HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1954-243 ~ ,'n,,'-) , 'J" ',\l' .1Q ~:JI.J"ll \"'~'iL. :;',_\'-''U-''""" ~'j .. ~ ... 1 .__... ..____ ;,n JrlUNU.'\4Ie PftIYidiftQ tOI' the lftoqrrlfIU of an lndlthtedft... of \- !~ lil<;:tJ1t 'i'louaM ,:1z JWIldnd :aiQlht aDd F'OI'tyJM..!~" :Joll..n (ra08.608.060 I pa....nt to . ,'roJeel t::orn,traaUcm -.1 (;'iU.. Aqrer"IIRt !)ftvnll. the ':'awn of ;.......i. ,114.... end tha lJntt<<i ~)t.t.. of ,'UlMIl'l_. iUI ..thodMd br the 1." ,\kJlic ',ork. ,\at (CiS ;"tot. 1$17, 48 U.;,.C. fll) tlw lltfN8IUN of -..n1 i.,ibU,;}ftUon ,..,. 11' an ......t not to .un.r! DM !'1Indrlld .;t<,lht '~,jioll.r. (;,108.000.00), 11&1"0' the fOl'a lInd d.tatt. ft' _111 ,'OtIdII. pl'~1,UA(J to:J' the ~.~t t!\enot witb lnt.reet thlt.... at the ...ta of :no pel' lIft_ ...1 fol' tM ..1. of ..id ,~ to the U.Ued : tat.. of r\llJlld_. ;.u:;;'", the 'rown of t....rd" a lIIUlioipal oorporation ~h O'I"\1aIU.-d and e.illtil"lQ undu' ....i p\l.......t to a.. ,:..et O'f ~ of J... 6. 1900 _titled ",<1\ ,at .",irrinq Pl&rt.lwl' ,~1a1" t. Cs..U ';:~t for .,1.... _d t. ;..itbel' .~". parUaul.dy :'~. 1. to 100 there of (11 ;ft... 52tH. /!$nd the Lav of the re.rrUoty of i.t... 1. aat.hoa-I.... by tlw ,11... illhl10 ',!ork. ;:.at (63 ;,t4It. bl7. .8 U.",.\~. 416; t. ..,.t... fltd tha Unitlld t-ltet.. of 1,,-..1_ . Sanlbty ~:...... ' ywt.ea cand to iFUN&' an 1ndl1bt..... t.nfor ~'lUUIUInt to . .'I'OJeot t:oaurtnaoU<)I\ ....t rial.. .:.or-t, ..ad ,';;,~l.J"::i. at en 111.0\11.'1III dlAly IMlla4. held.Ad ~_ 1ft ttw f<M\ of :<ilIWa1"d OR (JIlt.... 6. 19&). tM tiW.y qualiUed al"o". whOM NlIIIlIM A!lj.l8IU' on tiw lattNt taa .........t rollo' the "1':.... of :-.aJ'd ctuthodHd the iftCNni1W,l of .dd In- ct.bt...... and tlWl 1...... of '......&1 ObUQIIIU_ ''''1' 'lIWade of the l"own c,I :__I'd 11\ __ .....,..t ROt .....ullq (N ,;uadNd tifty 'l'hCNlMftCl :Joll.r. Cd.Ml.C4JO.ul,il for tlw pu'pCIIIe of HlMROiaq. ......, other "roj...... the aO"NhUtoa of Mtdft.ftl16ry ~-'-I' ,__ P\IJ'lIQlIJIt to Mld t\QI'U n nt, and \.11",,;..::, 1t 1. dea1nwJ to .~~ the fe.. 4ftd tWtalh of Mid ,q~t 4ftd ~; " , .'"";,,l'U'-. "''I: i r ,4if;:',.H~";) by to. City ~11 of the '':.. 01 :"I'd. ,.,1___1 :,...u.- 1. It 1. be.._ ddemiMd thllt tile pllbllo WI'k ,. the pvahla.. 