HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1953-232 ~LJ'.C'rlvN UU1JINANCE Nu. 232 An Ordinance providinp, for and callinf, a bond election to be held on the 6th daJ' of October, 1953, under authority of an Act of Con:~ress of i'~ay 2~, 19.36 (49 ,""tilt. l.3~g) nnd an i\ct of Conp;resa of tlUr;ust 24, 1949 (63 stat. 627) to submit to the duly qualified electors of said Town of Seward under Mid ,^ct of Conr,ress the proposition of' incurring indebtedness in an ll::lount not to exceed the SU'Il of ~150,OOO.(;O ~Ii.th interAst thereon at 2; per annU"l, to purchase fro 'I the United states a pUblic \-Iork which is described as follows: a. se\':age disposal syete;:l, hereina.fter called the project, and to pay to the United States at such ti'1e or ti;.\es as 11ay be mutually uc:reed upon, the purcL:u;p. price in the a'llount of ,';150,000.00 for said project; to rerform the obl1~ations imrosed by the United States in connection with the purchase of U:e said project; to pledge the full faith and credit of the Town of Seward in raymmt of soin indebtedneGs; to issue general oblL;ation bonds bearing interest at 2:__ per annu:u payable semi-annually in payment for said project; to levy a ta.'C, and declaring an emergency. l:',11(;riliAS the Tmm of Seward, ,\lanka is duly authori1.ed under the Act of Con'Tess of ::.'lY 2n, 1936 and an Act of Con':;ress of AU:iust 24, 1'/49 to enter into an af~rec:'ent to purcr:nse fro"! the United :-5tates a r;roject provided pursuMt to said Ilct of Congress of' Au~ust 24, 191,<j, to p:J.y tl.ereforc a [)urcl,une price of "150,000.00; t.o incur indebt.ednc5s and to pay int"rest thereon at the r.'l.t~ of 2~' per anml"'l; to issue ceneral obligati on bonds ~dtb interest at 2". per nnnum payable semi-annually; to levy taxes, nnd to p!~rfor:;1 the Obligations assumed under the a!::ree<aent to purchase; and i.HEliE.,':'; the Act o.r Gonr;ress of i;ay 2g, 1936 provides that the incurrinG of indebtednens shall be authorized by not. less than 5ixt~!-five per cent (65;~) of the votes cast by tho qualified electors of said Town of Seward whose na"~s appear upon the last tax aS8ess,~ent roll or record for municipal tax purposes in said municipality at an election called for that purr:,ose, and ::"mmgA~ by an election previously held for that purpose, the el~ctorate of the TOtin of Seward has authorized the Town to incur an indebted- ness of "'150,000.00 for the purchas8 of tho se~lar,e disposal system; N(A!, TIIElU~Fl.iRl~, llL IT OH!JAl:iE1J dY TI1J~ CVH>;vi~ CUUNClt lit' Tlu; TL/;'rJ ull' 5B::AhlJ, i;L;t~-,r'.:A: Section 1. That an election be held in the Town of Snward, Ala~ka on th'J 6th day of vctoher, 1953, between the hours of g o'clock il.i'i. and 7 o'clock 1.1-1. of' said da:,', at tolhich election there shall be submitted to the duly quaUnf!!d electors of' said 'rO\ffl of i)e'.raro whose names ap~ ear on the last tax: assess:nent roll or record for the purI~osc of municipal taltiltion for said To~m of ~)eward, the followinr~ r;roposit.1on, to-wit: Shall the Town of Set~nrd, Alaska, incur indebtedness in the sum of "J5G,OOO.OO for the rurpose of acquiring the followine public l'Iork of a per:'lIment nature: a sewage disposal system, to be constructed by the United states of America and sold to the TOlin of Seward at a price not in excess of :0150,000.00, said indebtedness to bear interest at 2;: per annur:l, to be evidenced by a i roject Construction :llId ::;,~les i\f~rec;aent bct"iecn the TO\m of' :,:e\'lard /md the United St.ates of i\merica and by general o:)li:~ation bonds to maturp. in not to exceed thirty (30) years, secured by a pledee of the full faith and credit of tlle '.'ot'1Il of Sel-lard, :uaBka, and to levy (l. tax or taxes sufficient to pa,y the interest and princir:al of said bonds \~he:n clue, all as provided by Ordinance :':0. 232 of the TO~Jn of ~e\'!ard, [\laska, passed Md ar--proved the J!!J:_ day of September _, 1953, ilnd which ind~btedness shall surersede and replace the indebtedness previously author- iMd for the se\~er project, 'oy OrdinMce :"0. 216, adopted Uctober 22, 1951, -1- I ,~.... and assume the obligation to operate and maintain said public work in per- petuity. Section 2. That the manner of conducting and hOldin,':: the said election and thl'! dt'ltail thereof shnll be in accord;mce \Yith the require- ments of law and (jrdjnances no;.; in !:!ffect in said Town of .seward as to general or sreciaJ elections .Ibere applicable or procedurally adaptable to speeial elections for the purpose of ayproving or rejecting the authorization of indebtedness and a proponed bond iosue, except as hereinafter spocifically otherwise provided. Each ballot shall set forth the above proposition, as set f'orth in Section 1, followed by the words: "Indebtedness - Yes D Indebtedness - No D II togetber with specific instructions as to the manner in whicli ballot shall be ~rked. Section 3. That only those persons shall be permitted to vote "tlho have the qualifications prescribed by Section 38-3 -2 and 38-1-8 AGLA and Crdinance '10. 