HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1994-059 . . Sponsored by: Jones CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 94-059 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, ADOPTING THE WATER AND SEWER ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGET FOR TIlE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1994 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, that: Section 1. The city Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1994, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, and which contains estimated Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund revenues and expenditures for Fiscal Year 1995, is HEREBY ADOPTED. Section 2. The Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund shall be charged interest on debt owed to General Fund at a rate equal to and adjusted monthly in accordance with the rate set forth in the Bond Buyer Index for Twenty Year General Obligation Bonds. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect July 1, 1994. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, this 23rd day of May, 1994. THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA tSJO 0f> \::S- Cj:\L'l<r'\?~ Dave W. Crane, Mayor AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Anderson, Bencardino, Crane, Darling, Krasnansky, O'Brien & Sieminski None None None ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Wohlforth, Argetsinger, Johnson & Brecht, Attorneys for the city of Seward, Alaska ~i&- City Attorney (City St"-al) . . . CITY OF SEWARD WATFR & SEWER FUND Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Retained Earnings (Deficit) For Budget Year Ending June 30, 1995 1992 1994 Y-T-D 1994 1995 % Change Revised Approved From 1994 1993 Actual Actual 1bru 3194 Bud2et Bud2et Rev. Bud&.., Ooeratinlt Revenues: Sales: Residential $423 179 $449 215 $413 954 $555 590 $552 000 -{).65% · Small General Service 65.191 76.627 94.793 109.712 110.000 0.26%1 Lar 2e General Service 180 702 163 938 169624 248 340 249000 0.27% SMIC Sales 13790 78 169 134 617 135000 100.00% · Industrial Sales 52 502 47804 170 148 170 000 100.00% i Meter Sales 232 070 157 109 ! Miscellaneous 37 256 46 471 63 084 62 930 60 800 -3.38% . Total ooeratinlt revcnues 938 398 959 652 867 428 1 281 337 1 276 800 -{).35% i Ooeratin2 Exoensca: Befcre deorec iation: Salaries 112 389 135515 106 086 149 193 155 246 4.06% Emplovee benefits 47 583 51 971 40 375 61865 65617 6.06% SUPPlies & maintenance 72.363 75.642 57.856 85.550 78.287 -,'l.49% I Purchased services 134 918 198475 148 358 244 387 226 990 -7.12% General & administrative 339 319 328 244 289016 386 020 387 936 0.50% Total before dCllrcciation 706 572 789 847 641691 927015 914076 i -1.40% ' ! I Oneratin2 income before dCllrcciation 231 826 169 805 225 737 354 322 362 724 2.37%l I I , Deoreciation 379 073 387 327 279741 378035 446 000 17.98% : I Oneratin2 Income (I.ou) (147247 (217522 (54 004 (23 713 (83276 N atin2 RcvcnueslExnenses) I Interest Income 3.249 332 0 3500 1000 -71.43% , Interest (30 972 (47 111 (ll 343 (68 549 (12 130 -4l2.3O% . Other 11 061 13 246 7402 I Total inIHCV.