HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1982-036 OS/24/82 CEJ:lm CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 82-36 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, ADOPTING THE CITY BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1982 WHEREAS, on April 12, 1982, the City Manager submitted to the City Council a proposed budget for the City of Seward for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1982; and WHEREAS, public hearings have been held on the proposed budget on April 26, May lO, and May 24, 1982; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the proposed budget; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, that: Section 1. The City budget for the Fiscal Year beginning July l, 1982, including the City Manager's letter of presentation, both of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, and containing estimated revenues and expenditures, BE ADOPTED, and that the funds needed therefore are hereby.ap- propriated. Section 2. The total assessed valuation assessed by the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assessor, and any supplemental assessment rolls for said period which may be certified by the Borough Assessor at a future date, shall be the basis for computing estimated revenues of the City of Seward, Alaska. Section 3. The rate of levy on the 1982 real and personal property tax rolls shall be and is hereby levied at the rate of 5.0 mils per dollar of assessed valuation in Municipal Service Area Zone One (Borough designation TCA 40) and 3.5 mils per dollar assessed valuation in Municipal Service Zone Two (Borough designation TCA 4l). Section 4. This resolution shall become effective July l, 1982. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, this 24th day of Hay , 1982. r I ! I I I ! I :0 CITY Of SElvAlW BUDGET AND , Ie ADDITIONAL INfORHA'I' f('X FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1983 (, ~-----------~ DESCRIPTIO~ iU....Lun...... -- ----- - ------ 101 General Fund 310 General Toxes 311 General Property Taxes 10 Real Property Taxes 20 Personal Property Taxes 40 Boat Taxes 60 Oil Property Taxes 311 Total General Property Taxes 319 Penal ties a,'1d Interest on Delinquent Taxes 10 General Property Tax Penalties 319 Total Penalties and Interest on Delinquent 310 Total General Taxes Lf50,5S3 264,198 201,790 118,363 88,123 30,800 -0- -0- 2,500 3,318 2,108 1,350 .272,239 354,429 235,6,,0 1,830 1,618 600 --- Taxes 1,830 1,613 600 574,069 356,047 236,240 320 Licenses and Permits 323 Licenses ane Permits 10 Taxi Permits 20 Building Permits 30 uog Licenses 40 Auto License Commissions 50 Miscellaneous Permits and Licenses 323 Total Licenses and Permits 310 9,292 760 6,626 260 17,248 115 10,729 930 7,759 10 19,543 250 15,OaO 600 7,50lj -0- 23,350 330 Other Revenue - Grants and Shared Revenue 332 Federal Revenue Sharing 10 Federal Revenue Sharing 332 Total Federal Rev_' Sharing 333 Pilyments in Lieu 01 Taxes 40 Harbor Fund 50 Electric Fund 60 Water and Sewer Fund 333 Total Payments in Lieu of Taxes 335 State Shared Revenue 11 Alaska Liquor Tax 12 Alaska Amusement Device Tax 13 Al.::;s]:a rt.8W Fish Tax 14 Alaska Shared Revenue 15 Alaska Municipal Assist Funds 16 Daycare Cent~= 335 Total State Sh<:rcd Revenue 330 Total Other Revconue - Grants and Shared Rcv~n,le 84,574 75,599 -0- 84,574 75,599 -0- 28,455 46,238 "n,OOO 114,790 125,396 15~,S3S 11,425 24,[115 25, -JCO 154,670 196,049 216,13~;8 -- 16,450 17,900 15,000 1,024 360 1, = ~ 1,923 51,818 28,000 244,250 244,600 244,676 233,205 428,889 342,735 -0- --1-.12...134 29,000 Lj96,852 770,701 6C,O,861 7"'!; (1% ---~ ~~-=--- hO~2,3':i9 377, 7.