HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1966-554 RESOLUTI~O. 554 WHEREAS, The City of Seward desires to lease limited uplands West of the Seward Municipal Small Boat Harbor to commercial enterprises Which will stimulate the fullest possible use of the Harbor by commercial and recreational boating and related activities; and vMEREAS, it is deemed essential to establish a cafe or restaurant-cockail lounge in this area, and if at all possible in time to serve the public during the 1966 boating and fishing season; and ~MEREAS, Mr. Ronald E. Fox has applied for lease of Lot 1 in Block 1 of the Marina Subdivision for such purpose and with intent to be in operation throughout the entire 1966 boating and fishing season; and iMEREAS, the City for many months has encouraged interested local persons to engage in such an operation in this location and the said application is the only such application; and i~EREAS, an emergency exists in the need to establish this facility and the requirements of Ordinance No. 315; NO~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED th~t an emergency is hereby declared to exist for the above stated-reasons and the provisions of Ordinance No. 315 relating to public hearing, action at regular meeting only and time intervals be and are hereby waived; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Commercial Site Lease of Limited Uplands dated August 4, 1966 between the City of Seward and Ronald E. Fox and Gwendolyn I. Fox for Lot 1 in Block 1 of the Marina Subdivision in the City of Seward for term of thirty years for the annual sum of $336.00 or three cents per square foot of land leased be and is hereby approved and the City Manager and City Clerk are hereby instructed to execute and deliver said Lease. This Resolution shall be published by posting a copy thereof on the bulletin bo~ds at City Hall and the U.S. Post Office in Seward, Alaska and publishing a brief statement of the purpose of said Resolution in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Seward within a reasonable time. Passed and~roved by the City Council of The City of Seward, Alaska, this ~ day of August, 1<;0 6. Attest: Ik/.~~~ R. ~l. Kirkpat ck Mayor ~L:~ W~~ Beatrice E. Watts City Clerk-Treasurer '~'...--~,. . .-.. _.. _.~. ..--.- ,. , - '\ . \ 1\'" \. ' ,\~.., , "I] \ ',> ~ '\ -, ~"i J'~ ~\ ~ ' COMMERCIAL 3ITE LBASE OF LIMITED UPLANOO .V' ;_.f\\~\ i\\ .1"1< , ~~.. ..,( "\ , .-\, , THIS AGREEXENT made and entered into t.hia ~t.h day ot Aupat, 1966. " ~ between The City of Seward, Alaska, acting through ita C1ty Manager, \"~:/\ f and C1ty Clerk u authorbed by Resolution No. 554 enacted by the ,,' \f)~r..f . o._>n OouDoU ~ '!'he O1~T ~ SOdrd. nuke, on \be St.b day ~ ~\}i) Y." Aquat. 1966. hen1natter called the LESSOR. and Ronald E. 'ox and v ~~t..: 'y' awn401yn I. Fox. ot 3....... Aluka. h....1aatter oalled the LESS.. -\ ~. \ - r ; , ,," .,. , '\l' ,,'.. . ".;.', - 't/ TO ALL WHO MAT BE OOMCllUfED HBREia'1'H, W I or If B: SSE T H' 'X"' ',' /. t ~. -\,.' \;\ ;. \.J ? \ - ,.