HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1952-224 r- I I , ORDINANCE NO. 224 1 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SE'tIARD, A.l.AS[A, PROVIDING FOR VACATnlG THE PUBLIC ALLEY IN BLOCX 29, OF 'mE ORIGINAL TOWNSITE OF S'&vARD, ALl\.sr.A, TO BE aJOOTTED TO THE QUALIFIED VO'rERS OF SAID TCWN AT A SPICIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD JANUARY' 20,. 1953,. THE .;pmrION OF RATIFICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE AND OTHER PR0Pa3ITIONS. 8 4 BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska, 5 6 Section 1. That the above de.cribed property transverses the Seward Public School grounds, and is not needed for general public use, and in the judgment of the Counoil of the Town of Seward, Alaska,. it appears advantageou8 to the said Town to Tacate such property in the interest of the safety and welfare of the pupils of the Seward School,. it is by this ordinance provided that there shall be no longer required or held for general use the alley in Bloat 29, of the OrAiinal Townsi te of Seward, Alaska,. and the same is hereby declared to be Tacated, such action however, is subject to the ratification thereof by the qualified Toters of said Town of Seward as by law provided. 7 8 9 10 Section 2. That a special election is hereby called to be held in said Town of s.ward on Tuesday,. the 20th day of January,. 1953, between the hour8 of 8:00 o'clock A.M. and 7aOO o'clock P.M.,. the polling place to be the City Hall of Seward for the purpale of su1:mi tting to the qualified voters of said Town the question of the ratification of this Ordinance. 11 12 13 Section 3. That the ballot used shall contain the follOWing state_nt of the proposition to be submitted to the Toters: 14 15 -Shall the Town of Seward, Alaska,. ratify and apprO'l'. Ordinance No. 224, adopted by the CouaaU;oLtu Nwn of Seward, Alaska, on the 29th day of December,. 1952, prOTiding for the vacating of the Public Alley in Block 29 of the Original Town8Ue of Seward, Alaska. 16 17 18 For Ratification 19 Against Ratifioation - 20 Section 4. That the following named persons are hereby designated and appointed d8 officers of said eleotion, to conduct the same,. subjeet to substitution by the Council in the event of absence or inability to act,. of said offioers at said speoial eleotion: 21 22 Inspector John J. Rosnes8 23 Judqes Alice F. Lorang, Eda Myers 24 Clerks Mildred E. Kirkpatrick, Wilma Lind 25 Section 5. That the )imicipal Clerk be and is hereby authorized and 26 directed to give twenty (20) days prior notice of said special election by causing to be published a notioe of such special election in the Seward Seaport Record a 27 newspaper of general circulation,. published and printed in said Town of Seward, at least once each week immediately preceding the date of said special eleotion. 28 Section 6. That all ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 29 Section 7. The rules gOTerning the introduction,. posting, passing and 30 approval of ordinances are hereby suspended and an emergency is declared, Ilnd this Ordinanae shall be effecUn :lDmedi.ately upon its introduction and passade this 29th 31 day of December, 1952. 32 ~{?aA~U_tu P ATl'ESTa age ~~"1~1 ~ mm~Ji~~ "- TdIfft nf Sewardr Alaska Mayor Town of Seward, Al aska ~, , r 1 Section 4. Registration as Prerequisite: Assessment Rolls Furnished Election Officials. Registration shall be required as a qualification of the voters at this eleotion as provided by the laws of the Town of Seward. The registration book will be open daily at the office of the MUnicipal Clerk and Registrar at the City Hall, Town of Seward, Alaska, from 10:00 A. M. until 3:00 P.M. daily except Saturdays (from 10:00 A.M. until 12:00 noon), Sundays and holidays, and from 7:00~P.M. until 9:00 o'clock P.M., on Friday and Saturday, January 16 and 17, 1953. R g18tration will then be clOlled until after eleQtio~, Copies of the registration books or the registration books shall be furnished tte judqes and clerks of election. Judges and clerks .f eleoti.. will also be furnished a list of those whose names appear on the last tax assessment roll or record for the purpose of municipal taxation for said Town of Seward, Alaska 2 11 4 5 6 7 8 Section 5. Polling Plaee. All qualified Toters shall Tote at the City H&11~ Seward, Alaska, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. on said election day. 9 10 Section 6. Notice of Election. Not less than twenty (20) days notice of said eleotion shall be given to the public by posting notices of the same in three (3) conspicuous places wi thin the corporate lim.! ts of the Town of Sewardf said election notice shall specifically state the amount of bonds prop?)sed to be issued and the purpose for which said bonds are to be 18n", the date of election, the time of opening and olosing the polling place, the qualifications of voters and the manner, time, method and place of regietra- tion, proposition to be Toted upon; said election notice shall be posted in three (S) cOJUlpiououe places wi thin the Town of Seward, Alaska, one of which shall be posted on the front door of the United states Post Office. 11 12 13 14 15 Section 7. Farm of Ballot. The for.M of ballot shall consist of a statement of the proposition set forth in Section 2 abo~, with the following added: 16 17 For Proposition "'l- 0 Against PropositioD "'l- 1:7 18 19 Section 8. All Laws to be followed. All proTisions of the laws of the United states and of the Terri tory of Alaska and the ordinances of the T()Wl\ of Seward, Alaska, relating to the registration at this election, the manner of conducting the same and the CanTaSl!l of the returns thereof, l!Ihall be ae nearly as practicable and exoept as herein provided, complied with. 20 21 22 Section 9. Publication. Publication of this Ordinance shall be made by posting a copy hereof on the City H all Bulletin Board for a period of ten (10) days following the passage hereof. Seotion 10. Suspension of Rules. The rules gOTerning the intro- duction, posting, passage and approval of ordinances are hereby suspended and an emergency is declared, and this Ordinanoe shall be effectiTe immediately upon its introduction and passage this l51t1 day of December, 1952. 23 24 25 26 Seotion 11. CanTus of Votes. Election offioials shall be appointed at the last regular or general council meeting prior to the said election and canTa.. of Totes l!Ihall be as required by TCllfn Ordinance; if the Totes cast in the affirmatiTe of eaoh propos! tion be not less than sixty-five (6S1.) per cent of the Totes cast at said election, then the proposition shall carry; otherwise it shall fail. 27 28 29 ~/t(~ SSELL P~ Mayor Town of Seward, Ala ska 30 31 ATrEsr: 32 Page MUnicipal Clerk Town of Seward, Alaska ...a..