~tj , ~~r~~~:;: ~';Xi,*-~~;ff"',._ ~~~;-~ ( "' DESCRIPTIO~ General Fund Other Revenue - General Government General Government 10 Television Contributions 11 Copying 12 Television Installation 13 Computer Fee 30 Zoning Fees ~O Contract and Legal Administration 41 Project Management SO Administration Harbor 51 Administration Electric 52 Administration Hater and Sewer 90 Miscellaneous Administration Revenue 341 Total General Government 342 Public Safety 10 Drivers Education 15 Niscellaneous Grants 20 Jail Contract 30 Alaska Rail Road Surveillance 342 Total Public Safety 343 Hiways and Streets 10 Work Order Revenue 35 Equipment Rental 343 Total Hiways and Streets 347 Recreation Revenue 10 Recreation Fees and Contribution 11 Teen Center 12 Camping Fees 347 Total Recreation Revenue 340 Total Other Revenues - General Government 101 340 341 350 Fines and Bails 351 Fines 10 Fines and Bails 11 Auto Impounds J51 Total Fines and Bails 1980-81 ACTUAL .--.., 1 . ,i2-33 A?PROVED BUDGET 1931-82 ACTUAL 29,003 12,150 26,629 -0- 150 29,079 -0- 31,239 100,362 31,239 4,220 264,071 29,280 13,083 -0- 9,250 200 2,208,517 -0- 37,521 103,184 37,521 12,070 2,450,626 33,000 10,000 -0- 36,000 200 834,551. 550,000 41,273 > 38,675 9,608 6,000 1,559~3l'2 66,482 1,022 100,033 9,000 176,537 -0- 2,927 134,000 7,200 14Lf,127 -0- -0- 160,000 9,600 169.600 4,573 3,635 8,208 28,841 14,539 43,380 12,000 15,000 27,000 3,565 -0- -0- ~j2 452,381 1,230 235 2,550 4,015 2,642,148 1,000 3% 15,000 16,300 1, 772,202 11 ,052 376 ]1,428 ----- 11,909 67 11,9/6 6,000 400 6, !,O() DESCRIPTION 1980-81 ACTUAL 1981-82 ACTL'AL , 2-83 APPROVED BUDGET 101 General Fund 360 Other ~!iscellnneous Revenue 361 Interest Earned 10 Time Certificate Deposits, Repossessions,Etc. 11 Seward Fisheries Interest 12 Utility Receivable Penalties and Interest 361 Total Interest Earned 362 Rents and Royalties 10 Land Rent and Lease 15 Driver Education Auto Lease 16 Jail Rental 20 ~lunicipal Building Rent 30 Harbor Building Rent 362 Total Rents and Royalties 364 Sales Fixed Assets 10 Surplus Property Sales 364 Total Sales Fixed Assets 369 Other Miscellaneous Revenue 10 Garbage Contract 11 Garbage Collections 15 CETA 50 City Clerk Fees 90 Miscellaneous Service Revenue 369 Total Other Miscellaneous Revenue 360 Total Other ~iscellaneous Revenue Fund 101 Total General Fund 124,037 775,938 400,000 1,970 1,549 1,200 3,021 7,146 3,000 129,028 784,633 404,200 173,853 118,931 150,01)0 3,000 -0- -0- 4,800 5,210 6,000 28,716 30,847 33,000 16,800 18,200 16,8ar 227,169 173,188 205,:Jr) ----- 20,786 3,249 5,000 --- --- 20,786 3,249 5,000 13,760 16,183 :7,000 6,594 7,767 7,500 36,408 -0- -0- 169 60 -0- 1,554 11 -, -0- ~ f 58,483 24,127 2L~, 500 -- 639,500 ~,468 985.197 2,226,690 5,057,260 3,535,441 n . 1980-81 ACTUAL 1981-82 ACTuAL I -1 ~ '-_,~!82-83 APnO\'ED 3:iDGET DESCRIPTION 101 General Fund 111 ?'\,;:;::>r & Council 510 General Government 511 Legislative 10 Mayor and Council 21 Audit 22 Advertising 23 Subscriptions & Dues 24 Travel & Subsitence 25 Co~~unications '17 Legal 28 Engineering 37 Insurance 39 Contracted Services 41 Office Supplies 57 Municipal Lobby Fees 69 Contingency 71 Hayors Expenses 73 Promotion & Entertainment 79 Miscellaneous Expenses 85 Transfer of Funds 93 Equip:nent 10 Total Mayor & Council 511 Total Legistlative 19,260 28,977 22,000 2,156 4,154 2,700 2,913 2,282 2,800 2,889 6,490 6,000 -0- 56 400 77 ,251 166,648 150, Q()e) 1,400 t,337 r -\j- 4,695 3,827 4,00 2,393 2,000 2,00(, 10,243 11 ,536 4,000 -0- 65,000 -0- 78,774 18,236 12,235 51 239 1,000 2,723 9,123 -0- 17 21,803 -0- -0- -0- 77,4S~ 910 9,771 1,000 205,680 351,479 295,6l9 205,630 351,479 2. (~ 5 , 61 9 ----- DESCRIPTION --r , 1980-81 ACTUAL .,.