} ,)" '/:'" <{ \ ' The LESSOR hereby le.... to the LESSD, an4 the LESSIE h1rea " .from the LESSOR. tor the specif1c purpose .t conduot1n& a cala or restaurant-oookta1l lounge business and tor no other purpe.e, those certain premises situated in The City of 3eward, Borough of Kena! Pen1naula, 3tate of Alaska, more particularly described u followa; to-wit: Lot 1 in Block 1 of the Marina Subdivision of the City of Seward aocording to the official plat thereof on file with the Deputy Magistrate and ex-officio Reoorder at Seward, Alaska, Seward Recording Precinct, Alaska, and containing a fifteen (15') foot wide easement for sanitary .ewer along the North Boundary of Bald lot. The LESSEE to have and to hold the same premises for a term of thirty ()O) years, beginning on the fourth day of August. 1966,and terminating as of midnight on the Jrd day of August, 1996. Annual rental of Three Hundred Thirty-six and NO/lOO ($336.00) Dollars to be paid in advance in semi-annual irustallments of One Hundred S1xty- eight and No/lOO <*16$.00) Dollars each, to said LESSOR or to such other appointe. as the LESSOR may from time to time in writing designate, or to the legal representative ot the LES30R. at such place as may be designated, on or before the fourth day of each August and on or before the fourth day ot each February beginning with the month August, 1967, the annual rent-a1 for the first year to be paid in advance upon signing this lease and receipt of which 11 hereby acknowledged. It 1s r~er agreed by the L~30R or by the LESEE or mutually -1- f , I . ,\r ro agreed between the parties as follows: 1. The LES3SE hereby convenants as conditions necessary to the continuance of this lease the conditions set forth below: (a.) That it will continue in and diligently pursue an operation as a cafe or restaurant-cocktail lounge, and will not conduot an operation in lieu thereof for any other purpose without the prior written approval of the Common Counoil of The City of S.waru, LESSOR: (b.) That it will pay the rents. taxe., us..sments, 1neurano. premiums. and all other lUllS when required to be paid, without delinquenoy; (c.) That it will submit a plot plan and elevations of any proposed atructurea for Council approval prior to any const.ruction to facilitate Ule LESS02'3 central of the development of the area in accordance with the over-all development plan for the area; (d.) That it will co)"tform to the.;1ty of Seward Building Cede, and to all other lJ."~3, rules and regulations of a:IY duly constit- uted governmental er,tlty hav'L:; jurisdiction; (e.) That l.t hall examined anci :.cnows the conditions of the said premiaes, and it has rec-,ived :said premi3es in good order and con- dition without any exw6lJi;.10ns; (f) That it will furnish tile L.:~~JOE with Certificates of Insurance (with stipulation thereon that the LESSOn w11l be given fifteen (15) days notice in writing of intent to cancel) evidencinr, liability coverage in the amounts deemed adequate by the Seward City Manager, but (1.) Not les3 than : 5G,()OO~00 of bodily injury liability coverage per individual and ; 100,000.00 per accident, no hss than;' 2:;)000.00 0; property damage liability cover- age for claL;":'~ for daJ'Tia,,;es for personal injury, including death, and for property da:l'.i:,;e which may arise from the operation of the tusine3s to >,0 conducted on the leased premises, or by the act::! of the LI~S]2J, t.heir etuployeea, -2- ... ........ agents, asrvants, custoners, or other licensees or invite.s; (2. ) fork::lan r.9 :;or:lpenSii tlO:1 Insurance in accordance with the law,;; of the ;tilte oi.'.laaka or any applicable laws of the Unltad3tates :>;overm1ent. (g,) That it will for itself, its principals, officers, employers, employees, associates, agents, representatives, successors, heirs or assigns. licensees or invite.a, protect, defend save harmless and indemnify the LESSOR, its officiala, / employees, and authorized representative., againat any 108s, cost, damage, expense, judgment or liability of any kind whatso- ever, from or by reason of or on account of or as a result of the activity of the T 'l" ''\ ' 1 or its associates under the \fork contemp- ~.l'u~V")'.J ,."J laUd to be perforr:ed t.le - hereunder, including the 'J:'- L ')~-"j per- formance of any l:':thor or t:le furn13hing of any material, or any claims for injury to person" (,r property or death to t d.rd parties or to employee::; cl' ~. or for an,' damJ.:e ;:'0 :~U1Y proper~y .. ....;e ~ "'>"- , , , elaims of l.iell~j wor\'T1e,. ',,1t.erialwen of or for T -~ '"' .., .~.:~ or t.).... _.i ~;,.... .; ;.~J 0 ~'.J..:.~ , or for any other reaaon w'lat30e/er, in.eluding acts of OilhJ"ion, resulting directly or ind1.rectl/ 1'ro[,: the perfornaLce of ylor],c '0y the I:':S );:;~~ in oper"tL'l; : cafe or rest:.mr;mt-::oc::',;'J.il lounge OU3- iness as contemplater: b:r thb ,loc'u::er,t; (h.) That it will not assL~"\ t!,i3 lease, nor let or underlet the whole or ilny pnrl; LL' the ..Jai.l pre!~dSe5 ','Jitl-wut tile prior wriGten consent ot t,:,e T,j~JOi;; t,;.,:J it will not OI~C\J,P'( or use the said premises, nor permit the Selne to be occupied or used, for a.ny otJler kind of bU."i:Jei:is than a cafe or 1'8:., ',:'l.rW1t-cocktnil :;'oun;.~a; (i.) That it ~-dll G01form '""it,' :.\11 requiremen~,3 of police, fire 3afety, or oviler la'r18, rule;; or re::uldtions of :U1:'-;overrunent <).,,:ency havinr; ju1'isdlttlon o;er the pr2:,iJ0S 0[' oper:1tion of tiLe business of the LE,SS::C:; and.~'i J~. it ',dll --cot, pert:it a;]:r u;;l,'dful or prohlb- it.d activity on <.laid prol';iJe:s: -3- t- ''iC'. r~ "~~k'~ (5.) That; it. \i111 pay aD :',unicipal, borou!~h, atate, and federal tax8a ..in ic1! may be Hi 36....tHltl 1)" any apprr:r1"l"~. ,to taxinC; authority again.; t: bi', ontory t' Lc<;~" enuiprclOnt. fixtures, iIll- provementa, incoi1c. or other.rh(l, ',,,}~at.her \'lit:lii\ or on aaid leaaed premiae3, a,,} tho 38.r.::e :JhaJ..l become due, and i1h&l1 like- wise make timely paYMents of .-my legal M:1eUmonts ;:.::11nst the propertyt , . ) \ :. That it will pay the coat. of heat, water, gu, elee- triclty, garbat>;e and reruse collection, sewage or any other utility S.rv~0 aaid leased premise., for which a utility charge 13 tUsSle.sed; (1.) That it '.-IUl at all tir.aes keep the pr~.liaes neat and clean, and L""l ,,;,;l<1"1itary condition: (::1.) That it \1iJ.} allO';l the L=:::':::;C,I: or the Q",;ont. of the L.:.