( CID. l (16 662 (33 533 (3941 (65.049 (11 130 Income (l0lIlI l bef~c oocratin 2 tran. (163909 (251 055 (57 945 (88 762 (94 406 Oneratin2 Transfers to/from Other Funds 195000 Net incomc (lOllS) (163 909 (56.055 (57.945 (88.762 (94.406 , , Amcrtization of contributions in aid 370 094 370 272 277 575 370 100 413 000 11.59% I i Incrcasc(Occrcaselin Retained Earnin2s 206 185 314217 219630 281 338 318 594 13.24% i Retained EarninllS (Deficit) at be2innin2 of vear 924 600 1 130 785 1 420 002 1 420 002 1 676 340 18.05%1 Residual eQuitv transfers 125 000 123 783 125 000 -100.00% I I , Retaincd carninlt at cnd of year $1 130 785 I $1 420 002 $1 615849 $1 676 340 $1 994 934 19.01% CITY OF SEWARD WATER & SEWER FUND CASH FLOW For Budget Year Ending June 30, 1995 IRet udRet Rev. Budl! Cash is Provided Bv (Used For): Net Income/lLoss) ($57 945 ($88 762 ($94.406 Add ExD Items Not Affectinl!: Cash Denreciatioo 279741 378035 446 000 17.98% Net Cash Provided By (Used For) OoeratiODS $221.796 $289,273 $351.594 2154% Other Uses of Cash Debt Princioal PavmenlS 3.536 122 704 100 000 -18.50% CaDi1al Outlav 1163 90 000 32 000 -M.44% Net Increase in Cash $217.097 $76.569 $219.594 186.79% 1994 Y-T-D Thru3194 1994 Revised Bud 1995 % Change Approved From 1994 B eGL . e WA TER AND SEWER FUND Total Fund Revenues by Line Item Account Name 1992 Actual YTO Thru 3/94 94 Revised 96 Cot.n:i1 Change Fm Budget Approved 94 Rev Bdg 1993 Actual 4410 General Govemment $0 $0 $7,402 $0 $0 000% 4610 Investment Interest 3,252 332 0 3,500 1,000 -7143% 4690 Other Misc. Revalue 370,094 370,272 277,575 370,100 413,000 11.59% 4720 Commercial Sales 710 (287 0 0 0 0.00% 4801 Residential Sales 0 449,215 413,954 555,590 552,000 -0.65% 4802 SG Service 0 76,627 94,793 109,712 110,000 0.26% 4803 LG Service Sales 0 163,937 169,624 248,340 249,000 0.27% 4804 SMIC Sales 0 13,790 78,169 134,617 135,000 0.28% 4805 Industrial Sales 0 52,502 47,804 170,148 170,000 -0.09% 4810 Residential Sales 423,179 0 0 0 0 000% 4820 SG Service Sales 65,189 0 0 0 0 0.00% 4830 LG Service Sales 180,702 0 0 0 0 0.00% 4840 Metered Service Sales 232,070 157,110 0 0 0 O. ()()Ok 4880 Misc. Operatina Revalue 47,600 60,003 63,085 62,930 60.800 -3,38% TOTAL REVENUES: 1,322,796 1,343,501 1,152,406 1,654,937 1,690,800 2.17% WA TER AND SEWER FUND Revenues by Department Water System Dept GL SUB Account Name 1992 Actual 1993 Actual YTD Th ru 3/94 94 Revised Budget 95 Council Change Approved 94 Rev Bdg 7110 4410 0700 Insursnce Recovery $0 $0 $7,402 $0 $0 0.00% 7110 4610 0010 Investment I nterest 1,626 168 0 1,000 500 -5000% 7110 4690 0300 Amortization of CIA 192,449 233,271 144,338 192,450 233,000 21.07% , 7110 4720 0210 Water - Commercial 710 (287) 0 0 0 0.00% 7110 4801 0000 Residential 0 207,206 175,064 233,748 230,000 -1.60% . 7110 4802 0000 SG Service 0 35,146 42.803 43,439 44,000 1.29% 7110 4803 0000 LG Service 0 76,023 72,692 106,400 107,000 0.56% 7110 4804 0000 SMIC Sales 0 8,355 33,111 59,972 60,000 0.05% 7110 4805 0000 Industrial Sales 0 40,299 47,804 170,148 170,000 -0.09% 7110 4810 0210 Residential water 1 96,584 0 0 0 0 0.00% 7110 4820 0210 SG Water Commercial 22,665 0 0 0 0 0.00% 7110 4820 0230 SG-Water Government 2,735 0 0 0 0 000% 7110 4820 0240 SG - Water City 5.248 0 0 0 0 0.00% 7110 4830 0210 LG Water Commercial 45,612 0 0 0 0 0.00% 7110 4830 0230 LG-Water Government 37,596 0 0 0 0 0.00% 7110 4830 0240 LG - Water City 4,190 0 0 0 0 0.00% 7110 4840 0210 Meter - Water Comm, 47,129 31,065 0 0 0 0.00% 7110 4840 0220 Meter Water Indus, 94,260 36,416 0 0 0 0.00% 7110 4840 0230 Meter - Water Gov't 36,645 41,618 0 0 0 0.00% 7110 4840 0240 Meter - Water City 11,712 506 0 0 0 0.00% 7110 4880 0420 Turn on Fees 2,800 (200) 0 2,750 3.000 9.09% 7110 4880 0430 Work Orders 507 3,596 0 5.000 5,000 0.00% 7110 4880 0440 Hvdrant Rentsls 