-....., (, 1981-82 ACTUAL )82-83 APPROVED BUDGET 101 General FL'nd 112 City Nanagcr 510 General Government 512 Executive 10 City )1anager 11 Salaries 98,758 135,513 169,572 13 Unemployment -0- no -0- 14 Leave Time 13,263 18,737 23,670 15 FICA Taxes 5,388 7,902 7,796 16 Retirement 12,134 21,426 25,328 17 Health Insurance 4,742 7,755 8,176 18 Workmens Compensation 345 827 725 22 Advertising 339 436 500 23 Subscriptions & Dues 2,650 1,859 2,500 24 Travel & Subsistence 8,784 2,345 13,800 25 Communications 4,939 9,698 {, , 000 26 Education & Training -0- 855 1,000 36 Rents & Leases -0- 217 -0- 18 ~laintenance & Repair 2,490 2,778 1,000 39 Contracted Services -0- -D- IDO 41 Office Supplies 5,993 4,057 1,500 44 Operating Supplies 57 1,298 1,00'J 45 Gas & Lube -0- 801 -0- 63 Bonding Expense 195 175 450 79 ~liscellaneous Expenses -0- 514 -0- 93 Equipment ~824 10,633 3.000 10 Total City Hanager 163,901 229.246 263,3:7 512 Total Executive 123,901 229,246 263,3:7 l--- , \ DESCRIPTION 101 General Fund 113 City Clerk 510 General Government 514 Elections/Personnel 10 City Clerk Personnel 11 Salaries 14 Leave Time 15 FICA Taxes 16 Retirement 17 Health Ensurance 18 Horkmens Compensation 22 Advertising 23 Subscriptions & Dues 24 Travel & Subsistence 25 Communications 36 Rents & Leases 38 Naintcnance & Repair 41 O~fice Supplies 44 Operating Supplies 63 Bonding Expense 72 Elections 79 Miscellaneous Expenses 93 Equipment 10 Total City Clerk Personnel 514 Total Elections/Personnel ~ I -~--~--~.---- ,--, 1 S'iJO-S1 ACTUAL 1981-82 AC1TAL 1 :-.-2 3 APPROVED Bt;DGET 51,754 54,315 60,904 6,765 7,230 8,342 3,168 3.730 3,629 6,486 8,555 9,215 3,161 4,092 4,088 230 394 ~-Q y), , 1,199 743 1, 200 92 223 600 3,612 2,439 4,500 342 538 300 2,096 1.600 2,500 31.9 993 3,00J 1,589 5,369 1,2S0 48 476 500 20 462 -+50 935 2,296 2,jOO 17 70 -0- -0- 17,528 _5,000 --- 81,863 1l1,OSfi 108,337 --~- -- 81,863 111,058 108.337 -- DESCRIPTION 1930-81 ACTUAL 1981-32 ACTUAL 101 General Fund 114 Finance 510 General Government 515 Fi~ancial Administration/Data Processing 10 Finance 11 Salaries 12 Over Time 13 Vrnemploy-ment Wages 14 Leave Time 15 FICA Taxes 16 Retirement 17 Health Insurance 18 \{orkmens Compensation 22 Advertising 23 Subscriptions & Dues 24 Travel & Subsistence 25 Communications 26 Education & Training 36 Rents & Leases 38 Maintenance & Repair 39 Contracted Services 41 Office Supplies 44 Operating Supplies 46 Small Tools & Equipment 63 Bonding Expense 79 Miscellaneous Expenses 93 Equipment 10 Total Finance 515 Total Financial Administration/Data Processing 97,437 73 2,569 12,668 6,324 11 ,966 6,473 430 55 217 2,344 1,058 -0- 20,552 1,580 5,314 4,207 7,277 80 581 18 -0- 181,223 ~G223 121,631 641 -0- 16,099 7,874 19,384 10,230 949 11 375 2,638 1,185 300 23,096 1,131 9,164 5,475 7,680 -0- 450 68 15,42Q 243,801 243,801 r:..----' . Al2-83 '\PPRQ1"7" Y, "Dr''''~l . ..\. .1.:.,'; _. _ V~ , , I 172,578 -0- -0- 22,618 10,067 25,012 12,264 1,146 -0- 250 4,000 700 1,000 9,864 5,364 5,000 ~,500 6,500 250 :~SO 50 59,365 338,97E 338.978 ,--..... . \, '. DESCRIPTION 1980-81 ACTUAL 1981-82 ACTUAL ~, )82-83 APPP.()\7:D D~7DGET 101 General Fund 117 Parks & Recreation 510 General Government 517 Recreation 10 Recreation 11 Salaries 19,929 55,278 91,687 13 Unemployment Hages 534 -0- -0- 14 Leave Time 1,689 5,612 9,5:'8 15 FICA Taxes 1,395 3,661 6,428 16 Retirement 1,705 6,981 11 ,300 17 Health Insurance 1,280 4,453 6,139 18 Horkmens Compensation 119 461 ~.