HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1956-260 , ern or SlOi.MU), .-.LASKA O~Dl~1A:OO! HO. ~ A!f ORlInMJWX RltOULi,'1'!MO ~NV Hl!B'l'UCT1NO TJm Hl!:Iam"'J. NUM1Um Qr STtj'ftI~,"" JUW dIllt or mJlLOl!laa ':'ill OTi'frR n'rRUGTU'RXSJ ~ INF..R.. C~~rrAGE 0' LOT ~HI? '/;,.'.r\Y B'l'! OCCtTPI'!D; 'mJ!; 'JJ;~ OF Y;'lu)". C(jUFi"rS, ,;JlJ) OTKRff O?!R ~.i"!,C'J;; Ttt! U~"~...,lT! OF r'O,;'Ul.i;TloK'; A~~D THE LOCA'l'ItlR A'Nt: ID'U!: 01 BUILDL'tGS. S'i'atfOTUIUUi ANlJ LAHli }'OH TBA'pB. nmu.',TRY, R!\:BID!HOE, OR O'l"Hl'::R'URPOOE.;: ron ;.1J,.I.lJ i't~?03E limo- lAG "r'ffF. GIft IN'fO lII.:!TfUCTS; ,i'RovtDI~ yen ADun::r;;T\lf!rION AND l.'n'f,clCY;"!:M"f. }\!tD nlr'J'Jll:IHG O;:d)r'-lAX~iMID I' ;,R:':. OF orwlnAf:m.~ I"! (')nNH..If:;1' r!!l{!~. B'F. IT CRDATND \)1 'b. CU, Co.oU .r tbe C11l, of s.wu4, ~. 'l'I'rl..U t1I' AOt'S 'flUe Or4SM.an.. eball " U.. an4 -1 be 01 t.e4 ... toM "2.eD.lna 0r41cau.. 01 th. 01 \1 .t seweri." ~. DlP'lNInOIl6 t 'or 'be PV)O.. .t 'M. OJ'fllDa.... ..1"M1D 'era8 or wor4a ~... ...1a ....11 _. la'.r,Nte4 or 4.- tJ.AM .. t.U..., w.ra v.H4 b the ,"Mat i..e lDOlu4. tu tl,lture tean. - '!"he _l~1er a\llQer lD.ob4e. ",.,bra1. Th. _1'4 "p.rMa" taU... .. oor,....tlo .. _11 ..a .. 1ncU.,14-.1. The word IItlot" iaolv4.. the _1'4 "pl.'" ... "p.rae1." 'rhe tara ..haU. 1_ al"'. _06&t_,. 'tho ..r4 "uae4" ... .....u.ple4" .a .pplled to an, laa4 81' b.U41q shall b. oonatru.e4 ,. illol.. the wor4.a -tnt.ad.", al"1'tUl&M .1' d..l",*, \0 b. u.4 .. ..o.pl84." .AI.....,., UMI A \18. 8Wltomarlly tnaidenul ad 8U_0r4tu,. to. tH 'l'lIlo1j~.1 .. .r bulld!.. u4 l4t08U4 os the ..me 1_ _itot! aQO!l prlaolpal WI. .J' bu1141a1, I 1.,~,,~~.~'''~':;.fP~!~___~ _' -----...',' ....\.!,ifu)\r~.~;.J,. ',t,l; ,.1",,1,.,.. . 'i'.J.~i' , '~;.,;;: :jj~-"" ,,!.;...:.:;~,.;,y~'~4~.i}~~.,'.~i._:l;.~~'~~'a.,~:,_t"i:r:;~r~e,,-t.'::il~~~~i0<,:.:i~:t,...;1.I:~., ..-- "~~~.,M;~~r1"'" ", .''"1~::''I'f___'--'';'::'3'''J~ ,..""'1m;I,'Il' I[i ; ~,,,, ~ - AU.,s A.-NUl.' ..nt.. I'leA...t.., pl"eYl4!... . .....4.. aI" an.. .t ...... t. ab."laa 'p...,."1... I.1te"'l.... A'AT .ball", a441t:1._ .. u41tie.'l.. 1a eo.au..'1_ .. OOOupaAO,; at" the lWYlaa trOll ... 100.U.. .. ...1\1. .. annbu. .,.naa' BC)UMS Aft' lndlUrac. 81' ,...10. t.b....1'. whi.... t. ..deaM. btdlt.. "O.tM, 1...... l.t or hln4 Ollt \0 ba ...ta'l.... or .blOb b ..o.pl04 .. t.alo hoae er 1'..14..... 01' 'nr.. or _H tutu.. l1Ttaa lde,ea4b'l1 at ...h .'Au au4 401.. "'11" ... oMk1na 1a "'a ..14 'naU41ac. a4 .MU lAOlll4e flat. n4 a~'.. Area, Jka114b1: fto '.Ml et .... ..... .. a hel'laoA,*l plau .t the _1. 1f1l4. leftl .., t.1l. prlMl,.l In1114ba &a4 aU ......e1"1la\l1141... 01" ....,....U... uo1..1... at .M,a. lUlU...: .., .'notun la\111\ tor __a .",p.n. ..1\.. .. e..le... .t ,........ au-le. o.U.lo. .. pJ'eferi.l 01' u,. lC1A4. Ba114bl. 1..0....1'7' A .""Klute 1na114181. .1" 'HUeA .1' tbo _lA 1n&114.... OU . 10' t 'u ... .t whloh 1. 00"'-1"11., 1014.1'1\&1 t. \hat .t th. _1a .. .nt.ao1p.l ltu1141.1a1. 1ha1141... Jtd.U... It. la'llUdtac 1...111 wo.,... -'1'101' te .. .&0,'10. ot 'ht. .....1..... .. .... tor Whicda . 1...1 ".u141.. '....1 t. lua. _.. 1...... 'ut141A&. lftAt J.d._ fit. '!'be 1111. ot t.hat par\ fit ,... . 1naU41. 11..,...' tbe tl'OAt 11.. 01' ~ In. BUl41Dl. lIelatl' .t: ".. ...1"t.l..1 41...... flo.. .. tlAlaut ....4. '" ,he blp.' ,olA' at 'he "'lAc of . tlat root er \0 '". 4.ok Uu ot . au_" ....t .r to '1'lO ...neo Hlp' at ,. hlCbe.' ..bl. ot . ,1'._ .r hip reef. - I - Btdldlna. P1"1.1101pal oX' M_la: A buUlllu<< b .htoh 1_ oon4uet..a. tbe prine!..l 01" ul. .. of tb. lot Oil W' loll ..14 bul1dlns 1_ situat... COTerap, That p.l"oent.aa. .t 'ho total pl.' 01" lot ar.. OO'feX'e<1 '" the b\l11d1q area. DwelllDCt A bu.lldlna 4..1pa4 or u.a. uolualy.l1 .. the 11vlQ1 quarter. tor ... or .... t..111... Dwo111ne Un1 tt '" dwell1.n& Qr portloa t.horeot proY141A& oomple'. lirin, taollUl_ tor on. fMil, and 1A wblob not aore t.htln t._ (2) per.on. .,..0 led.ad for hira w1th IhiOh latd.l1 at a.1 one tl_. Dwel11ng, OD..,..ll,: A 4.taohe4 bu.11dlAC 4..1cn" tor or .eoupied .xoluelve11 bl ODe tamily; oone,1t~te. oao-uw.111n& u.lt. t....111~. 'l'WO-Y.m1lr t A "uU41a& "e.lf1,1le4 tor or oooup1" .:r.olud....l' b1 two (2) tam.l118. l1Ylas 1a4o,e.4efltl1 ot ...b otner with aopar_'o ontra~o.. aad kitohen. Rod beth.; oonstitute. \wo (t) chtell1Q& unit8; Ino.luda. 4uplex. Dwel11n&, ~ultlpl.-y..ll1: A bul141ns us" or deol~e4 as a residen.e tor three (3) or nor. t~~tll.. 11v1n& Indopenaen'l1 or 8eoh other an4 dQtAl t~.lr own o.ek1as thor1nt inolu~lna .part.rl.len, )&oU..8. .p.n_a' hoteht tbt.. ..net &1"O\tp hou.... Fard11! One (1, or rtOl"O persona ooo\qJ71.na tb. pr6\'llhe. and. UY1na .. .. 81...&1. boUM..,1ne unit. .. d.1at1:1aUlabM from a group eoO\l.Pl1na .. reoa1a. bANe., 01_. fra'ernit" or bo'.l. Oahle! A bu1Ut.. or port10. therot 1a wbloll a lIotor ..b101o oontala1nc ~8cllno, 41.\1116to .1" .'hor TOlatil.. fl...-bl. liqui4 1n ita t.I1~. 18 atore4, raparle4 or ~p'. -3- .... 000...'1..: A pret...lea .r ... 0118t_r11J oOluhto.... ..t1rel, wl'hln . .welllac 'J tbe perman..' lnbablt..'. tb....ot eolJ. lIblol1 oe 1. 01"'1'1, tad4.ntal and .econdAr, to the WI. or tbe ....lllq tor <I".Ulne ilUl')OlJ.. 6-ad 40019 not ahan.. the .hara.'er or ap?earano. thereot. flot.ell Any bu1141na. oontall.J.nc alx or !/lOr. 1'.... 1I:tto.4e4 or c1oalene4 t.o 'be WI.ct, or wbioh are u..... r.at.4 OJ' b..U'e4 out to b. 000u,10d. or whiCh are 0.oup1e( tor ale.p1n4 gurp.... b1 cu..t.. Ufte. str..tl 'I'h. 4h'141q 11.e '.t"een ,he .tr~;.' and the let. lA's A port1on or p..rOOl of 1&1.Ul oonalct..red ... . unIt, noant or 40.oted. to II Hrt..la \UtO or ..oupled. b1 a bu1141n& or . goup 01' bul14lap ~t are ual'eCl lay .. o~n "011 titere.' or ".., an4 the ouotour1 ......01'1.. .a4 01'0. .'Iloe. beloaa1ac \0 the ...... Lot, Corner: A per.el or laad at the Juetloa of aad tront. lnc OQ two or ~e In\er...tlac stroots. Lot, Iat.arlol'l A 1.' otoner thall . ooraer lot. tot, Depth or: A.... horizont.al dlaten.e bo'''.on t.h. tront aad ""'I' lot Un.., ...utured 11l tbe lanard o.11'ao\lo1\ ot 1 t. dd. lot 11.... Lot. WIdth 01s Tb. ...n w14th ...aur.. at rtCht anal.. t. Ita 4.pth. Let. 1J....: If'he prop.rt,. lin.. b.\latbe the la1h 1~on-oont()ra1q U..: J. .tnoture or land laWfull, Moup1" bJ a w.e ,hat 40.. not ooat01'll to tilo regw.ationa ot t.he 418\1'10' In Wh10h 1t 1. .1tuate4. llI\lraery: A helm. or institution Where t\WO or rtlOre ob.lldru aro oaracl tor for hire br t.he dat, ".". aoatb or 188r. ...- pardal 1.1''', Publio: An opon area other th<<Ul strut, alle, or other rlght-ot-wal USN tor the temporary pardng of automobile. anel ....tubl. tor public us. whother tN. J tor ooapensl!ltlon or .a an .ooo.....tloa tor ollent. or oU8tomors. l1eea1nc Heu..: A.a.)' d._Ulna 1D. wblob thr.. or liUOt". peraona el tller incH v14uall,. or .. tamJ..l1es are hO\l8.d or 10<1;;.4 tor hire w1\rl or tft'houtlllullJ. .i'" boardlna howse, lod,;tnl h0\188. tourist hOMe or Il furnhhed rOClQ house ahall be deomed a nomine house. Stor,. That l)ertl<>11 or fl bu1141nc lAol\&de4 botweea the upper .vreae ot .7 t14tOr and the upper 6\U'taoa or the 1'1..1' next abov., .xoapt tuat. tho top.at 8tor1 sball be tbat 1'ort10 of .. buildlnc Inoluc1a4. ~ot..en the \lPper surtace ot the topmo.' 1'1001' and the 00111:1& Qr root obovo it. Ii' the f1.uhhtl4 fluor lovel 411"..0\11 nkl(tve !i btHHn*ut or aollar 1.. ~iOrti than .1x. (q reet abo.,e ~dd .\.loll bau_me:at or oullAr aball be cous1dore4 & stor,. ~ltOl'Y, Halt: A .tory \II1der a .able, 1111. or I_br.l root. the wall vlate. of whioh an at l...t two (2) op,oalt8 exterior nU. ere not MZOO than two (2) teet .boye the tloor of lIuch atoor,. St1".ott The r1+1:11t.-or-lVa" of 1& publ10 01' prha'e th.roup- hre attordiuc t.~ prInoipal Ia..D' of ..0". to abutting propert,. StruotUl'4U That whloh 10 built or oonstruot". an editi.e or bM1141D6 of bBJ kind. Gr any pl... or work artifio1al11 butlt Ujl 01' oom:pOGM of parte Joined foosether 1n sod ~.r1nh. manner. Tourist COV't it. I!;l'Ollp of attaobe4 or clot..ohed bu1141OC. oontaining In4ivldual ul..plua or 11v1UC units with .ttaobe' serase or pl'lrldna upaoe oon"NU1..tlr l00&t.. t. eaoh un1t, all tor the t.~orary U88 by auto.mobl1e tourist. or t~n81.nt.; inoludo. cuto court., motela, or motor lo4Ces. -1- \ '1"1'.11... 00Ul"': hAY a.rea .r alld U8" '0 ..."tlIocla'. t.... .r \ llVO tl'dler8, t:ral1er O..Oh... or VCt.blc1es uall4 tor aw.a uliJ1tat.1cm 01' ror oarrylna pen.. an4 prop4n"tJ. Yard, FroDt; All .pen W1oooupi04 apa.a OIl. ~ .... ~, .1'1l .. ll\tlin 'bulldln&. utan41ns tbe full lddtA or tblt lot ... dtuata4 bot.o.. the .t.r..' l1no en4 tbe tront lin. or the l>>UU- laa;;rroJoot.c1 to the H140 l1aG of tbe lot. no depth ot tho tN.t 7al'd ::thall b. u.aW"a4 bet....n the 1'ron\ Un. or the buJldln<< 'u,4 tha str..' l1ne. In the 08a. of " oorner let.. tho front )'1l1'd $hall b. on the iMina 814. I!.S the front yards of tbe sAJa.ea' lnt.rior 10t8. Yar4, ~.Clrl An open UROooupl04 .pnO. oa tbAll .... lot wl'll . . au bU1l41q, ..d,on41na tM I'ull ~14th of \be let, -.n4 dt\Ulto' b....... the re0r Una or to. lot. .DA the r...r lin. of 'h. bw.14- lAI proJeote4 to \bo e14. 114.. ot tbe 1.'. The 4epth ot tbe roar prd shall It. M..l.i..NMl b.tweaa t.he rear Une of the lot aM that pert of the hu:J.41ns near.at to tbe resr ltn. of ,b.4t lot. Tho rear lIne of the lot nh&11 ...n tht lot 11n. -bloh 18 oppeal'. and ~oat distant troa ,be froat lot liDe. YaN, ;~ 1401 AD. o('ti!l WMHJO\1ple4 .;a.e on _be 8&1118 lot w1tll a _in bu~ 141ft&, situ'" b.t._ tbe d4e Uao ot the bu11dlnc ec.l/t!. ..uure4 1'r0ll the ..... Un. u4 the a4Jaeer.t. aiel. line of tbe 10\ .ael 8:'4\.04111" from tM rear l1ae or toM front 181"4 to the tron' 11no of the roar yard. Xt no f~4t "1". 1_ requlret. the front bmUlury of tbe a148 yard 8ha 11 bo the tront ltn8 Of the lot an4 it no rear Yfi.ri 18 re-l,u1re4, the '1'0"1" boW\4er1 of 'hi .1te yar4 shall ~. the rellr l1.ne 01' the lot_ Seo.1a\tp 3. U~;E .i.JITRIc'Y',3 AND !.(A!': 1. lt8~.llt~l'~.R:' or ~.~. The Olt.7 ot s.wari 1. here~1 41'11<<84 lato tbe rou-1a& t.,P. ot UN 4btrlCJU: A Dletrlot.: Agr10ultural dl.'r10'. a-l D1atrloUl on8-ta&1J.ll r..14entbl d18tr1ote }....! lI1at.r1et..: Two-faa111 r.alelentiel 41atl"1et. R-~ Dletrlot.:MuUl. le-fh1l,r rea14anUel 418tl"1ot.a -0- B-1 D18trlot.: B-2 D1atl'lo'a: B-3 D1.,rlot.; 1-1 li1atrlot8t 1-2 Dl8\r10t8: 1.00al Bu1.naaa d1st.rlot. ventral Busin... 