HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1954-244 r , ..t-: ,.. M' Hi' 3-25-'4 1 ,., ,,' , ,.u ~ -r~~~,;J" / OIU)INANCE 110. 146 ~--I S -~-y ~~ All OJmIJlAJlR .1 the OU, ot 5eart't, Au.ka, calling a speelal election tor the purpo.. ot subaltt1ng to the qudit1ac'l ehetora of the OU7 .. proposit1o" ot whether ~r not the 01t1 should leeul lts .110- tne u'U.11111 revenue bond. 1n the urlneipal SUrA ot not to exoeed $200,000 for the pUrpO.8 of providing tude to aoq:ulre an4- 1.n8tall a.rbin improvements to tbe eleotrio utility 87stem of the c1ty, WHIlUAi t th. 01111 ot ;;Ie..rd. now owns, opera to. and Jlllllnta.lns an el.otr1c utility system whiOh is in need of tne acquisition and 1n- .'\lalla,ticn of a generating unit L: order to rUI'nieh the eity. its In- h.a.b1 tanh and people 11 vlng in the "le lnity thel'eot' nth an adequa. te .upplr of ele.tr101t,; and WHIREAS, it bas been determined to be to the blet interest ..bit _ltar~ of the ~1 ty and 1ta inhabi tante ttJat 1t iSflue and sell its ele<\ltric nUll ty revenue bonde 1n the pr1ncl,~1 sum Qf not to exceed $200,000 in order to prov1~~ ~nts tor suoh purDe~e; and WHENiAS, the law or the United States or Atlledoa an4 the T,p~tG.' of Ala.kaprev1de that the queet10n of whether 61' not such bonae _, be 1.91I1a for '\lOb purpose _st be .u.bal1tteCl to the It*11f1ed '1..tor8 of the 01t, ta~ tn.1!' 1'at1t1oatlon or reJection: NOW, THE~PO~, BE IT ORDAINED by the Oo...n Councll of tb. Ott, of S.wa~i AlAeka. as tollow8t ~4)t1DD ~. U 18 taereb1 tound and c.'leelared th.at the public ".ltare requires the oity to aoquire an approximately 1200-kllovatt 41a.,1 .1..,,.10 ..n...Uns un1t and 1nstAU the ... &t its pretent Itcht plant complete with &11 neoesear1 switoh ge~rs. ..cote.orie. and .,.,.Jl"l.,.nce. ~ft~~~ .2. The Olty doe, here'br propose s.s an integral part of the :918.n for the aoquisitlon a.nd lns1;s,1la.t1on of said g&nenting r ! , '" 01' and foX' paying the cost t.h.l"~ot and all oosts inoidental tn8"to that U heu, and seU Ue bc>nas pa,able tJ"Om the revenue. of 1$. 01...!'10 utlli1ly sfltem. $aid 'bonds shall b@So:t interest So.t a 1"a" of not to exo.e4 ,- per anmullI ps.la.ole eemiulnual1y I aM shall ma .ur8 ..r1a11, 1n not to '~e.d twenty years from date of issue. The 8X.Ct date, form, 'te1"llle .n~ bturltles ot st:.Hl bondl!l sr.al1 bi' as hel'$af1l'1" fixed b7 'Miunoe. $,0'1on ~. The !i"l:regoing pln.n f01' tlle lema-nee of s!ild ~A~. to pay the eogt of tte ~oquisltinn an~ installation or such g...rating unit 8Th,11 be submitted to the qualified eleotors of \h. Olt} "'01' theit" re.t1tlos.t1.r)l1 nl' rejectlon at 8. speoial eleot1on to be hd~ thl!!"~in o:r. the _~ Day of _ lfa;r _I 19.54, Tbe pl'tYpelll't1on to be eo sublll.1 heel shall bfl as follows: PRO!'03~T~O~ Sh6l.l1 the C1ty IJt Seward, Alaska, 1ssue its bonds pa,abHl eut of the renJiue of its e180ir1" utili'>, system ~n the p1"1no1Tx~.1 ~ of not to exoeed ;~200 ,000, such bonds to bell%" ift'tfe.rtlst at .. rate f}f not to exeeel!l 6" 'O~r a.rumm and t{) mature Bi:lr1al1y 1n not t" exceed 20 y~are from ~ate ot hR., ftlt" the purnoee or p:rov1dlng funds te acqulrean4 lnetall a dleeel eleetric c;.;nerating unit as u. !)&rt of It. eleotrHt unlity Byetem, 'all as more rully proYldeCl 1D Ord1nanoe llo._UL of the city ad01)ted_..ANU 5 . 19.547 IONnS, YEa BONDS, NO . . , . L7 . / / . . !he polling plaoe tor aai6 speoial eleot1on Bhall be the OITY JiAIJ.,. StlH! polling pIaciI 8ball be open trMl e; OG "t olock "'. Ill. to fICo O'oloek p. m. The deet10n of1"to1als to serve t'.t :!!uoh r)o1l1nr, 1'1a.o& _11 'be ., tollow.: 2. r---- Father 1.. Ru..ll Clagg Inspeotor-JudQe Mildred E. tirkpatriak J". Alice F. Lo~~" .. J,.. 1Aa!e.r~ Robbins Clerk Wil_ $. Lind Clerk All qaalif1ed llad r$q'ietered yoten of the 01 ty shall be el\t1tleci YOte at said .~ion. 'rile NlJilltta"ttoa far noh eleCltion, the \IIlnner of qhinq notice and conduCltinq the ....,and the OallTa.. of the returns of SUClh election aha11 be in aClcordanCle with the requ1r.enh of law and ordiNlnoe. of the oity for qeneral and .peoial eleotions held within the Clity. Seotion 4. This ordinanoe 8ftall take effect inaed1ately upon its pas.qe, approTa1 and execution, and .hall be posted on the blUeti. board of the City Hall 1n Seward, Alasb for a period of twellty days prior to the date of eleCltion. Ilnd all be published onoe a week for two conseeutiTe w.ek. in a new.paper of qeneral oirculation in the City of Bevard. PASSED lUlder IN.pension of the rule. by the CoIaon cOUIlcll of the City of s.tward, Alaska and approTOd by the Mayor this 5th day of April, 1954. ATTES'l'1 A..-/~ C Clerk '1 T ~, ~t7t>6"#E .c. ~~Gt!S..eS . Clerk of the City of Seward, Alaska, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. ljL of said c1 ty, duly aOfJuted by the Common Council of the city and aunroved by the l<'~yor on the ~ Th day of /?// /C- , 1954. ~~ "'__I. ~ C~ Clerk 4.