~ 55 22 Advertising 494 377 70u 23 Subscription & Dues 31 50 100 24 Travel & Subsistence 234 1,343 1,500 25 Communications 627 559 500 27 Legal 200 ~8- -0- 31 Utilities -0- 350 -0- 36 Rents & Leases -0- 7,855 3,600 38 Haintenance & Repair 468 902 1,000 39 Contracted Services 5,48] 1,520 2,000 41 Office Supplies 842 1,229 20:-1 44 O:'erating Supplies 4,242 7,802 10,250 45 Gas & Lube 234 634 800 51 Labor Transfer From Other -0- -0- -0- 69 Contingency 107 -0- 1,000 79 !1iscellaneous Expenses 1,329 266 1,000 93 Equipment 237 775 1,50' , 10 Total Recreation 41,177 100,108 149 , 8', LJ 20 Teen Center 11' Salaries 19,334 23,566 14 Leave Time 1,439 3. on 15 FICA Taxes ] ,318 1,567 16 Retirement 1,305 3,589 17 Health Insurance 1,365 2,O~4 18 Horkmens Compensation 150 1~9 23 Dues & Subscriptions 124 120 24 Trccvel & ~ubsistence 372 550 25 C012n~unico tion~} 287 375 31 Utilities 1,011 9C.O 33 lIe,] t 2,329 3,"00 r\ D:':SCRIPTlON e 517 Parks & Recreation 38 Malntcnancc & Repairs 41 Office Supplies 44 Operating Supplies 47 Janitor Supplies 20 Total Teen Center 517 Total Parks & Recreation 1980-81 I ACT~ I -0- 41,177 1931-82 ACTt:AL - ~ .jS2-83 I A ",p",r~""" p"Drr.~ .t\.1... ..",-, \........J .uU '..::......... 663 85 334 241 30,357 130,465 1,000 200 400 100 40,682 190,522 ( /~ , 1980-81 1981-82 . ,.2-83 DESCRIPTIO~ ACTUAL ACTUAL A?PROrED Bl':DGET 101 General Fund 118 General Services 510 General Government 518 General Government Service 10 General Services 31 Utilities 27,060 45,538 41,255 32 Power 17,496 -0- -0- 36 Rents & Leases 1,188 -0- -0- 37 Insurance 25,800 20,974 26,799 38 Maintenance & Repair 2,676 1,407 1,000 79 Miscellaneous Expenses 4,615 55,280 10,000__ 10 Total General Services 78,835 123,199 79,05, 11 KRXA Ads I 61 Contributions 500 1,000 1,000 11 Total KRXA Ads 500 1,000 1,000 12 Exchange Project 61 Contributions 9,031 2,000 - 12 Total Exchange Project -0- ~1l 2,000 - 13 Day Care Center 61 Contributions 27,134 29,000 13 Total Day Care Center -0- 27,134 29,000 14 Seward Volunteer Ambulance Corp 61 Contribut,ion -0- 1,111 -0- 14 Total Seward Volunteer Ambulance -0- 1, III -0 -, Corp 15 Hokaido Expo Travel 24 Travel & Subsistence -0- 4,492 -0- 15 Total Hokaido Expo Trayel -0- 4,492 -0- 20 Senior Citizens 41 Office Supplies -0- 340 400 61 Contributions 2,100 2,000 2,080 20 Total Senior Citizens - 2,100 2,340 2,400 30 Library I 31 Utilities 1,475 1,965 2,000 33 Heat 2,901 . 3,181 I 3,500 I 61 Contributions l.lJDJl 27 , 000 ]2-,-O.QQ. DESCRIPTION 1980-81 ACTUAL 1981-82 ACTUAL 1982 APPROVED BUDGET 518 Genral Government Service 35 Seward General Hospital 61 Contributions 35 Total Seward General Hospital 50 Council on Alcoholism 61 Contributions 50 Total Council on Alcoholism 74,430 -0- -0- 74,430 -0- -0- 125 146 -0- 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,325 1,346 1,200 7,700 10,677 8,000 7,700 10,677 8,000 3,700 4,300 3,000 3,700 4,300 3,000 8,191 6,060 -0- 8,191 6,060 -0- 148 -0- -0- 68 7 -0- 2,410 2,591 2,000 85 -0- -0- 1,089 1,137 1,000 1,030 1,976 2,000 29,813 26,036 22,000 43,438 76 5,000 279 -0- -0- 1,930 65 3,000 80,290 31,888 35,000 274,747 254,724 193,154 948,591 1,320,773 1,389,927 40 Public Health Nurse 38 Haintenance & Repairs Equipment 61 Contributions 40 Total Public Health Nurse 41 Seward Chamber of Commerce 61 Contributions 41 Total Seward Chamber of Commerce 60 Cemetery Upkeep 61 Contributions 60 Total Cemetery Upkeep 70 Television System 11 Salaries 19 Other 22 Advertising & Publication 25 Communications 27 Legal 31 