~ inR free aCCOil3 to ~}a1d prc:'d,'.e;} at all roa"onable timea for the purpo:.;c oj' in;Jpact1on; (n.) ';.'1rrc :,\." ,'1:;1 procce!: ;it.' la8 11li:e";c, i,f} con:ltruct 2 pel"'nanent :)uiJd.iil:'~ for cu.:'a or re~;tiJ.urant-<:o(;';,j~ll lounge pUrpO~C3 and ..Ii]} ;;o21du.... :: ,_::0:'13 or rOltaurt:nt-;..;ockt,;::11 loun,.;e ':lu..iineaJ on .JaLi prt3':LH:U -'11<;;:-;1.:, ton (J..(;) nO:l~'.,; of 1:':le ..late fir~t 'dritten ',r c'il:: lOL\5c J:,.'}}l l)O :1Ul]lJij ~'"()i!.. (0.) That L, ,Jill 31.ltk!it. to t,~le ~it1 ;:an.:l: 'er prclimin;:ry pJan.;s for n pCl"":1:tne\1';, cnfo or l~e:> t,aurunt-cocld-".dl loun,;e ~)y ,'.pri1 1, J.)(~? '...1 (hilor1tle ot C::" :l<:nco ',.;it\iH.lGt.ion }. (n.) .:, . 'I'hc ,'; CO\!e~la.~--;.t.; that upon cO!~I('<.L'dti(;."".~ of the pernnnent L'.;1cilitie.J it \til1 c;:n~Je an:.' '"o;;por'clry bu1:,din '.1 [inJ ot',,)!, '~'crary 1r:.pro:ex:;o!.'1t.:J .0 be entire:' y rOl'loved ..:.~ro!, ~he premi;H'J:;; at it.J o'em cost,. In t;,o c"re:1t or t.ile ,'()~\l,lal or in,:::b11ie,y oi' the !;=~:) 3 -~.- to rOf"lOVe r..~!. u :.~il'3. i.;, build ing:;. r;r4i..i 0 c,:H~r 11 ~, ~ ~ ;::>' -: '" .,.... ,. ,.- ~'., .~ \ .:" ilprO \I "'1"a"., .,", ')" ~','" r>l'e:iLHU. ::-<~:"U.JC ':J:.un ::La...; d.J above "'~,"i.1 ..1":',::0 :"0 1(: ind1cLl,''='~1:,1. \..l'..c ~ -1.,- r-- , f I ,"-' .: , ........j , " .. removed at the eXpe!lde of the LESS~:3, and the LESSEE confeesses ,judgment for d.ay C03t associated therewith, including a reasonaole attorneY'J feo; J. 'I'hat, the L2;:'::'- GO'tenants t,hat in the event it shall violate, refuse, or omit to perform any of the covenants or conditions herein contained, or in case the said leased premiae. shall be vacant, abandoned, or deserted, by the LESSEE, the LES30R or any ot~er person or persona by its order, may re-enter the same, either by foroe or otherwise, without being liable to any proeecution therefo~e; and, in such event, the I fi",~"1 ..,"':' J.uJ ~ r....w further covenants that the LSSSOR may elect either t.o terrnL.ate the term of t~l1s lease or renew- a1 theroof, or may rc: t.:le said premises at any time as the aGent of t,llEl ';'=-j.~ ::~ or otherwise, for whatever rent it 3hall oht~in, a~plying such rent first to the payment of such exp€:n3ElS as the L;:;JSO~~ n:'I be put to in re-ent.erinp; a:d re-letting, and then to the pay- t1ent of the rent due hereunder and the fulfillment of the L:':3J::;_~ ~; covenal'lts, thereafter payin?; over to the L:::;.~";~'; the balance, if any; and, further in such event, the LE::J::.i:::: covenants that in the event of :.;. deficiency, the L'::;3~:C shall remain liable therefor; except that violation of Jection 1. (n.) shall cauaa thia lease to be null and void; 4. That the I,::S::; =-'.~ covenants that in the even-t this Agreerlent is terr:linGted by 1.:;;:n02 uncer the coyen:mts ". ~) ~ - of .,;ection J and '::ection '7 of thb '.:;reement, that any perllianent improvements and appurtenances, and all and singular the tenements, hereditament3 and:~ppurt.nances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, shall become the property of the L:~.)SOR to peaceably and quiet- Ai /1 i '"' ~ i 'I. "'... .'!:.