32,940 39,758 30.065 38,500 38,000 -1.30% 7110 4880 0470 Equipment Rental 0 1,168 0 800 500 -37.5~ -- 7110 4880 0490 Misc. Revenue 10,104 11,253 29,764 10,000 10,000 0' Total Revenues $745,512 $765,362 $583.043 $864,207 $901,000 4.26% i Sewer System 1992 1993 YTD 94 Ae~sed 95 Council Change Fm Dept GL SUB Account Name Actual Actual Thru 3/94 Bud get Approved 94 Rev Bdg 7120 4610 0010 Investment Interest $1,626 $165 $0 $2,500 $500 -80.00% 7120 4690 0300 Amortization of CIA 177,645 137,001 133,238 177,650 180,000 1.32% 7120 4801 0000 Residential 0 242,009 238,891 321,842 322,000 0.05% 7120 4802 0000 SG Service 0 41,481 51,990 66,273 66,000 -0.41% 7120 4803 0000 LG Service 0 87,915 96,932 141,940 142,000 0.04% 7120 4804 0000 SMIC Sales 0 5,435 45,058 74,645 75,000 0.48% 7120 4805 0000 Industrial Sales 0 12,203 0 0 0 0.00% 7120 4810 0310 Residential- sewer 226,595 0 0 0 0 0.00% 7120 4820 0310 SG-Sewer Commercial 25,691 0 0 0 0 0.00% 7120 4820 0330 SG-Sewer Government 3,082 0 0 0 0 0.00% 7120 4820 0340 SG - Sewer City 5,770 0 0 0 0 0.00% 7120 4830 0310 LG-Sewer Commercial 53,597 0 0 0 0 0.00% 7120 4830 0330 LG-Sewer Government 38,267 0 0 0 0 0.00% 7120 4830 0340 LG - Sewer City 1.440 0 0 0 0 0.00% 7120 4840 0310 Meter-Sewer Com mere 13,420 14,713 0 0 0 0.00% 7120 4840 0330 Meter-Sewer Gov't 28,846 32,791 0 0 0 0.00% 7120 4840 0340 Meter-Sewer City 58 0 0 0 0 0.00% 7120 4880 0420 Turn on Fees 150 0 0 550 300 -45.4~ 7120 4880 0430 Work Orders 0 2,053 0 3,000 2,000 33.: 7120 4880 0450 Sewer - I nstailation 150 1,550 150 330 1,000 203.0. 7120 4880 0460 Sewer - Mise, Service 949 824 3,105 2,000 1,000 50.00% Total Revenues $577,285 $578.140 $569,363 $790,730 $789,800 -0.12% Water and Sewer Fund Total Fund Expenditures by line Item . 1992 1993 YTD 94 Revised 96 Council Change 1m . GL Account Name Actual Actual Thru 3/94 Budget Approved 94 Rev Bdg Personal Services 5010 Salaries 104,681 131,043 101,682 141,193 143,952 195% 5020 Over1ime 7,708 4,462 4,404 8,000 8,000 0.00% 5022 Standby Time 0 0 0 0 3,294 100 00% 5040 Leave Time 14,453 16,248 11,981 17,106 17,441 1.96% 5050 In Lieu of FICA 4,001 4,214 2,892 4,737 4,740 0.06% 5060 Retirement Benefits 7,330 11,142 9,331 12,868 16,061 2481% 5070 Health InsLJ'ance 13,186 16,005 1 2. 959 17,398 19,140 10.01% 5080 Workers' Camp 6,314 3,889 2,937 9,172 7,901 -13.86% 5090 Medicare 439 484 277 584 584 0.00% 5095 SaL& Ben wlo credit 1,860 0 0 0 (250 -100.00% Total Personal Services 159,972 187,487 146,461 211,058 220,863 4.65% 5120 Adver1isina 66 300 106 500 500 0.00% 5130 Su bscriptionslD ues 1,170 1,073 1,096 750 900 20.00% 5140 TravellSu bsistence 543 829 279 4,000 4,000 000% 5150 Communications 818 771 957 750 1,500 100.00% 5160 Education/Training 792 1,263 1,336 2,000 2,000 0.00% 5170 Leaal 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 0.00% 5190 Other Spec Services 0 956 1,650 0 0 0.00% 5310 Utilities 110,794 118,256 109,467 163,180 161,000 -1.34% 5330 Heal1ng Fuel 349 0 1,263 2,500 1,500 -40.00% 5360 Rents & Leases 200 400 283 250 250 0.00% 5370 Insurance 20,870 27,358 28,538 28,103 35,613 26.72% 5380 Maintenance & Repair 48,990 59,360 46,661 60,750 53,437 -12.04% 5390 Contracted Servtces 1,237 46,927 0 39,700 26,500 33.25% 5410 Office Supplies 240 230 70 400 400 0.00% 5420 Vehicle Supplies 376 737 335 2,000 2,000 0.00% 5440 Operatina Supplies 22,586 10,157 8,175 17,100 11,600 -32.16% 5450 Gas & Lube 5,072 3,108 2,280 5,250 5,750 9.52% 5455 Testing 0 0 0 0 4,000 100,00% 