418tr1ct. General Bu.ine.s d.18'r10's L1p{ht Industrial l1istr10'. Reo..y Induatrlal d18tr10t. 2. !1!.2. Sa!" 418t1'101'.. ..re l:t0\U14e4 tin4 4eti,," aa sbon 01'l a ll1&p entitle4 ...,;.onIng Map ot the Clt1 or Se.H. It . oertlfied oopr of wbloh IB on file in tho otf1oa of the C1ty Qlor~ and wl~ch. wIth all explnnator1 matter therewl, 1a hareLy ~da . ~.rt of this or41a.noe. 3. Interpret.tot_ of 018'r1ot Boundar1e.. ','hen Wlcvrtalnt1 8xi.ta .Ith reape.t to the bC\U14a.r1es of any of the atore.a14 dlatrlota .S .hown on the zoning map. the tollnins ru.le. ehall ap;,lJI a.:,ho:re distriot bounc18rl.. are bdlo~ted as tli)pro.dmatel, tollowLns the oenter 11ne. of street. or alle1s, street lin.. or al1.y ri,.,,ht-ot-w.y lbea, oucb oenter lIne., utre.t 11n.. or right-ct-Wtt.;( lIne. ~lMll bo CloustruM to be SUOh boundar1... l:t. ;Vbere ai_trIot boundftrl.. Bra 80 IndIo~t04 that tbe, ap:prox~tdl t.l10w lot 11nn. ;li;.ch lot 11o.es ahall be QOQ8trued to be 8ald boundarie.. o. In uneub41Y14e4 ,roporty the looatlon or any 4iatriot boundary, unle.8 the ..me 18 1n410&t04 by 41::-: 61181 on_ shown on 81ilt4. -1>, ahall bo cle'.rrdne4 by the Wle of the aeale apvesrlD8 thereoa. d. Where Q eli.trlot bow14arl 41.1488 a lot whlob ..e tR fl1n&l. owner.lu.p and or roooN at the tl:d or ouo'tlleat of thl. orcu.DAnoo, tbe wae on and tho a1.trlo\ req\l.1re- mente ap?l,lnC to the 10a8t re.trioted portion or .~.h lot eball be oon.idered .. extea41ng to the enttre lot, provide' the more reatrlote4 portlon of such lot 1. -7- GaU",l,. wltb1n twent.,-t'1'Y8 (an; t..t ot ..14 r.!,vlA- l11fl; d1atr1at \J()\W4Li'1"f. ':ho u.. '0 uten4e4 &1-.&11 b. J cl...4 to 'b. ounto:rlil.Att. ..'APa +. Ah'i,!e, rH:~~ (I'!"',:onl., TT'j,:Ss 3:.tOl!ll1t.8 here- 1.-.t'.1" pravU....; 1. :10 buildinS or ltJ....: t",~l h.nfirt~l.( bo 1.1$.4 lJr o<tcn;~'1.4. en.d 410 bu.11cang OJ:' pu.t thtlrtiof IlLt.;ll be e:roct04. Ill.ovttd. or dterl;:.d Wll... in ocnfOl'l!llt1 wlt.h tblt rfta'..~..Uon hard.a .peo1t1etl tOl" the 4htrlet 1n wh10h 1t h loed.... (For No.cunrc~lng U... ... ,joe'loa .) a. iq. atl'uot.ur. 4\lh411 oer-.tter _. ereot.d or a1t.er.el 8_ to .XAM": the hc.l.siltJ b. to aoOGllll'1Od:.t.. or AU\UHt . groflter .numbar or t&:a111"1 e. to OOC\lPl a cr""ltel' puo.nt... or lot arM; or 4. t.o tv:~V~ hU't.OWCU. OJ' s......lltt!' .t'fIlU' ,/.4. t' (1 , frvnt y...l'(l or aide ,)111"4 tlulz, 14\ &P~o1f 10<1 hereIn for tt.Cl dl'1tr!ot In whioh fmot. buil4in.. 1a loc)! tod. I. No prt u1" ot.hfi" OIJeti .JUCM ~..o'Y1de4 ftb;:lUt. an.J bu1l4inc tor the pur.po~ ot OOUPl.1'Uc Wi tt( tba pl"ovla1onto of tble v<Unluloe st.l4\ll be otons14ere4 .a $ll"OV l11lQf!; G J''';-'1i .'1' rp. spec. far 'm" i,tber t.ul1d1.u", ..n4 talll raiN or ollen .pe.. o. oae ]At .ball bo 00081.4.,..4 u 91'0" i4~ . 1a1"4 or oj.!en .Pla" .. tLJ other lot. ~~'Ion ~. ti:;t 1;1 :iRIC'l'.!l:(;.l.n..,,'f!Gm, . '1 ,\ .4.:.Jl!t1't>l'.10'r8: AM:r19Q.\"~Jl ~~tb: Zhe tollow1na re&1l1a\1ou ,b-l1 .ppl,J In all A Dl.~loi.: (A\ U4.. ..~.1\te4: 1. OI&...~ltd twu...t 4>11111' 4..111ll68. a. ,}..,n.r.l .81"4_\1I&g ..dl4 ~,~lo\lltur.. 3. C~r.lal ~T.8nlKlU8.. an4 nur.ari... 4. iCe.ping 01' 11ve.loca4c anu <<lither anl_la. lnolull.log doC .....18. -e- "--'- G. Publ10 aDd. J)l"tTat.e para, _If (lour.... umber8hlp olubs aud .ther Nun101pnl reorentlonal u.... G. C...tori... ,. l'eduo.'lor.al luatUaltloAe, l1\)1"ar1es, llW..... tAn callerl.., bos?lt~ls, t.~nlturlun~, ruet hom.s, phlbut.:l.rop1c {U~., olll,:r:ihbla ~.HjUtutlon~ a:Qcl oWlllJ' u..s. 'To .,uoh tltHlI B.j,fd1 be w~t~,hlllJhti:41 or ..,Ol';:uttK on 11 .l)ilrool of land lass than forty thoUlHmo. ('0,000) uqunre fetet, nor 811&:11 c.uy ~Inl't 01' iortloIl ur liIJl1 buUdtng be ?6tr'litMcl within finy (::Q t..t of aAY str..t or Inter10r lot line. 8. .Developmttnt tult! 81:t1"&ot100 of natural re.ourGes, \0- .etner with 00.88_.1'1 bu.1l41Ui<:s, !.t;lyUre'iWt or epJHu.t.en- .nolle Inoldont t.b..reto. 9. HOl'lle Ooouj;mtlcl:ls, provided thlllt there al~11 b. au exteranl 8.14enO. ot any home ooou)~tlon exoept . name plat. net .xc.Nlq one square tc.,ot in are.. (fA. Seotloa V-A.'" 10. Cl,U.tO'Uf'.l'r 8100..801" 118.. ud lndldiui,ta. prov14e4 suoh w.... lH':~ cl~ol"lr 17'HJldo.at!!l1 to tn. prinolpt11 us.. l!\d do net lnol\lrle :lll~' aotivity 1l0l'lllJlOn11 couduoted tor gab. A117 tHJI'l.8IJ~H'Y use 0:::" bulldl11t; lJhall bu looi,t.4 on tn. .~m. lot w1 t.h the prLno1.iJ6tl bu1l41i~. 11. t:.4.ul1'&d~arldna s..>tlo. - ae. 5ectlOA tl-il. B. ~ulJ.t11~ ~\.V~t.. ~~J..l: Two en4 one-b.lf .torie., hut not e~~c.9dlHe Ul1rty-HY. (36) rent; provIded. tbat thlfJ Ibl1t "li.tlll not =';1)111 too \wos 11attld S8 ptu.,.11 ttea. \lIldor ~b..... ;l\lb-:"ootlon ". c. 1"~n4m.l~ tot ilre(l ,eX' lm91lJ..ng Uul;\. Ff,. ch t'1tf.1l1n~ ahOlll 'Ie looliftoe4 en a lot j.tnY1d1n& not 1... tban ritt.en thousand (15,000) square teet vel" 4.e11111& unit, and wt.lob lot 1:>0 III 11 b. net le.. t~Uln cae hundred. (100) teet in wIdth. -9.. D. ~~rO.JI'a.." Lot C..~l"C\&.~ All buUdll11f.8 1noludlDC 8000880r7 bu11i'\1nga shlilll not oo,.er Illor. than 10"'1'1'7(20) pere.at or tbie al". e1' the lot.. B. Isd R.'iull7'<<: ~&oh lot sholl ha,.. tront. u14e, un4 r..r )'/ilr4s not 1... t:U,ul t.llo UI'ff ths o~ w1clthu follow1.Q&: 1. Front ;yar<1 do~!th - twenty (aO tuat. 2. ~ido ynrd w!4th - Lon (lO} t.~t. 3. I~Uio'ir Y8r(l do,.,th - 1O"'8I1t)'-t11l. (~) r..t. 't1-~ 91strlot: on...Tlllllll:r rtt:,.1donUfil ulptJ'.l.2.V!a 'I'e. toUo.lna regulatIons slu:.ll apply lA .11 ;,:,-1 IH~trlo1o.: A. tis.. :'t'\r""1ttod: 1. Ono-ralll.11y ._lUna. 2. 1'ub11o pf$rl.c.ll &tl4 plu1f;roun4G, Inuludlo& ;.>u.bl.1.o bul14- ln~c ~oo08eory t'.reto. Qnd other mUQlo1~~1 reoro&- 1010t101 U80.. 3. The r.l.1n~ or ,..~.t.bl... produ... and rruit orope, but. not lncl~lne anT od.. 1'00118 or other b\l1l41ace usad prImaI'll, lAtbe ..1.. ther..r. .. 1101" OOCUpt,tlolla. prov1d.a t.bil.t t.bV. ehall b. no .~tornal ..luenoe ot any h~~e OOGup~tiou exo~y\ a name plt.tte not o.x.oee41na one ....\&11.1". toot 1n .1'''. (::... S.otloa '1.A...) 5. OU8to$"!lr1 800.8801"1 UM_ and bu1ldbS_. prov14ecl 8uoh WI.. lllre 0188.1'11 Ino14en\Gl to the prlno1pal \III. "nO. do not. inolude an,. !loti,.1.t, 001UlO1117 con4uotecl tor calD. J.n1 (1.0088801''' use or bw.ldlng ehall be leo",'.4 on tn. aGIa. lot wah t.he prinoipal buUd.lna. The pa1'dnc ot oommereiGl v~hlo1.. shall not be oonaldered an aoo..80r7 ue. 6. 'h'arlsitlonf.ll UMB shall be p.r;;dtt.ul aa tollOWl: 8. Two-rlm.!l)' d...111ng wi tb t.h. .i1~ torN re,tu1ro- ment:.; be 1n ftn H-~ .lJbtrlct "ho.:l a Lot 111. tbe it-l Vlstrlot .b~'G u,un . lot 1n tin R-3. U-l. B-~. B-3, 1-1 or l-~ ~i8trlot. -10- ,. Require4 pardne ap... - ... seo'1on e-A. I. B'U.t.14b,C !!e1~ht :.1.it: Two and oa.-ne.lr 8t()rh~. but Dot ex..uIIlI! tbirtT-tt.. (31) tee'. a. aequlr.4 Lot ,\1".. ~ EElol'1 4",.111::1g ahltll b. 100.'.4 OA " lot llOt. 1... 'b.. f.i.. thOUlItH14 (5,000) 8'llMlN r.., h area all4 IlOt le.. thl1.1 1'1t1;1 (,,OJ r.., 1a wi4'lh ;~ot 1II0re t.haa ... prlaoS.,..l bulldnglllhdl b. :,terdt.ted on .. 1.'. lJ. :01'081110"1_ nf Lot C:oT.r~p: ~ll bul141... lnoluolas &0..6801"1 b~ld1ftg8 shall n.t ......li. lOOre than thir'tT (30) peruon\; ot 10M ar. ot tM lot. Bit Yar<! 1".....111'.4: I!aoc lot Dhall h..,. frout, 814., uil 1'0"1" yu'4a ~t. a.. tht\ll tbe l1e:;;t.hfl or w14t.h. roUo-ins: 1. front ,..:1"4 depth - '..n101 (80) r..t. a. Blde ~rd ,,14th - tlTII (I) t.,.,. prM'14e4 tbat the w1dth ahell not be 1... thaa. ten (10) r.., 0& 'k. .~.t s14. of .. oomer lot. S. near yar4 4.,,~ · '...'t-tlT. (26) t..t. .. B-1 ~ht.~lotll' Tw.....VArdl:c HII9~ql1'1tjraA lJj'lJ'Ul.ltt The toU..lna l"e@:\llat1oaa Shllll lllPl,1,. 1n all R-2 01atrlot.8l A. TI... por:dtted: 1. >1U US08 pft~lltt.' in It-l .l.)1atrloh. a. Ttfo-ta::-.lly d..l11.... ~. Translt10nnl uees 8nall ~. pe~~tte4 .. tollowe: ll. ,\ fCHAr-tamlly 4"11111& where tue aiel. ot . lot 1A the N-2 uiotrlot ~but. upoo . lot 1ft .. a-a at.triot. Il'OT1'.. .uoh ...U!q 1. 1..""... 08 a 10' a.' aM than eoftl> thouII.ad ('1,000' .qure teet 1& aree aaa I: ...l4tb ftot 10.. 'hen ntt.y (50) t..,. -u- 1\ I' : I 'b. Mult.1pl.-faa11y 4..1111\1 wit.h .. l!l1nlawa lot ..ree ot t".,.l.... hi.m4re4 (1,200) .'tWRr. t..t p.r d".lllnc uu!t wf~r. tha 1J!d1t ot .. lot ill the R-I D1atrlot. .b~ts upon a lot 1n a B-2, B-1, I-lor I-a >>le\rlet.. c. "'llbl1c!Jurd.na etrea Wiel'U tHe BIde 01' II lot 111 the l-:e Dlstrict ~but8 \AJ.Jou \1, lot. in a Li-1It,e-5, 1-1, or I-t; Dlatrla\ and is c'l.velo:;lfad 1;~ aOU01'aaace l:1\h t.he N.qulr.'~.ut. Qf .,GCt.104 b-C. ". Cburohu .in'ovld~d Ua t no l)f.l.rt Clt s uol1 cr..Yroh 1. wit.hin thirty (30) t..t. of any IIldJl!lount rtialdentlal l.t., 6. B;.'1uired pe.r:'<lng spa.. - ae. 6eotlon 6-A. B. Dul1dt114 helgb.t lJ.-.1', '1'110 anA one-tullf ator1.. b\lt. not axoeedlnc tt\lrt,-r1'9'. telit.. o. ~eq\l\re4 Lot. Ar..: 1. !"ob. oae-tuU,. dwelling >>1'.-11 b. looat"' cut a lot Aot 1... tbaa the thoU.flat (15,000) Sf.I,Uftr. t..- 1n area aD. DOt. 1... thea tirty (~O) ra.t tn .14th, rt.... thoua..n4 (6,OOQ) 8..\lAra t.., ~.r 4welUaa wU't;. 2. hoh two-tbJ.1r d...Ulna shall b. lout.ad on fA lot .0' 1..$ tban six tho~..n4 (6,000) 8~unra to.t 1~ ~ea act ~ w14tb not le.. t.J~n t1t7 (60) re.'; 'bra. tho~aaat uiuare r.et. per dwel11uc unIt. 3. ~lot l:Ior. t '.fla OM ,rlnolpal 'nIl141.. .ball 'be "1"- s1 UN OIl . l.t. D. P.rc~nt."'p of Lot Covenp: All 'n.t114Iap lnoluaJ.q ....t;601"7 buildIng. eball I'lM eovel" 1'.1'. than t.r" (.UJ peroent of the ara. 01' th. lot. B. Yeria n.<lulJ'e4: .!aoh lot aball bit'" . tront, a1ela .nel ronI' yw-ds not 1... than: 'he dej)th. or tddtha follow1aa: l.:;rout 1.1"4 4el)tb. - twenty tl0) teat. I. U148 yn1"4 wld\k - fIve (8) teet, provided tbat 'he wtAta alulll uot b. l.as '(.Juw tbll t8ll (10) t..t OIl to st.l"'" 81d. ot . ourn.r lot. ..Ilh 3. ;~t1IH' Yt!!'d d(,l;.t.b ... t.w.nt7...n.... (ltI) r..t.. I:J ~t~~lo\.: ~~...~11 ~.a~4.~t.j,!~ D1.~r!.q,.1 'ftMt tollowlnc roc~~tlon8 shAll app11 In ellF.-3 Dlutrlct8: A. tree permitte.: 1. .All u.s.a l'er"l1tted 1n. 'l-l (lnd n_2 lJtllltrlota. 2. "ultl'le-fl.u'l11y dwellIngs. 3. ?oomlng houue,. .. Untels, in 'Whioh o'lly InQ14ental bua1u.. _, _e (J>:il1duotcd for tIle Q:.:r1vonlonoe of the 1"$d4ent. or the bu1.ldlng, proy1t\ecl t.hat t ~er. 1s nO estru.. k 8uoh place ot bU81ne'8 ex.opt from the in.ido or tbe bullr11q8. 6n4 no d&t1, Clit! play, or show .1a.4C1w 1& \'11;1010 1'1'0& the outdde e4vort1a1l:1g such bW'll~:.... J. fh. following u.... prov14e4 that n~ portion ot ,be atruotul'8 o{.ntdnh,g auoh U8e shell lto loae t.tlllQ fit- \een (leI t..t tram any 8dJaoont r~ald.ntl.1 lot: a. :'u1tllo or private nur.erie.. b. Onuronea. c. ubllo libra.ries und .1!'1U8eu"18 and non-profit. art R81brl... 4. "'rlvttt.. 1008\;8 ~nd clt;be, e.~.oe}tlD& tbo". the ohle1' ooth! t1 of ~1tLich Ll F" sanio. ouatoEQrJrlly 081"1'1" OD .. e. b..t.ln.... ft. Me410al Olbio. .a4 prot...lon.l 011'10". e. So.pitals, aanltarluaa. re.' hOM.., ,h11anthroplo eD4 onarltabl.e 1nat1tutloAa alul 81.111lr uao.. No suoh UN shall bo .et.ab11Jhed or perm!tt.e4 on . paroel of lueS lODn than t'o\'t:r thotJ,!;flnd l40.000} 8'iU4lr. r..t. nor ehall any ,ert or ~ortlod or aUI b~l14in~ b. permittet wlt~- 1n t1ft, (SO) f... of en7 .,ree' or interior lot li.o. ,. Trandtlonal Wle. 8\vill be ,e.!"dtte\1 U toU..a: .. Publio purldn<< t.ren. Vhftro the :l1do ot . lot in the R-3 ulstrlot abuts upon 8 lot in n B-8, B-8, 1-1 or I-r. D1atrlot hn4 18 4...10,ea 8D ~.