01 "Ueh the lnd11bt..... h to fA UaIlncd i. the .ltlbllo worlc OOIYbtiM of a liealtaQ' :.... ryat_ ClOfttRNOted 01' to 1>> ODIWtNGt8d ~ tJw Calted f!tet.. 01 ,_11._ W'l<iN' tbll direatl_ cud ~at_ of tM OfU_ of 1'auitHl... :::.,:.n.u.nt ot thlt IlItadol' and .......iblId in . eert.ln 'rojMt ,;OftdNoUon and Seal.. ii<'l'llIIl nt dat.t J......., 11. 1'''. oonrinq ,roject 1>10. AM. to...,\..11. heretoton _tond tnto. Jl\U'...-nt to . ,~...l.tlon of t~1Jt eu.oU. ~i<Mtl_ 2. 'rh1.~1 harebrf ....IU.. it. aot:lon 1a authoridnq the .-cullan of ..1d ''VI' UI nt lIftd _.__1... the rwevonell:.,ll tty of th41 1'.. .,. ,~ tn ,.rtOZlll ita oMi..U.... tbel'tNftdor. 'the cuun..t. of ilMtioa h.reto fUed with tha.:lttd: of tblt '1"_ 01 E....rd lIt.t.. that tbe dilly qualified elaato1'. .... JUtIIlta .~~l' OIl the 1.1ft tax ......-. roll 01' l'eool'd ..at 0101 NllGl. 1ft the aleett. Wd Oft the It!' day of l,latobltr. 1153. ""doh ... _1141<1 and oonduatlld tOI' tlw PtUl:108O 01 atrtkor- laUw1 the b"'f(l~" l2t ~iI1 obI_Uon boDde U a. U/IOWIt Mt ......uno ,_ l~ rUt., '~ ..loU.I'.; tbilllt 341 YUt.. ..... '01' tlM pl'Of,lCMtlt1on. .nd .. -mt.. 'lNI'O ,t<1tSiNlt; tha pI'OIIlO- tJiU_. the C~ity Counoil of the '1'CM\ 01 ;.,.rd harwith O'H'lol.Uy -..pt. aIld adapt. tM I'owlte eo ...nUl.. ~"eftiOft s. 1"01' the pul'pt')lM of flMncinc tbe oo.t of ctOIl\\lriftQ ..id lAablia work. then b ..~ ..thol'll1&d the Incurdnq BI Indllbt4ldM.. of an. tWdnd <':.t'1ht ~ DoU.... UIOl.OOO.lJO '. to bll ..,1.s.n0lli ur ~1..l'Y to the v.\1ted f~t..t.. of i,-:d_. of QIlIMI'.l obU~tiQft ~1OIadII in the N'lncrlpal ~ 01 ~_ llW\l.ked ;o.iqht 1'hou8Rd tloU.... 0101.000.(0) wUh lntor*" thel'Of.m .t the I'd. 01 t;wo 1>>1 ...t (Jh.) ~r at1rN11. ,".1<1 bond. ahall ~. I dNiQMted -r_ of ,__I'd GeM,.l Gblif,fat 10ft l... ,JOIkI8 01 IlJM-. MnH 1'ItI.-..d to .. tM -1i1bnde-. Gald r~ ....U be ~I'al obUqoUOftII of tM :'ciun ell ......I'd ,.yah1. a.. to both pWiaoipal end latahllt hi tM 1.., of ad ..lo~ 'bMe. Vhioh ..., br. 2..,ied upon .11 u. u-blo PII'OPftt,. ift tM 1'..... of I-.N w1t~ lildbtioa .. to ht. 01' DOIIRt. 1'0 tho ..unt tlwt ...,.,..al ,.. aM "'.'HI .au aro ....U4tb1e ,. tblat ~ ... ,.. lIftd .....~_. .., be applied to tlw pa--' of tbit priulpal .f and lntonat all aid boJeJIt. The ~lo8dII ...U be deted ,'iprll 1. 11M. ....Nd t... 1 to 101. 1no1wri... .... in the ~1_ 01 o...'