5460 Small tool & Equip 655 676 335 3,700 3,700 0.00% 5470 Janitorial Supplies 171 0 0 100 0 -100.00% 5490 Postage & Misc,Frtlt 1,468 2,358 2,500 1,200 1,100 -8.33% 5530 Vehicle Rental 0 2,221 2.498 8,454 6,027 -28.71% 5650 Depreciation Expense 379,073 387,327 279,741 378,035 446,000 17.98% 5660 Doubtful Accounts 5,878 9,438 0 6,500 6,500 0.00% 5670 Admin. Expense 228,373 226,090 179,741 239,655 227,672 - 5.00% 5680 In Lieu of Taxes 95,952 89,850 92,192 132,115 135,264 2.38% 5780 Interest Expense 577 22,178 15,437 1,000 1,000 0.00% 5790 Misc. Expenses 0 0 29 0 0 0.00% 5810 Principal 0 0 3,536 122,704 100,000 -18.50% 5820 Interest 30,394 24,933 11,343 68,549 12.129 82.31% 5930 Eauipment 0 0 1,163 30,000 32,000 667% Total Expenses 1,116,617 1,224,285 937,474 1,531,303 1 ,504,205 -1.77% . WATER UTILITY EXPENDITURES WATER SYSTEM SUPPLY 1992 1993 YTO 94 Revised 95 Council % Change o GL ept Sub Account Name Actu aI Actu al 03/94 Budget Approved From Rev Bdr 7200 5010 Salaries $7,811 $10,155 $7,563 $7,132 $10,698 150.00 7200 5020 Overtime 306 183 0 400 600 150 000'0 7200 5022 Standby Time 0 0 0 0 196 7200 5040 Leave Time 0 0 0 864 1,296 150 00% ! 7200 5050 In Lieu of FICA 1,329 1,494 792 190 282 148 42% I 7200 5060 Retirement Benefits 529 899 641 646 1,182 182.97% i 7200 5070 Health Insurance 928 1,241 953 901 1,472 16337% i 7200 5080 Workers' Camp 469 198 56 463 581 125.49% ! 7200 5090 Medicare 10 18 3 47 70 148.94% 7200 5095 Sal.& Ben wlo credit (47 0 0 0 0 I I Total Personal Svcs 11,335 14,189 10,008 10,643 16,377 153.88% 7200 5150 Communications 0 0 56 0 0 000% : 7200 5310 Utilities 0 0 0 0 70,000 0.00% 7200 5380 Maintenance & Repair 968 607 0 750 8,750 1166.67% 7200 5440 Operating Supplies 276 176 165 0 0 0.00% 7200 5490 Postage & Misc,Frht. 116 25 0 0 0 0.00% Total Expenses $12,696 $14,996 $10,228 $11,393 $95,127 834.96% WATER SYSTEM PUMPING 1992 1993 YTO 94 Revised 95 Council "Change OeDt GL Sub Account Name Actual Actu aI 03/94 Budaet Approved From Rev Bdg 7250 5010 Salaries $0 $0 $157 $0 $0 0.00% i 7250 5060 Retirement Benefits 0 0 12 0 0 0.00% 7250 5070 Health Insurance 0 0 40 0 0 0.000/, 7250 5080 Workers' Camp 0 0 10 0 0 0.00' Total Personal Svcs 0 0 220 0 0 0,00% I 7250 5150 Communications 57 96 78 0 0 0.00% 7250 5310 Utilities 47,344 53,232 64,308 70,000 0 0.00% 7250 5380 Maintenance & Repair 1,345 2,095 26 6,000 0 0.00% 7250 5440 Operatina Supplies 90 540 440 1,000 0 0.00% 7250 5490 Postaae & Misc.Frht. 25 171 5 0 0 0.00% Total Expenses $48,861 $56, 134 $65,077 $77,000 $0 0.00% -- WATER SYSTEM TREATMENT 1992 1993 YTO 94 Revised 95 Council % Change Oept GL Sub Account Name Actu aI Actual 03/94 Budaet Approved From Rev Bdg 7300 5010 Salaries $218 $2,152 $2,083 $3,566 $0 0.00% 7300 5020 Overtime 0 25 0 200 0 0.00% 7300 5040 Leave Time 0 0 0 432 0 0.00% 7300 5050 In Lieu of FICA 251 299 319 95 0 0.00% 7300 5060 Retirement Benefits 33 187 186 323 0 0.00% 7300 5070 Health Insurance 35 110 280 450 0 0.00% 7300 5080 Workers' Comp 25 93 45 231 0 0.00% 7300 5090 Medicare 2 23 19 23 0 0.00% 7300 5095 Sal.& Ben wlo credit (17 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total Personal SVcs 547 2889 2933 5320 0 0.00% 7300 5380 Maintenance & Reoair 24 2,236 1,753 2,000 0 0.00< 7300 5440 Operating Supplies 2,079 828 2,180 4,000 0 OOO~ 7300 5490 Postage & Misc.Frht. 225 534 721 300 0 0.00% Total Expenses $2,875 $6,487 $7,587 $11,620 $0 0.00% , WATER UTILITY EXPENDITURES WATER SYSTEM DISTRIBUTION 1992 1993 YTD 94 Revised 95 Council % Change Dept GL Sub Account Name Actu al Actu al 03/94 Budaet Aooroved From Rev Rd. 7350 5010 Salaries $37.292 $41,002 $32.212 $32,093 $33.970 105 85% 7350 5020 Overtime 1,273 1,345 3,344 1,800 2,192 12178% , 7350 5022 Standbv Time 0 0 0 0 622 000% i 7350 5040 Leave Time 0 0 0 3,888 3.852 99.07% . 