~ui1"e4 in 3eotle. e-c. -13- ~ I. otner \l8e. .1.U..1' " the 81:1O'f., .. pro"1.... in bee' loa '-A. t. R.Q\lire4 p.l"~ .,... - He SeOU.D 6-A. JI.B\ltlCllaj. Halaill Lla1.t a ona hundred ...\4 fu,." (l.t.O ~ re.t -..e .oUon '-S-I. c. nequIred I...Ct I.rea: 1. I~15ch on"l-ft.1.!t1111 dl"elllng ghall be ,100"8d on 81 lot provicU!li l!l dn11lllu;'1l of 0.000 ,1;\1 re teet per d..U- in,; \lJ11t. I.eaoh tWl;,.rar4il, dwelling sl:dl bo 10os'e4 011 . 1.. prOTlding ~ ~1nl.ua ~ 1,000 a4u~re ro., ve.r dwell- ing WIlt. ~. Eaoh.ultlpl.-ta=i11 ,..11lAC, .xol~lY. ot hotel_ wbU'o no oooking 11!l 40ne 1n .n1 Indld(h~l roM. suit. or apartaent. Hna11 be looated Oil II lot ,j,ll"o..-lcl1nc the tollowine lIdab.t.tII are. per '....111.. wa1 t aooorl'.l1nc \0 tbe .Wlbarot .tort.. 1n the <<""lUnc: ~ lio, or .3toI'1" .Ie, Area l'v ~111u ~u. 1-1 1,000 aq\lttr. r..' a... '00 .'.1"*" t..t &-10 tOO 3q'.r. f.., 11 ~n4 up 500 e;ual"8 tee' 4. Eaoh lot uaea tor reo14entlal purpo... 8h~11 oont.1n au' 1..88 tban 5,000 five thoWltln4 LLiuere t.et la. ar.. and I'Jball htiY8 e width of not le.8 tban fifty (50' te.'. D. 'hJ"48 Ue....uire4: Lards of the follow!!!C minlaua de~tha and w14th., ual... il.f~wtl...r tU.flJ.m.um 18 ot.t.en1.. opeoU1", ahel1 be pro?lde4; 1. J'rODt lar4 - tea (10) r..,_ I. ~aC1e yarde .. eaob oae-'tnl.lrth ~ the be1ghtB of tbe l;ullti11nt? . but not. le.. tM:l fhe (15 ) toe' "oh. 3. Rear yer4 - depth equal \0 oD....half (*) of the bel&b'* or the bUilding. but not les. then ten (10) t.., 4..p. -14- E. U1at.6t:loe _twe.. SQi141D1i5s _ sa.. LtJt: ~o prin~lpal buil41na ~.11 be olo88r ~ .a, o\hcr pr!.uoipd tHl1l4b. \.haD tn. ..-v... .r t_ he1gat8 ot ..id buUdin.gs. !.:l, Dh4triot.e: .tAou.,l !jq.e,in~ .)1,1l~: ',j.'n. tOllowlug repletion>> $ht,ll lil,P-"l)' 1u ~J.l h-1 ..'1.ut.ri.ot.8s A. UabS ...er' ;itt6d: 1. ,,11 i.lfJ::;U ,;,u,l";~lt.teu in :.-1 ',nd 1.-.... i.:st1"lcta. 2. r,ll use. .lHu''''ltte4 1.0. h-a Dbtrlcts: lItaenever _ny 2-1 Dhtl'let h loo!';t.ed lItiUb or 18 01.1. thr61. or '\1C'd.". l:J1c1e. oonti.uoU8 to any :.-3 li18\r1c'. s. ;'!etall atore8 &\114 8ho!,)a, 1L:a1te4 to u... UH4Hl t,o 08.1'''. e resld.tillt.1al <<1strlo'. Buob .B gro..1'1 .'ore, saent ahOI>. r.tail baltery, druc .:1to1"8. Canwtlre or 81'Pl1.1llROf.I 1l!tore. boo~ or stlltlone:'y 8tore. 4.ry goeda or not1c-De otore, wearing a;'p8:rel or ahoe atore, lllW'll!ry or Qlothes olf!snbg f.'(:fJnc,y for ,IOiC-tip .n4 del hery 01111. ". V.r~on81 8or'floe 8bQj.>e. auoh .. ba:::'ber, saoe ahlne u repulr ~hop. vnotogra)h~r, bouuty p~rlor, oueto. ClrtI1'l8:~i;lkil~. SliJlt-8.e-rv.1o. launClry. e. ~JI'Qr.".1cm.lll lil.Qj;.l in.winea8 oftlu... band. poat of1'1.... 6. Heataura.l1te, tea rGOl1.5. oafos, un .'iler pl.... ..n1.. 1'004 or be..erag... ,. Tadoob StAu"s, J)1'0'f141na 'he1 .ontore w1'1'& tile pro.lalon8 of ordlaanoe ~ 240. e. Thea'lu'., bl11bl'"4 or pool balla. bowl1ul lillley.. aael .1m.ibr oOJMi,Orc1..1 a~w.tltmtlnt aM recnatloul uter- I,rhe. may be 6llc)\1oci by the BoaN or JulJ\l8t.nt b1 apeolal p&r~lt upoa 4ue '1'0.( '- the ..tietaotio. of tohe Bonrd 01' A4Justhel:!t t~a' .uoh ent.erprbe 18 requlr'" 1'01' .de(~w' te 8tlr.,loit to Uw:,;w'ro\ml..li..\C u.e!&hborb004. t.hbt tne 100at100. tl,.reoS: will not. be wulul7 detrlaent&l to a4Jeobnt and lilurroWJ.ul.oa lIrojlert,. 01iIUilJ'a, .r.4 tobat a4.~uat. pa1"~l", a~~o.. will be '1"0.-14-'. -11- .. AutomobUe s&irvlGa atd10M at which u r.,.r1A1 1a dona .~1 b. al.lo\1tld by tolle BGaN of JuiJastluent b7 upeo101 91)1'r1l11. at'two publio hear1nc upoa 4\M pr...t to tl48 8at1eteaUOA or Ule .80111'4 of ACljWJ~.ot thP' tb. loout1oo thar...f w111 not be w4lu.1, 4etrluatoal 1.0 4U1J aoon" aUQ lIurreu.tuUl18 prop.r'll ownor_. 10. l'\l'b11. 9U'~ 8l"888, U op.o11'1oci 111 ~.otlon I-C. U. ot.h.r ",.es >>1Jn11er 1.0 tb. abo"fe, a. provid" b. Suot1ou '!-A. U. Aooet.IIOX'7 b\&11o.1488 Aud \18$0 wtwu loolited. on t.ho s.... lot. ~ueb U8.~. exoepting g~~oline rt18p~n.l~&. shall b. o<JnductttU "hol1, witbJ.n aD .Aoloaed. b.u1111D&. All p1"Ocluot8 )lrOda.ad shall bo $014 et rotal1 OIl the p:rea1.... 18. Parkins aMl 1..4111I .p... ilooarf.lua '0 tM l'e\i.u1r.- !'lunt.L'l ot .;eot.1onJJ 6-h &lJl4 0-1. I. Jui141nc Height L~lt.: 1. Two &Ad one-halt otorl.. but aot e~oee4ina tblrtl-tl"e (3D) het whenever any B-1 i.lletrlot is 1008'e4 within or OUo.t1suoWl to an H-l or 1:-2 D1!lt1"1ct. 2. Que bW.lttred alul forty (140) teet \lyher.tI'feX' uy L-l Dbtrlet 1a 1QCl(;t~ lfitb.it. t,n ~:-3 :Jt.ilt.r1.ct. o. Requ1red l.Ot Jtna: 1. No lHlll<llng shall be located. on f;l lot 1... tMn 11.,. themsanet (5.000) Illtiunl"tl rect in tlrOl anel leGe then fifty (50) te.t in width. ~. ].,Qt. waN in whole or 1a j)art ror 4..1line purp4U'" 8lwll 0011l-,17 with lot ..re. r.(lul....nt. 1. 1\-1 P1stJ'1ota. I). Yards :.:e.I.l1red: !'srdl'l 01" the toUovlq Jl11r11taUlll de.;,:th8 nnd ddth ..:111'..11 b8 J'8'1'...1h-04: 1. 1ront ~/t~ra depth - t'Wont:l \~O/ faut. -11- 2. ;:;108 ynr~18: (1. .:0::1<1" yz.rt'1 w111 be l'c,j__l!"ed on lata not \1".4 for r6!1J Gentlel ';;ur,rloCies, pt"()vlde4 Mil' to if the sld. line of an1 zuoh lot ftdJolne ~ reeldent181 ai.trlo'. .. 8140 Yllrd of not 111II88 tban teu feet shall be 1"., Ired along suCh $lte llno. b. ;;:,1de fUels 0% leU uae" in whole or in Iiart tor retildentlal purpos.. $hi!.ll O~.11'q11 wlt.h the dde yu'd rtiiulr,,~:\ts In ':-3 U! !1tricts. ;,. ,,;t';~,:r Y8:t'df.>,: <.\ . nt" ,:~.eli" a H-l ,:lstr1 ct ial lC'Oeted 'Ai1thln U cont : guouJI to fAn "t-l or R-t lJht.rht the ':'.9til at'all bfJ Get lese thl'iU t.wer.t.y-flve (25) te.t.. b.,ihenever 6l 8-1 lJittrlot 1s looated wi\h1n u R-I ...11:>\.1"10\, to. dept.h shfJ.ll equal on...blal1' tl) ot the h~d.~'/jt of the l'ul.ldll4~ but ~i..:..ll .:lvt be l.lil. tl.l8dL ten (10) teet. H D}.,8,tr1zts: Ge!ltrel !1\,1~t:)eJj.4;1:~trlotB: '!'he fl)UOWin& reCQlatlone ~~all apv1y 1u $11 B-2 Distriot.: A. U..8"l"1'.1 tteCl.: 1. All u.ea p.r~ltt.4 in R-3 en4 8-1 D16tFleta. 2. ;;tor.. tind ab.ope tor the' con4uctlv,g of IU1)" reta11 or wholesAle bualn.... S. 'i'll.nt-era. pool ptlJ"lor.. and other pltlceo of amlJAe- ~lf,nt ,l"t'oretltlon, or 6,uloHbl:r. .. Hew8pr;'er t,nd i:r1ntlt'l.f eL"t.l..H~h!:'.i)nts. 5.~rivpte u'[uo,tiom.l ll.atituti<.'na. 6. Glonntng fiD<l l.auudr;y e~ltt!t,ll~rollleuts usI.., 1W1l- .",},lod Yt'; cUlc2 non-lol ltlrarm hle 01"0108 t1 u14e. ,. .F'Wllu.al f\nd~~ortu!!ry eatllbl1abment., not laoluo.l.t:1.& tU'tM; t.~ '1" i.. . 8. Fublio p...rdne; l'I.1"eea, ua apooifhd in :;.;.ot.lon 6-C. ,_ i.OQ....ury bl.tl1d.lnlt8 'When 10l'lated on t.he AU lot. -u- 10. una owstGDlrl.1.7 1nol4en~ tf) .., ot ..b. abo.. _. when looa'e4 OIl t.ho P.lll. 10'; proyiCl.d that .uoh ..a, operetlona, or pf"04.uote ll<l"8 not obJ..tlo1iAble 4u te odor, du~t, smo!re, nt'llee. ...1bJ"etlon. or other a 1:.:11 181' OV~g.. pl"oy14e4 tb~t .uob URe. b. oonduot.. Wbol17 _lthln 8 bul1dln~ oompletely eI1010lJ.4. 11. Otber u... 11.:111"'1' to the above. 1'1* l)rG'1'icf.e4 1. r~f)t1on '-A. 11. P.r~1n*.h4 1o.41n& epe.e - aooaEdlas to taG re~~1r.- mf)nte ('.r ;;.:el3tlon 6-... lin4 "-N. I. l1\1.11cUnl HeJf;nt U.mlt. r:ue bUlidr.udftud fDrty (l4O) !1iI.t.. c. DeCiu1r.d L..ot Aree: 1. Lote u..d b wbole 01' In part tor 4waUlq pur,.... shall ~p11 -i'a 1.' .re. r.~.ir.~Q'. 1A 1-3 Diet,lo,a, provlded that. lIuoh ruqulrQt4f1nU .hAll no' .ppl)' .. botel. tlnd !'oOlllll41i 1~ou8ti. wbiWre no eoo4:1l14J; ta.l11tl.. fire 9rovlde4 in t.!ll~ tnd1Y1dul roOlUJ. suUee, or 'lpnrtl'ltmt8. a. 'rbore 8hftll be no !!lat.... ahe for Iota .114 tor bU81n... Purl)()'(\S, pr()v1ded that no lot .hall ba eo dhldtlld .s to ;lreT'!lQt lIooeellt to tl.11 alley. it MUob ex1at. t frtl. aD, pert. ot ~ho or1awl. 1ot,. D. Ta1"dl'I ;{'J',lulre4: 1. "'l"Ont Yr:.rd: a. The front l1ne ot _11 bu11dlnt;. shall be 1'o1't1 (.0) teet frOlll tbu oenterllACI of tlm utreet, \&pOll whioh t.be lot fllloe.. b. no front ~rd anall b. r.qulr" e.:.:..,t; t.o Ht18fl thM ebo~ re~uiremente. a. [:14. yei1"(:.il u~ik.ll r.ot be X't'I",Uil'e4. vrQY1~4 tbii. to it a slue yvrd 18 ~ro~lded it uLall uot be 1... tb&n tlTe (5) t~.t in depth. I. R_r larQ.. lilball G.Ot be l'tI,.,U1I'e4. -18- k' PJe'.EU,M: ~'nl ~Jl"'8 :QUlW1!.a 'rile r.U"1a& rogulatloa8 shall app11 1a all B-3 Vistrl0\8: ,.. u... P.rtll1\\84: 1. All ua.. permttte4 1a a-a Diatr10t.. 2. /.utoolllobl1. .0"10. .taUe.s, r.palr sbop. 8a4 ..l.a O",dt; prod'''' u., .u~..tb. r.pa1rlnc au AtO,..,e of :l)!l.l'ts Dh.ll be oOI1d.Wlt~4 wholl, w1th1a . bu1l41n&, u4 subJ..t te t.he pro,.lalO1ls ot :)..\1_ 7-A-2 and 7-A-3. S. &w11&& .U.,.. ,. Pluab1a&, 1.;)hobt.r1aa, ..blnet__klaa. paint1ac .hoPS IInd. d.n.r u..; pro,.14.. suob WI., 11l01W11AC .t.or.ao or _'.rub, 18 .0,,41.10\-' Wholl, wlt.h!1l . ooaplotwl, onoloo04 bu1141Da. e. Manufa.ture. ooapOW1I.Uq, Pl'oo..lIlinc, pa.nelag, or proo...1D& ot .\lOh produot.. a. bakol'1 goo(\", olln4" oeMJn1e., 4a 11'1 pro4uot8, dl"UC1 oa4 t.o 11otr1.., tood _ac b...rac. pr04uot., o.~lo prOducts, elootr1. aac1 "eoa u1pa, 11",,110.1 wt.l'\.EMlnta, t.oJ., u,..l\1... .l..trio ..4 ol..troalo oppUal1Oo.. 1'.'11eo; ,Pro.14... that 8uoh us.., Inolut11aa storage of _t..,tala, oqlll,- MDt 0.4 '1'04uota b. ooQAuote4 .eU, wi thin 0 ...,let.l1 eaoloee4 bul141... I. BlaolulIllt.h .hop. .ad Mobin. 8hop. aot \laina 4rop- ba_1", t>~oh pre.. or other 8uoh d..l...; pro.14.. that sueh a..8, 1001ud1a& atong. ot ...t.rb18, _. oonduotod whollT wI'hin a oompl.t.ly .11010&04 buildl... f. ,~itoa., Duoble, 804 tV8n1t. ~oll..nt worka. 8. u... ou.tocar1l1 boldent. te anT ot th. abe," us.. when 100.1IM _ toh. ea.. lota pro,.14M tbat 8uoh WI.., opel"aUou. 01' produeto are not obJeotlonable 4ue to 0401'. 4uat, "'P, DOh., ,.lb....Uol1, or oth.r .1;nU.r "\.tee. -11- .' .. 0\1'1...... .'.1b.1' \0 th. .bOY. ..proY1"" 1a SMtln ,. 10. J!'a:rk1q ad 1..4111& 8))... .. ....1"411\4 to tile ...,\11r_ot. ot seotl.. I-A 81\4 6-B. a. h114lnc Heign' t1Jd.': One h~4ft4 .act fort, (140) t..,. a. Haq \llreC x...t A....; same .. 1-2 Dl.trl.'_ D. lar4a :R.q ~ilre41 ..... a. a-2 Dl.,,.1.,. .1~l p~.~~~'Ot t The f"Jlewlac ....u1.U.Jl. .ball -JJ17 in all 1-1 4'18\1'10\.. A. U... .P.~l \te4. 1. All.... p.ftIlUW4 U 8-:1 V18"rloto. .x..pt _.., nal4.ntl_l ... I. ,\utoaobilo, t.ruek:, alrplaA.. 0...b1_. ,..po1r OM r0M4.:U.aa. S. Batter, ...pair Ila4 an\&taoturl... 4. J1aoUal th ah..,a. I. Boat. bu1141ac. 6. Bu.1141aguterlal aol.. aDd at.or.. 7111'48. ,. C.bl11." .bOp. 01' turrdtur. _nut..ture. e. C1..111&\& 01" ';rotne ploa'.. e. Conoret. 01' .01.HAt '1"04\&0'0 ..auta.'... 10. Cont.raotor. pluta or .to~ 7&1'4.. 