Utilities 38 Maintenance & Repairs 39 Contracted Services 41 Office Supplies 44 Operating Supplies 70 Total Television System 518 Total General Government Service 510 Total General Government ( 1980-81 1981-82 i:h-S3 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED BUDGET 101 General Fund 121 Police Department 520 Public Safety 526 Police Administration 10 Police Department 11 Salaries 292,350 338,137 392,708 12 Overtime 4,558 23,375 22,182 13 Unemployment Wages 14,221 14,090 5,000 14 Leave Time 39,294 43,627 52,206 15 FICA Taxes 20,124 24,294 23,470 16 Retirement 38,448 56,160 62,598 . 17 Health Insurance 20,382 26,722 26,572 18 Workmens Compensation 9,596 16,542 15,037 23 Subscriptions & Dues 255 994 700 24 Travel & Subsistence 2,445 3,141 3,000 25 Communcications 4,091 5,384 4,000 26 Education & Training 1,475 1,912 2,000 34 Auto Impounds 598 -0- 400 37 Insurance 23,780 19,305 23,221 38 Maintenance & Repairs 4,666 12,336 7,000 39 Contracted Services -0- 475 600 41 Office Supplies 2,951 5,482 2,800 42 Vehicle Supplies 2,069 2,315 2,000 43 Uniform Allowance 2,151 2,727 2,800 44 Operating Supplies 2,747 4,334 3,500 45 Gas & Lube 8,513 10,692 8,250 46 Small Tools & Equipment 89 67 500 -- 79 Miscellaneous Expenses 180 1,582 250 93 Equipment 17,923 6,831 13,000 10 -.Total Police Department 512,906 620,524 673,794 , 7 ~ 1980-81 , 1981-82 L ,,2-83 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED BUDGET 526 Police Administration 20 Jail Contract 11 Salaries 59,308 70,832 81,553 12 Overtime 943 5,163 5,758 13 Unemployment -O- BI -0- 14 Leave Time 5,309 7,508 10,641 15 FICA Taxes 3,594 5,207 5,806 16 Retirement 5,534 11,135 13,297 17 Health Insurance 4,178 7,672 8,176 18 Workmens Compensation 3,416 7,036 7,073 22 Advertising & Publication 214 51 500 23 Subscriptions & Dues 47 17 -0- - 24 Travel & Subsistence 472 62 1,000 26 Education & Training 631 126 1,000 31 Utilities -0- -0- 1,800 36 Rents & Leases 4,800 5,500 6,000 37 Insurance 1,465 958 2,000 38 Maintenance & Repairs 1,238 461 1,000 39 Contract Services 55 -0- 200 41 Office Supplies 309 -0- 1,500 43 Uniform Allowance 353 721 1,500 44 Operating Supplies 667 2,536 2,000 46 Small Tools & Equipment 132 220 350 47 Janitor Supplies 15 324 400 48 Food Supplies 5,413 10,370 6,100 49 Miscellaneous Supplies & Expenses 8 74 100 67 Administrative Expense 20 -0- 246 79 Miscellaneous Expenses -0- 459 -0- 93 Equj:pment 1,473 5,040 2,000 20 Total Jail Contract 99.594 141.603 160,000 I f ,'-----" , , 1980-81 1981-82 _/..32-83 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED BUDGET 526 Police Administration 40 ,Animal Control 11 Salaries 20,302 16,022 20,894 12 Overtime 523 1,964 1,292 14 Leave Time 3,540 1,765 2,543 15 FICA Taxes 1,893 1,246 1,475 16 Retirement 3,372 2,429 3,379 17 Health Insurance 1,933 1,690 2,044 18 Workmens Compensation Jnsurance 1,977 1,883 1,768 31 Utilities 1,098 1,267 1,100 37 Insurance -0- -0- 1,200 38 Maintenance & Repairs 300 3,634 30r - 39 Contracted Services 4 -0- lOCi 41 Office Supplies -0- 10 50 42 Vehicle Supplies 451 -0- 150 43 Uniform Allowance -0- 11 100 44 Operating Supplies 213 591 500 45 Gas & Lube 598 1,082 800 46 Small Tools & Equipment 38 13 100 47 Janitor Supplies 37 -0- 100 79 Other Miscellaneous Expenses -0- 256 -0- 93 Equipment -0- 1,339 100 40 Total Animal Control 36,279 35,202 37,995 526 Total Police Administration 648,799 797,329 871,789 121 Total Police Department 648,799 797,329 871,789 - , , ,-- ! : ~J82-83 1980-81 1981-82 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED BUDGET 101 General Fund 122 Fire Department 