HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1975-927 r ATTACHED ND '{ADE A ~ART OF THE ~INUTES OF THE SEWARD CITY COUNCIL-VOL~ 17 y ~:E It ff? ames R. Filin, City Clerk-Treasurer 1 ~ I ~ " 1 1 ~ ClT!' or SJMJ1) Datrochlcech 7 / 11 / 197' 1 II '1'HI SIWUD crrr cowen BY B. c. IIUDI DSOLU'rICIJ 10. 9'Zl A reeoluUoll .\1MlO1 UDc tile 1JD1'-d 2 3 ,. state. fede1"&1 &fin.. t.t. ~ S to acee1erate leulDc or on.... 6 tJoacta in the aalt of Aluka fer 7 the ~. of 011 aDd .. 8 ap].orat1.OD, dnelol8*lt aDd 9 ~Ut1.OD 1 0 BE IT RESOLVED BY _ qwQI) crrr colllen: 1 1 WHERr.AS, our D&t1CD. 'a grow1q dependence OD bportecl eurg baa at 1 2 thia point in u.e appron..tecl 40% of our 011 auppq 18 ..-rt~1 troa tordp 1 3 aouro.., due ~ to the tact that .Ince 1968 the t)dtecl state. ba. b.- 1 ,. depleting ita Prond reHrY" taater than new 0DeCI are &dded} aDd I ' 1 5 WHl!:RIAS, the Bdtecl stat.. baa an abUDd&Dce of energ 1I01U'C" ~ 1 6 to be dneloped. - OODftDt1.oaal aourc.. auch aa 011, g&a aDd coal} aDd 1 7 alt.erD&te 80urcee auoh .. 180~, tar sanda, DllClear, 011 abale, 8Olar, 1 8 coalllquetact1C11, coal gaa1t1cat1cm and otberaJ aDd 1 9 Wf'I'JUUS, a&1d alt.erD&te fo~ ot eurg oarmot poea1blT OODtr1.1nrt.e 2 0 a1ga1t1cantlT to our D&t1OD'a inherent energ ~ta in t.be uxt 10 to 2 1 15 ;rears becau.. the teclmolog .. DOt. be. clenlopecl in ... Oh..} om l.m r 2 2 ecoD01ldc cond.1tione .-ke it 1Ult...1ble in certain ot.her caa..; long lead 2 :3 t1.1llea are needed to br1n<< new e8117 eoarc.. OIl product.ion, and tor certain 2 4 other re&8OIl8; and 2 5 WJfF.JltiS, 77% ot our Outer Continental Shelf r rift. 'lm"QCp1ored, 2 6 75~ to 9J% ot this U. s. Outer Continental Shelf 11.. oft the coast. ot Al-.p 2 7 where the" reaina 11ttle doubt of potent1&llJ" t.raandou 011 and .. 2 8 reaerve. otterin8 the ONLY ebort.-tera altematiTe which can hup u to 2 9 .ubstanti~ .1n1.1 lie our depadenq on toreign 011. 3 0 NOW'mIRKJI'OU, BE IT USOLnD t.b&t. it is the will ot this S..vd 3 1 CU,. COUDcll that we lend. official npport to our federal pnl'DMDtl8 in\eDt, 3 2 to accelerate l.sing of oft shore tracts 1A the Galt ot Alaeka tor the 3 :3 purpose ot 011 and .. exploratioD, d.....loJaeDt. and product.1OD; and 3 4 BE rr rtJR'1'HIR 1ISOLn:D tbat t.be SfM&rd Cit,. Councll 1ada official :3 5 support to the concept ot iapact. tand8 8uch as would be pI'O'rideci in s_te :3 6 Bill 130, or Senat.e Bill '86, the Coutal Zone Act, prorldeci t1DaAcial :3 7 assistance could be realized b,. .m.c1pal1t.1.. who han to deal with the :3 8 apected 80C1&1, em1roDMllta1 and econOllic Outer Continetal Shelf :3 9 denlopunt impacts. 40 COPIES ot t.h1e reeolutioll sball be traaadt.t.ed to the HoDorable 4 1 Gerald R. Ford, Jr., Pre8ideat ot the ~ted state.; tile HoDorable Stanl..,. I. 4 2 Hathaw,., SecretarT ot the Interior; the Honorable Itlb IIUlafield, a_te 4 3 MajorU,. Leader; the Honorable carl Albert, Speaker ot tile Roue ot 4 4 Representatinll; the Honorable Klke Qre.nl; the Honorable Ted SteTeu; 4 , Honorable Don Young, Alaeka IS CoD&nes1oDal Delegation; the Bmorable 11.,. 4 6 11--0""', GoTernor ot Ala_; th. Hcmorable E. 1.. Patton, Pree1ci_t .f the r ! ,. , t 4 7 !lyeslea Pipeline s.rrtce C~; the HoDorable Stanlq ,. ~, *101' of 4 8 the lena! PeninlJula BoroU&h; the HoDorable JaM. V. Ame.., Predd._t, 1_1 4 9 Peninsula Borough AsseBb17; the RoDorable Ja7 lerttula, Alaaka state S_tor, 5 0 and the Honorable leith Speck1Dc, Aluka Hwae of RepreaentatiTea. AOOPTED BY THE smwm ern COUlcn 'I'HlS / /~I 01" #-rr-- 19'1' , ...'C~ . A'1f!S'f 1. "'"l . m~, .....;" ~ e1t7 Clerk / *101' of s....rd