11. J)ft,1~. trolabt1Aa .. V'uoJd.aa 18:N.a or t.erJ!:llnala. l.a. "eM 8n4 fuel ,.l'4a. U. Garmel1' uaute.tUM. 1.. 088 manut..turo and. a'era.., pro"loe4 tba' all Baa- u1'aotu.rlnts opertttlcmo ..11 b. 8ubJeo' to tb. a.;pro"al of tho 1u11d1Al ortlo1al. lee J'wlk pru. ..1....... 7*rd.8 or autN.bUo ....o.dns pr4.. Borap lron, ..rap p.p.r or rac atorac.. eortlna o~ 1tallUa. prod'" .~oh \lH 18 o0n4w;te4 .n.Ur.lJ ,,-1tl&- 1a a bu1141na .Clapl."lr .a.oloH4 OIl aU a14.. or when .nti".l, onol.... wlth1a a 10114 teuoo at 1..., .10- elpt. teet. ~, which t.ROO ahall be Ml.nhln<2.-J 'N . aouad. _t.ruet.ural ooo41\10a anA propor appearaa .t. all t.1... .n4 _ll1Dh foa.e aball be .pt tree of' alen., po.tara or ., "'.,.ort.18111& .t'.I". 11. 1AW1elrle.. 1'. Luraber J&:r4a. 18. Meoalae ahop.. 1.. 1.(1118, plan1aa. 20. ROOk. MIl4 or paTel dl.trlbutloa, .x....,..U.. a" oruab.1.q, ."J..' \0 porth..t recut.'leu. 81. .;kN.p ap... tor truaU gel tnaaportatolea aqui",,',t. .Mopt t!'e1&-b' olaa.1floatolu 1U'cl.. II. Tt,.. rebu11o.b.c, reoapp1Da ..4 1'.'1'.041.... II. lllwleael. ltuatn..., ..en.. 1N1l41A&a anel war.laouaa.. U. "'bel' ... .18111ar to ,he a'bov., '1'8.,.14-.4 'hilt 'n, an ..to .ltJ.oUouble \0 ....rbl pro,ert, b, re.... ot o4or, 4ust, blOD, tUIH., p_, nol... .1' .,.1br.t10., or 18 net hazaN.... to tbe h..l tb u4 propen, ot th. aVJ'OUD.dlaa .rea 'Ueuah elana. ot t1n 01" upl.a.... (see s.otloa '-A-I). .. hrklq..4 lea41Aa .~... - aoouftlq to tbe requ1r_.t.. of ~*t1.. 6-A an4 I-I. B. UNa Prob1bUe4, All r..14.n\1.1 Q88., exo.pt dwellinS tor ,,'ohman or ..1'8'anr _plo,. _ th. pr-.1... 0:.4 Hu.r. ot bi. t..U,. O. 1u1141ac nollbt. L141t., 1:*...nt,.tlft .fa) taft. D. Raqu.1r04 tot !lrea: NO mlalmum raquIrement. I. Let. 0..,.,...., 'rho entire l.t. _, be oOTor.d. ax..pt. .. n.a..auf '- ...t par-kina, 1..4112& ...4 1U'4 raqu1r..,.. r. YaN. Rai(ulre4 s 1. 'ron' yar<< a.p'h - 'wen',. (20) t..t.. -21- // L ., if ,'~. a. ,.._14. ,.l'U onall M re'iube4; .:&...pt ttla' MY lot bor4.rlnc on a ree14eatlel 4I.trIot .. tho alde oUll ha"e " ald. rare! ot width Itot 1... tUA tile alltlmum wIdth re~ulre' In .a14 adJa.ont ro.14.ntlal 41.trlot. 3. Roar ,ar4 dopth - ten (10) t.e'. X-J. ma:lrla~.: The toUo.loe reculatloaa shall .~ply 1n all 1-2 >>18tr10'.: .1\. u..o P'1"l'I11t'lt. 1. All use. not otberwl.e problblted by la.. oxeopt aAJ roeidential U... 2. i~arldni &.114 loa41na .paoa - aooor4lq to tbAt requir.- ..nt. ot El'Ot10118 I-J, and 6-1.. tre.. FIL_U,..t.(',<,, \..\ ~ '-\.....~ 1. All r..ldaut.al u.... ex.o,' d."aUlna tor. watoh- -.n or ..re'teICor em,plo,'" 011 tho prom1... a,,4 _bora ot 111. tatdly. 2. All waoo that uy b. nodous or 1nJurious bl rea.on of tho pro4UOt10D or ordo.loll ot dU'. a._. retua. _t'er. odor. Ce.. t.... no18o. "lbraUoa OJ" abdlar sub.tan... a,. ooml1'Uoool pro"14.4. bowe"ar, tbat aA' ua.. _, " pendt"4 it appro'nHl b, th. Board ot A4JU8tr~.n' ad tubj.ot " the ..oudnc et a poratt th....tor and to auoh oondltlona, restrictIon., and atoSu&r'Ce 88 .J bo ,..llM4 no.o,sRl'J b, ..14 BoaM tor the l)\a'j)OM ot protootln. th. hMlth. ..tot,.. ural. 01" the cenenl .eUl\rI ot the 00'1 "ruait,. B. o. h1l41na K81&ht UIl.h.: s.".nt7-t1.. ('6) to.t. 1). R'Q.u1re4 Lot. Ar_: Ne aialll_ req,u1J'e1l1A'. -22- I. Let Coyora..: Tho ...\170 le' ., b. 00"01'04, ex.eji)' .. .e.."M1'" M ..., parJdA8, lon41Aa, e.a4 1411"4 re'iUlreMnt.. .,. . T......R.,~ulr...: 1. Fran' yard de~th - twen', (20) r.... J.!. No 814. 181'415 .hall M l'ei.4\llre4; .xcep' that an, lot. boruerlr.ia on . r..14ent.lal d18t.r1ot. on ,he a14. at-aU bill.. .. tild. ,...1'<1 of w1dth no' 1... t.ban the mlnimQ~ wi4th r.~utr... 1. sa14 84J...n\ resid.ntial 4la'r10t. 3. Rear yard 'ept.b - tea (lU) te.t. ~. :PAitiCIlfO iiI'll) L(h".lJlrfO Aft.&:.#t:l. A. ott-atrMt PU'dn.: 1. the foUowlac pe.rd.nc 8"'" shall be p"O'tUN ._ ..'hraotorll, _In'.lne4, liT tbe ..el' et "'e ,ropeny, tar aaob \)",1141.. Bloll .,tor the ..,e ''11. oNluDO. baoOM. .-,..\1.,. 18 areot84, .Alarle4, or altered tor use tor anT of tb. tollevtn<< purpo.... a. o.eU1.... ad foub' OoUl"t. - at 1..., ooe "1'Jc- 104 ..,... tor ..ob 4..1Una _it in tb4t t1uJ,141n1 .. bu1l41np. b. 1'.'.10, roOla1a& houn., 104... and olub.- at 1..., one "1'~lDI .~40. tel' ..,.r, thr.. (a) gu..' ro0a8 1t Got looat.4 1n a B-~ Ula\rlot; at 1..., one parkins apee. tor ."81"1 au (6) ,uea' 1'0" 1t lo_tM. 1& . B-2 U1etrht. .. A~lt.orluaa, oburohe., donoe hall, .xhlbltloG halla, 1'100.. or pub110 .a.~blag., r.ahurant8, a.tine rInlca, t.....rn., thee'.ra, end otber 00'''1101''01.1 r.or..tlun plao.. it not l00ete6 in a B-2 Dietrio' - .t lef1at oae tr.. parld.na 8j.'... tor _oh fh. (15) ...ta ba..4 on _.111_ ...tine oapaol")' or tor Hoh t1... (el 000\1"11'0 b..od on l\1lIlX111um OO,.ot', U -28- oaloulat.4 uo.er the U~lfurn Buildlnl Co". 4. Ho8pItals, ..nlterl'illd, aur.be 110.., flad W1tlt'l'Are In.tl'utl~n. - at 1..., ODe tr.. parking .,... for hoh rift Ui) ".... b..oct oa lUX1mWl oa,.o1\,.. e. 1004 .toras. _rdt.. ..ad .hO;'i91n& oentera he.lq not mora than fl.. thousand (5,000) .quare t.et of b\l11dlu& floeI' aru. ."0111.1:....11 of bu.oaant - 1r Ilot looat.d in 6 B-2 01.tr10t - at laft8t one free parktq .paoe for \taob tour hw.uSre4 ('00) fHj,WlJ"e t..lI of bu.ildlna floor 81''''., ltat not leaa thaD. dx (6) gerkins .pe.... t. :roed. 8t~"8, nark.t.. end ehoyploa ..nters h.'Ylal more than f1.... thO\lHancl (1$.000) .qur. t..t or bu1141ns floor ar.. .x.lug1.e or ba~snt - at .le..t oo.e f1"6S parlt1n.c .plloe tor ..on two hua4re4 (200) .quars r.., of bll1l41ag rlMr ar... a_ Other 1'0\811 s.t.ab118h.11ttllt8, ol1nlo., prof..doul -.d other ottic.s and alal1ar ent.rpri... 1t not 100.'" 1n .. B-2 Dlatrlot - at l...t one tr.. ,udo, .p.o. tor e.on two hUlutre4 aa4 t1fty \260) square teet or bulldlq floor a 1''' . h. tlbol.....l. atoro., ".r.hou.... anti at.or.8. bu!l<U.na8 - at le.at on~klQ& .p.o. tor 8aoh three (5) emplo,oes. but not 1... than two (2) parkIn. apao... 1. .l.ndu.tr1al and _n.utaoturlq onabllabll.Dta 1n trh10h th.r. are more than fl.. (e) emploreea asul of1"lofirll - at l...t ODe fr.. perdo. 8g.0. tor .a.h toW' hun4re4 (400) e,,\lftZ'. r..t or 11'..8 floor ar.. or tor ..er'l thr.. (81 _pl.,..., "h1ahoyor re.ults 1n the larc.r nuab.r of pllrdna ap..... J. ~~otOl" ..h101. _int.nanoo .n4 repair ...t6lbU...nta - ., lout. tour (.) tr.. pardoe .pac.. for ..ok ..rT1o. stell or taol1i tr; prO'Ylda4 that all 'Y.hlol.. 1n 'he oustod, of t.b. operator of the busl- u... tor ..rYl.e. 1'0)*11". atora... ..1. or oth<<r -2'- )..,ona 8ball be 8tonG on the pru.1.e. or on a .ep.re, tEl yeh101e perldna lot ad shull no' be parked oa a ~ubllo rl~t-or-wa1. 2. In the Oftse of II use not 6peottioal11 mentioned in thie 8.otlon. th. r6iu1r~ntB for oft-~tr..t park- lne f&0111tl.. IIhall btt the seme aa the above .ea- tloned ue, "hlob 1n the .plAton ot the Bull<11nC Orrlch.l shall t'e 4e.84 !!\Oat .111lUar. &. In the ca.. of nb.ett USB{;. tho totel r.qulremenU for oft-.tro.., parldll& taoll1 t1.. ahall be the .. ot the r~quirolt\ent.. tor the ftJ'10U8 .0. oompu'e4 tle})antely. utt-st.r.e' perkin<< tull!\1e. tor oae use Shall >>ot be oondc1ere4. U ?1"Ov14:l.as requ1re4 pardue 1'.1111\1.. for anT a'her u.e. 4. for one-tam1ly and two-tam!11 4welll.._, tbe par~- inS $,'1$0.. shall be no\. 1... t:lan e1gbt (8) te.t wUe "'n4 twenty (20) teet lone. t'arld.ne apaoe. tor other u.e. a8 r.~ulre4 aboT. snell n.ye a areB. area of not la.. than t.o-hUl1dred.....a4 tU'tT(2&o) sq,uare teet per .ehlol.. An unooyare' prlysta parkin. areft ~al "O\tpl anv )"lilrd reiulre4. by this oreliA.noe. lS. All PUlcine 81"'1.0. proYlded pur.Wift' to 'Ilh .eotIon shell be Oft the "Hl. lot w1\h t.h. !_11l bu.1ldin8 it, B$rvO. or on ~a lutJolnlna lot. e}.QBJJt tbat the lloarcl 0'( A4.1\lotlli8nt mil)' per~.lt tLe pl\rldnc 8pl.lo.a to be on !lny lot wI tn.ie the b\u\dre4 (500) tallt of the bu11dlnc. 1t it determines thilt 1t 18 apraotio.l to proTide }lllrlclna en the ... lot w1 tb the buildIn.. no ;~erltlng clre. wb.1oJ:l. e118t.4 at th_ t1aa th1e ~lnaaoe b...me .treot1ye or ~hlob .ub.eq~atl, tb.r.to b prov14ecl. ror t,b. purpos. ot collplllnc with the prGYlalona of thla ordinance. shall there- .tt~r be r.lln~ulsh d or reduced in an, maan.r bo- low the r~~ulr.~nt. ..~hl18he4 in this 88ot10.. -21- '!.,' ." B. LM41D& hr...; Spa.. tor loe41ac or ual"4~ of ..hIel.. aball .. pre1'1..ed 1a ooaao.tha with ..,err b\l114ill& or pr..l... u.ee4 or a.slgned to bo Wilod for uy 1nnlt.\1t.loul, ooamorc1al or lDduat.rlal \1~O, 1n suoh a W&7 t.ba~ &. TOhlele of any kind whan U8tna .uoh loa4lnc spa.e aball pre~oot. intu 1IlA7 ;.ublI. right.-ot--,.. :c1uoh 1oe41... .p.oo sball aot. bo 1... tr.D twulT. toet 1A wid'" .... '''A\I-fiTe (21) teet 1n length. Suoh .paoo aball be l'H"ov14e4 wlth aooea.s 'to an &11.,., or U no S1.107 a4301B8 tho lot, ~lth ..o~.u. to a .treot.. ADI required froat OJ" rMJ' 11'1'4 _, be USK for 8uch purpose. o. Yubllo t'urld~ ;.Na9 ~nd Autf.lmoblle a.d 'l.'ftller SNl.. ;.rea8: ,. ublio j>fu.'.td.:ng llr~a8 and Q.utOClobUo rmd trailor ..1.. ar.&. t>8r.u.ttod. hereIn shall be ll!@t'o't'ed u tollow"; 1.~\1ah area .ball be vnved with. braveI. oru.b4d roo~. ..pbalt or ou~orote surtGolt14, llknd 8ball beTO .pprop1"l~te b~.r ~Wlr4.. 2. ~h8r8 suoh &1" a adJoins th~ M1de or a lot In 0 r081dontIal d1striot, 1t ahall b. aeparateA tr~ .uob lot. \)1 .. renoe or hedca. rro~1d.o4. however, tbat 8uob t.no. or he4se lIh.U not extend into the tront 18ft required. on the 10' "blob It 18 10ft8t_ and. aball be at. leaat. t1T. (6) t..t and not lIOl". than aix (6) f..' hip. 3. .lUll 11gbt. proviel.A to 1l1\llll1.t.e _uob park1na ar... aha 11 be 10 81'1'88&e4 .. to :reflee' the 11ght ...., troll adJoW.. p~.18.8 end. lItr"'8. S.O\1.on '1. ';;~.,I.l..,.nt.ar.'( P,OF"Q:W:t1,ofl-: Tho prod.ione ot t.hi. or41nanoe shAll be aubJect. to exoeptlona, l\441tion., or modltlofttlona as hurGla provided by the following 8~vlenentaF.1 J'e&Ula tlen.a. -26- A. Uee.: 1. Aoo...or7 Gae. - Gera;:;e.. Ia :I.'wsld.aoe d1Btrlota the n~lber ot ~tor vehiGle. tor whioh spece ~7 be prov14ed ..e aooe.aery ,. an iii. utnc,r lza4 UN ahall not ttxo.4t4 the toUow1q& e. In an R-l or K-i ~latrlot, two v.hi'lee, an4 tor a.Oh 6,000 .1,. Ultra 1"eet by whIoh the lot a.rea exos..ss 0,000 8'.,iuar. taot, Splto. tor IUt. a441tloQal vehlole i.)' ba lolrov14e4. b. 1n an R-3 D1~tr1ot. two aotor vahlele. tor a one- ra.11f or 6 t-.-hAil)' d.weUina. }"or a\dtlple- family roald.noaa. ~l~g. 8_~ca mal be proTided tor one .,ehicle tor hell. dweUlaa lI.Dlt fo~ wtl10h suoh r8a14en.e 18 err.us". o. .lpaoa 1A . ..rage 800a880ry to . aul'1ple-t-.ll1 r8al4enoe or a h",tel shaU b. rented olll1 t. ..oupant. ot tbe ;rel"l18e.. In oonjuno'10. there- with. one or more .ttandante MaT ba e~101e4. ;$uoh attendant-ana, maR .1nn!" 6dJU5't&&t1'ta to oars kGpt ther.la and ~a1 waah OArs, ebAaae 1'.1.1''- or partor. al=tl1v s.n10ea tor tenant., pro.,lc1e4 thst sQeh ~rk 18 40a. en\lrell wltn1n the b\lUdlUC ana hO lIIilohinerl ot 6HiY du, other thaa an ~ir ~~. 