HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1955-252 r- unJ.J J d <;:.~:",.~ ~ ~ (', :<J\".~~ AN ORDJNA.lJCE OF THE CITY OF s:.~; ,HD. .c.LA;;;.4.c~ RJi;GU.L,;''l'~'\lG 1iA'LJ, ,:~.;,'j,L)U', h'i, ,00 S.;,HVICE ArID .'1lQVr,JNG FOT' TH: I;.ANNi~ n; 'hii,,!1 WAT"R a..h.:: GC; .:..3T..J3- USHlm . SXCl'ION' 1. Detlnl tioy a. Th. tetm 'water main' shall IIleall t~t j/llrt ot the water die- ~rlbution system intenaed to serve more t~ one water conn- eotion. b. ~ 'era'.va.~ connection- shall mean that part of the water distribution system connectini the w~ter main with the lot 'line ~ ~but'tinl ,{?roperty. .. Tlii' t.rm "water connectiOn extens1Pn* .eha}..l mean that part of the water d'1.It'ibution system extending f'rom the water connect- ,ion into the ,premises serTed. , d. 'the'h1'll1 *'W'e.tl!i,r m/iUi exte,xfSion. aba1.lll'.lun ~t.nsions roade to th... lril~er'l!lain tor the, purpose of aervi.Q6 ona or more water ohnttecst1oJl'-. ,l t.. SECTION 2. Installation .. Yater connec"tlons to City w4iter IQ,I:\Jns ineide. ~e cilt... shall b* 1:nataile'dofilt by 'the !eward Vater ,Syat.fin aDd then, oely up'On'1rr'lttfm .pplloatlon for such 'servi".~e 'and Alaylllent of the ~11o~lnl'feeato defter th~ 9O~t of l~t.ll~t~on of the 'cOfth,ctiofi trofuthe water mai~ to t~,_p~pirif, line. Charges 'tor water connections shalf \I. r8T).~w..ttbr"t~e:.;Utillty Board at least once eaCtl year. ".... . NO.' O'OCdO'~lI::S ,. 1 ~ , tc> 6 t to 12 ~~ZE OF C91~qt~ON ~~~IRED . ._.1.. '.. 3/~ ln~ 1 In~ 1-1/2 ~C1i ~ ,1~c4 nfL $ 65.00 30.00 100.00 125.00 b. Wa~er connections to city ..,ater ~in8 ou,t,aide Qf the city litni te '.t !ewar4,'Ala$ka shall bt ~t the ~QA.~.r'$e,~en8e. The $81fa1,'d 'W..tei'~ylJt.' /jb:all be re"~~~~lQ l'o~ book..up only and ~llno'tbere.poniJible tQr any~,aa. tQ rQads or other prop- 'ert7. 1n n6 itUlt8:40e .bal,ioi~f, eqlil~_' 'Il, used for eXC4T" .Uon or baolt"'Ul won on .water COImEl.ct.101)4 .or extensions 0Q't1Jf:d6 ot 'tll.e1ty I1n:litlJ.' , .. l'fo perlfOD .n install. .a vater exte~1on wl~t first obtain- be; <<;W1tt'en permit from the ~evard 'later. ~.at8lll. The fee for such permit shall be one dollar ($1.00). ' 4. :tt..~, ___.tioft to property is installe<t-prior to a con- 81111l8:r:'S ,req,llest. ,dl1e t,o ..~ ~tic~a.teC\ ~T~pro.JClct. the cotlltUliter J1hl1ll )le chtu'~ therefor., o~ ~ Jinal connection. ., ..; .. .i .. .No~b1~ in this oraihance .hall o'bl~te ~e drY of Seward. Ala.lf;:a ttl in_tall a \latei' co~oc,t~on of . 1u~.r .ize than two (S!) IJ.hche.. but a Cb~ct~9P of " l,.r&er ~ ~ be installed by ape1rlal agt'e&fnent at actUal cost to the conscumer. l~o water ~nn.ction s~llbe made of &reat~~ lo~t t~ el&aty (80) r f. Water main extensions shall be made upon written application by the owner or ownors ot the property to .. 8erved and ~pon receipt ot a payment equal to two-thirds (2/3) of the e8t1maW4 Gost of the extension. Upon completion of the extension two-thirds (2/3) ot the actual cost of the extneaion allall De appl!e4 io..id payment and a refund, if any, shall'" ma4e,.' -"1n . event the actual cost axoead. that of the @stlll;ate ar1d pa,yment made. the applicant or applicant. tor the ext en. 10n shall b. 1>1114114 tor t'., -additional moouht. . SEOl'lCN 3. Water Contract~. ,Agre~nt5 ~W ~toa: l4e~~\. .. No property' shall be s~;rved di~.QW orindireotly by the Sevard Water Systam unless tn. person 80 served, or his authorized re- presentative, has first entered into coAt~a.t (ap~ved applio- atlon) with ~.s.wa,rdWa.t.r s,.8~ . b. Before any premi.... m:ey'be hereafter 'served with water servic.., the partl contracti.n& tAeretore shall dep~~1i wi t~ the Seward "~'t"er sy.stdl an amou>>,t e-l.u~ ~ tllO lIlQA.~ ~s. No such de.. pewit Shall be requirea from con~8 ~re served unless and until said ecn8umers account shaH at anytime become de- linJuent. ~~ i'~hr; serviCe ra.te~ shatl be, eBtfll)J.JJ:ihl'd ~ RNoI~Uon of the C1 tr of S.'lf'lU'4 UtU1t;y llo.rd, auJ>je.o~ to :roW'1Q and appronl by th..Obtiftel1~ . W"t~r 8tlrvic~$_ to a.reu, o~t.8i.~ Qf the City limits a!*U pAr a tstPdby ol.l&r&. equat to h~ Jl.r~ll* (lO:C) of the aIlIbunt eh&r~ tor vat,r ..rvio.. ~4 ~r~ shall be in add- utoa 10 the :rei'll$%' Ol1f.rp for. ~ah.; "X'Y.1co cd shall be in- 01114.. iA ..eh monthte ~Hl1n&, . , . d. A ~1l~bl7 re.;>Ort ah.all be mau to tlle. ~w&rd lfater Syst_ by ..,.,.. 