HomeMy WebLinkAboutRes1992-155 . . . Sponsored by: Schaefermeyer CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 92-155 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, APPROVING A SALES OPTION AGREEMENT WITH AMERICAN CAPITAL INTERNATIONAL, INC., FOR THE SALE OF GRAIN TERMINAL COMPONENTS WHEREAS, on February 10, 1992, the City Council entered into an exclusive option agreement with American Capital International, Inc., for the sale of the grain terminal components; and WHEREAS, the agreement with ACI has expired; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to offer ACI a nonexclusive option to purchase the grain terminal components so that ACI may follow through on the contacts it has made and finalize the sale of the components in a timely manner; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA, that: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute a nonexclusive option agreement with American Capital International, Inc., for disposal of grain terminal components. A copy of the agreement is attached and incorporated herein by reference. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the city of Seward, Alaska, this 15th day of September, 1992. THE CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA A~a~ If) .A~zt~4~~ Beverly D am, Mayor AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Bencardino, Crane, Dunham, Krasnansky, Swartz, White None None None .~., I .J I' "''il t\oiollQ ..,\J.~ . DX8A Alaska home :r1l~.rD&~iolla Bell.we, wa Thb Aqr.... earlier opti WHEREAS "Grain T.rm! continuing t buy.r., and WHEREAS and re.ourc. a91'.. to the 1. AC ACI pU'llliaai re9U'd1ng th a. :ria parti.. int . cOll.ponent.s III t!ve(.) to n I ~ 1,J-oJ, , .......~~I t -.";,,,,h.. vv._...v "I .;J...,...........""......" 100 AGRaIlUlllT IDI1DI'1' 1s bat".en the e:l.ty ot 8naa"4, Al...., an 1. municipality (Oity) and ~erlo&D eapital , :IDCt., l!:!Ji} I 40 I.aJc. Bel levu. , Suit. 100, hington 98005, a Washington corporation (ACt). t i. intend.d to fully replace and tarminate the n to Purcha.. Agreement. ACt has been actively marketing the City'. al com~on.nt.. .inc. March " 1992, and is negot.Lat. with and solicit addit.ional potential ACIh.s .xpend~'a'cofi.lder&ble amount of tim. on this project to date, the City and ACt hereby following : a. _ClD-.oluaive ..;out. Tha city hereby qrants n t.o act a_ a llOU-eaalu8iv. a;oent tor the City ..1. and marketinq of _aid oomponent.. ereate4 .arti.s. .ACI will brin; to City all st.d in making an o~ter to purchaa. the lor will QClordinate with the City'. repr..anta- otiat. any auch sal.. Rin; ~rooe4U%.a, ACI agr.e. to discu.s and pproval from City'. r.pr..entative(s) regarding rketinq procedure. or etforts 8uoh a. a.king 8lJotiatlon., .to., and shall keep cit.y tormed. . JlatU'iala aDeI %Dfozo.atlolu ACt agrees to e available to City copies of all reasarch tact. infClnlation, etc., and agree. to give a e ot all marketinq effort. to date a. wsn a. any r.commend tiona. ACI &hall provide city with a complete copy (City to pay oOPY expanse.) ot all lIaterial. and informat.ion w thin it.. til.. within 10 days ot the .ttective date at \:biB CJ1:"eement. Th. City &hall be copied with all corr.spond.n and material. received or s.nt by ACI w1~ r..p.~ t.o th aal. of the grain terminal components. All expen... tor advartiainq, promotion, additional In.p.ation, a 1;. vi.its or other expenses incurred by ACI with respeat to th a agr..ant or the a;r.81lIent whiCh preCeded it are the aole nd exclusive responsibility of ACI. ACI shall bay. no autbo lty to bind the City to any agr..ant related expanses. . [A.U22S1IO.OI7] -1- 9/15/91 . . . .....,1 i ..,,' ,-;;;:, (\."W ..,..,.. 