1~ .~10ru4. 2. l.oO.~Uil(lri Wl0S - :,ivt.or Vehlcle h~l'nlr:,hO.li.' A utor vohlo1c repa1r aho, aull l.l.Clt be peN1t..., .e an aOt-a.fIlar)' Q.j,I" 1A l:A B-1 .i;li,jt;,rlot.. In. D-Z or B-1 Dhtrlot a ::i.Ot.or 1'8b1ulo repto1r ahop ahall DOt be ,.~dttH au an ao"..aorl 1188 uu1.... the plea. tor euoh aoo8~eorl uae ahall ~,Te b..n submitted to the ~r4 01' A4JwstlUlut fmd 'he ap.9ro1'&l ot aUGh Boar' obte.111.tiCl.. 'J:'ne BOard of idJ\.l8tr'lent, la ~8ttB1nc \L,P- 1'.11. rtl-tl.leli1t. tor approTal, -1 000.814er t.be t)'pa ot aaobln8r7 an4 .~Ul"'D' to be uoed and the met.hod. of operat1oD to be .l1lplo,yed. The llQ41rd ot ndJU8taaftt ah4tll not .ppro1'e jlllUUl for 8\lOh op.raUon. that 1a ...,U- t ) 1'. Ju4...ni will preduo. .zo...IYe Dol.. or .ndanaer pUbllo 86 retJ. 3. Gart.<Uos ttu4 Hllll';ijJ .;tnt1Cinu: In 6\ 8-1, Beo2, B-~, I-l or I-~ ~la'rlot, plena for the er.otlon or ~,lttlri.tioll of iUlJ gtll'agfl for ~ore than 1'1T8 (5) 11lQtor Vtllhlo1.. ~na j;l~.1nliJ 1'0r any r1ULg sut.lon, sbull be ~pprov.4 by the I~ar4 of Adjustm.nt. r~14 Bo~rd ., re .uh'. 6uGh ohl\ngu th.r.lll 1n r.lation to yards, loeetlon of .illnp. and bulldlnge a.a4 other tao111Ue. .8 1t _,.. 441_ b..t au1te4 to tnaUt'o aeret.y, to m111bdz. trAftlo (l1ftloulU.. aD( t.o II1<tegwtr4 adj...nt pnp.rtl... ,. t.lgne - lial.. i let.., 1~4v..rt.1.1n8 .siP. Advert1elac ~t.ructl.ll'eS : a. ,.,!gn.u not exoee41n& O.QQ (1) lj(iWlre toot arM ~ont.1nln& the ~ &1~d oooupatioD &Ad 14entlt~ q tn. .. lawf\4l MIll" Oooujlc4tlon oiilball bo pel.'m1tM4.. b. ;,ile.ll8 not uAo...Hue .1x (6) uqw.re t.et in au'.. , \ sbAll bo p$l:rd.tt.e4 for tho j,lIArPO.. or a(ivert.hl... " tbe a~l.. 01.' lli)li.M of' " b\ll1Qlo.g or preadae".,\ [}\1ch dgn 6.hAlll be JIOWlteo. n... t ..galn.t the b\d~4.. I " "" In& or .r. t all tW8At)' (20) t.ut. f1"O. tho troa., lot U.... o. :lSf':1'18 not .~"e41B1 twnty (20) s'iUl\r. r.et 1A are. aball be permltted to id.ntIfy 8u1t1)10 , }, \ <\ ~~~ \ . ~ , \ , 4..1110<<., botel_, cl\lba, loc~.a, hoapitala, liublto on4 1J8r:l1-publ1o lnat1tutlona an4 otl!.r use. s.'dbr to the abaye. n\lch l'il1~ shall b.'jount.. 4 \ \, , flat "galnst Ue \lv.11cllna or mor. than twenty (20) teet trem the tront 10\ liRe. 4. OhurOh", vubllo ftnd ohnrltftble institutiona "7 onalntolll tor thelr own u.. an ft.lUlOUllo.ent Bian or bulletin boeri lIot ,KO", lac '..nt, (no) 8'1, Uf',!,. t..t in ar... 8uob 81_ sball b. loGa'''' ., 1..., tlYe (6) t..t b..1e troa tho tront lot 11... ~~y .. A alp. DO\ .x.....ba .u (6) a,uar. t..t. in 61''' ahall be peraltted tor aoa-oontora1ng .....rol.1 Utles in He.ld.ntbl Dhtdota. ::iu.oh s1cn ahall be ~oun~ed fl~t a..1n8' th~ building or more than to..nil (20) t..t fro. the .frout 10' 11... f. J\ dgn not .;).o.$(ll~ on.-hwulre4 (100) l'l'luar. t."t 1n area .ball be i>.rm1t.t~ i.<l...rtle1n~ a traot Iltlv.lo.....tmt OJ.' hu:v.>1n& !.roj.ot of at 1..., t_o (2.) Bord 10. "1'... ,,\j\lh ~itill ItlWilt. b. looatecl at 108.t t~.ut1 (~C) t.et baok fro.auy .tr.e' lino on 'he property belfi6 aevelop.d ~nd anall Dot b. rn&1r.,t.ain.' 1.0 ..l.06t14 oue yOfit1', unl... au .,den:ll1ou 18 gnuted. by the 88f.lru of JIUjuotin.ot tor a period <lot tu.oo.dll1l; <.>0.8 1fJU. ,_ No aliA of the i: l~Ufhiac or ani_tM variety .bell be permitted. In B-1 ~18trlot., 8i~~. "hall DO\ ~4~..cl t"I1\1 (aO) sqUIU.. t..t in 31"e. _n4 shall b. fJounte4 tlnt agdlUJt tl.. Dulld1l1& or !'!tOr. tban 'wentr (20) t..t trom .ny .treat I1ft8. III 1-1 .no I-~ Dht.rlotH, 81;.;&8 8Mll not .xu.... .e bU::ldre4 'lOv) aqUA1.. t....t in are. c4 ahall b. three (3) toet or ~ore clear ~bo.. tbe ground aud shall be to (10) or mare teet. rr_ Ilny lot lb... J.t .~.oh i:.Slpa "re not. flttaohed '0 the wall 01' 11 u\lild1nc t'l'S' t.i.~1r ent.ire l$ngt.h, tlleJ ~Wlt ue li6h~~ OA both .1uo>> all ullht. lh Othor n"u"l~ ~>@mltted by I}oG.l'd or ;,tiJuatment: ihtlre...er tbe t,IU'/oA "Other uaea 1)1.118.1" 'to the abov." 1. l!18n- tloned, 1 t lllhttll be de_"d. to i:!<,an w~.. "'hioh, In tho j\ld~f1.t1t of the nOrtI'd of ."'\UJ,:It.';(lAt liS \11v1d8n004 by f.l ffl"1ttftll (i.c.H.lh1.C.lll, are aildle.r to bAd Ql)t more obJ.otlon~l to tbe gen.rtll ..lfare, ~heD tbe use. 11.t84 tor the juu'tloular ue d18trot. Other usee 80 4e'hrlldne4 by the Board of AdJuetm.811t ",hell 'be %'epr4ed ~ .2...; 88 l1a111t4 \I.... 1A.ft. tnet.allo.. hCH'jev.r. shall 'he.. l"ogull'i.ttonfil ~. 80 Inter,lreted iii. to perlll1t a use in ft al~triot wl~n ~\lch ~e 18 firet permltte4 in tl 0uba.',uetlt \",6 Q.!,.tr~et; 1... A WJe l:lpee1rloelll ll~t$i1 in t.hil B-~ JJbtrlt)t slle.ll not \,8 t'er!f\ltte4 in tu Ei-l L IJl1trlct. B. Helsht.: 1. n.lltnt. tn...lItlons: The hoight lbl1 tet10ne of thIe o1"d11:'l1nQ$ i!9l1ell not ap'~11 to church .ill1'81:l. beltrl... C i4i101ii. a, pentllcp,a.. and dOIllOAI. Qot 1.188(1 for hWllltIl ooou;:iino.Y. nor t.o chl,.mellJ, ".r.tl18t.ore, ulqllpte. ". tor tau..-", b \.tB: hetads. mOlluments, flee ;<11... an4 8la111~r J'C:l'l tloU"e.. and neee..tu")' ll\eohenleal ..ppurt..- ances lUlua 111 011 rrl 84 R tOTe the root leTo1. {Suh feot t '.l1".o. aow.ver. _hilll be erfiot.,-. onll t.o SUGb hoi~h~ ~ij 13 ueo....rT to soooapllsh the pur,... t.l;.e~' fjl'O to ..1". find. none eh611 exceed one hWldre4 ~d fifty (lbO) t..~ witbout spuolbl p6ralt b1 ,be 1,0&.rd of Mi.J U8 i.AlC~. Ornn~~ntnl!~&tur..: rn. ?rQvlaloa8 of th18 o1'41...oe ... .... liIIHill nc.t &.l:.vly "0 .,rayot ~!1. .roQt10n abon the bl4Udin& la,1.gnt 11aUt of . ~IU'ftPOt wall or oorno. tor O!"DIl~en t. but without \d nao"s, .,;r.tena1ill fi bove .uoh he1ght 11m1t not more than rin to) teet. 3. Exoeptlcme.. Airport l,ppl"otaoh ::.onbs; Hot,~1th8t.lnd1na th.e pr~vhlon. o(Jn\81ne4 1n thill ordlnttnoe. G. 8.l0e\)t1nr, t.o the lwitt.ht It.r.ll e~.l1 be per:dt.tad l.a an,. d ll;trlet lnclude4 111 an j,b'port Approaoh I,one. eXOfl,dt to th.- extClllt \.httt t.he _.dllWl he1aht 11m1t apeolfl4W1 in ~uoh l!t1r~ort hf:ztcrd dhtr10t eJ.ooe4s the height llldt 8j.1tto1fled 1n the U88 a.htrlot. c. Ara.: 1. Re<1ucttCl ~~t. l,rwl; no lot ahall be eo red.uo.d in area that anT r.~ulr8Q y.rd or ot.er ope. apaoe -111 be ...ll~r thaa pr$aerlbe4 in tbe resulatlo.. t~ ~_3~ the dl~tr14t lQ _hioh ..14 lot 1. loo~~ed. ,~a- '.c, 'cc 8'9.1" suoh ru<1i.lotlon 1n .lot lll1"efl ooour3. 1Il13' build- 1n8 lOOtiltou on :;i,Joh lot ;~hall l.h8r.~,rt.er Qot be U$e4 u;:,tl1 a.uol1 tu11uing 1Q- (\1 terOel, r,eoonet.ruo\_. or relOCH,1,(u1 .0 uS tQ cOl""Iply w1t.h the (,1".. u4 Y1lN rll':tui~!):rnfH\ts 1l:.11cl'iblu t',.reto. t. nwelllngs on ul"~ll lot~: ~Qt~lth.t~ndlD& the llldtat'on8 l~osod \)" any othdr prc,'Yblou of thi. ord!uunCe, al~gl.-r~il11 ~Bd two-f&&117 4..111asa mal b. ~'t"ectt,d where not yrob1bae4 by Qthu sGottone of this ordiaano. on _ay lot legally .~ ;;dvlded anu u8jJ:ar,,:t.l, owned or lm\ier GOn\not of ~ ..lu ~nJ Qont4in" ~t tn. time of tn. pneaase ot thli15 (rdhr.ancc. an &1"6. "1' a w16. th &::'...11.1" tbaA \ that rtl,ldrtld tor ill oae-tamlly 4"1111\8, or ant 31l4h \ lot 10lally ~wHihlde4 in th.. f',lt.~tr" with 01'1'101a1 a;liJJ'oYII1. 'flu; ,:letor Ulltlon ot th. ~lI.iJt1mum. b\tlUU4: arN. allo.ed on ..~;y a:.\&11 10\ sball be b....d u~)OJl t.be l'equlrozatJAU of the "0" paragr.phe of 5eot1oa 8:" n .... '. ""...'11...... Tli' '.'1" ,. \',c...".." 1-.... t t. 'r.... 1.b v:.};~~ jJ,,") I J\ ~ 1: _.if.,' ,.~v ,~,tJ'i":; J~ j ~ t---.~ U 6,-..,u A -~... t W .. tha i/8roentlige of lot. oO"'tira.~e oOfllpute<.t fl. MI::tulre4 1n eaGb ~1.trlot end tne ~11o..ble 10\ oo~e~s. reduoed. by the a ,~)unt that t>lHI aotWll lot. Uti. talb t.o ;:""at. t.ue l'.-",1i.l'uQ lot Iilrea. j\ portloD ot the allowable lot ooveras. ahall be res.rYe4 tor the use Q1 auto~obl1. ~r~c.s. ~r~6ent or future. Slnslo- 1'8"1111 dnll1nc iU11t.8 ab6aU reM". 2'0 aquare 1'..', (And two-l'filJ'Alll Ciwelliaga ahall n~ar'h 600 8';'UIlre t.at of tbe .llowable lot OQ'Yerage aD reduoed obova. B. V1l\ibllit1 at lIlteraeoUoM: On tl ooner lot. 11l 0117 rualli6uoe dlatr1et, no ttU10e, 11&11, be4gtt or other atruotur.. or ?lant1aa llWre 'ban thr.e and Gu-balt (3'U ffStllt. in he1t.:::-~t .Will be ..1'.01:.8<<1, ylaoe4, plant- .4 or alaIn.taln.a. \J/.1tb1A t:18 triar.gulfll' /;11"" tOl'me4 by t~. Int.r..otir~ street lin.. and a 8tralght 11.oe Jc1alut, st\1..1 I~t.r.et linea at po in tll '''Whloh ere in!rt.)' ~~ (30) t.., 4U\u' tr.. 'be ,el.' ot l&\ol'...'loa. ....ure4 .10" ..14 lot l~. et ..14 corner 1.'. 1). 'faKs: 1. 't'erroaoes: l\ pave4 t.errtloo,hall not 'e oonaldere4 in 'h. determinatIon of ~rd sizes or lot ooveraee. proyIded, however, t.hat such terraoe 1. uaroote4 ud witbou' w811s, i>t.rapets or ()ttAr !'orm of enolosure. ';uoh terrlloe, however, tJiA1 bave an opoa ._rd ra1Une not 0"01' throe (3) teet. 1\181:1., ..4 ehall not. .tlrojeot into ant 11ll1'c1 to a polat closer tun tOUl' (4) te.t rro. anJ lot 114e. a. v.ron.s: An unenclosod ona-ator1 poroh, oyon though roofed over. ma, proJeot into a requIre. front, .ido, or 1'..1' yard ar.. a ulatanoe aot. to exoeec1 .1~ (6t root and anall DC' be ooa814er84 14 the det.er!:duUon of the .be of yar4a 01" lot 00VOI'II&8' proYldd, hOW....!". that suoh a poroh shall not bo 010881' tMn tour (6) teet at en)' 901n' to anI lot Une, an4 ~h.' ao bul1dtllS ahaU ha"e 8uob perohe. Jro~eotlac lato aore tban ono requ1re. .140 "1'4. An, twe-atopY unenolo.ed ~orGh or an)' enolos.. ,oreh ehall ~e ooneid_red a part of tbe bui141.. 10 tbo 4e'er::11ut1o.Q of tllo S1Z8 of 1tlN or lot ....race; ,roYldeC., hnwe'fer, that if tAu)' 8nolo..' poroh 400. not no.ed fIfty (150) "quare t.e' 1a area, 11; sball not be condd@rH in 8uoh i8t<:rl'linatloA. I. !"'rojeotlng ;,rohUeotural l"eature.: Tho apa.. 1.a any recluire<i 1"1"4 ahall ha o,on 8114 w:ao'.truot'" i ~ axe." for \ha oretinar1 proJe.tions of wln40w 0111a, b.lt courBe.s, oornloo8, .#1$_ aA4 other arah1 'eotval ? , t..tur..; .llrovidad, hcwo"l!';r, that sl.1oh r..turea ahall Bot projoot. lYlOre 'then two (2.) re.t lG.te anJ requir04 .~ r J:>~ t. '10..-'/ 'i II/, rv Ji-v" () (, r"..,<1 .. . V eCI.!, f' I ' (-,"'" Ill., J 1U'd. fi ~ ., , " ~12 -- -----~~ fl. Un1 )'lludoWB: Bay Vf1n40we, lno1 ud1AS 'helr 80mb.. ~ ~'ill'I 1'lor...... _, proJeot into any NQ.uJ.red jaN not mol'. than two t2) r..",; provlQ.ea, UO";/I#V", the.t 'b. aWl ot a'Jall pNJeotions 001 ani ..11 \1oe. not e",oeM OD.-tnird (1/3~ the length ot uald wall. i_ l1ro ;;,soupee: '-'pan fire ..