~ Joll..... _11 be ",.~o ...fUU., 1a ....dolll ONeI' ",,000.00 Oft 1'.,.,11 1. lISI. _act thG ... .-.ouat _11,. thoneft.1f thJ'OUQh ~11 1. 1I7Q. Iud ~.OCO.OO OP !;.prU 1. un. ead the __ ....... _11., the....tt... thllNQh ..jJ..1Ir1l 1. 1174. 'l"bo ~ __11 ~ ,..toftltlt ot thtI ...to of two PM CI8nt (n) .-.. ...... J4.JIIIlblo. nt_ll,.. i\pI'11 1 CIftd ~ 1 of ..CIh J'IIU 0'11 m018lJ l)fto!>>l' 1. 11M. l'he~. or MY of u... MY be 1'.... I. i boton thoilf _tvl U.. at tho aptt_ 01 tho '1'.. of ~.~ 1& tlw inn.... 0..... of tMiI' ~....ra. Oft an., lat..... PllJ'Mlrt dIIt. at tho p....DOipel ..,..t 011 tM bond 01' bondlt to be 1'......II..lIId wi tit lnt_at """*' .. to tho date of...... . .ti_. Tho pr1aotPl'1 01 .... tIIt..-.. "" U.. ~ tlIloll be pa.,abl. 11\ I.awfUl Il'IDMY of the lJn&t.t :.>tat.. at tbe 'l,.et lietiOMl iianlt of j~~""'d.___ of ~ [\luke. 01 at tho optioft of tho Wd8.. at the :3..ttl. rt,... HlatlOMl ..... i'lala ~ ~_tt1.. Weoh1BcJt_. or 11 nqlda"" la the ..... 01 tho Urd.t4ld :Jtet_. .. uy aQ...,. 01' otti_r of the Uait4ld :3\.t... at ..... p1... .. ..., bit dul(IM.tod .. tbe Ual toct ntet... :*,1_ 4. lieab of tbtl 8oft<_ ad a~ lntenot lIIOIlallONl. t~1' with tbcl pro-ri.iou ,. h9ifthUen to be ..s.r..d CIft the ::landlI eball bo III .w.:.tentlall., t1M foll_iwJ .fona to-wit: mu:r;;.J 'ft.\rl;:~ ,jF'.."8;il~ T~t:'irrr...:'\l' U'h.l..':::S;i\ .0lIn of t...rd .~ ,:)bUq.UCIft ;..... . iCIftdII of 11M. Ho. It 1.000.00 n.. 'r_ of :~I'd. a _Uo 0lIdy ad _lotpd ~.tl_ of tho 'l'wdtol"t of 11.1..... buoiMft... ta110d tJMI ""'l,..-. ......,_1...... "..11 Udlbtod .... fol' ".1_ ....1ftd he..., pt'GIal.. to pey to tlw beu'w behOt. 01' if thla ~ be nql n.1'OcI a. to Pl'1naiJ*l. tot tbe hOln.nd ...... bttrwof. Oft tbe Unt .., of ,\pr11. 111_ tho pr1lw1s:al ... of '.. TP-a....-.t 0.11.... (.~.OOO.OO) end to ..., tat8l'Nt an _ld jll'tRGls-l ... t~ tho date hereo' at tho ..et. ot two pol' ...t (I';.) I1ft' ..... ..~ll. _leNiNItU., an tn. ,....lit .,. 01 ApJ'1l end the tkn dIIy of Clatobe". in ... .,... '" Ino.lft;r OotOhOl' 1. UN. _Ul tM _tuit.,. tbol'flOf. 01' 11 deI-.l t IIhwld be .. 