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Citizen Comments on Agenda Items Not Scheduled For Public Hearing Carol Griswold, inside the City. Stated she had provided a hand out on the Seward Heritage Tree Program. She noted the intent of the program was to recognize significant trees and plants in our area. Lynn Hohl, inside the City. She informed the Commission the Friends of State Parks planned a meeting for January 18, 2005 at Resurrect Art Coffee House. Approval of Agenda Motion (Walker-Hettinger/Swann) Approve the Agenda Motion Passed Unanimous Consent Public Hearing - None Unfinished Business Resolution 2005-02, statement of position regarding the proposed Vacation of Washington Street Chair Kovac stated she was no longer employed as a seasonal worker for the Park Service and therefore no longer had the appearance of a conflict of interest. The Commission agreed and she remained as the Chair. Commissioner Huber declared a conflict of interest as an employee of the Park Service and removed herself from the dais. Brown stated that at the October Historic Preservation meeting the Commission had heard public comment and discussed the proposed vacation of Washington Street. He noted issue before the Commission was the historic impact of the proposed vacation of Washington Street not the design of the proposed building or other building around the area. He reviewed the location of the proposed vacation. Motion (Swann/Carpenter) Approve Resolution 2005-02 Motion (Walker-Hettinger/Swann) Amend Resolution 2005-02, fifth Whereas, add "and historic views" following transportation grid. p3p03m8 S8 ZO~SOOZ 00!JDlos31I 00 3JO A .I3~om3H-.I3"118M '008AlS :oN 38AO)l '.I3J03d.I8:J "'I.lUd :S3 A P3SS8d 00!J0J\I "l:;)lU:;)q PlnoM suuld :;)lpJo sluo'3 :;)l{l uO!lnlos:;)l:;)lp '3U!PU:;)UlU Aq lUlll P:;)lUlS :JUAO)l "UUld :J!'3:;)lUllS :;)l{llO uuld :;)A!SU:;)l{:;)ldlUO;) :;)lp lO uuld UOnUAl:;)s:;)ld :J!lOlS!H :;)l{l JO slUo'3 :;)l{ll:;):;)lU lOU P!P UOnU:JUA p:;)SodOld :;)lp lUlp p:;)w:;):Juo:J AJ:;)A SUM :;)l{S lUl{l P:;)lOU :JUAO)l "l:;):;)llS uQl'3U!l{SU M.lsnf Ull1p :;)lOlU SUM UJ:;)llud p!J'a :;)lp lUlp ~lUlS:;)H "UOnU:JUA:;)lp p:;)lloddns UUllMS "'30!pnnq :;)l{ljO S:;)IDlU:;)J :;)AH:;)lW:;)lU! OlU! W:;)llud p!J'a :;)l{l SS:;)lpPU PITIO:J l:;)lU:;);) H:;)M<YJ Amy;[ :;)l{l P:;)lUlS PUll :;):J!Al:;)S )[lUd :;)l{l P:;)lOU l:;)'3U!ll:;)H-l:;))[IUM. 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She stated while doing the research on the Hoben Park she had been struck by the lack of the historic plants and trees that had been in the park. Kovac requested input from the Commission on the idea of developing an inventory similar to the Seward Historical Site Inventory. In response to Walker-Hettinger, Kovac stated the inventory was just a listing and provided no regulatory or protective action of the trees or plants. Brown and Kovac both thanked Griswold for her time and research of the local plants and trees. Swann voiced strong support for the inventory and felt it was a very good place to start to develop a program that could in the future be enhanced to further recognize the importance of the historic trees and plants in Seward. The Commission felt the project was suited for a work session. Discussion of City owned artifacts recovered during the construction of the Alaska Sealife Center Kovac noted that when the Alaska Sealife Center was constructed there was archeological work done. She noted that work was done on both City and State lands. The City was not interested in the artifacts. The Park Service has stored and had custody of the artifacts for the last 10 years and now has requested that a permanent home be found. Chugach Museum has requested that the City gift their portion of these artifacts to the museum for further study and secure housing. The City has agreed that the City portion of the artifacts should be gifted to the Chugach Museum. The State portion of the artifacts was currently being worked through the process. It was hoped that the State would also gift their portion to the museum, keeping the artifact collection all together. Informational Items - (No action required) None (~ l!Ul{;) :mAO)l UOUtlUl{S [ r , " ' ,0, "7, r..".", /" ,. '",,' /f/f ..' 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