<Jtlp.. ., u;t_4 laM aQl re~~lr.4 ,.rei not MOre t;~A four (.J teet ab (6) lr;ob.... &. n'o.ut Yare _'89th ,M:..j\Wtne~t: In an~' rud4.na. ci.1utriot 1~ bloab wi~...r. lotaoom;:r1.1nc tort, (4.0) per Gent or ~or. or the frontl1lgo ~,ro o.evelop4k1 with 4..11111&8 t~v1Ui Cront ysrda ~ith a varIat10a of not nore ttAan tu (10) t.et 1n dCfpt.h, the anra,.. ot &UOO "y!lrU 8lUi.ll 8tit..t1l8.l1 the froat yard cl.i~" tor th. ent1l'. trCluta,.. Ia o.aten.lnlnc .uoa tHat ya1"4 depth, buildings 100nte4 u.lnll e1'1 "be r.ar ' oae-halt of a lot an4 tuildinge on a lot oontalnlDc "1'8 than Qn. prlne1p.l LullcUns shall not be ..unte4 . J. ;'00.08(":1 :Dullc11np in ;;..14.11\101 1)18\1"10\0. 1. ito aco.o.cry bullUnl ohall be oreo'" 1.8 oa.r .... q,uirec1 "1'4, ....pt. b. tbat. l)G1't.10Zl or tM reU' ,..r4 loo.teet 110t 1... tbAn tbe w14'h of tbll re- \l111~4 Ri4. ,.1"4. !'rOIl the 814. let 11.... 2. Aaeuacrr bul141nga Ghall not .1.0.84 twelv. tl2) f'eet in he1tP'_ ~'AfI1 ,. ~~~'i'.!liA~ ~JAit ~. .~J'q'\.::~1~: Tho >>..r4 of' .4J.'. .., M" "loa public b.eal'1nC WId ooualtst1OA with the CU, Pla."aSnc 0Olllll1081~)4. Jer:'l1t 'he toUcnr1aa e.;.;oept lono 1n IUl)' <lietd.'_ uaJ,eo. otll.tu../l.. llflrein ~9.o1r1ed_ lll)lord .uGh \Ul4tS are 4eULH4 ....nt1..1 or 40s1r"bl. to t.he jlubllo oonvenleno. or weltare, a. an 1.A b.ar~1oa,. witn tAs ".r1ou.a aI_uta or obJeot1voa of tM eGIIPnhea01n o1t1 jlla.u ana tbo &un1na orel1nan..: .:.... 31 .. .11'"..... B. AaS.Ia1 Wo.pltab or bOf.r41q .atebUatuun,* allt ..'_~la.rr practi... in h, t-8, 1-1 or I-e Uletrleta. C. C..t.rltila. n. Oreaatol~~G it lOCMted ~lthlc e a.meter, oODt.lnln~ .t l...t rlve (~) ~ore.. I. R.t.ab118h~enta cr ent"l":;lr1o..H in\l'(il....1J\i larp ....Jlbl.... of people 01" tlu'omobil.., 1nOl1,u:11nc: 1. Ar.!1 une~JjfJn , pf.'u"lta. 2. Clroua.e. 5. fell" srouDda. .. Opan-alr theat.r8. I. neoreatloncl oe~ter3. .. Hoa;J1tf\18 &t).d IItlnittlr1 U;~. r. Ooftl'MOllt .ntceI'yrl.. (16~tral, '1'.rr1tor1al, .;tat_, or tHal) . 0. O...nho'J..1I or tree 41\11"801"188. B. Ia'ural reaouro.., de..lopment Gnd oxtra.tloa of, toc-ther with noo..sary buUdlngs, .p.iJtl.rat.ua or .,?\ll'1l.na!'l".. Inddeat thereu. 1. Gtt-.,...., park1na .1'.... ~. Priyat. olu'be. X. P.1Io l1bzoar1.a au auseuu and 81'" pIhd.. an .,.rate4 for Pl'Ot1t. t. Publlo orpr1v~t.e nurserIos, p .b11c or aOAeprorlt .1a.fmtl11"1 ~na hliJh .ohool~, tin4 1uat1tut1ona tu htab.r v4uoLtlou. .. RatIo or telev1sion tranemlttera. II. Tout'1st oourt-ti. 1t' located within two bloOD ot a maJw raclonul tborouabtiar.. o. Group ~oa.lns ~ev.lop"Dt.1 In the OaDO of u d~l.ll1l1& Srou,p ooaslntinc of t.wo or .... bu11d106S, t.h. oont8!"~18ted arranSemf!nt or wbloh 1llt1k.. U Im)1'aot':'1U\ble to ap.Jly t:berfl'.lulrement.u of thl.. ord1fl1lU. to the lndiv1dU&l built unitlJ in the arOU?, . ,,",I' t. ~J7 'h. GOD.atoNo~loa or suoh d_Ulnc .roup ., be 1ssu_ oaly it tu plens of 8uob (lwelHn! f,l'OUp ooap17 \dtll tb. following oouQltloft8: 1. '~ftt the propo.ed ~welllng p,roup will ooa.tltut. .. rtlrddentlbl envlrorlMtil1t of sUBtdnClil4 4eetinbllU, and etabl11\Yi th*t it w111 be ~n harmon1 wt\h ,~ oh..rao1;&r of the surrounding neighborhood, the, It. VJ1l1 x,.,.ul t in a,.nte1H11, ty or Itlnd '.1tll1aaUol'1 DO 11 1 il,l!6r, M:\d ntam'lard ot o;)(l)n ep~,oe :It lee.' as hlgh, eM t~r,dtted (,1' tlp<loitle4 in thL1 cr.-diAanoe In thl eli.triat In. "hloh the llropo.'Jea d'Jlll1ng ,rou.i' 18 to b. lQol:!te4. &. Thut the tr8at or lend on which the dwellIng sroup 1_ to bl .r.ot~4 oo~prl... at lea,t 75,000 .~uar. 1'..t. 3. 'l"bet the bu1l41nge &r. to b. WiI.d on11 tor roald_ttal purpose. and tho ousto.ery aooU~8ory us.., 8uOb .. S81'ag.8, ~t~r~. sp.oas. r~oruatlOA.l ~4 .o~UDltl, .etlvlt.1e.. 4. "!"ht.t. 'the flvorago lot ar~. per <inU1ne Wllt oa ,be al'., axolucl.. of the are. oooupled by .treeta, , wIll not be 18.8 then the lot are. rtJ'iuu-e4 tor eaoh a..111ng unit in the dlatrlot iD whlob the d'fl8111ne ,;'l"'ou,", 18 to be looete4. I. Th!lt t!lere Jllre provided, a. ;',\1't of the jlropo.... 4e'Y.lopI?Wllt, aG:e UCl.te reol"'1f\tlol1 ttr"S8 to .erY. the naods or the "'nt~o:tpf,ted popul'!ltton. I. 'l'htlt of'f-atr..t. pardnc 18 provided ou the bawls ot one par;'lns apt1lO" tOl" 8flOh 4".111118 wtit wIthin the d.V.l'J.~JlWJlt . T~'tf~ d.v.loF~nt will not produce a volume ot ,. 'ra'tt1o in exoe.. of the oei>eci ty tor whioh the 80ee.. street. ~re '.sl<<n.d. 8. fhat pro;'01"tr 8l.1Ju.nt to the prop08.d d".1114C croup wlll not bo .dver..17 .troote4. t. 'l'b.' OUGh dweUlne sroup not" 100a'H 1n .. -34- 1a4u.trla1 41e'rlot. 10. 'lNtt. the l,Jropo.ed group houdna develop.eat 11111 be .on81~teftt with the intent and ~urue$e ot thl. ordhu'.noe to ;.rol1Oto iHlbl10 h"ltl1, utotf 8.44 ..enural \telfero. A"lJo6tlons tor e100vilc~ tor any of tbe obove ya.. aball be 8ub>l1.1tted u epee1rlod 1n g...tlon U-D. Ia . p;> J'(iV tng t he usee reterre4 t<J In \hh .00tlo11, tM BOtu.-cl of Jldju.t~\.l:lt _hall h""e Gmtho:rltJ' te; 1,.,0.0 auob. 001\41 tlOllg e..tV! Utt'..ua:r4a .s ,_,. 4... neo..sl!Iry to ,ro..ot tll. 'btittt ht,~r'lIt8 of' tlw aurrlJund1Ag proporty or nelg~borhood !!1M t.ht! oomJ)r~bena1ve OUT plen .u aoD1n~ ordluftnoo. ~. ;it.iC"ti~, h~ U,.Ji;.U. 1he le~"l use ~t IUlJ bu114- lac or laD4 eu.t1ne e.t the t.1M or the enaot..ni ot th18 orUnall" _,. be .ont1aued tllthCH.lgh euoh u!;;e Q{l." not oonfnra with tlle 'J'O.,lalou or tbh orduumoet 8ubja.t to tbet toUowinc regubt1oU: .A. 1\:xteualo.n. A l\.o.noontort\lns \!JUt l:\W1.11 not. ba o;..tQIl4e4, 'ut tb. fU.te:4e1on of n use to allY pOl't1on of II bu.tldtnl wttioh ... leplly arran,eel 01" des1t;fied for such 401l0Qf.\- tOl'2UQ8 U..l.\lil; ti to the U.. of the enaotment vi tb18 ordln..oe 1bM11 not b. ueumoa th~ ox~.u.10n of 8ueh n~aooDformlac WlO. B. ChaIlCO.. 1! &lI.y aO.Qoon.ful'ii1.Q6 loUt. ot €I buUd1q or laa4 1.- owulS.a "" Ul Qtb81' Wie, it. shall be ohangecl to a u.. ooutCinU.u.& to "he ,ufil4JAU..o,a ;0,: tho Utle tlh\rlot 1A wn10h &~oh bu.ll~1Ac or laa4 1. 1008teel and arter suoh ObaU48 1t u~Ull.ll not. b. .baAlled. Oao.iC to tboa orlclul or an, ot.An' IWJ&Oon.forr.a.1.a.a uao. ;,. lliJ.tOcDtorm.!ng sip it I'tMllOved from thlt "'r....ta.. tl\ba1l aot bu I'oplaoeel. c. j,lt.erat:OIla. A bu1l41Q& 1_..611)' IJ,tl1ll1t::ue4. arranad or 4f;1vo'.~ t.o $ noaoou1'o.ndnc WI. ,,1;. t_ ticlO of i.luiJ enuot;"ont 01: t.b.1d fi}~iuno. -i ..ot be ru~oaatru.at.d 01' atruot.w.'aUy &lhl'.l1 to ldl v~~t",.ut Q1<o6fr1dlq In s&:i.Z'apM ..a' thldn& any toe. l.1O) y..r 1'''1'104 titt1 (50) per -36- .on' of tht.t lil$iUiIll8eu valWi' or t.he building, Wl.lea.w toM 'l88 of 8\1()h bull:':1nf~ be Oh1;lllg84 to a ocntor!lllas ... D. HefttoNlt: on. Fie 'bu:ld,llF d~i!,i'Ul~ed by fire or 01 et.MS" ..uses t'.1 '.~0 It.,'/; r.f1nt of "1.Or8 \\an (&0) ,et' oent. of 'tM .....~~d Yalu6 of the building 'hall be rop&lred or rebuIlt ex..pt in oQnformity ~lt.h the prov181v~ ot "1tI o:..'c11wUJoe. :'ihen r8t1tOJ"ptlon 10 ptu";dtt.ed, l"GtHi114- 1.. .hall be o('h~,letad 1\:1thln olUJ y.aI:' it t.h. rebutlt. b~t141nlS 111 to be 'I;Jeel tor the 80M nonoontorndq un .. b.rore. E. Dlaooatlauawotl. 'ben n n02lcoat'I'l1"lulng us. haa b... 41i10vilt1uued. tllbatl~10neQ.. or non-used tor a ge~104 8xo8edlng ailioty (90) oayo, 8ueh nonoonftlX"1l1ng ue8 DeU aot be l'd8W.ltd tnareett..r, IU1d an1 future uac 3ball be 1. oonturAit.1 with the prcvialoua or thla ordl48~o.. 7. C....~lon. Auto!!\ohlle wreakillg YU'ti.e, hlT::tg8 "'1"4. Md. ,! u.nk yt,;rdll Hotw.i ttettlnd.ln<< aUf other pro..1aloa. of thh ordiu"::.DOO, an;, liutomcbl1e "'r~odllt( le..rd, ..lvese ,,(a'Q 01' jua.... y,u.Q 111 e:.ds'ono. 1n an)" agr1aw.- t.U" 1 or T ddential 1111tr10\ !\t th- date or euo"~.nt. or t.his o,cdiUllllCfI ahall at the exp1retloIl of oa. l.ar treJ1 iHl.oll dote beoo:r.. ft problblt~d .nd 41".'u1 uae an4 shall be l~ ho(')~t1::rued. o. Oonl'ltl"'U01;lou-f,'pl"OVtld. ')rl0r to (;l"dlnenoe. Nethina btll~ in nr"Lt,~LH" [ ..;.~"ll 1"'c",'.~lre t'lllY oh~n6e 1n pl~in8, oon1'l- truotiNI., rlt'-Ml.t lon, or defli.eMtert uae ot It bu11dlns tor w,lot ;" ,j/"~".lt 'lAB he.,u 18l!'1u~d bfd~.t'tt t11., c;i"tv of .n(lot ,":!it of t"ds or<l.l:1:luot, ~nd tbe OO!.gt!"JQtlou of ./ tI~'\lch a:~~l1 hr.~ve been ut.ually besu.?\ II\nd diltgent11 p1"tHI6l'\'ltet!. w1t.bln thNh\ (Z) months of the date ot 138'.181'10. ot od d:u.'it, 8:1;'i twenty-Uve (23) per c.nt of wh10h building 1\~nll hav. b..n oonp1etet1 w1t.hb, one (l) Yeal" of tb~ d~te ot the permIt, an4 .biob entire bul14laC shall be o.m~htfld aoo'I.t'41q to 8uch plaa8 as tUe4 withIn t.wo (a) year. fro. th~ dat. or 8.14 perstt. -M- B. nls\!'lct Chnn.ge.. !>fheat.l";er the bou(bu'ie. of li 41$1Ir1.' 8Mll be oha''!t:;ed al. ;~9 to trLlb1'or tIn (\1"' t from. 0118 d.letr~ct too fHlother M~}trtot of II \.ltrer€lnt 01&58'" ltl~t;on. tho fe.... goIng 1'1''1\'1.:.10r1O b~l(\ll tiloo a~;111 to II:' '1 n".;!lQj;nf(~rn1n{~ uftes. t>:: stint; tllerl11n. _<1.",O.tAh 10. J.t"",,: J ""',.'..,'T....., !!!'." ~ {'>t" '".~" ." ,. ~\~:r.Wf. A. l~otorO.-1en'. This ordinanoe sh.all be entc.roect '01 'he 8u1.141n<< Qttlo!.l of tbe Clt, of e.lnu"4. no bulldlD6 pendt or ..rtH104i!h or OOOUP8l\01 81ua11 be l"u8 by bl~ o~o.pt where the prcvlelona 01" thIs ortlaanoe ba.. _"11 oO;-:'t'Jlle4 ,,1 th. J. B\l11dlq ?onlU. !to butld1ng 01" 6t1"lJ.Ot.ure Ghall be erect". add.d to, or nlteroA un'il . pe~~l' tho~to!' M. '0.00 i.flU" bT tho hHdl!l11: O1"1"101al. All Ill.lpl1oaUou for .\lob ptsr"ril te shl!l1 be in 8oool'de;l(.lC w1 th thi! re'iu", meAts or the Un1fnr. Bu11dln8 Code. o. Oe!'ttf1.olltte of OOoujle.noy.. ~;O It:.tld gt.€-ll '00 USbel, OOaJ:l...4 111 IU"", or oOl3u'led ;.lntll f) eertifloe.te ot oo."'pano,. shall h..... b..n 18eued. by the f.ullatng cttlalal. N'o building he!'8flrter ereotf.l('!, t.l tto:rml, or ext.IIIHle4 Shall be WIled or on,mgM. In US8 until 11 o~rt1flo~t. 01' ..oup..oy ehall ba.... b.on te...4 by the BullJln~ ottlatal in .CoordIllA"e '\"flth t.he pJ"ovhl;lft8 of the Ua1ror", Bu1141nc Cod.. D. O..,lalnt. ot Tl01.tlon8. Whonever a Tlela'lon ot thi. or41aanoe oooue, 01 ,IU"1I0n !WI)" tIle ft oO!'lphlnt in ropro tt:ttreto.. All suoh 001"5,la1'1\6 AM.ll be bro\l.€bt to 'he 8ttontlon or tbe Building Gtfiolal, Who Qnall proPIIl"ly renctrd .ueh oo'iplelat anet 1l11letllaUl, in...t.!- &k'" .::1d ropor' thereon. X. Y101.'loa. and. Penaltl... for an1 Qn4 e.ery Y101atlon ot .,be provllilb.. of' 'hl. 0....1aaoo., tob.e nner, a._.t er oO.QtoJ1loMr or . bu.1141118 or prelllhoa wheru 8uoh vIola- tion. heYO b.. oONdU'" or sbeU .:d." ana. tM 0..1", -8'. ...ral ...n' or ooat.no\ol', l.u.. G1' tenant. of 8.A1 part .t a lu.dldlnc or 1>1'81"11... 1n wblob pan Club. .,lolaUoa baa b.aa 0......". or sball ..d>>\, aael t._ ..ural ai~.1'l', o01itnotoJ', 01' OAT ot.l:u.1' peraea who ~t'8. ~~ke3 ,art. or a.ola'. in ouoh "lolatlon. or Who _tn.\alnB aU1 buIlding 01" pres:11... ia _hJ.o)a aa, .lo1at.l<>u BhAll ..:dst, oal1 b. Cull', of a ata- 4....nor u4 u.p.. ooaYle'loA ':t.rMt aball ba f1l1.4 not lIOn thaa t3OO.oo or s..prleon04 1a tbe 01 " ~oll not. \0 8Jt0ee4 !O Ul. or b7 both owah tlae 04 wrlaoa- ..at.. heh .at 0"'1"1 4a, t,ha t. o.h .,loldlon ooat.1nu. $ball be 4eema4 . .op.rato and dIstln.' Ylolat1oa. 