1a tho ~~ of the f)l'lnolpa! bonol 01' l..ta"'" ....... wtMMl tho __ lIhall !:au"",.. <:1_ .Itd PClyeblo. at the ...to of tau ,.,... oeet (.1.) pilI' .... Oft ..em _fault.. tlIIIMlt. ..tll the PIIl,...t in hill of aU WIPIlW bal...... <ut i. tho .... of tntonet .. _ 01' baton _hdt,. aaly "'lCIIII prl....t.UIlIft ud IJ!U...... of tho ....18Otl.. tat_hOt OOlIIAM bento attaoh4ld .. tt.r ...,...,,11., ~- rtl&e. 1~ prtnolP1'l of and i"tal'el!t Oftthi. ~ bclDd ... payable at tit" off'" ot th" Hrllt !ilaU-.l auk 0' i\RCIhQ~f~ HrllMlh.....6d. ,u..... 01' at tM '-tn" Ftnt _U..l i.... loIa1a r....... ::.ttle. ~1..h1IQt"Ift. Tl.\ie 30Rd and tb" 1.... of "lob 1t t.,." part 18 llt1J1l1<ed tor th. _Gl.t'd.Uloa tJ'caft'4 tM \Janed :Jht.. of i"....l... of .. ~liIft1t.ry L..... {.yd_ whlah ha. bMn UOft8t ruot.::! by the Ua'ted But.. .... thfJ ,'.1.... ;l4bllo hOl'k.a :.at" tho lawe of the r_rltolY of ,'1.... tmd prIMMIU"", of tho ;.:on., <;auaeU ot Rid "Z'QIIR of :J....2'd IJla1,. to_ llnd a:i>ptlld. It 18 beAtly _nlfl.-!. reoUod ond dMluod tlMt .11 .Clb. condlUoufl ud thiDq1J ~n4 by' thie CoutUuUQIft ud :.crt. 01 the ~ of tk. Vait" :st.t.. of '-1'1_ .nd 1... 01 the ';'.I'dtory of ,\1..... to _lilt. to Mr'J*' Im'J to b-. ",ed'orMd. ~t to am! 1n the t....AG8 of thh t...... do ....trt. ... ~ and haw bM8 ~d.....s t. rllMt tt_. toa ud ___.. .. nqW.I'M by 1_. IIf.*tI.Uoalb. tblt .1\.1.. ,'\Iblto i<iorh Aft. l*rtl<<Nlu1 Y ;3eotl. I the.._,. ... tbe ...11 f... th tII\d ond.i t of the 1'-.. of e.....1'd .... MNb.F lnwltAbl,. ,,)l~ to the ~.t J4... J t of tM prll'l1Jlpal of <<Jllt ildltftlllt .. thie ~ ...rdiJlll,J to ite t..... 'thl.;.w..J t. . Qeel'.l obliqeUI.lft .f the '1'aM\ ot L~ pe,..bl. .. to both pr1Mlpal aDd 1ateJ'eet br the ltn7 01 ad .&1__ t.... .mI. ray be I_1M ___ all the ~"M"l. PnJPltJ'ty iD tb8 'r_ of ~"rd .it.... UmUaU_ .. to rat. 01' UlOWlt. -ro thlt __.t that lQllHd.al bIDdlI ud h" ....... ....Ueb1. ~ thAt ~1Upoee. .... ,... ad .....~ IMY '- 6r...-11.J to t110 PAysMM of pl'iAalpa]. 01 aDd int."eIft _ tAb band uc:l t1w ,... of whlClh 1t to... . part. IN ,.I~j1:,;l dl.;e:/,Cf'. the -.r... of ;....S'd br ib City \Auol1 hu 04U1Md ttwr boIftd to he YJ Ll:tec:l ta it. ....11 l:4r ita Mayo.. ud it. ooJ"ponte _1 tAt be lle,..to ..U1..... .tt.-lId by ita Cleft; .. of tbta fl.... day of .\JlI'U.. 1954. I.'" * ... ------- ...,.... .~~1L .\ "rr';;;:orr. t T ".111" City Cl" (rw~ _}" Hi! c;N;::'~".:"'fJ .10 ~ A~OO l~ (lot.... I" 19-... the <r.......... of the '1'_ ef :~ iw.....Ul p..,. to tho ~. .t tti41 oft1.. 