI.J.iJSiJ.ie! :J!.iOjS!H f;OOZ 'a ~/nf' lJJfsvfV 'p.iVMiJsfO N!:J 239 City of Seward, Alaska July 27, 2005 Historic Preservation Commission Minutes Volume 1, Paf?e 239 Motion Passed Unanimous Schedule a work session for discussion of projects for the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Historic Preservation Fund Grant Kovac stated that the DNR, Historic Preservation Fund Grant would be out mid September. She noted that the grant application had a very short return time and suggested that the Commission hold a work session to discuss the possible grant projects. The Commission discussed the possible time line for the grant and set a work session for August 3, 2005 at 6:30 pm in the upstairs conference room. Review Jesse Lee Home restoration strategy Swann stated that the Council had approved Reso lution 2005-66, recognizing the preservation of the Jesse Lee Home and directing the Historic Preservation Commission to make the restoration of the home the highest priority. He stated that he needed to know that when he went to different meetings he had the support of the Commission. He stated he had been working towards a regional education center. He stated that he felt the important issue was to find a viable vendor for the end use of the facility. The Commission supported any and all viable vendors. Discussion of the Future of the Chamber of Commerce Historic Rail Car. Swann stated that the Chamber of Commerce planned to hold a meeting, July 28,2005 at the Harbor Dinner Club regarding the future of the Historic Rail Car. The Commission discussed the history and the future of the rail car. Swann and Carpenter stated they plan to attend the meeting. The Commission gave suggestion that the rail car had historic significance to Seward and supported the rail car remain within Seward. Information~l Items - (No action required) Official notification that the Jesse Lee Home was named to the list of Alaska's Ten Most Endangered Historic Properties for 2005 July 2005 Heritage Newsletter Commission Comments Swann thanked the public and stafffor their patience and assistance while the Commission members continue to learn the proper parliamentary procedures. Citizens' Comments Lynn Hohl, inside the City. Thanked the Commission for taking action on the J. D. Johnston Park Tract naming. She will take the recommendation to the Borough Planning Commission . ~~ ~:: ,.~, :~' ,~"~~":'~~:',:>:, .' (.\. ~ -IV'~', "1)1 c' ..j~U~';,j ;1;) .. ':\i:~ 0..6 _~ ... '"';J .. . ~',\ .. .r-'1. lL'1 0: f"'~<,,"/":~;-.:<Y ~.-'" : 0 ~': It J!. '. 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