520 Public Safety 527 Fire Fighting 10 Fire Department 11 Salaries 24,979 31,999 33,738 14 Leave Time 3,496 4,532 5,225 15 FICA Taxes 1,336 1,948 1,481 16 Retirement 2,776 4,977 5,030 17 Health Insurance 1,229 2,003 1,533 18 Workmens Compensation 1,134 1,372 1 ,07Q~ 23 Subscriptions & Dues 120 81 15 24 Travel & Subsistence 96 1,065 500 25 Communications 1,090 1,064 700 26 Education & Training 1,745 2,396 4,000 31 Utilities 2,365 2,899 2,500 33 Heat 6,391 7,108 6,500 37 Insurance 3,257 2,641 3,399 38 Maintenance & Repairs 1,022 2,041 3,000 39 Contracted Services -0- 2,980 -0- 41 Office Supplies 29 -0- 25 42 Vehicle Supplies 164 347 600 44 Operating Supplies 558 946 250 45 Gas & Lube 471 656 600 46 Small Tools & Equipment 102 108 300 47 Janitor Supplies 35 41 75 75 Volunteer Firemen 3,275 6,200 6,200- 93 Equipment 19,320 6,145 7,3E 10 Total Fire Department 74,990 83,549 84,265 527 Total Fire Fighting 74,990 83,549 84,265 I .~--------------._._- - ----------------~------- DESCRIPTION 1980-81 ACTUAL 1981-82 ACTUAL 101 General Fund 123 Building Inspection & Permits 520 Public Safety 528 Building Inspection & Permits 10 Building Inspection & Engineering 11 Salaries 12 Overtime 14 Leave Time 15 FICA Taxes 16 Retirement 17 Health Insurance 18 Workmens Compensation 22 Advertising 23 Subscriptions & Dues 24 Travel & Subsistence 25 Communications 28 Engineering 36 Rents & Leases 38 Maintenance & Repairs 39 Contracted Services 41 Office Supplies 42 Vehicle Supplies 44 Operating Supplies 45 Gas & Lube 67 Administration Expense 79 Miscellaneous Expenses 93 Equipment 10 Total Building Inspection & Engineering 528 Total Building Inspection & Permits 8,649 -0- 1,165 445 925 352 434 -0- 25 -0- 53 -0- -0- 174 -0- 820 -0- 60 233 -0- -0- -0- 13,335 13,335 137,728 16,325 20,441 9,599 22,621 7,546 3,419 1,131 57 30,319 2,039 694 3,394 838 5,359 7,491 2,213 3~013 4,852 24 153 73,583 352,839 352,839 520 Total Public Safety 737,104 1,233,717 82-83 APPROVED BUDGET 268,810 50,290 38,777 11,949 44,889 12,366 5,5: -0- 100 5,000 300 150,000 7,000 100 -0- 2,000 1,500 2,500 2,500 -0- 2,000 5,000 608,6~ 608,6:5... 1,564,688 /"""', ( '. 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED BUDGE~ 101 General Fund 131 Roads & Streets 530 Public Ivorks 532 Street Department 10 Street Department 11 Salaries 101,604 137,372 169,090 12 Overtime 7,181 26,416 28,444 13 Unemployment Wages 2,827 -0- -0- 14 Leave Time 15,884 18,089 23,535 15 FICA Taxes 8,304 9,821 9,875 16 Retirement 14,407 25,653 29,617 17 Health Insurance 7,904 10,228 10,2~ 18 Workmens Compensation 13,793 20,361 18,860 23 Subscriptions & Dues 40 84 50 24 Travel & Subsistence 109 48 500 25 Communications 917 1,179 950 38 Maintenance & Repairs 12,179 36,897 20,000 39 Contracted Services 1,938 -0- 2,000 42 Vehicle Supplies 459 1,629 3,000 44 Operating Supplies 15,301 18,186 20,000 45 Gas & Lube 12,299 15,110 12,000 46 Small Tool & Equipment 456 297 400 79 Miscellaneous Expenses 4,572 80 5,000 93 Equipment 5,388 2,934 15,000 10 Total Street Department 225,562 324,384 368,549 532 Total Street Department 225,562 324,384 368,549 ( --~ 1980-81 , , 1981-82 -1982-83 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED BUDGE1 101 General Fund 134 City Shop 530 Public Works 533 City Shop 10 City Shop 11 Salaries 47,573 52,275 69,223 12 Overtime 114 1,884 1,126 13 Unemployment Wages 1,770 -0- -0- 14 Leave Time 6,786 8,486 9,426 15 FICA Taxes 2,874 3,880 3,826 16 Retirement 5,448 9,116 10,592 17 Health Insurance 3,161 4,092 4,OE 18 Workmens Compensation 1,869 2,958 2,581 31 Utilities 4,127 6,104 