7350 5050 In Lieu of FICA 613 510 653 853 894 10481% I 7350 5060 Retirement Benefits 2,143 3.167 2,779 2,906 3,754 129.18% I 7350 5070 Health Insurance 3,486 4,549 3,643 4,053 4,674 115.32% ! 7350 5080 Workers' Comp t,958 1,096 775 2,082 1,846 88.66% I 7350 5090 Medicare 143 77 62 210 220 104.76%1 1 Total Personal Svcs 46,909 51,746 43,468 47,885 52,024 108.64% I I 7350 5380 Maintenance & Repair 6,107 6,338 8,016 8,000 12.000 150.00% I 7350 5390 0 Con. Ser. General 0 120 0 200 0 -100.00% 7350 5390 204 C.S.- Metco Inc. 120 0 0 0 0 0.00% 7350 5490 Postage & Misc.Frht 0 0 178 0 0 0.00% Total Expenses $53, 136 $58,205 $51,663 $56,085 $64,024 114.16% WATER SYSTEM WORK ORDERS 1992 1993 YTD 94 Revised 95 Council % Change Dept GL Sub Account Name Actu al Actual 03/94 Budaet Aooroved From Rev Rd. 7360 5010 Salaries $5,715 $8,658 $463 $3,566 $3,566 100.00% 7360 5020 Overtime 2,288 1,561 173 200 200 100.00% 7360 5022 Standby Time 0 0 0 0 65 0.00% 7360 5040 Leave Time 0 0 0 432 432 100.00% 7360 5050 In Lieu of FICA 68 41 6 95 94 98.95% 7360 5060 Retirement Benefits 492 769 51 323 394 121.98% 7360 5070 Health Insurance 1,794 1,363 94 450 491 109.11% 7360 5080 Workers' Comp 468 338 7 231 194 83.98% 7360 5090 Medicare 124 139 3 23 23 100.00% 7360 5095 Sal.& Ben wlo credit (417 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total Personal Svcs 10,531 12,868 797 5,320 5,459 102,61% 7360 5380 Maintenance & Repair 280 0 0 0 0 0.00% Total Expenses $10,811 $12,868 $797 $5,320 $5,459 102.61% . WATER UTILITY EXPENDITURES WATER SYSTEM GENERAL 1992 1993 YTO 94 Revised 95 Council % Change Oept GL Sub Account Name Actual Actu al 03/94 Budget Approved From Rev Bd 7400 5010 Salaries $14,089 $23,356 $16,580 $34,768 $32,768 942t 7400 5020 Overtime 23 439 0 1,950 1,950 1 00 OO~" 7400 5022 Standby Time 0 0 0 0 600 0.00% . 7400 5040 Leave Time 9,672 10,646 8,115 4,212 4,354 103.37% I 7400 5050 In Lieu of FICA 340 750 342 924 863 93.40% ; 7400 5060 Retirement Benefits 1,037 2,280 1,987 3,148 3,621 11503% I 7400 5070 Health Insurance 2,445 3,190 2,797 4,391 4,508 102.66% I 7400 5080 Workers' Comp 873 727 420 2,255 1,780 78.94% 7400 5090 Medicare 72 128 139 228 213 93.42% 7400 5095 Sal.& Ben w/o credit 1,736 0 0 0 0 000% Total Personal Svcs 30,287 41,515 30,382 51,876 50,657 97.65% 7400 5120 Advertising 51 150 53 400 400 100.00% 7400 5130 Subscriptions/Dues 122 173 196 150 300 200.00% 7400 5140 Travel/Su bsistence 322 414 147 2,000 2,000 1 00 00% 7400 5150 Communications 181 288 232 250 1,000 400.00% 7400 5160 Education/Trainina 456 643 1,016 1,000 1,000 100.00% 7400 5170 7001 Water/Sewer General 0 0 0 500 500 100.00% 7400 5190 Other Spec Services 0 956 1,350 0 0 0.00% 7400 5360 Rents & Leases 0 200 200 0 0 0.00% 7400 5370 Insurance 8,486 12,240 13,398 1 2,490 20,000 160.13% 7400 5380 Maintenance & Repair 14,780 26,019 5,723 10,000 10,187 101.87% 7400 5390 0 Con. Ser-General 1,117 22,500 0 23,000 12,000 52.17% 7400 5390 201 C.S. Summit Pavina 0 1,657 0 0 0 0.00% 7400 5390 204 C.S. Metco Inc. 0 150 0 0 0 0.00% 7400 5410 Office Supplies 112 116 41 200 200 100.00'0/. 