~ i ~ J ~ J~ ' '- j /. ./;"'; '((' I: '~ -I i J" .t 'I" .1. .,,' .1 J.' ..' ~'tt. -5- ~ . . ,~ ; , , " I' '~J ) r' ~- ~ ,. i ; (l " -' '~ . r , i I, i I,. i I I i ly :'I<He, (Iold, D.nd enjoy: 5. TT'''' ' "'j "l'T" . ....J_"'" '.' . c.;........ j -'"..L.. ~ <> .....-..--------.---.,.-- . ": tl::~ree$ t.o aQ",;e L3S30RS hnr:"l'~ n ", ..~r.r!n" a~({ cla1.mt~. caU3e..,j of tictlon. or meoll- ante'; v ':,r i ,.;.ltortnJ "on '.. l1c"\~ arL. inr'; O'lt of the ':1.. and oc,,:uplmcy of t~1e deni:Jed pretl"lbe:J by !3]:~J3I~. and I..,,,,,,,,,..,,., 1.J:".#\.3,_';I.J 3pt')cif1cally agrees to suffer no Hen to b~ plaoed on the premiaea by virtUQ thereof, or by reuon or any al terat10ns or repairs ord...d or o')ntract.'9d for by U:S:.iEZ, during the term t.h.-.ot", 6. In consideration of t.h. prembe:s, the 1,E:330R here- by oovtmant::J and ar;r..s with the Ll:.:33;:'~ aa tollowa: (11. ) That at "the tir.le of the execution of thu 'lOC\1Jlont" it is the Jole owner in foe a1r.lple of ~.he pre,:'\iso:J ~Qreby demi3ed, and hu tho tull r1.;ht to lease the Ja:ne for the term aforesaid ;"H1 Q'1.1or tho cO:'ldit.ion oontainod !,croin (it b C ;")"']L1:'Y Ul1iOr;3too'l het\'leen ,-!tEl:y:u'I~iiU that t :," a1)o\co co ..en,ant of the I,~:' ,OE conn '~i tu,t.os a '.J~l'r,l"lty '.)1 it, nnf.l in t.he even I~ i ~ doo;) not have ;',iW ::.:!t.le and. ri'",h1,;':l afOredGid, in t:u"t event only tj;\L$ least'; .11 \Je(;:0r.10 voidable ;;t, :';H! option of tbt.> L:~' :~;~, ~',nd no rent. un.lar such option woul,l be Juc for the rem;; indor of tho tern ,1.forc~Jaid); ('j.) TLt. ':, it '1i11 :out the r,:'J in ,';ct.ualpo:i;.l- 6":::110:'1. of t.iH3 deni..ied preni:i0a /'1;; t' ,a 'Jo;;lnn1ng ot thecQl'"l'ri afora~.nid, and on payment. (J,;.' t.;.e rent .~.nd ,or.l"Or'!;;I:.nce of t,',(l coyenant:3 herni:1 :JY ti.e L=:~.~;.,.;. 1,t,,;:::',} 1 be aUvhol'hed to paaceuulo Ltn(,. quietly ;1.ave, .101,1 r.md cmjo:,.' 1).e .lonh ad prer;\b eJ for t.he term and ;.>ub,10Gti to t;w :::omri tion:~ :-lerein; (., ) <... 'Z:\0 L ;,;,C 3:,'(11 not uuroa..o:ublv :ithhold its , . ;;c,,;r,.Hlrl.t. to an ' l j"!. :.t;frnt or JublQtt1ng of the le&.3Ctd prer;UCQ by t:lfi ~:: " ~.:~. -'..)- (1. ) That t t Ii 1} por[!\it T}~'~'~;~.. t.o conJ truot a "n'Tor~17 ','Hi} .".11,\ ~ :'rc,n 'whic;) to conduct ita cate u,' r'c:r,."1Ul"':mt hu ;i(1,,)'.1:; (a;.:cJulI'\1ve of ,:my oockta.11 ~,\-'-f>,,~ ~(;",) ,.~!11..iJ t:lf' ?O::"f-~. l.ilC~i ~ but~ ::t~'l~ t ~ cOfnplet;od 1'1. '.',::r;.:1rdn'1cP wit;: :eG'~1on 1. (a.); cJaid temporary 'y,"d.l(~:t~v; !3hall \~onform to the buUdin;;, i!loot.rical, pl\lnh1ni~, and tire :~a1'ety oodea of the';1ty of ~ ew,'ll"J ; '/. '"i'~ie covenant.:), cOll'11tions, stipulations and 3grGEIIIa- entu contained herein are interdependent., ~~ are bind- 1!"l!: ~.pon~l,o 1 e~nl repre.umtat.ivee, succe;>,JION-in-inter- (l'J t or 1;;J i, ;n:1 of t.;lI!l part,1e~. ". It ~c;.) , .1 "'!';tood :<'Y1 H'rCEkl by t.el') 'l:.!'t tau :-tereto thtit :ici'~:e:r ':'31't.y .;,.," ;'),1re the r1-:.v t.~'l terrr;inatG thi:l } oc H'J :'01" ,,;,(1 ,l(l,f;,n~' ';:, of tho ot:,C1r} :..1',] 0;':;) suet d.ef,:m~~. 1'o'\LVl 1:\e1~.l'C 1 "\n- thirty (:'L) ,iu}' j l1.fter notice 1:-. ~J1"1.;~i\ to the ot.t:or' pTl"'I~',', Jpocif -lit. tl,'3 nature of ,.t, '" :" "., ,., ,.. pro"~ i"" ',,.,.,,, .,"".... ..