HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1964-385 r ~-------- arsowTIoN 00. 3B5 BE IT RF.SOI.V"D that the rate of levy on the 1963-64 personal <i.rxl real property tax rolls shall be am is hereby levied at the rate of twenty (20) mills Jl!lr dollar of c;,ssessed valuation, e;~cept t.hnt the rete of levy on boats and vessels ~hall he and is hereby levied at the rate of Five (!.)5.00) Dolli.rs each on a boat or vessel of Jess then five (5) net re;dstcred or certificated tons and at the rDte ol Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars oo,ch on a bod or vesnel of J!X)re than five (5) net rer:istered ar certificated tons, and DE IT Pw~;OLV~D tha t in a ccardance with f,cction 7.110 of the Code of Genera,l OMinences, as amended by Ordinance I'o. 310, the total of Sliid 1963-64 property tax on t he original B.ssess-enl:. roll, as certified by the City ,'S6esoor to the City Council at the Jure 15, 1964 rcpulEr Council neeting ;,nd all supplemental asseSST:P.nt rolls for sG.id period \-lhich may be certified to ~r the City' soessor at a future date, shall become delinyuent and subject to penalty and interest as set forth in Spction 7.110 of the Code of Ordin.::nces ns OJ'1ended by Ordinance No. ~10, unless at least one-half of the total Bn>unt <ite is paid on or belore July 15, 1964 and the secorxl half paid on or before JD.l1uary 15, 1965 and BE IT RY'f/)LVm that the City Hanar,er's ;;unicipal Bud[.et Proposal for the 1964-65 fiSC1':l year includin[( letter of presentation lihich is a part thereof, and conta.ininl' estil'1llted rrvcnues am expenditures as follows be r.dopted, tem that the Money needed therefor is hereb appropriated: Total F.stilm ted Revenues Inc1uriin/7, Interdepirtr:Ente.l Char~es of anticipated Grr:,nt lor Disaster Recovery from U.5. GoverrlL1eI'1t $1,019.826. . Thldr!eted P.:q.lenses: Council Contineency far Dis~ster Recovery Police Fire Street Shop Harbor Civil Defense (~1.68, 025 63,205 31,021 63,225 33,328 8,520 I GRAND 'roTAL EXPENSE 150,72) 81,362 1.200 600.609 242,000 75,017 69,533 32.667 419.217 Gener; 1 Gowrnment [ 'dniniri:.rc tion Special Government Parks & Recrention Electric Available Capital Imp. lIater flvailab1e Capital Irtp. $1,019,~26 Certified taJ: assessment as of June 15, 1964 as follO\1s: Real Prot:erty Personal Property $6,989,102.00 ~2.000.46S.00 $8.997 . 570.00 Poat tax in tax dollars $1,455.00 . Additional assessments \1ill be certified to in one or T'lOre supplemental I'lssessl'1el1ts. Esti:nation of aJ!nunt is not pos:lib1e at this time. This H.esolut.ion to be in full force am effect imedintely upon p<:S:31:f,e and a~provH1. PilSSed <J.nd approved by The COTT:lOn Council of the City of Set1urd, Alaska, thisl{-t:l day of June, 1964. a~o~~ Perry R. stockton Mayor Attest: a$~ ;r. ~Ju;6;- Beatrice E. 1[atts City Clerk-Treasurer