3,000 33 Heat 9,662 11 ,316 8,000 37 Insurance 3,960 3,208 4,903 38 Miantenance & Repairs 3,223 1,487 2,000 39 Contracted Services 12 -0- -0- 42 Vehicle Supplies 143 195 -0- 44 Operating Supplies 3,367 3,107 3,000 45 Gas & Lube -0- 80 400 46 Small Tool & Equipment 776 584 1,000 93 Equipment -0- -0- 4,000 10 Total City Shop 94,865 108,772 127,165 533 Total City Shop 94,865 108,772 127,165 0 1980-81 1981-82 " 982-83 DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL APPROVED BUDGET 101 General Fund 135 Municipal Building 530 Public Works 534 Municipal Building 10 Municipal Building 11 Salaries 17,575 17,478 21,416 12 Overtime -0- 55 -0- 13 Unemployment Wages 1,939 2,121 -0- 14 Leave Time 1,916 2,039 2,604 15 FICA Taxes 1,259 1,217 1,424 16 Retirement 2,026 2,670 3,362 17 Health Insurance 1,581 2,046 1,80L 18 Workmens Compensation 970 1,146 1,343 31 Utilities 8,323 8,285 7,500 33 Heat 16,007 20,721 14,500 37 Insurance 3,098 2,492 3,504 38 Maintenance & Repairs 1,446 7,216 3,000 39 Contracted Services 8,033 -0- 1,200 44 Operating Supplies 623 1,662 600 46 Small Tools & Equipment 11 -0- 25 47 Janitor Supplies 3,291 3,181 3,500 93 Equipment -0- 1,624 500 10 Total Municipal Building 68,098 73,953 66,184 534 Total Municipal Building 68,098 73,953 66,184 530 Total Public Works 388,525 507,109 561,898 DESCRIPTION 1980-81 ACTUAL 1981-82 ACTUAL 82-83 APPROVED BUDGET 101 General Fund 191 General Fund Debt Service 550 Debt Service 551 Debt Service 10 Debt Service 81 Principal 82 Interest 10 Total Debt Service 551 Total Debt Service 10,946 12,194 15,436 27,391 25,844 23,492 38,337 38,038 38,928 38,337 38,038 38,928 38,337 38,038 38,928 2,112,557 3,099,637 3,SSS,4'd 550 Total Debt Service Fund 101 Total General Fund r (', '. CD STATISTICAL SECTION l.. r I I i ( \ e c CITY OF SEWARD MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS JUNE 30, 1982 Date of Incorporation Class Form of Goverrunent Area, Square Miles Miles of Street Number of Street Lights Population (July, 1981) Fire Protection: Number of Stations Number of Firemen and Officers (exclusive of volunteers) Number of Volunteers Fire Rating (ICO) Police Protection: Number of Stations Number of Policemen and Officers Education: Attendance Centers Municipal Water Department: Number of Consumers Average Daily Consumption, Gallons Miles of Water Main Building Permits Issued Recreation and Culture: Number of Parks Number of Libraries Number of Volumes Employees: Classified Service Exempt June 1, 1912 Home Rule Council - Manager 22 24 201 1,943 1 1 30 #5 1 9 3 654 2,200,000 N/A 7 3 1 18,500 44 2 ~ I , CITY OF SEWARD o PROPERTY TAX RATES - ALL OVERLAPPING GOVERNMENTS (PER $100 OF ASSESSED VALUE) LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Borough General School Year Fund Total District Borough Total 197;~ 20.000 20.000 5.000 0 25.000 1973 20.000 20.000 5.000 0 25.000 1974 20.000 20.000 5.000 0 25.000 1975 20.000 20.000 5.000 0 25.000 1976-77 20.000 20.000 5.000 0 25.000 1977 -78 18.000 18.000 5.000 0 23.000 .- 1978-79 13.500 13.500 4.035 .465 18.000 1979-80 13.500 13.500 .690 1.810 16.000 1980-81 12.500 12.500 1. 720 .780 15.000 1981-82 4.900 4.900 1. 