6wMl" or. opmt-or of a 'traUer Court. or-the number of trailer~ 1.n h~s respective court. and 8~ch owner or operator ahall ~'~e14\T..ponsibl. for all ebarges for water service for -ditra$~.; aDd shall b. requ1r8li tq enter an e.sreemellt to thi.ett'edt-betore water service v!11.b, provided to .flid trallerl:Ourt. .. ~;th. ~9.~t1Qll 4atfl of thie oclban~. .... ai~e 'water conn- ..t!o~ of ;"',r"9,l1ifed "~"'94\lUOtl~., ~l serve not more 'tbn d'1l' Jo~.aplnicy f.\!.Oh ..__ '\xli Q9t ':J;o~y.decl tQ8 dwelling unit, eo.:s1:4.id uftl t .q:r irl.ddstr~lU t\!..nit. )lrM-e8S ~~d occupancy 18 a ll'd't.dfUt"p~~~t liQuM, :d.\l~~4l!,prf1C!ll'~Uaing. auto court, DfOt":, hd'tel, eaDli.ercl~ Q-qnd~. or .tU1i,o~~. property or bulldinc which by it'; nature wOuld have to reuiain under one OWJl.~~.hifl,.~tl).e ,c?,!fnar Cf-' o,;nera 01. ~d .PrOper~ or buHding bay. '.f#.a ./Ul aiFe."nt .to ~. ~l ~. t~ lister service hft'eto.' . SXcrION 4. RqsP,pf$~b~l i V fpt. r~ze~ w.t?~ P,~W' .W!A p\fl..z: DAJ.lPUl!l fl.=~::..~1};~:: i:.~~l:u;ot ~;u{:1trM~1~~t~~:n:;t ~~:- 0:1, ty" .buf!len or proof. of the l'~a~ of .frf!f'!!' '.~i reAJ;. with the eOb8uJIlu.' U<<1fhen ~ 'p1'9v.n, r",poIUlJbU!t,i' f!f thawing reatl3 1ftth the Seward Yahr S,f~tem.. The C~~ 11:111 j.Jl no way be re- ~bl.tpl' vaUr OOpn80UOll .xt...lo~ ~ 'tater a't ~ time ~ be ah,v.t off f~~ -.ter JIlD~ns without notice to1:' 1-'epdrl, .~~1lS"91l8 or 9~lle,f IUlC'HUj N~8es. The City will not be liable to the Consumer tor any 10.. or damage whiOh may be caused by failure of the city to deliver vater. Whene..er feasible the city shall give public notice of shutoffs, but shall not be bound to do so. r c. \.ny and all damage that shall be ;lone to pipl:l Unea, fire h.yilr'lntl'<. tnnka or in~takEl structures shall 'G,; the respons- ibility of the perBon or persons causing such damage, and they shall be held responsible for the same to the full ex- tent of the danlsge. ~01'luN S. Miscellaneous rroviaions a. When water is supplied for \18e of several propertias or fam- ili.. fn~ one water connection the ~artt owning the ~r~~miee8 adjacent to the curb cock shall be held responsible for all charges as though he were the owner of the properties ben",fited by said water conneotion; no future oonnections of this nature shall be j,)emitted (sse S,(;lction 3e.). No consumer shall r<;;sall water.. b. unlesa the ;;;;",ward Water' System is notified that due to absenoe from the city Ii con.samer~...ishes to stop the water ch:lrges, and such notice is given prior to such absence, charg88 shall u. made and the consumer will be liable therefor. No shut-off for les8 than three months will be rr~de at the curb cock with- out a charge "f two dellars ($2.00), provided a curb cock 1& available.. Co No person, other than an authorized employee of the City of Ceward Water System s~all turn on or off any water seryice or open or close any fire hy1rant, except that ~ licerwed plumber may turn on a water service for testing his wcrk (whell it must be immediatel:! turned off) or upon receiving Ii written order trom'the Fire Chief or water Superintendent. d. Before a building, electrical or plumbing permit is issued for a. buH.dug or structure requiring u water connect ion, the applicant sha.ll submit with his apf'1ication for said buil:llng, electrical or plUilibing permit a recei}'t from tLe::<,ter l.Je:;>al't,:.. ut 1 Vc' sdici re- quired water connection. The ~ater uepdrtrr-ent shall submit to the buil-iing insl-'0ctor once '.38ch month Ii list of the water conn- ect iona 1.sliUed :1:.J.I' log the month covEred by s..~ id 1 i st. SEOiI0N 6. ?enalties a. Any person, firm or .::or,coration violating any of theprovi13ions of tilis ordinance shall upon conviction therGof' be def!lll,-,d guilty ot a misd6m6.\nor and )unished by a fine)! not to exceed $]00.00 or Unpriaonment not to exceed )0 days, or by both. SECTION 7. ReDeal of other UrJinancos a. ura inance No. 21].9 and all ordinanoes 0[" partl!!J of ord inancea in conflict herl:lwith aN hereby repealed. SECTION 8. Passage a. This ordinance shall be in full force Ufi'1 clff~ct from and ;d'ter the passage and pl'hlic!'\tlon aocording to law. Passed and approved this 7th day of F~b~arv, 19S~ A""'OVed(- . ~ai.L --....!.i M/lY C' r Att",!'t: ~,'J~ Ci t~crerk