7400 5420 Vehicle Supplies 142 421 275 1,000 1,000 100.00 7400 5440 Operating Supplies 14,693 5,102 3,022 7,000 7,000 100.00'0-< 7400 5450 Gas & Lube 1,579 1,831 1,512 2,000 2,500 125,00% 7400 5460 Small tool & Equip 253 344 253 2,000 2,000 100.00% 7400 5470 Janitorial Supplies 85 0 0 100 0 0.00% 7400 5490 Postage & Misc.Frht 599 883 464 300 500 166.67% 7400 5530 Vehicle Rental 0 1,110 1,249 4,227 1,800 42.58% 7400 5650 0 Depreciation-General 223,653 242,757 233,926 220,000 245,000 111.36% 7400 5660 Doubtful Accounts 2,939 4,719 0 3,500 3,500 100.00% 7400 5670 Admin. Expense 134,948 133,599 106,211 141,615 134,534 95.00% 7400 5680 In Lieu of Taxes 53,914 49,255 46,419 69,057 72,080 104.38% 7400 5780 Interest Expense 0 11,089 15,437 0 0 0.00% 7400 5790 Misc. Expenses 0 0 9 0 0 0.00% 7400 5930 Equipment 0 (12,649 581 0 1,000 0.00% Total Expenses $488,720 $545,484 $462,096 $552,665 $569,158 102,98% WATER UTILITY EXPENDITURES SMIC WA TER . G 1992 A aI 1993 A aI YTD 03/9 94 Revised 95 Council % Change B Dept L Sub Account Name ctu ctu 4 udget Approved From Rev Bd~ 7440 5010 Salaries $8,123 $9,412 $7,032 $8,023 $9,012 112.33% , 7440 5020 Overtime 219 71 29 450 58 12.89% : 7440 5022 Standby Time 0 0 0 0 164 0.00% ' 7440 5040 Leave Time 0 0 0 972 972 10000% i 7440 5050 In Lieu of FICA 260 137 111 213 237 111.27% i 7440 5060 Retirement Benefits 461 717 551 726 996 137.19% 7440 5070 Health Insurance 780 932 755 1,013 1,240 122.41 % 7440 5080 Workers' Comp 423 196 36 520 490 94 23% 7440 5090 Medicare 16 8 3 53 58 109.43% Total Personal Svcs 10,283 11,474 8,517 11,970 13,227 110,50% 7440 5310 Utilities 16,715 17,757 13,047 17,000 17,000 10000% i 7440 5330 Heating Fuel 0 0 498 0 0 0,00% 7440 5380 Maintenance & Repair 5,767 1,988 2,241 3,000 3,000 100.00% 7440 5410 Office Supplies 0 0 22 0 0 0.00% 7440 5440 Operating Supplies 132 110 0 600 600 100.00% 7440 5450 Gas & Lube 1,005 0 0 500 500 100.00% 7440 5460 Small tool & Equip 10 0 0 100 100 1 00 00% 7440 5490 Postage & Misc,Frht. 215 98 122 200 200 100.00% Total Expenses $34,127 $31,426 $24,445 $33,370 $34,627 103.77% WATER DEBT SERVICE De t GL Sub .7450 5810 . 7450 5820 Account Name Princi al In1erest 1992 Actu aI 1993 Actual $0 15,896 $0 18,579 YTD 94 Revised 95 Council % Change 03/94 Bud et A roved From Rev Bd $1,768 $52,452 $58,000 110.58% 5,672 10,645 7,035 66.09% Total Ex enses $15,896 $18,579 $7,439 $63,097 $65,035 1 03.07% . SEWAGE UTILITY EXPENDITURES SEWAGE COLLECTION 1992 1993 YTD 94 Revised 95 Council % Change Dept GL Sub Account Name Actu al Actual 03/94 Budaet Approved From Rev Bd 7700 5010 Salaries $1,124 $1,331 $4,813 $5,725 $18,500 323.1 , 7700 5020 Overtime 61 61 385 330 850 257 58% 7700 5022 Standby Time 0 0 0 0 572 0.00% i 7700 5040 Leave Time 0 0 0 694 1,900 273.78% I 7700 5050 In Lieu of FICA 69 112 108 261 700 268.20% i 7700 5060 Retirement Benefits 77 112 420 528 1,775 336.17% 7700 5070 Health Insurance 1 140 435 676 1,950 288.46% I 7700 5080 Workers' Camp 81 59 200 373 875 234.58% 7700 5090 Medicare 7 11 5 0 0 0.00% Total Personal Svcs 1,420 1,825 6,367 8,587 27,122 315.85% 7700 5310 Utilities 0 0 0 0 20,000 0.00% 7700 5330 Heatina Fuel 0 0 0 0 1,000 0.00% 7700 5380 Maintenance & Repair 3,098 3,080 0 0 10,000 0.00% 7700 5390 0 Con. Ser. General 0 0 0 0 1,000 0.00% 7700 5455 Testing 0 0 0 0 4,000 0.00% 7700 5930 EQuipment 0 0 0 0 8,000 0.00% Total Expenses $4,517 $4,905 $6,367 $8,587 $71,122 828.25% SEWAGE PUMPS & PUMP STATIONS 1992 1993 YTD 94 Revised 95 Council % Change DeDt GL Sub Account Name Actu aI Actual 03/94 