090 .660 6.650 CJ (". . CITY OF SEWARD ASSESSED AND ESTIMATED ACTUAL VALUE OF TAXABLE PROPERTY LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Ratio of Total Real P rope rtv Pe rsona I Property Tota I Assessed Estimated Estimated Estimated To Tota I Assessed Actual Assessed Actual Assessed Actual Est i ma ted Year Value Value Value Value Value Value Actual Value 1972 $ 7,765,280 $ 8,272,530 $ 2,881,250 $ 2,881,250 $10,6116,530 $11,153,980 95.115% 1973 9,711,1190 9,570,035 4,584,850 11,585,850 111,296,3110 111,1511,885 101.00 19711 11,1118,870 12,052,150 5,001,3110 5,001,3110 16,150,210 17.053,1190 911.70 1975 11,668,120 14,388,175 3,886,590 3,886,590 15,554,710 18,2711,765 85.12 1976-77 16,597,790 16,371,180 8,928,693 8,928,693 25,526,1183 25,299,875 100.90 1977-78 17,827,710 19,153,287 8,987,150 8,987,150 26,8111,860 28,1110,1137 95.29 1978-79 26,590,950 30,1611,030 10,162,660 10,162,660 36,753,610 40,326,690 91.14 1979-80 27,891,100 36,8117,800 13,116,959 1 3, 117 , 000 41,008,059 119,964,800 82.07 1980-81 37,5110,850 48,668,600 20,3611,325 20,364,300 57,905,175 69,032,900 83.88 1981-82 38,8811,1125 111,796,200 211,950,050 29,565,200 63,834,475 71,361,400 89.115 o --- --~---~--~--------------'-- r: -- CITY or SEWARD GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Highways Health Genera I Pub lie And Education Debt Yea r Gove rnmen t Sa fety St reets We I fa re Rec rea t i on Service Total 1973 $296,668 $149,372 $106,512 $13,286 $ 35,456 $ 601,294 1974 401,163 175,456 148,302 13,436 34,706 773,063 1975 380,585 202,978 187,488 23,244 33,956 828,251 1976 432,708 327,931 199,597 31,211 $ 6,361 35,187 1,032,995 1977 566,296 371,290 235,301 18,985 5,618 153,638 1,351,128 1978 786,162 506,797 258,801 10,937 149,600 1,712,297 1979 653,722 580, 21~3 249,035 34,842 139,954 1,657,796 1980 773,588 677,821 397,951 36,449 25,952 1,911,761 1981 988,845 811,165 318,674 41,173 38,337 2,198,194 1982 1,662,099 880,760 433,169 130,451 38,038 3,144,517 ,..-...... , ) r I I I I ,r', , CITY OF SEWARD RATIO OF ANNUAL DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES FOR GENERAL BONDED DEBT TO TOTAL GENERAL EXPENDITURES LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Ratio Of Debt Service Total Total To Total I, Debt General General Year Principal Interest Service Expenditures Expenditures 1973 $20,000 $ 15,456 $ 35,456 $ 601,294 5.90% 1974 2,0,000 14,706 34,706 773,063 4.49 1975 20,000 13,956 33,956 828,251 4.10 1976 22,000 13 , 187 35,187 1,032,995 3.41 1977 52,000 101,638 153,638 1,351,128 11.37 8 1978 53,000 96,600 149,600 1,712,297 8.74 1979 51,000 88,954 139,954 1,657,796 8.44 1980 16,275 9,677 25,952 1,911,761 1. 36 1981 11,350 26,987 38,337 2,198,194 1. 74 1982 12,194 25,844 38,038 3,144,517 1.21 ~- o It t) C!TY OF SEWARD RATIO OF NET GENERAL BONDED DEBT ASSESSED VALUE AND NET BONDED DEBT PER CAPITA LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS Ratio Debt Of Net Debt Payable Bonded Net Assessed Gross Service from Net Debt To Bonded Value Bonded Monies Enterpri se Bonded Assessed Debt Per Year Population ( I n Thousands) Debt Available Revenues Debt Value Ca pita 1973 1,587 $14,296 $1,334,000 $931,000 $ 403,000 2.84 $ 253 1974 1,823 16,150 1,258,000 875.000 383,000 2.24 210 1975 1,823 15,555 1,163,000 800,000 363,000 1.00 199 1976 1,823 25,526 2,275,000 712,000 1,563,000 6.18 857 1971 2,279 26,815 2,175,000 686,000 1,489,000 5.28 653 1978 2,130 36,754 2,029,000 593,000 1,436,000 3.51 674 1979 1,778 41,008 1,896,000 520,000 1,376,000 2.74 714 1980 1,843 57,905 1,827,555 511,555 1,316,000 2.27 714 1981 1,943 63,834 3,401,204 451,204 2,950,000 4.62 1,518 r I I I CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 82-36 Page 2 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: BURGESS, MEEHAN, O'BRIEN, SORIANO, SWARTZ, AND CAMPBELL NONE CRIPPS ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: HUGHES, THORSNESS, GANTZ, POWELL & BRUNDIN Attorneys for the City of Seward, Alaska ~~ Fred B. Arvidson (City Seal)