180 ,whose names aprear on the last tax assessment roll or record for municipal taxation rurposes in said TOlin of ,"e:'n~rd wbo duly re,3ister therefor. Section 4. That the Hunicipal Clerk of said Town of Seward shall issup. and cause to be published at least once in the followinG news- ra.per: Seward S.anort Record _ , a. public notice of this election; and sball post such notice in three conspicuous places in said Tmm of ~)e\<Jard within the corporat<'l limits, one of' whicb shall be postf!d at the front door of the United States rost Orfice in the To\m 01' ~;m'Hlrd not less than thirty (30) d,'ws before s[I.id election, which notice shall stnto the time and pl!lce of holdine; the election berein specified, the purpose thereof and the qualificati.ons of persons entitled to vote thereat. The follOldn~ places are hereby declar<'!d to be conspicuous plll.cas in the Toltm of ~~;ewa.rd : 1. The front door of the United states J'ost Jffice in the said Town of [iew,'3rd; 2. The bulletin board of the City Hall of the Town of Seward; :3. The ~ of the Alaska Hailroad Dock in said Town. bulietin board Section 5. Registration shall be required as a qualification of the voters at this elec:tlon ao provided by the laws of th0 1'o~m 01' ::;eward. The rer,istrntion book will he opon daily at. th" office or tho ,;unicipal Clerk and Hogistrar Ht th(! f;ity Hall, Tmm of Seward, t\laska, from lO:liO 1\.,',:. until 3:00 LH. daily e:roert Saturda.ys (fro~'l 10:0U ,".l':. until 12:00 noon), .sundoysnn'~ holidaJ's, and until 3:00 ~';'''., t.~o days before the saId election or until :3 :GO : .j.j. October ,'3rd, 1953. Copies of the rc~istration books shall be furnished the judRos and clerks of election. hi Section 6. The common. Council her.flby uEPoints J OM J. 1tosne~s L. "UBBel! Clapp ,arid Alice F. -Lo i!~ as judf;es to conduct said election at the place and time and in the nwnner herein set forth, and hereby aPFoints Wilma Lind and _ Lenore Robbins as clerks of election; Mchof who!:! shall individually take the oath of office rc!)(!uired oy ordinance and file th" sa:ne \-;ith the .:l1nicipal Clerk prior to entering upon tho duties of their offices. The nunicipal Clerk of said TOltm of :5eward 1s hereby authorized to substitute any qualified eltlCtor as judge or clerk, in tJ~e event of the failure or refu5:l1 of ;my of -2- of the above named persons to qualify or to serve. That said judp,es and clerk!'; of said election shall canvass the votes cast at said electj.on and stall prepare ann file their returns of said election with the llunicipal Clerl< statinR; in words a.'1d figures the number of votes cast fOT and ar,a.inst the proposition voted upon and, if' the votes cast in the affirmative of' said propositj on be not less than sixty-five (65) per cent of the votes cast at such election, certifyin.'!. that the pro} osition carried: and if otb~r;.ij ,,0, then that the r.roposition failed. Section 7. That if said proposition is certified by the e1ectj on officialo an having received the required m.ajority or qualified votes for nrr'Toval, And has regularlj-' carried, then Lhe said Common Council of the Town of ~;e\1ard mny, at its discretion, authorize tl;e execution of a } roject r.onstruction and ::i:l1es !\.zremnent, th<') incurring of' indebtedness with intC'!rest thereon at the rate of 2/~ per annum, to purchase the said 1 roject, and the issuance of 'J:p.neral obligation bonds of the To\'ffi of Seward in an alltount not to eKceed ~150,OOO.fjO, the said bonds to be in the manner nnd form a.s b~r said TOlm of ::;e~'iR.rd lflll~r be rrovided; but shall require a rate of interest of 25' per annum, payable se'ni-annuoJJ..y, and the maturity dates of the said bonds shall be agreed u]:.on by said Town 01' Seward and the United stat es. The snid bonds sball be transferred at their par valUE:: to the United states 01' iimeriCll. and the proceeds thereof ohall be used by the 'ioNn of :)e\~::u'd for the purpose of -purchllsing the project, described in Section 1 nbove, jncludin!~ en!?ineerinr; fees and administrati"rc l'lx.penses. That an cner~ency is hereby declnred to e:dst; that the usual rulen of rrocedure b0 ~lUsrended, and that this Ordinance shall be rend in full, and again by its title; and posted on the bulletin board of tbe City Fall, Se'tlard, Alaska, for n reriod of not less tha.n ten (10) days fol1o\~in(,: its fina.l passago by the r:o'nlon Council of the Town of ;;c1.'/ard, AlaSka, and ita approval by the :~a;'or of said Town. This Ordinance shall be effectlve inmedintely uf;on its introduct:1.on and passai~e this 31st da,y of Aueust, 1953. lassed: This 4th day of September, 1953 AI:prOVed~~<'.J, Mayor 1\1"1' .:;,1' : ~ Ci ty C1e rk ~ -3- , ~