01 tM F.rllt ilildlCIIMl ~ of 1~"!aqO-L...1'd .::........ ~,.....c!" ..u..... 0.. at the u..tU_ tint ...UOM1.... ~iUft HI"Udh. JJ_ttl.. H.ahla;tt-. 01' 1f the . -.die h....inv the n 1II!t.... IAdi_ted .... _11 t. .ttlQ1ot.nd 11'1 the ... of tho IJa1 ted ;ltat... of ,"'1'1_ 01" any .,.., 01' offl_.. of tlw Ualt.s fit.... at web p~ .. _y be diNt.,.t. b1' t.Jw i1ftlted ;.Jtat... tM _ 01 T_ 0011... (il0.00). ,. t.hat ....,. of the Unt ted l't",t.. of ~d_. belft\1 .ill ...thtl. lAt...... tlwa ... _ lb t'1'M\ of ,.....I'd........l ObU.qaU..:.,. WId tl)f UN. dIIt_ . 11$_. , i1f'____.__ .. ... i._,.1t \iitY-r:l.iit- (~'"",i.1C1l '01" ,lOUll1trati.J 'Zhie '!aM ..., blI hQ1ltt.nd .. to prlllOlpd onl," in thAt .... of the hol.r on booh to be k*Pt ry tblt C:J.ty CIeri: a. ,uta1.t...... at the optl_ of the holder. ... p....mtaUClft ~ iA U. ...,aatl'lttidln b!ek billow. and t_raft... !,-*,..at of the pnaolpa! ....t twnot -.. .. IIhdl be .'. Gftly to tlw r.:rlri.end ...... n.nof. tlRd _ trenefn _nof all .. 'Nlld -.1.. ... .. .ld bock. ."" the nqtet.... __. 01' M. .tt.., tberwato dIily ..thol'l.ed. "UGh t..-'- tthall be .trailadyaotecl ia .ld nqt.UaU_ bluk n.low. Th1..-.d vhea nqlatend .. to Pl'laDipal _17 MY' be diMheJ'Qlld 'RIM ""1et...U. bJ' ....letlY to ......,.. fllt_ which it IIMll be t....,enbl. by dIIll....,. oIIId -7. t~te.-. be ..iA ... fll'Cll t.... to tt. lR Uk. _.. nqi.t.nd 01' di........... t... nQilttl'4lUon. bat t... ,{egllttru ehall ROt be reqoind to _t. ft4lIh tnn"'" within t_ (10) .,.. pl'1 nltlnq u" latenllt pe"'" dat.. il,fty t.x iR n.peot to . tr....f.r t,enof 1Ihd,1 be paid bJ' 'M holtt.1' henof prlOl' to nah t....N. ("0 witl_ bel_ on tbt. a.d u.~t t.l7 tn. RCIO'l.tnl' abmN ~) Oat. of t. ..... __ Hevtlrtll'llUOIu ;~tlqlat.ndt ........ of If.,btntlOll t H*1ta'thl': _..JW' SeetlO1l 5. ". bOIlde .n.ll be e1QMd 1n behalf of the 'f_ of ~,-I'd t~ the Hill.,... _d _led With tme c:lOl'):Ol'IIt. ...1 of ttw 'l"GlIIIA of Seward .tt..ted l:lf t.... C1ty Gleft" the iat.net 0llIlIPCU .Ue... to ..14 .ilt\Jnd8 ..11 h. ..theat1-.ted .it... by the e&Qlutlml 01 _ld I'..,..r end aid City l...'1ertr: 01' ," I,._bul. ther.'. 1A." any bond ltb&ll t.. -U1.ted. deetl'OY'*l _ lat tlw holdu thereol .., obt61a ill dI&p1iaat. ther.' 1. tlw ...... ud tn .