'I. lDterprO'h.t1oa, Contlbt. w1th othal" tAw.. In tbdr 1nt..J'p"oteUoa ...4 ap;;l1oaUOIl. tha IU.01'1810u. ot thh er4ln'duta .haU be be14 to '" aln1a\llll l'O~ulna.nta. I\dopta4 tor ,be Ju'OaotloJl or the pUblio ba.Uk, I.\orala, .at.." 01' '''e '_4I1"alwolrara. 'rthonftr the requ.ire- _ata or t!ab oAinfUl.. an at Y1U:'b..oa w1\h toM ra..dr.- aen'a or &81 other la.full, .4op'.4 ruls., rocul.U.a, or or41_n.... 'ho ..t 1'0.tr10U.., or that lmpodue the hip.r .un4ard.., ahall go.el'll. ~",)1oa lJ.. fjs;!jvVl Qr Ap.iU.)1';I!..~r;1 A. ora-ul..'loat 1. alt., O<:>u.o11 t.ct be loaN or AdJ\l8t.M.t.. The OOUll01I .hall .oa.tlt~te a Boar4 ot A4Juetmeat b.enuad.or. ';;11th ~a ""'01' a. .x-ett1elo OUlrull, 8.4 a,. 1. appropriate 08..8 a.d. .~bJ.o' t. approp,.!.t. ooa4Ulo.. IlJl4 satosuard. _U IIpsolal axe. .l\lona ~ the tar.. ot thle oNing.S aaf. nplatlcm8 a60,t" ba:NWIA.r 1D banl0D.7 w1t.h theb "l1ual pwp... anA Int.nt au 1. aooo...a008 wUh ~r aOBOral rul.. or .~..ltlo rule. haralD oont.ala.d. ft. BoaN _hall 04o,t rule. 1a aOO8J"UUa \-11'b tbe '1'O"1810.a ot 8n1 orit_n.a a4op'" p\U"ouall\ h8I'a'e. -ae- ..-..."........""-"... ..~_...,.. B. a. ~4..Ung.. ..'1qa of \.be ao.J'4 __11 be h.lf. .t. 'M ..11 of ,be obell'11lla u4 a' a.ell o\l\el" t1f40' a. ,he boar& .7 4.'8I'l'll1M. a. All ...'1_8 or th. Boa.. .hall la. op.. " \U ,UU.. t'owr. and. .o.a'l.. or 'M ....4a 1. '1'. hMr aA4 40014. .ppeal. wHt'. it 1a alba_ 'b.... 1. .rror ln aar order, J'~i~A', a.01aion. OJ' d..'......d...'1_ _4. b7 an .Cl1n1.n1at.ftU.... ottl01.1 la tllo eatorohant. of t.bb or41aaa.. 07 of 07 ."lunae 840,t" pur.1M1at 'h.r.... J. ,.. u.r eM 40014. rel-.t. tor .x.e.pt1ou toe ,. t.eJ'IU .t t.he 01"4108.. or rocul \101l llPOll .bl.h a.oh It..", 1. req1drM te ,.... 3. 'fe aut orb. UP" .p,..l 1a .peeltlo ..... sueb "1'18.0. trea 'h. \6~ ot t.hla or41nanoe or .r an7 oNlunoe a40,'.4 pva..' \'....\. .a will D..' bo oont.J'lll'7 \0 'M pubUo lnt.ar..t, wh.re, "lac t. ail. old oonct.1t1..., e lit.aNl .torcnao.nt. ., taG p"...lalou .r t.M 0741_.. .uv.l4 re.ult 18 \aUtloaa_lT DaH.lll,. .... .. tbat __ .plrlt. of tb. or41..DO. .ball be Ob..rTe4 eD4 sub".nt.lo1 . ". Jut.lo. 40a.. 'boep'l._. 'Jl,'b.en In h. J_pUAt. \b. ;J\lbU. GOayenl.... 04 ..-Uare will k aubatttntl.U7 .a...." .wl tll. appropr18te UN ot aelpborlD& ,"p.nT w1ll AOt. be la3un4 thereb)', the Hoard ot MJu.t.q&t UlJ 1. .. apao1th ea.a, 1l1lbJa.' ,. ap,ropr18'e ooJ:uU'l.a aM ..t....na, de'.ntlu aa4 "'1"7 'be aP9U..'loa ot the .....1.\1088 or thls aNtuae. 1. bl'MOD)' wl'h thltlr &."....1 purp.... ..4 1.'.nt bT pen.1t.t1aa ap..lal ax.,Uou .. foll...a a. uran'.. P81'f!.lt, \'\,011 sonallltatlo. wltll tIla ult1 ~lo..lD1 uo.ala.loa aaa att.r due aotlcs end ,,,,bllo hearbg, wb...".r 1\ 18 pro'9'14.' 1a t.hIa or'lna~o. 'bat the .ppro....l of ~. ".rA ot LJt L',,, A ~~"A~.i. . ~ 'O"""...,....~""-~_ 10 . -It- -_. ~ -..-..........- -,. ---,---..- .~-_..~._~~_...._. b. ~'et"".1t, 1).110D oonaultaUou wit.h the 01t1 t'l&u1rac voam1..1on, publio ~t111tl or publl~ aerYl.. u..o, or publ10 bulldlAcl8 1n aAl d.ht.rUt. whea tOWlCl to b. n.o....1"1 tor the :lub11o health, utot" or ~. general ~ielrlllr.. o. .PVtt1t th. toapore.., WI. of II bul1d1Dg or pru>usoo tor a !,)taJloe. t. l" 40.. not ooDtora t. the r,-"cu1atlou preuorlbe4 by 'hie or41nemo., 1>1"0.1484 tM' .uoh atruoture or WI. hot .. tru. '.ponry ut.ue aIl4 1. proll1ot1.. of or Ino14.n__.1 to the oonatruatlon, ..tsoli.baa.t, or 4...1opaent ot a WIe tbe. t oontor.. t. the recubUoaa tor t1M _hut.' 1D wbloh 1t 1. 100.'..... .8u.h p.rmlt eball b. vanto' 1. thit tOI'll of a teJl.POrar1 anet r....oe.bl. pal'lll1t. tor Dot tlOl"O tbau . tw.l.. (1.2) MOn.t. ,erlod. 3. Voruno..: 'rhe Board or A4Jutuot ma,. UPOD ap.?.l ta .p..lrlo oa.ou authorl.. suoh ..r18noo trom tho '.1"_ of thh or41..no., .. w111 uot bo oont"1"1 to tbo publlo 111'1.1'."\. 'llih.re it. 18 1'0\\114 tiut .U ot tho to11...1118 00 B<< 1 tlou 0:41.\: e. Thd toh. "1"10\...' ap:tl1oat1_ of 'b. proYle1ou or thb Ori1_DO. wo\\14 1""\11\ 111 praot1Ml 41ttloultl.. or unu....aary bert.hIp lneonel.'.nt .1'h the fltene.ral ,urpo.. and 1nhl1t ot \hle or41AaflO.; b. Tba' there are .xooptloAlll o1rouutl1no.. .. oolldltlona .pvlloab10 to tn. propert,. 10.01..& or to tho tnt-en"-'" \US8 or d.....lopMll' ot the prop$rt,. that 40 not &9,1,. sonera117 to other iropert., 1n the .... zone or nolihborb004J o. Tbat the gnnUna of the ..plane. w111 ao\ b. _tor1.117 4etr1auul to the pubUo welter. or 1.Jurlo\l8 to tho proport1 or 1n~ro....n' 1n ouob ao.. or n81chborhe04 1n whioh the proj)8rt1 18 '-'0- 1008.'0<15 end d. Tlult tb. grant1nc of . T.rllno. w111 not be .ontrary \0 the ob30o\lT.. or the ,onoral plaa. 4. III ox.rohing 'the .b".......Uon" ;to'H,ra, tu BeeI'd or A4Jut.u1\t ." in '~Jutol"ll1 t., w1t.h the proTh1ou ot thb ol'cllnaD.oe and T1tle 16-1-35, 24thJACI...\ '., er 8. It mil' be 1!IIMnAea rr'. tIme to tlu, reTere. or arflrl!l, whell, or par'17, or 1U.1 lROd.lfy tone ordor, requireMent, ~~olaIoa or determinatIon .PPS8104 :trOll a114 .7 l'I8it. ., UGh 01'401', re((u1r.ment, d..l010n or d.t~~net1oa aa oucht to be mad., and to that ent'!. shall haft all the f)oweJ."lI or t.he etfloer troe whola tbl8 8!,p.el h ta.a. c. o.nore1 ProTl.10.a. 1. The eQuall Mr.b, proyt<t.. tor &ppeale trOll 0' ad~nIstrstlTe ortloer to tbe Board or AdJustmant. aad rroa tbe BoArd ot AdJuatrtent. to tbe 1I10tr1ot Court of tb. Judiol.1 al"lalon In wbloh suoh aunlolpallt, 18 looated, 1a the manner presorlbed b7 tbe lawa or the TerrItory ot Al.8~a, prus..t oa4 rutur.. auell .".1 ehell bo iliad. by the appl10ant wItt,1n 11 48Y. ot tbe dete @ anl order, ro",uIroMcll't, 4eoll1.ton, or "e'endut1en baa bee. ud. b, an a4a1n1atratl". ortloial, by tillAl wIth tbe otrla. trolll whOl!i\ 1Ihe a,,_1 b 'tel\:eu .ad with the Beerd or AdJua~:'8A'. a notloe or appeal 8peolt,lns the ground. tboreor. 2. n. oono1O'rlns Yote of foUl" meue" or tbe bD6rd shall be n.o....ry to r.T~r$e all1 order. rtqulremo.t, 4001810u, or 4.\Qrm1D~tloB of al11 a4mlalst.r"t.l". ortl01al, or to 4eo140 1n r."or of the 8~v11aant or any IRetteI' upon whlob it 18 l'equ1ra4 to p.so W\der an1 lJuoh o1"d.lnanoe or regul Uon. or to err.., an, ".r1aUoa ofaxo.,JUoa In t.e applloatloa ot ouoh or41aaa.e or rqulatlon. "'1- D. a..1'<< of Exam14ere _n4 Appeals t 1. Or.t101\. In. order ~o aula' the aoar4 of ;'elJus'- un' In the interpret.t! on or thb ordinllnee anA III 081"rJ104 out t~i. dutiea sot forth in Part Ii of tl118 ;;eo1.100, there shall be .Ad. 111 hereb1 ore. teet 8 Board or Examiner. an4 Apped_, ..hloh 8ball oOlul1a' ot .."oa ('1) Ill_bere appointed by the \18101" aact oont1r." by tbe Oity OotiDoil. a. Proo.e41nga. "'oet1ug:a ot the Dca r4 ot ?;.XIl!'llloera ad Al',onl. .hall be helel lilt tbe 0811 or tbo Chairman, or 1n hh .b..noe, by the Aotln! Chd~n, and 81. suoh other t lMa IU. tho Bo.Pel or lid.&Illlnere llll4 Ap!)..l. ., dot.ered",e. Meetin.s shall be open '0 ,he pub11. and. reoor4s ot vro..e41nss ahall be ~apt. Th. Boar" ., 1140 pt rul.a tor ita prooeedlnca her.- \1A4er . Z. Applloatlona oel App..ls - ;'rooe4vez 1. 1'1110&. a. AJ.ipl1o~t1oaa u4 8pp.a18 ., be tU" b1 01 ,erson ..r1....d. or 8111 taxpayer or 8n1 ottie.r, department, boar4 or bv..u or the 01',. b. Ia CHU..S 11l "hiGh the BOlIrd ot A4 'uatmeAt baa orl&1u1 Juri.die_loA under tbe 9rov1l100 of thb ordiMllee, .ppllcaUoA8 .bal1 be flu4 wlt1l the Bu1141n& ottlo1&l. e. Appeab troll the aoUon ot the Dw.ldlna 0tflo1.1 \lA4er tM. or41.nanoe _1 b. hAtuil ~1 &1l1' p.r~.n !left.deved. or b1 any ot>t!oer, depart_nt, boa1"Cl or be.au of t.be 01t.1 .tteatod. b)' aA1 4eol810', of tu 8u1lcllq Ort'1olal. Suoll .9pe.1 sball " '.ua. within ......n (') 4a18 or ttt. date or OUGh a.tloa, by tll1n~ with tho &ul1dlnc vcrielal and wI tb tile Beei'd of J.4JWlt!l\8nt. . "1'1 tten MU.e of a;'pe..l ap.oit1in. tH I!"ow:ula thereot. It oj:>,o.l 18 !lot '."en a8 opeo1f1'" hereIn, the rlsht to appe.l ~h.1l have b..n torte1t". -ia- d. Re'-iueat for In'ler,re''.UulJ. or thle 01'41...... ap;\ 11.."10" tor enevtlou .a4 ..rbno.. au 8p,,1o.18 _u.to be rUed with the 8uUcU~ ortlotal on or betoro U. fire" Ul ot t.he moath to bo g1... a.a.1ier.tloD bl the Bo&r4 or txea1Aor8 au APp.~lle du.r1a& t.:J.at !IOAt.b. e. In o%'(1er to 4.t....y the exgee... oona..'" w1'" tbO .onela.rat!on ot appeals ana ap~l1oBtlon. tor oxoeptlon. end ..rlan.... the ,.r.on tl11&1 fU\1 .uoh ..~'tit\l 01" .pp1.106tloa shell pal' to t'- 01t1 Clerk 1\ tee ot ten ($10.00) 1>>11.1'8; :pro.lde4. tao"ovor. tbat. it .uoh ap"..l 01" ap!ll1.a\lon b tl1ed by or 1n t.he DaM ot .. 8O.er..ntal IIlconel. 110 such tee ..ball be requ1re4. one oOP1 of tbe 1'0..1,' tor O\lob ree ahall b. .,t..ohM t.o tho .p:,ea! or llj)j)l1oaUon ad no suoh aflpeel or appllontlOR aball b. aocopted. \.Ullo.. odmpte4 b1 tko .bo.. pro'Yblon. wlthout .uoh reoel. t be1n& att.ohe4. Recardle'l. ot tl:1e aotloa t.~ea on an ap90.1 or appllofitioD. tbe abo.. r~qu1re4 fe. ahall not be ret.urn04. a. ilean or Examlrutr8 lutd .l\p;>..18. a.When an app.al or applloatiQn baa b..n tiled. the Bulld1ne Orf1oitl.l .hall forthwith trenwt to tbe Beard at txam1n.ers and ~vp.ala all plaa8. apealfloa\lona. an4 p.~re ~artalnlna to tbe .pplloatlon or the action a".ale4 trom. b. The DeaN .r r..x.ut1ner. and Appeal., shall 48014. the app11oation or appeal witul. ~ r~8.on.ble t1M. A roport oc)no.r..lnc .aoh one. that rtL1u.lre. turther aot1011 .lulll k rendered to the BG&r<l ot A4j~trt.nt and ehllll 'be t11e4 wItb the CU, HUU!lS8r. .;;"ob report abell #t"te the <1echlon 6Dd raoo"'n4atlone of the !oard of E~~~ln.ra aA4 App.al., tosether with the r.aaoaa tor suoh deol.lon aDd reo~8tloa.. All plane. .p..1- -43- tiOtft101U1. 111114 pape,.a pel"ulnlq. to the ea.. ta qu..'ton .lulU aooomp441 tlbe r.port. 'l'he noaJ'4 or!xube'l'8 aad Appeals mal Iilubld.t; lial ..... 1iia _ 011>1 f'le1U11n<< CQ-s,aalon tor the CoMmiaaloat. r8.Od~~4.tloa8 ~ .., r.~u..t an7 6uoh IJlfo.J:'llllftt1<Ul 1'HIl 'b. C1\, ;:laDtdq COlllai..ion 83 1t de.a neoe.eary to 4..14e 81\7 ..... 3. Board ot t.4JusttUent. .. The BofU'C of Ad.tut~at 8b..U fix .. J.'Hll/lotulble time tor the ~8r1n& of' a., *~pe.l or 89111..'10D tor Y&rlaaoe or e1oeptlon 1& 0.... -h.~ a p~llo _..r1ne 1_ requ1re4. It. The Board aball &1". publl. aot1ee ot auoh hearlnc .1th~r la1 ,ub11ahlaa notl.e thoreot 1n a new.p.,er or seneral oll"oulatlon within the Clt, of .~r4 at l.~.t tift (., J d.,1 bv.t Aot IllOl"e tbAa tea t 10) UI. jn'lor-too tbe ",.t. ot heIlrill8. or b1 poutl118 notl... thereot 1n a 1)Ub11o aa4 oonaplououa pla.. within tbe ar.. .treated b, tlle appl1oaUon or ei"Ql. fil. Boar4 shall al80 ~11 notioe. to the .;pellant or apvllo.nt. .n4 lalli' _11 nothe. to the 0-.nO'l'8 ot ,,11 propor\, .rteotad by a., ap,..l ~ .pp11.~'ion .t 1..., tin Us) MY. pdQr to the date ot the het\r1... 