HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1974-906 r~-----'--------"-'-'-"- -"'----------''' ,,-, - "-"',, ,--, '''' ,"',--, ----------,-,--,-,,,"'----,,--,,,"",- ,--"',---,-"','" NITACHED T'J AND T1ADE A PART OF n:']:E '1JI:0JTES OF THE S 'ARD CITY COUNCIL o UJVIE 16 - ~~E 57. ,f:"r I ,;'7n..~1 (.' James R. Filip, y? City Clerk-Treasurer 'IHE CrrY OF smwm RFSlwrIai tl). 90.6- NJW, ~, BE IT RESO):N~that t~ City Mu;Iager.,4U'd the City Clerk- Treastrer are hereby 1nstructed to !q~ge Orr as uncollectible the accounts tollow1ng in the SID of Two 'Ib:l\lSanc! Two Hundred Four am 04/l00 ($2,204.04) O>llars am that the ~ ehall be str1ken from the aocounts receivable of the City of;~: : + MISCEILANEXXJS ACCOUNTS - NON RECEIVABIE - MARCH 1974 : ~..' . . I IA'lE9I' IEP ':, SAIES BIUED APPLIED NAME EIml'RIC Wm!R GARBAGE TAX 'lUl'AL DA'lE I; 1/74 Larry Amrew8 IE 7.02 7.02 1/74 10/73 Fbbert Berg AE 56.10 6.75 3.90 1.51 68.26 12113 4/73 John Cairnoross AE 19.07 19.07 12113 9/73 Josepune Cantrell AE 53.76 .63 54.39 10173 7/73 8111 ConsMIY ..~- . IE 10.00 '.,'( 10.00 8/73 4173 Clary Illvenport IE 24.49 .53 25.02 6/73 10/73 Cleatha DeWitz in,,!." IE 40.45 40.45 12/73 8/73 Craig bell IE 5.17 5.17 10/73 1/74 ~ O>y1e Jr~'I, AE 32.03 .97 33.00 2/74 1/74 Edward FlaJo1e AE 175.76 15.43 8.19 4.61 203.99 11/73 7/73 Terry llatet<<X>d AE 65.43 10.15 5.85 2.43 83.86 12/73 5/73 O>nald Goguen DE 96.45 14.86 8.58 3.32 123.21 6173 !ester Gossage DE 1.33CR ,<r 1. 33 CR 9/73 1/74 Sara. Gottschalk DE 8.70 8.70 1/74 11/73 Jerry Je~ IE 1.26 1.26 12/73 JoseIil Kefflneyer IE 12.78 .32 13.10 5173 9/73 Katie Kennedy AE 34.77 6.75 3.90 1.47 46.89 12/73 12/73 Iptius Keyes DE 46.11 1.37 47.48 1174 7/73 Gerald Mt.han AE 29.41 6.75 1.95 1.18 39.29 12113 *2/74 Joy Mijor IE 56.22 1.70 57.92 1174 7/73 Byron Mco>mof!11 IE .17 .17 6/73 1/74 Wesley McMlth IE 22.23 .18 22.41 1/74 12113 Michael Moore IE 45.68 1.06 46.74 1174 11/73 IDy1e fol1llen1x IE 1.37 1.37 12/73 *1/74 Pioneer Bar CE 269.07 38.50 13.20 7.01 327.78 -0- Chet Prsulx IE 6.78 6.78 9/73 10/73 Seward Bakery CE 309.16 42.53 20.90 10.53 383.12 10173 11/73 Jeane Shaw IE 36.71 2.00 1.16 39.87 1/74 -0- Fbbin &n1th IE 6.00 .18 6.18 12113 Eric Starr IE 41.41 15.40 8.15 2.15 61.71 11/73 9/73 Jane Stone IE 4.70 4.70 12113 10173 V1rgll Sunmers IE 32.04 4.47 1.95 .58 39.04 10173 12/73 Randall 'lhornsley IE 12.47 .22 12.69 1/74 9173 Fby Turner IE .18 .18 10173 , '>./73 Gary Rathbun AE 30.38 4.00 1.95 .67 37.00 12113 i173 Wi] 11 Am Fbss AE 68.50 10.15 3.90 2.46 85.01 12113 '173 'Ibm Rudnick AE 31.92 6.75 3.90 1.76 "4.33 12173 (/73 Oil Varxleru8rk IE 26.98 10.15 5.85 1.53 44.51 12113 11/'73 Dt,yna A. Wl)c,d AE 114.65 15.43 8.19 5.43 143.70 12/73 'lUl'AL $1.834.05 ~08.07 $104.66 $53.26 ~2 .200.04 BREAK DOWN KIND & NUMBER EIECTRIC WATER GARBAGE TAX TV TCYl'AL DE - (27) $544.04 $44.88 $28,83 $12.60 $2.00 $632.35 AE - (12) 711. 78 82.16 41.73 23.12 -0- 858.79 CE - (2) 578.23 8l.03 34.10 17.54 2.00 712.90 TCYl'AL $1,834.05 $208.07 $104.66 $53.26 $4.00 $2,204.04 * TV charge $2.00 AND BE IT FUR'l'HER RESOLVED that the City Minager and the City Clerk-Treasurer are further instructed that should any of these accounts be paid, then such paid accounts shall be revived in the manner set out in applicable manuals prepared by the Mmicipal Accounting Association, Federal Power Conmission, or Federal utilities Conmission, except utility or miscellaneous receivable accounts upon which non-appealed judfgmnt has been entered by the Alaska Court System as uncollectible by the City of Seward) which accounts shall be writ- ten off forever. This Resolution shall be effective inmed1ately upon pas- sage and approval. ~sed and approved by the Conm:>n Council of the City of Seward, Alaska this ~y.!. day of June, 1974 l.... II."'...~"', Lee McAnerney) /t'ayar ATlEST : ~, .IJt.1ri J R. ilip, . C1;ty Clerk-Treasurer '-