Budaet Approved From Rev Bdg 7750 5010 Salaries $6,161 $3,826 $3,539 $10,409 $0 0.00%1 7750 5020 Overtime 1,744 446 253 600 0 0,00% I 7750 5040 Leave Time 0 0 0 1,261 0 0.000, 7750 5050 In Lieu of FICA 352 180 183 474 0 0.00 7750 5060 Retirement Benefits 483 332 309 959 0 0.00% 7750 5070 Health Insurance 727 510 547 1,228 0 0.00% 7750 5080 Workers' Como 410 55 22 678 0 0.00% 7750 5090 Medicare 15 9 6 0 0 0,00% Total Personal Svcs 9,892 5,358 4,860 15,609 0 0.00% 7750 5130 Su bscriptions/Dues 450 450 450 450 0 0.00% 7750 5310 Utilities 18,732 17,403 11,651 21,180 0 0.00% 7750 5330 Heating Fuel 187 0 0 2,000 0 0.00% 7750 5380 Maintenance & Repair 2,165 2,223 17,080 20,000 0 0.00% 7750 5390 0 Con. Ser-General 0 0 0 2,500 0 0.00% 7750 5440 Operating Supplies 1,056 0 0 0 0 0.00% 7750 5490 Postage & Misc.Frht 0 54 377 0 0 0.00% 7750 5930 Eauipment 0 10,826 0 7,000 0 0.00% Total Expenses $32,481 $36,314 $34,418 $68,739 $0 0.00% SEWAGE UTILITY EXPENDITURES SEWAGE TREATMENT & DISPOSAL 1992 1993 YTD 94 Revised 95 Council % Change Dept GL Sub Account Name Actu aI Actu al 03/94 BudClet Approved From Rev Bdg 7800 5010 Salaries $2,489 $2,499 $5,314 $9,368 $9,650 10301%: 7800 5020 Overtime 31 137 101 540 550 101.85% 7800 5022 Standby Time 0 0 0 0 295 000% I 7800 5040 Leave Time 0 0 0 1,135 1,175 10352% i 7800 5050 In Lieu of FICA 237 268 235 423 425 100.47% 7800 5060 Retirement Benefits 176 216 433 863 1,100 12746% i 7800 5070 Health Insurance 116 272 570 1,105 1,200 108.60% ! 7800 5080 Workers' Comp 148 35 74 610 550 90.16% I 7800 5090 Medicare 8 0 9 0 0 0.00% i Total Personal Svcs 3,204 3,426 6,736 14,044 14,945 106,42% . 7800 5130 Subscriptions/Dues 150 150 300 0 0 0.00% 7800 5190 Other Spec Services 0 0 300 0 0 0.00% 7800 5310 Utilities 12,184 13,567 10,701 40,000 40,000 100 00% 7800 5380 Maintenance & Repair 289 1,104 2,034 3,000 2,500 83.33% I 7800 5390 0 Con. Ser. General 0 0 0 3,000 2,500 83.33% 7800 5440 Operatina Supplies 28 0 0 0 0 0.00% 7800 5490 Postaae & Misc.Frht. 6 0 0 0 0 000% Total Expenses $15,861 $18,247 $20,070 $60,044 $59,945 99,84% SEWAGE SYSTEM WORK ORDERS 1992 1993 YTD 94 Revised 95 Council % Change Dept GL Sub Account Name Actual Actual 03/94 Budget Approved From Rev Bdg 17860 5010 Salaries $1,261 $2,445 $2,854 $520 $500 96.15% 7860 5020 Overtime 1,320 135 101 30 25 83.33% ! 7860 5040 Leave Time 0 0 0 63 50 79.37% 7860 5050 In Lieu of FICA 90 0 0 24 25 104.17% 7860 5060 Retirement Benefits 448 164 234 48 50 104.17% 7860 5070 Health Insurance 360 502 623 61 50 81.97% 7860 5080 Workers' Comp 343 111 117 34 35 102.94% 7860 5090 Medicare 8 60 16 0 0 0.00% 7860 5095 Sal.& Ben w/o credit (926 0 0 0 (250 0.00% Total Personal Svcs 2,904 3,417 3,946 780 485 62.18% Total Expenses $2,904 $3,417 $3,946 $780 $485 62.18% . SEWAGE UTILITY EXPENDITURES SEWAGE GENERAL EXPENSE 1992 1993 YTD 94 Revised 95 Council % Change Dept GL Sub Account Name Actual Actu aI 03/94 Budget Approved From Rev Bd 7900 5010 Salaries $11,140 $16,951 $11,592 $16,655 $15,638 938S 7900 5020 Overtime 0 0 (46 960 1,025 106.77% . 7900 5022 Standby Time 0 0 0 0 485 0.00% I 7900 5040 Leave Time 4,781 5,601 3,865 2,018 2,235 11075% I 7900 5050 In Lieu of FICA 367 413 135 758 795 10488% , 7900 5060 Retirement Benefits 919 1,606 1,151 1,535 2,089 136 09% 7900 5070 Health Insurance 1,634 2,120 1,410 1,965 2,355 11985% I 7900 5080 Workers' Comp 625 662 771 1,085 1,000 92.17% I 7900 5090 Medicare 8 1 5 0 0 0.00% I 7900 5095 Sal.