HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1959-129 r liE2'lOLUTIOrl NO. 121 1N}IEREAB eXJ'.*ndi hre. frCl8l ....riou City of SWard ftutda are pre..tly author- ll11td by the City Counatl thrwvh wanuh drawn \lpol\ the Fint lat1OD&l Bent of f,nchQraqe. Seward 8rlu\ch. &ld ~'ii'HIiRt:^,,<:1 there NU been a ema,.. in the (Jftto. of the City Cl.n of the C1 ty of Seward aNi, WHEREAS it bu blll.l.. ........,. that the Pint NaUQMl Bu\k of AncIhoraq., Seward Bruch be 1utnobd and authorlsed to honor City of ~ ..rruh COl'. t4bil'lJ oenda 8191\4nfte 1f1JW. THEREFORE Sil IT Rl.1'.ULV.lID, aad it 18 hereby rellOl"d, tilet the Fiut hUOIWIl. BlIftk of AMhorll9t. SWU'd araaab, be, and it t. hereby instructed to hOMr the .1ql\lltu.. of Wla. F. Bordwell .. City ~r, Wa. F. Bord.lNll a. City Clerk aftd hM ~l.lc..k1 .. City 'beuuer .ffecU.... Harol\ IS, 1951 for .11 warranh drwa upon tit. City of Seward, hMral P'ud, and Sel.. Tax had &COOUJ\h of the City of Seward. AN .EMERGENCY IS HEREBY DECLARED '1'0 W5'1' and the nl... 41CW.1'1l11tO the pu..,. of ordl MMe. .nd r._11tU... aft hereby .u..-adiad uct tltb rellOll1t1on ie qi yen t- diat. .ff.crt upon i b paM.". and .ppro....l. Pa..ed aad approred tilt. Un! .,. of Marak, list, .. .. .. G&:~~-- Q. ~,/.6'V ... ....,.... ..Jfiny i. stOClktOft Ja;., 1'" ., ,'.....~..' A~. .' 't ". , '.., n' h..""') .:..:~J,2',) ";.~. ,.d~ ::. Ft:~'I ,.c~~,~{~~;, WIi.. .. .C1 y Clen ,~A'" ,~( i ,f' ':', /u,r':> ~~',: ]1, !"'! ....;li: .)~: i 'I i' , !'\t ' j.';!: :r. e' , . p,'i' :; .: 1..'~ ..PT , , , : ", :. ".(~.t-' ~,- }"j .. ,,~: \~: ,~_< ,~ ( . I "', ~',_ l' J"e ~'., ..t ~, y\, .' .' '," !.f:'!'o, r_~, "':", '; ,:""'::::":'~'~" .;' t h,rfb1.~rlU,1:h.t tMt,.......i.. ....:..... ~Mt: ~'.,ctty of s.wud . Rep. ~;U~. '. . .~J.U p~.._ W.,.~. Qi~YC~ao$.l.,.::.'lfit? .,....rtl,~ the 'l~ .. 01, .... 1I0t. .... . . '." ... '".' ...,.,..."""f... ~..._' _:< . .~~~,. , . ,.~ :. w.. F. Jontr..,cnty .n · ~ r' REOOLUTIOM NO. 12 9 WHEREAS expeadi turea frQll varioW! City of Seward funds are presently author.. ized by the City Council throuqh warrantlll drawn upon the First National Bank of Anchoraqe, Seward Branch, al'ld WHEREAS there haa been a charge in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Seward and, WHEREAS it has becolle necessary that the First Hat ional Bank of Anahorage, Seward Branoh be instructed and authorized to honor City of Seward warrants con. taininq certain signatures NeM, THEREFORE BE IT REaJLVED, 81ld it ie hereby !"esolved, that the First Natitmal Bank of Anchorage, Seward Branch, be, and it is hereby instructed to honor the signatures of Wm. F. Bordwell as City Manager, Wm. F. Bordwell as City Clerk and Fred Kielcheski as City Treasurer effective March 2~, 1959 for .11 warrants drawn upon the City of Seward, General Fuad, and Sales Tax Fund account. of the City of Seward. AN EMERGENCY IS HEREBY DEx:::LARED 1'0 EXIST and the rules gonrninq the passage I of ordinances and resolutions are hereby suspended and this resolution is qi.ea immediate effect upon its passage and app~Yal. Passed and apprOV'ed this 23rd clay of March, 1959. '-') ~C'flt: ..... Perry R. ATTF3l': ,7~~1",,~~L:; Wm. F. Bordwell, City Clerk