HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1972-872 r eM OF smwm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -s 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 , Introduced. April 23, 1973 SI!}lARl) CIft COUNCIL HI B. 'C. HUIH RESOW'I'I~ NO. etl2 A resolut1oll relating to the natioul conservation qatem cieaipatiou under Section 17( d)( 2)(A) ot the Alaska Native Cl.a.1JI!a Set~.t Act. BE IT RESOLVED B! TBE S1!)lAlJ) cm COUROn.: WHEREAS SectiOll 1?(d)(2)(A) ot the ",..Iq Natrive 'Cla1M Se~t Act or December 18, 1971, pro"fic>>s tor the' creatiOll of or tor:cth. add1t.1ca to exiatiDg ua1ta or wild ad scea1c rivera, aatioul p&rlca, ..tioul toreeta ad 1di"'4t. retuc..; - ~~, or theH tour II18taa, the Ccqre.. did, ill 1960, JI4aU t.M . l6Jltiple U.. ad Sut.d.M<t Yield Act which directed. that RatiOll&1. Poreat 1uda be judicio1W.7......ed to produce a c-hJ...tica ot bbereat valua, lIUCh u 0Iltd00r recre&tioa, 1II1ldlite, rup, w1ldeaesa, +.4..hap &ad wterablMlJ 1a order to serve the beet htereata of the Aatr1caa people; ad WHBRBAS, wb11e tb18 method 1. adopted b7 the other aauci.. tor their . .....-at directis, 0lIl;r :ill the HatiouJ. Foreet SJet- is .altiple ... curreat-,q directed by .. act. of the Ccqrea.; &ad WIlEREAS the dtiple use &ad auta1ud J1eld pbiloa0pb7 ill --'i 1 ort provides tor COIl81derab17 IIOre optiou to ...t tbe ueda of tbe -.1erl.t,. ot 41 421 4 3 44 4 5 ,..1; , , " ~ " 2 21 Alaskuls, as well as all Americans, Rowaad 1R the future, couistent with paratnoURt environmental protection; and WHEREAS the Joint FederaWtate Land Use Planning CClIIIIlliss:1.<lC and the Secretary of the Interior, Rogers C. B. Morton, are to :recOIIIIeJld to the Coqress llIhich lands are to be contained within each or the four aysteDla; ad . , 2.3 24 2 5 26 27 28 2 9 WHEREAS these recol1JJn&J:ldations and their enactment into law &1"l' ot great concern to the people of the State of AJ.&8ke.; BE IT RESOLVED that it 18 the will ot this Seward City CouncU to lend ;. 0 :5 1 use Plarming CCIIlIIlission and the Secreta17 ot the Interior to couider to the ~ , . " t"~est practical extent, inclusion ot at least approximateJ.T 44 m1ll1oa acres I in new Jilational forests tor Al atka, usst torth by the Forest Service' Ala.8ka I Pl:uming Team Document, U. 8. Department or Agriculture, dated Jul1l972, aad ;, that they subsequently make weh a recOllMlldation to the Coagress ~t the Uaited I States; &l'ld be it · FIlRrlIER RESOLVIm that the AlA... ~ b the ......... I.a "'~ ill"equested to join with the Joint Federal-State Lud Use Pl.anIWIg ec.iaa1oa to - I encourage the introductioa ot legialat.101'1 to create appraximateJ.y 44 III1ll1ca ./ ~ .:; :3 3 4 :3 5 3 6 ; 7 38 ;; 9 :~ 0 Acres of new utional torest. within the 80 mUli_ acre. provided tor 1a Section 17(d)(2)(A) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlemeat Act. COPIF..S of this ResolutiOJl shall be traumitted to the Hcaorable R1<lb4M,ll. N1xoIl, President ot the United States; the Hoaorable Rogen C. B. Kortoa. Secreta17, Department. of the Interiorj the Hoaorable Earl L. B&lt., Secretu:r. Department ot Agriculture; the Chail"lllel!l ot the U. S. Senate aad the U. S. HCNH ~I I . I , - r' ~ "~.,~;.,,=:<=,,~~.~ . 1: ~. lq ~ ..i * i~ ! ,. ~ ;;.) Interior &ad In8\ll.ar Atfdn COlEIittees; the Hcmorable Gover'l1Or Wi1Ham A. Egu., Co...chairmaa, Mr. J08eph JOMphaoa. Co-chairman Deaipee. and Mr. Jack O. HortOn. Co-cha11'11lU. Laad Use Pt'....ba CCllllldssicm of. Alaska; the HonorabJ.e Mike Gravel; the Honorable Ted Steveu, U. S. Seaators. aad the Honorable Doa You>>g. U. S. Represeatative. IIeIIlbera ~ the Alaska delegaUoa in Congress. L;, 7 48 49 5 0 ADOPTED BY THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL THIS 23 DAY OF APR 1973 n .A.. T'L'l' J ( . ~ ,,~ ~~': I~~y~/~. ~/ " Se'tlQrd City Clerk I i . i I ,\ I " (~ ~ ~ ~ :' ~ ~~ ,; .'t j:il . ij ...--;~~~ ____.r _,/', ,CJY v '/',-,,/ i; A-I /' .........-. , ...j or of tt1e City of Seward i: r ~ itti ~ 'i Ii ~ II S 8