'POI" tbe pUJ'iHl88 ot 8~h not-i.e, ~l:Ml atteot." pro,.", .ball be 44MlaH to be at l...t. t.bat a'l''' 'bo\l.lld.M b, 11ne. oae l\\U\dred (100) tee' 1'rOll and parallel W t.be bOW'lurba ot tbe a1'.. ....1'.4 by the .9,..1 or applleatloQ. NOt1e.. ..., ba ..nt. t.o 00".1" III gr..ter 4'\1".. 1t 1t 18 4....4 tbat th. app.al or ap}11oat1on atte.t. . cr..'.r !.Ira.. c. Up_ \he h..riAl, al1T '61." -1 a,,(,.'I' 1a pOl... or by apnt or by att,)r..,. -u- 4. 'fb.o BeaN ot AdJuat.-nt 8hall 400140 sppo.la 01' applioations wlth1a ft reasonablo t1.. aa4 ahall g1.... cluo oOl1albratlon to the tiMing. an<< rfloOlUll8n4~tl(m. or the Hoard or ?':xamIners aU AP?OAla. .. Appeal to D18trIot Court. An appalll from anY' utlon, 4aohlon, rullq, .1\&4&- ..at or o1"(1e1" of the Boe rei of I\c:lju8tm.ent. JUY bo ta~en by anT person or persona, J01o.t.17 or seyer.1lJ ..r1ned, or anT t..4)161tlr or an1 otfloar, lIepart.- aent, board er bUrGt"l ot tbo C1t1, to the Dietrio' Oourt, by r111~ wlt.h tho City Clerc and ~1t.h tbo SOard of M.! Justa.at, \1'11 thin thi r'7 (30) daY8 rr_ tho .otlon apP6ale4 from, a not100 of ap;eal, whioh nO\108 shell specify tbe around or suoh appeal. 1aUur. to tlle uld notioo at o.ppl')fll 1n the manner aDd ti_ herein .,.Girhd $hall forfel tan, :r1. sht to appeal. I. ~'.1 of ?raoe.dlng.. a. An appeal trea the <I.chion ot any a4;;1n1at1"8tlYO ottloer under thls ordinano. .'01. nll prooe.d1n.. In rurtb.ran.e .r the oot1on nppealed trom, \wo.. the ott106r fl"Oftl whoa tba 8::p.e1 18 title.. .ert!tte. to the 8o~r4 ot AdJ~stMent that by reaaon orta.ct. ",t',ted in the certIfi.sts, Il steT wou14 in h1e o,L~lon oouao imm1nent perIl to 11te or property. In .uoh oa.. prooe.dinga aball Aot b. 8tare" oth.erwi.. than b1 ll. restraiD- Ing orilllr 'Ill loh -1 be firen'." by the S01'l.rd or Adjuatrnont or by a court or record on app11cation or notloo \0 t.be ottloor fro. whom tbo appeal 1. taken and 0.11 due ..WlIl 8r-O\'l.l1. b. AD appeal to tho Dbtr10t Court trOJl'l. tbe !Scari ot A4Justmftnt etay. all pro..ed1ngs in turtr,cran.. ot tbe aatton appa1e4 frolll, _1... certlfiost!oll ...... 81ml1~r to tn~t described 1n the prbvloua paraarapb b lllt".d.e, by t.he Cht"iSA of the 1!lo<\r4 of AdSulllt'..nt to the Court OleriC. ~. p).strlet ~h,Qn6..d &nr;l ~~"\~~f:r\ttlt: A. Authal'tt1S Tbe 01t1 cOl~oll ~f. crtor prop~r notioe un~ publio hearina bet'or(l 1t. e;.r.aend, llIu,p.pl~l2\ont. or o11&4&e b1 .rdlaaace tbe boundArl.. 01" 41utrlota .ctab11~hed on S~ Lf> a. yJ. tbe x.onlng ;:;alJ of the C1t)' of ~.l.ftM'..e, or auy ot' the r.gul~\t1ou!J IJet forth 1n t1:.18 ordiu.noe. ...n)" yroposeel a_enAm.at, ~uppl.mont or chan._ aball 1"1rot be 8ub&1tted to the 01 t)' ,1ann1.QC CCIIl:,.balon tor 1 t8 reOOllllIlen4a t10D aa" report. B. Inlt16tlon or Cheng..: 1. B7 01\1 Cou.noll or cu.y 1'11l1U1111& Cow-d..lon. '.rl'w C1 t1 Counoll or the 01t1 dannlll6 :om......las1"m M, initiate ~)ropo9.d oh.t1ngea, WhIch OhtHlb.. t;l.a1 b(, ~d. tlfter notioe hAtn been ,,;lven e.s apeolfled below and e.ft.,r a t.l!l~rina baa been held botore the C1t., OK'unoll. 2. By ;'etltloll. a. ~ person or )er&ona ae.1riq . change 1a sOAlna ot proper', ahall submit . ~etltlon tor suef' ohance b sonlac to the CU, l'lIa.l.D4J OOIUll..lon. b. ..;.uob pet1tt_ ehall be eilDe" b1 tbe real pl'opert7 OWQer6, 86 al:'loWQ on t.he !lsa.ament 1"0118, ot e~vent1-tlv. (751 per Dent or more ot tbe ar.. proposed to be r..oDed and ahall .et forth the reflllon8 end 3uat1tlol'.ltlou tor the ohance 1a BOIl1.n& . o. The 'Petition shell shew, opposite eaoh lllanfltu.N. the de.orl~t1on ot the propert, own.el. the a4dre.. ot the pro,el't, owner. aAd the 4au Oil wh1tb the propert, o~n~r a1gne4 tbe pet1tloa. -4,- ",'8rU()D.8 'p1.U".htu,lt~ pre>per1iy UD.48r oOlltraoti ahAll b. ooustrua4 h.re~t4.r .. tn. owner8 ., .uGh propert,. 4. lJ1 or~Gr to dfi!fray t.he eJi.litmae. OOJ1A80tie4 wItll the o,msld.(Jretio.u ot ~'vtttlou8 :for ODange ot dl.trlot, the p!:irsoD. )lredtmt1u8 t.he i>8tf:UtlU HUAll ~ey to tn. City Cl&r4 the t.. ~or~ln re~t;.1re4. iiD.e GOPl ot thu reoo1.,\ tor Ill.loh t.. shall be attoot84 to the petitloa *nd BO petltloe (thall ba .o.~.pted w1 t.bo"t .",oh reo.ipt bel.. ott~ohed to add petitiof&. '1'he fee _hall b. '~enty-rlv. ($~6.00) DollAr., pl~ an .4d1t10Q81 tee of 'l'eo \~lO.OO) Dollar. tor e8eh bloek 111 810e.. of one blook Inolude4 1n the ~ro;o.84 oh~n8.. '~.ther 8 petItion tor e ohang. ot diatrlot 18 grr,nte4 or daded b)' t.he City Com,01l, the vet1tldlor or applloant. shall not ba ent1tled to the retur~ ot tbe t.. pa14. .. Petition. IShall be tlled with the aIt, Planalna Coaa1aslon on or before January 15, April 15. July a. or October lD, to be o0B81cleret1 " the 01ty P~~nl41 Oommi..lon &Ad. the C1t1 OOUAG11 clurlDc the re.peat!"e threo ~OAth ptirlod tollo.. 1n& an, suoh 48\8. C. City P1u.nlna Coal.lnlaelo11 Report: Aa 80011 u possible ..tter the ,.uarterl, 4ue-4ate at pe'it1ons for chana. in zon1n&. the a1t1 PlaaaiDI Co.lIa1..1on shall .ubmlt to the City Counoil . report ... .\lOh petit10nl aa maT bave been 3ubtdtt.., snow11'J11 1. 'lndings aft to the need au ju.etltlo.Uoa. tor a Oluulge. a. '1D41n.. 8.. to the .treot SUGh oh.ance wou14 ba"e oa Ibe propert, 1n ~ue.t.loa, aa4 OR adJ..ent propertl.., and the rolLt tOll 1t bears \0 the zoning of the 01t)' ... a whole; an4 a. Reoommendations to the C1t, Cuunoil .a to appro".l .1" disapproval of the ohana. 1a &on111&. ...,. D. publia ~eer1ng; A ,ublio t~~rlnl ahall be held oy the Cit1 Co~noil berore the a4oyt1on of any proJ,oned ~men&lent. l'JUy\.,lelllent or ah~. 1. ''lheneVtlr the City Plunb.8 CoDUld..lo!1 bae rGoo..~o.d.e4 ,4 a,)pro".l of l!l otull1ge in :t".ml1'1&. the 01t.1 *llAler, 0' )1'/,";- ahnll {'ot the tt:uo of hehrlng thero" bertH'. the CU" Counoil and oouse notioe of ouch h.ar1~~ to be gl ven. 2. :'lhenCllver the 01 t1 J'lanning COl11f.".lsalc,n h.. reco/!lll4ende<l dll':1&.;;;r\',vlI'll of IS ohnn~. In zon.tna. suah roool'l1ll8n4..t.loa llhan be t'lot~d upon by tho C1t1 COUllOU. If t)'len the City COtmo11 wiehe. to apPl~ve such obcn~e 1n 1>" "+I",,,.... zon1ui". the Oity ~,'4R.f,1.geJ.'l".b..ll .et the t1M.o of ho.r- In" theron betore the Clt.)' Oour..ol.l and OUUAe notl.. ot suoh h.~rl~ to be given. 3. At le.lSt rift..en (15) dal. ;)('It108 ot the t1:ae and plaae or 8\lOh bearing ab_ll be yubllahed at least ORoe In a paper Qf .ener.1 olrcu~tloA i~ tho Cltl ot G.waN. ~/I)~~;dbc3)~~~.""" ~ ,. 'Vhen the ~)ro. 'OtffH1 !illleudment ooy,.ra 61 oL.a;J~e In t.he zoniug cUtitr1ct Ol&flclt'1o!'tloft ot any tlrop.~\y, notloe of Dueb :}u.bl1c heflrlag .hall be ul1ed \0 ".1 pro~el.ty own~:r.. ~. shown on the l\SiD.....lAtRt rol18. or aU r.roporU.. 111!~ '\111 thin the area proPolled to b. ohanged t.nd to roa1 prorert1 ownere, 88 .hOWL on \he aSlII.8.meAt roll~. or all properti.. 171.'1 within a r~d1U8 of three hundre4 (300) te.t. axal ust ve of a tret:ts, from any ;I~ rt of the :'re. proposed to bo che.nge4.. .. uoh not-loe .lIbe.ll be "l.Qlle4 Dot leaa than the (I) doye flnd l1ot"10r8 than rUteeD (1,&) day. berore the time of su.oh .1",bl1e hfJ!l.rlnc. l'eUure to not1.ty lUll j):N)ptrirt1 O'9tnwr &d abOTe prov1de4 shaU not luyal1d.de an1' ordinanoe pl'lued bereunder, provlde4 suah failu.re was not IntentiolU\l. ...- -I: ~ ..-~..~ 47 ft~ 1t being tbe intent10n of this oeot1011 to prov1de 80 tar as f'1ti1 be tor !lotio. t() jl6r80n8 .ub~ta .t111.117 lnterestect 1n the pro~o..d alumso. It thero be pro'loM' w1 thin the poU Hon ar!.8 or thfJ 81"1"eo\..,4 ere. 1n the same or leae reutrlotl.o 41utrlot tban tl.e p!'()?oned Ohelli.~.. pr0,Jtirt~. 111 I.luoh dhtrlot shall In. disreStll"dod to!: pur,~;'OU8S ",f !'uA1l1q tbe <lot10e ot hearln~, unless suoh property t~ll. 1n one ut the .reas de$orlbe4 in t.lle ptu'a.g1"tiph tbat. rollo... (see: E. wirota8te") I. Prot..ts: - In oe.. of "protest o:gl.'11r.u.t 8. olJliuse 11l zonina dhtrlo' ola.e81t1oat.lon. &1gne" 1>7 the owaere or t.onty (20) vor cent or ,{(ore d tber ot tbe area or the lot.o inoluded 1a suoh ,ropo'.d ohauS., or bj' the owucr. of twon', (20) per cent or '~r. or tile ~ron 0;: the lota lwat,dat.el,. abuttins el~ber 81d. ot t.he urr1t.ory inoluded iA "uoh proposed ohtmge, or lil8pa1'll t.... th.r.t1'o.,I11, by 8.n alle, or atr..t, Sltoh aunc1aent 5hal1 not beOOllt8 effeot1.,.. It 'ea~f o/~ exo.pt l>f tM tr\yortJble vete ot ~.}\r....t(I\W'he (:3/4} ot 1 all the mor.~ors ot the Couaotl. r. Mod1tloetlon ot J.:;'lendl:lUuta: After the publio h86.1"lua t.boron the C1t1 Counoil R.l&1 an. Ilnd the 01 t)' 11&unUlt; C wUI>8hu li'atf r,-oolmlund, Mdltloatlono ot nny vroiioaed i'.lllendm.cmt if it belbvea that. .UGh ChhltgG 1n thf 4nendmltnt would b. 1n the lat..rest. Of the a.dJlloent {I1'oj'ltlrt)" OWl'i.t:ru ti.n4 of the OOBmualty &3 ~ whole. o. 11Unc of iJlllend!ne.nts t A.ll ordlnnlioea OhI'H"S1ng zonina (111;tr10t ol,wsltlotiltlone ahall b. nWijborea oonseoutively, 1n &Gdltlon to the or41.nanoo numb~r or paSHae. All tJuoh Olulnltea or aistriot .hall be rllfld w1th and 1n4exod in the orrha ot the Clt., 010r;';: and ahad be not.C14 OIl the 45on1AC ., aatabl1abe4 -400- :-0.'__ . "_ ___,....~'_.:::€.."..,;l____.__, __._ __ __ ,___)__~._~_-'---___ .---,-,..._~~",---_=_.L _ ~.. ______________,___._. .___~~__.___.____,_.. ...~. "__.. ".. r 111. SectIon ;~ of this ordlnetnce. H. Dlstr1 aU \:g of ;.nnEn~ed / rens; 1. Any !\ref,. 8,onexed to the::1ty I'lfter tho etfot.Jt.l.... ".f,4J ot t:ls ordinaucc d1611 1,'l"':f'l(\1",tely upon buoh 'tnnal.- atton Ctl fltltcml'ltloel~y ollua1rled IIl8 an 1(-1 DllHrlot untU fl ~o';lns plen f'(:)r til!'ld 1>r<i(1 haa been adopted 1>7 the City Ce.uno11. The CIty lannlng CO"1"1he1on ~hf'll wi tbtn nl;H~tT (90) days following emy r.nl1exetlon recommend to the Clty::ouncl1 tI.:;pl""prlnte a'.onlng tor tuloi r.~ ,HH.lX4Jd f;retl. a. ~ny area 11:08 within the CIty wh~oh t~~ not yet rooeived .!\ ,,:onlng Claul rlo~;tlou hy the flf1'tiClthe ('l<\t. of this ordlrl!'!fiof$ wUl be (}b'\81rled auto;aBtloal11 aa en ~-l ~latrlct. s,otl~ 13. Valldty: Sbould any a.ot!on or provision of tbis ortllftl\nof' be (h.olOect by the courts to he unoon8titutlo~1 or 1nv&114, nuob d$claloa ahall not. affeot the Te.l1ri tJ of the ordlnnnoe es u wbol" or anf part therof otlif,r tt>Jiln the vart 80 deoldftd to be unoon8t1tutiolUt1l 01' Inval1d. 4Jeotf,on li. H('pet.l ot Coaq}.otlu Pr''-'~~J:.2a!r 1.11 ordlnanoea !.'Inti l',,<solutloM or p~rt8 of ordlw'lno". an4 resolutlGUs 1n oonflict ..lth t1*' ordinanoe ere hereby ropeelect. A oopy of this Ordinance ahall be ,Joate' tor a period ot Mil (10) daTe following its tinel IU""".. OD the 01t1 Hall lNlletlll Doei'd.. Flrot reacting: Ij7/4~ ~leoond r0641n&: ~ h /..0- ~ Pas.ed .n4 I:lppr\)vo4 this .)/~ ~r '? /?6~- CITY OF SEWARD ATTEST : By O~ (] J1dtv Ma or ~b_ ~~ -ycrj' led: . -...".."..,<,..-.,..... _' '. . ~.'" '~'At'~~...f t-. -,~-' .. ....._., '. .,-":f,,,.<i