'oi Al of thi. aqr. l1~y, and by oau... of 0.0 relating to s. Co flat rate of the event II. conuct. lis consi.t of n 1, 1992> pd tho.. .ntit! may reque.t., to add addit1 ACt to pursu Th sal.. price 0 curr~cy . j 0,) ,., oJ" J ~'",... It' _\".1.., .......-~.,~. ..................."'......;'" ... expen.e., oost.e, and effort. prior t.o tha data ent incurred by ACI are ACI' II sole r..ponaib1- executing this agreement ACI waives any olaims or ion it. may hllve accrued, known or unknown, a option to purchase Agreement. latioD of .ala. The City aqr... to pay ACI a ltteen percent (15t> of the qro88 S.las price in 1e i. complated to one of the .ourc.. or d on th. attached Exhibit A (.uch list to mora than 150 name. to be attached by October . to December 1, 1992. Only sale. to one of will triqqer any cOJlllliSBion obliqation. ACJ: the City, at. it. sole discretion, may agree, naI contact. to Bxhibit A 1n order to encourage addii:ionaf lea~s~o~pJto8p~~~~ oommi..ion shall be payable only if the ;ro.. the components i. in exc... of '515,000 U.S. .. paym.nt t.o ACt shall be in the tOrll of a cashier. I checJt made out to Ame:-ican Capi t.al Interna- tional, Inc., or a bank wire transfer of funds to ACt'e Clorpora" aoa unt. a~ First Interstate Bank, Kirltland, Washington br neb, to be paid upon .uccessful cl~rinq of the collponen'e pur ha.. check to the City of Seward. 7. .e. re.sonable ac inspection. oopi.. of all lntormat1on ;I. Terminal Comp 'ebe Grain Te oaai~illti.. ~rior to Clo.1Di~ ACI shall have .S.8 to the Grain Terminal components tor ity shall provide, at ACl's reque.t and expsnae, enqin.srinq drawing., docUJl8nt., and other the po.se..ion of city related to the Grain nents. city will continue to provide storage of inal Compon.nts to the data of c10sinq. I. .. aD1:i.. 8214 .epre.ent.tioD.. The City doe. not warrant the c mpletane.. or accuracy ot the inventory informa- tion supplied t.o the city from the state of Alaaka, although the city has 0 reason to beliave it 18 incomplet.. The City is not experi need in the oonatruotion, ..1., or oparation of grain termina tacillties and makes no warrant!.s expre.. or implied, that the Crain Tarm!nal component.s a:-8 tit for any particular ua by ACJ: or tho.. who may aoquire tit.le throuqh ACI. Xn ac1di ion, ACI .qr... that. 1n it.s initial contact with prc.p-.ctive ahasar., it. will provide a oopy ot the lancJUaqe of this para aph. I. Att rBey'. .... in the nat o~ Dl.,,,~.. In 1:hAt event ot a 41 ute concerninq thia aqr....nt, with or without initiation of suit, the prevailing party shall be entit.led. to [A.U~90.017] -2- 91\$/91 . . . I.h.., , I _I ',-"I t'\.j\~ ..,~.'t# I V .., V,," r .,'.,"" II' _., ."" ,.. ..,""""_ "" '# .... all expen... inclu4inq attorney'. ree. and oourt coats incurred, in addition to all other damage.. 10. Di controver.ie :tor the stat put.a or QODtrov.r.i.a. All disputes or au.t be brought in the Third Judicial District ot Alaska. i. I~~ day of Septaaber, 1992. City al~ ."~d" cf~~ Dated. AC% a..riG.1l Capital rDv..ta.~tn Illa. L-c~ pr..1d.~ lAAt2a5I1O.017J -3- Plum . . . ~~~I ~(.~erKln~ ~gl~ , .;l-IW-"" I ...'tl~'.!' "_,\,1.. ''''' '<1""'._ ...", \Oio ...... I ................ ."T .. [A.U22S90.017) aa. , 1992, peraonally , to me known to er can ap tal ~w'..~lR+..,7/'(72;iJY/I1-71&WA-'- or ty o. gn on its behalf, and acknowledqed ted the within and :cor.-;oinq in.trument, and that he s19fle4 the aUl. on behalf at said r.ely and vOluntarily, fore the us.. and purposes on.d. sa WKBREOJi', I have hereunto set my hand and ficial aeaI th_!- d~aY and year firat above written. .- ~._--~:, . ,.~.~ 'C':'" . ~ Notary .19,1n /Ana for ...~.i~on ~ My co_i.sion apir.sa -:J-.7~1~ -4- elUltS . CITY OF SEWARD, ALASKA RESOLUTION NO. 92-155 ArrEST: . . (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Perkins Coie, Attorneys for the city of Seward, Alaska 1L AIL. Fred B. Arvidson City Attorney