~ftOlt wi th tho t.... pl'lNIOrib<<l b7' tlw CUy (~l1 fill tl1. Town of ;...I'd tr_ u_ to tu.. In.,... .ttJwr of th. oln.... wOO ~ ..n 1M.... elqMo:i. lltt.ert~. wthtilftUollt<<i 'Or 1IOII11Id MY of the ~ or lnt..1'UlIt UOU,IliQIl. 1,'lu'blnlS\'J thll'u'.to. or the t..il:aU. ot .~ 81Qftlttv.. lIb.a ,'M v.eed tMl'tM1Q. 1lNa11 OM" to be _oft ." tt.... .befure the bonde ttI' lnteNlJt Cl!NJ.... ~rtatnt"". tlMmeto 110 e1QA<<i. attttet...d, ~\IthmU_t'" or ....1.. tthe11 Nt.... dtual1v ~ ll1lN11d. _oh ~ 01' intWletlt OQU\JQRIt putainillQ thtu.t'ftQ ffhall bit ".Ud .....rthel.. find _,. 1:.4 i.....-d by tho T_ of ~......i .Uh the .... .rt~ _ t~ the ;.I'eoml who Nad tdQftGd" ,,1:t..ted. a\ltheftUoatecl OJ' .-l.d the ..... hid ROt oealllild to l:M .uGh Glfi..... :...."u... I. 1_ baDdia .bla11 be J>flnt.d trOl1ll t)'VII Ol.IIII!J.'OelUoa OIl .-took ,..... Gf wffioi_t weiJ:!bt and at~ to pN1leM ~edOl'ftt1on th....,h OI'dtMry hudlt~ <<f)!;j hedftl:;f 41 UthoQhphed 01' lIt_ e.nQl".'" hoI'dlu'. TMlr .be an,^, thd ot the .tteobed CIOUi'.ltlIW lIMll ClOftform to. lItandard ~1I:.oti... Th. r~ ....11 I. _ld uddel t....w.t to tl\e lJalted ;itatee of i\,.d.. in pa~ uf thll par__ prioe o.f the puhlic wl'k ...,....... to ill ;.-1_ 1 be....,. VUftWmt to the ,'toj*", l.:o..lIt1'\<<lftioa and hel.. ,'qne- lNOt ref."noi to. 1n Hid 'I8Ctll?llR. If t.be Unit.. ;.;tat.. eNtll OMUIIIftt thereto .. t-.pol'Ary bond or 1.~ MJ be bllllMd la liMa of the .flalU.. bond8 he.etA p........nbed. 'a1d L<IIId 01' bc:JGl:W lMY be t~1tt_ Oft 1-..1 cap hand ~A"" of uul'f!o......t _it;Jht Iltt:i lItnllQth to pr.......t dllttol'101'aUan thrauQh .,1'<.ilMI'y Madllftl1 IIftd efta.ll h. 1n tM lIlIUIl8 tom .. 18 herein ~lliOJ'lhed to. dlttintU.. bonda. ..-pt thtst it the Unlt.J r-tot.. ~. .. eiRlll- band P<l1tt.blo to the Un! t...; :;tot.. of ,\INri. .. ~lut0hd __I' /Iftli II\\IIIbJhd 1 to 1(16 end ruolUoo the ~,.. and _tUIU.. of the bQoda to iiIIltar. 1n _oh Y*l'll'. I..Y be 1..... u widlllnow Qf tbe lInthe lrdllbtadn... Elnd anmacl j.IllI~s cl'OdJtlld llY8inllt _tulU.. of lndhidl&4l Ixmde u t~ aotuaUy 1.1I\I1IIId PM'~t to thb oIUthorblnq '11".:11n4I'u,-. ,rodeil,)," 1tNi11 t. 1ll6ritt tar tho 8.\i.1ol' . mt 0'1 Jia'J'lllllllt .....Apt. tNU_. JeflniU.. ~ shall i:. IN!;.tituttlld for th'ill t.