& Ben w/o credit 1,531 0 0 0 0 0.00% i , Total Personal Svcs 21,004 27,354 18,884 24,976 25,622 102.59% j 7900 5120 Advertising 15 150 53 100 100 100.00% 7900 5130 Su bscriptions/Dues 148 0 0 150 600 400.00% 7900 5140 Travel/Subsistence 222 414 132 2,000 2,000 100.00% 7900 5150 Communications 579 387 590 500 500 100.00% 7900 5160 Educationrrraining 337 620 320 1,000 1,000 100.00% 7900 5170 7001 Water/Sewer General 0 0 0 500 500 100.00% 7900 5360 Rents & Leases 200 200 83 250 250 100,00% 7900 5370 Insurance 12,384 15,118 15,140 15,613 15,613 100,00% 7900 5380 Maintenance & Repair 8,998 8,100 7,690 3,000 3,000 100,00% 7900 5390 0 Con, Ser.General 0 22,500 0 10,000 10,000 100.00% 7900 5410 Office Supplies 128 104 8 200 200 100.00% 7900 5420 Vehicle Supplies 234 316 60 1,000 1,000 100.00% 7900 5440 Operating Supplies 3,260 3,287 2,369 3,000 3,000 10000% 7900 5450 Gas & Lube 1,794 1,278 768 2,000 2,000 100.00.' 7900 5460 Small tool & Equip 196 332 82 1,500 1,500 loo.0C 7900 5470 Janitorial Supplies 85 0 0 0 0 0.007. 7900 5490 Postage & Misc,Frht. 148 388 521 200 200 100.00% 7900 5530 Vehicle Rental 0 1,110 1,249 4,227 4,227 100.00% 7900 5650 0 De preciation - General 155,420 144,570 45,815 158,035 201,000 127.19% 7900 5660 Doubtful Accounts 2,939 4,719 0 3,000 3,000 100,00% 7900 5670 Admin, Expense 93,425 92,491 73,530 98,040 93,138 95,00% 7900 5680 In Lieu of Taxes 42,038 40,595 45,773 63,058 63,184 100,20% 7900 5780 Interest Expense 577 11,089 0 1,000 1,000 100,00% 7900 5790 Misc. Expenses 0 0 19 0 0 0.00% 7900 5930 Equipment 0 1,823 581 23,000 23,000 100.00% Total Expenses $344,129 $376,945 $213,668 $416,349 $455,634 109.44% SEWAGE UTILITY EXPENDITURES SMIC WASTEWA TER 1992 1993 YTD 94 Revised 95 Council % Change . Dept GL Sub Account Name Actu al Actu aI 03/94 Budaet AODrOved From Rev Bdg 7940 5010 Salartes $9,260 $9,092 $7,480 $9,368 $9,650 10301% i 7940 5020 Overtime 442 58 63 540 550 101.85% 7940 5022 Standbv Time 0 0 0 0 295 0.00% ' 7940 5040 Leave Time 0 0 0 1,135 1,175 103.52% ! 7940 5050 In Lieu of FICA 24 12 8 427 425 99.53% 7940 5060 Retirement Benefits 533 682 577 863 1,100 12746% I 7940 5070 Heaith Insurance 882 1,038 812 1,105 1,200 108.60% 7940 5080 Workers' Comp 490 309 401 610 550 90.16% 7940 5090 Medicare 26 11 4 0 0 0.00% Total Personal Svcs 11,657 11,202 9,346 14,048 14,945 1 06.39% 7940 5130 Subscriptions/Dues 300 300 150 0 0 0.00% i 7940 5310 Utilities 15,819 16,296 9,760 15,000 14,000 93.33% 7940 5330 Heating Fuel 162 0 766 500 500 100.00% 7940 5380 Maintenance & Repair 5,170 5,570 2,098 5,000 4,000 80.00% 7940 5390 0 Con. Ser.General 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 100.00% 7940 5410 Office Supplies 0 10 0 0 0 0.00% 7940 5440 Operating Supplies 973 114 0 1,500 1,000 66.67% 7940 5450 Gas & Lube 694 0 0 750 750 100.00% 7940 5460 Small tool & Equip 196 0 0 100 100 100.00% 7940 5490 Postage & Misc.Frht. 133 206 114 200 200 100.00% Total Expenses $35, 104 $33,698 $22,233 $38,098 $36,495 95,79% SEWAGE DEBT SERVICE . 1992 1993 YTD 94 Revised 95 Council % Change Dept GL Sub Account Name Actual Actual 03/94 Budget Approved From Rev Bd~ 7950 5010 Salartes $0 $163 $0 $0 $0 0.00% 7950 5060 Retirement Benefits 0 12 0 0 0 0.00% 7950 5070 Health Insurance 0 38 0 0 0 0.00% 7950 5080 Workers' Comp 0 10 0 0 0 Total Personal Svcs 0 223 0 0 0 0.00% 7950 5810 Principal 0 0 1,768 70,252 42,000 59.78% 7950 5820 Interest 14,498 6,355 5,672 57,904 5,094 8.80% Total EXDenses $14,498 $6,578 $7,439 $128,156 $47,094 36,75% .