HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1957-277 r 11 t.~ nfIDINANCE NO. 277 AN ORDTN.fu"lC"" TO P110VIDE FOR VA-BIOUS REDUCTIONS IN "'HE 'IlIDTH OF EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY FOR ST1=lEET PUR.:'OSES ALONG 'T'HE iNTBE LENGTH OF THIRD AV2MTE IN THE CIT'l OF SK.vARD, ALASKA, ESTABLISHING CER'1'AIN RESERVSS FOR FU'1'UPE STRE"TWTDENING PURPOS;;;'S M;D DECLARING AN ID-tlEBGENCY. BE 1'1' O::mAIlTED by the Comnon Cnllncil of the City of SeW<'3.ro, Alaf'ka that th.. pub Uc ri~ht of '"ay 130 feet :in width gJnnt, the entire length of Third A" u, Gity of c;'?"''',T'0, Alaska a,'3 ,,,aid Thirn AV'F\l1e is shown set forth aIld delineat.ed on t.he varjolls off;,..i,,' "'''::''3 "n'" r1""ts on file in the office of the U. S. COJ'l1Illis'3i0ner and Ex-officio Recorder for the Sewar'o Recordint: P1:'ecinct eh,?,ll "i'M' t1 e pas'\8.~e nf thi,'\ ordinance be re-establish- ed as here i nafter provin ed : (9.) Said Third Avenue ri[;;ht of wa~' is hereby reduced from e;.:)'ty (BOf) feet in wic1th to seventy e;.;ht (7Fl') fe",t in 1..:ic:Jtb hein:.:; a "'edllctioD of two (21) feet in wic1th alan::;; the E'3.'3terlc' bn'l'10a"'y of sa10 ri::;ht of "'8e' be:;::in- nin.\:; Bt t.he :intersection of the Northerly J.jne of Rai lway AV;.'nue and extend- in~ in a Norther]~r rlirecti0n alnn&; satcJ Third Avenue tC' tl'e intersection thereof w:i th the Nor+iJerly li'1p of Jeffer<10n St"'''',,+; and +;np c'aicJ Easterly two (2') feet by which +J,a '3ei" eij;t.~, foot ri_J,t of way has been hereby rerluced are hereby rese"'verl to tbe b,mefi t of the publi c for future street wideninL purposes. (b) Said Third Avenue richt of "Ia~ is hereby reduced from ei"hty (80f) feet in widtl, to seventy (7n,) fpet in widt.h bein~ a reduction of five (51) feet aloDu eRch cf the ~asterly and ~esterly boundaries of said l'i_ht of way be",innin.. at the intersection thenlof with the Northerly line of Jefferson Street ano ext.endint; in a Northerle' direction aJon... both said Easterly and . \"esterl~, bnl1ndarj~8 of sa irJ ri;;!,ct. of 'Nay to the City Limits of th., City cd' Seward and '3l:\id Ea8tprl~r five (5') feet and Westerly five (5') feet by which said ei;.;hty ('1(\') foot rit...ht of way has Geen hereby reduced are hereby reHArved to the benefit of tLe public fcr future street widen:in~ !)llr90ses. An emer!...enco is hereb~r declared to exist and the rules ~overnin,-- t.he passa:..e of ordinances are hereby' susvended aurl this ordinance shall take effect as of the date of :its rassa~e. Passed and approved this /...,t daJ of ~~1957. r - pJ j.J- ~~~,~~ --- Arthur P. Kni~ht. Actin~ Mayor ATTEST: ~~vh~ Erma Walker, Sity Clerk