~1Joruy kond ..,r t..... lilt 8ny tiut 00 ~ftd ot tho reqlahll'tId holdor tn.l'ltOf. Dlldh ->>f1nUl". bondIJ Bhall ~ .iQaOd 1n blIhAlt of the I own f)f _I'd '''I the tM"1tOfttI holdJ.ftI:J the ofU" of i~ at the U. tho doUniU... bandit ani lIIItIbetltuted for tho t__:>ora,.,. bond 01' !~ dd lIhall !A lIlllIlled lftth ttw eorpOI'ete ...1 or the :CNQ of,*-rd aU_lIt_ bf the penon hold!a:t th. QfUC18 of City n.tt /!It thftt U.; ~hlt tnteretrt Cl)Y~ .UlIohed t() h1,1 doUn! ti.,. 1X$de .hdl 'M eutheat1<l11ttod 111 tlut lIIi'1Mt'llH of tl'Mt 'illyor lQnd ':Uy .;1.~ft: holdiaq o.tnelll 10fheft the dltt1n1ttw )1On<" ..... llI'l&blIt1t\tt..,j tox tt. t_I1lX'1!II1'y bond or haft.. or :., hc.iblU" tllenor. ,'MUon 7. In _otI ,..... 1IIh1l1O en,. llOMe deli~rlld .. widunoe M the -:.... N,.... IIiIlI'int to pay Mid '..<Qroh.._ I'doo or _Y PllI't tl:ttreof .re ~tttt."dinq AM unpaid tM'" <tNill be .",......-de 1.,,1811 ~nd ooll..nlld \I,I.4Il the taXllbla proplrt,. in U. :"'awn of ;....rd. ill the ... .....1' end 4t thcr __ t llWthltt oth... t..... .... .....Md. l..,i-.:t 4nd ao1l4lOted" ,. 1lUft'lcl.nt tax to ,4'/ the pdM'JiPfll of and the tntap.t on Rid bon<ttI .. the ..,.. L~Z.. dIM. To tt-.. eat_t that the 'r<*ft qf '__I'd r.y ha... at any t 1". other iuftdII ."dlable for tbe ,)$~ of lI\IOh principel of ;'}11<1 tnt.hIIt on the ,~. dlIri94d Iron NYl)"" .,.. any otlwl' tfI;AU.,.. lIlIah ,.... ..y i. IMNd for I!IUOb p1II)"1I.IlIUt.. ;'aotion 8.l"hl" OI'diMftft ..411 take .ffllGt lr..dllllt.ly .nd ",,11 OI'(UI\l'&ACGfI 01' t.rb tM:rMi b\ oantHct henJwltb .J"~ h.....". ...,..lec1. i'.eNd /Inti .fC~<J'Q".d thh %6th d1ay of i!e"oh. ,U$4. A. -~"l>' , "'_ -!.--':"- ... ~ 1 ".yur .'~';t~~';)T j 4" .,,/' ._ ""~"'1"':c.(. , r (lty:i~rk ."t;~ . < ('t ",'A"\ " '-hi 'I'" "" ~::::; "~Ll\..A4l:. I, City ,;l.n: of tllo':'GMA of ;....... ;"'.n1tqfY of A1....... .. be.... oertUy thAt the f0l"4II';lo1AQ U " tW.l" truo ud conoMt oopy ot 0I'd1Maa No. :au, adoptlld by tNt ;;j,ty (.;oua411 of the 1'_ of :--I'd. at . 8j,lItCdel ...U.., .....w.*.1 on tM 26th day of ~dh UM ... tMAiNaoU l"."~.' IIUId tAd the __ ha. ,.. CIOliIIf.7"'f'~ l.7f _ wUk tblt odQ'1Nl of Mtd C.lI'r.ti.MMIt lU'KI b ... all NIIPMlt. . the CopJ' th.rwot. XU ;,H1U~i: :.f)1i.:l,;;,)P'. I he... n.~to ..t my twmd aDd atlt.-d tM Gffloial ...1 ot t)..e 1'QI1IjJft of ~~ th1. l.t day 01 "'PJ'il, 19M. ,t~"~,_",~\''': :~li~">:'_4'" t~~., ( llI'''#"..,........... -~ r' ' .,. '~7(;., , ' (iU,. ,::ton