\ ~t .,;.,..\:;o ,,,._,,,..L... V1 . "'......., V'~f ~,.")t,,,YQ4., '>.p\U' if ~)CG,:r,..30 of cir- cuni:.:t.,. \C~('u :')(.Jyond. t:,e cc,nt.ro] of the L ".;C, it cannot ,;ar{l~:" u-' ~t II t (;""1 i '.IA r~lrt 1,.'11 t}",ln ;.ru(..~''l :Ji::~f,; jl and 3tl,:;h de- f:-ru.lt.. ,..:oo~., '\0~ "i,:nt(Jrfer~J 1!litJ 'chc U'jO, oc":up...~ncy ~md qutc\.; '), "ioynont of ';ilC 1 (Hued pre;...i:Hl:.l '-)y t~lol._~ 'f -, '," W"'-"l ..i..J.J'..Jd .. ~;, t.hen t,~\e I~~,,', i:l;tll !.D, fa 11 Y'u~uonatle ').,1 :,i:jion.tJ tiu€! ..l1thin ~.~!hi.:-' ''',(': j,,~:~~"'G )U(:~1 1f1C;lUJ..t.; It 1~ ',.,1 '~-'~r:Jt/cn ..Il ("v:reed by the pm.ticu horeto thaij t;, c ~',Yren;;.n G.J I ,or,,Ji.t io1'\.3 ,3 tip'Lu;~t,i'i"1,j and. tend.,} of t.?1 t ': :( ;"!J': ion t :,; t.., ':13 ~v r i~.irt1 t~o t~r':o btl" ~tj~,~i t. oi' Ein\:l bo bin~Un', '1 '0;) not on'.' t',f' p~1nc1p;'tl" 'ou'':'' -::';,olr D.~aic~r.d, or .::': 'C.~J('!\"" J-in-t~1.te:ro~Jt.. lU. ~'LiJ 1.~'Ll tl~.lT"~wnt con:~....i~;..:; :-.hc cntl:..~c ,'~.i. 7.~~;r~1.1ent ~e- tlr/Oen '.~\O p:11'::.i<'":J',\. .':l,'".l rle, ,jtate:'lont. (.:;1' inducoments ;shal1Jo lo.::'ici or bindL1" ~ '",;::Jc'ry uif;,hor party hereto, -l- . r i I ~ ":Ii', v-lhic:i ,.r\$ '.e:, ,;(:11t..,;"I<";., l.n ;) 1uly (jA.eC'.liA3,J. :i;'iJer to t.h iJ, ,,""".' i...~ .~tJ hJ ( ~ I... . . t;c:~..;,JLv;li, t~~i,j COl\".'act w.ay noOt ::>0 011.. .~T,(jJ, ;10,:L~ic:, or tilt.orol 0.,C&Pt. in 0Jr1t~ du] y c; .:, ; L;'~.~;~.~ ..<;' . .. >. .~.~o ~Jdr:"'.l'~j \-,;l~H J. :t~:c f or:J.w.ity. IN l!'1'jG~.: n~' :f::::' t the P,x:' t.io:.i hereto have oxecuted this document by roll ~:hrou,,!;h theL- (Lily .'lut~orbod of'f'1c1als as at the _. 1966. day of THE CITY OF):~ .J\RD, I.Z330r. .JY~ ~-.,..~~.. ti={.,'1....-. i.". .. i. :.l.r..pa <,;iC, ,..ayor for t.~G ~1. t 1 ;~anO./:;er )"'r" fJ,. to . ~- ..-0:-............ loo.tricc .'. .b~t..3 ~i t. :.' '~'.l ': .i~' . -':.1"00...1 'J.:r~r ~ '~'r~ ".rt.,.. lf~t I ~ ,t. ; , 1.;. ~"~"l'\t"'r' (~,':''''I u,.\ ,~., ~J ..f. r" 1. . \,..... ;. l , < J :\ .' ) 'J.'):EJ JUJI;I,~ (,11\ til1$ ".:: / 01' J '};,.li~ ~'eforc e, t.:.C unders1n;rll'l71;--;--.-e' "';'.' ..-,{;yr; 'T~~' "')r t.'1O 1'1 L ".J','~e. pci":.wnnally J.ppearcl ::'J:..:?~":t,.~ic~~", ~i': -~'eatr1Gr: n.. ~l.t~'.,J, 1~'cupoct1V'f.:)ly :avor anJ :i\:.)' 'it ..re't; ir'~l" 0" ;"lC ;1:',[ Ol' '~f(U',~ :nO'ffi to laG to 'Jc t.:.c Llun(j"~.:' L:.i',-i :,t',",; ;;!;( .;)yccuto3 t'.0 tor:;'.o::.n: In:::tru- ~:ient on.d "~:H:::~r ',-~ c..:' -<..~:~::.. ...l. it '~.~:lflt t11CY e:~""oc;J.t~C':'.l c..110 aar.1f3 a:J tl'lvtr true: and. ~ :~X'J.i',-j.~~ry '-!-':;'l~ ~-,"\~} :.t")f.1d, 't..'lth tu~:... :~Lt..,;)rity SO 'to do tmd \-li t: ~ ::~u:,' 1cr.~1 f";\l"o -.it.!'"' 1. t:...; G un tf.)~1.t.J p :-Ol:" ..;,; ~{:s U,1 UJ a.nJ pur- po~es t14Qrf:.li;~. (n1ti(:10(~-9 T, - ,TI~r~~,.-: ': ~r ~,. ... c.ftic 1al l t"J!l J :., JJ ,;.:1-../0 ~:Jro'un ':.0 JC~~ . .~,- ~l~~">,,"~ !l11.d 2'tJ'l.t" ,lr::..:~ton atloio.. : .i'fiycd . -:..1:...: ! ~,,. "~J ! .:..tl, r 4'341 -'-~'-~..,-"'- "~f' ""' 1'-, "! ~r"" t ~ '~ "'Ji-~. . '_'... " .~. J......" ~>> o ,;p irO.l __._ _,__ i:omr;:!~:31on . ,\ -,,- r:; 9 ('.., ~-r" , -' s:I,~./ ? r 1"-- ( "'I,r _/1' Ii ~.