HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1958-284 r~ CI'l'Y OF SEWABD. AT i!'lT{i . OHDDiAN.CB NO. 28" AN OBDINANCE CREATING STRDT DftOVliMEN'l' DISTRICT NO. 2 WITHIN THE CITY OF SEWABD FOR THE PUB.2()SE OF INST~Q OUBBS AND GUT'J1.ERS.,!l\lD FOR PAVING THE STRENl'S. AND INSTAILe ATION OJ' lJliDlmGBOlJliD.. DRAINAGE, . 'l'OG&'l'HIfl WITH THE NECiS&R{ E.Ul'l'IIfORK WITHIN SAlD IMPROVE-- MBH'1' DISTRICT AND PROVIDDlQ FOR 'l'HI LBVY. jppORTIOBMINT.. j8.~. ABD. COLLBCfION OF THE: COSTS THJiJlEOF AGAINST AND FRa4: THE P'ROPEBTY. WITHIN. SAlD IMPROVIMINT DIS'!RIO'1'. BE IT ORD.1DTED by ~h. City COlmcil of ~he City 0'1 Snard I That a stre.~ fmprovemen~ district be and i. hereby e.tabli8hed and desisnated as S~r..t Impronment District No. 2 S'I'REE'1' IMPROVEMEN'l' DISTRICT NO. 2 Said improvement di.trict shall consist of and include all of the following described arut B.ginning at the southeast corner of Lo~ lCl in Blook 15, '1'ovnaite of Sewal'dt. and runn:ing then.e eaater17 180' ~o the JIOrtheaat eorner of Lot 30, Block 161 1'\UllIl:ing thmoe .ou~her17 300' t~ the sou~h.ast corner ot Lot 21. Block 16. thence uster17 2~ ~o the southv..t oor.- ner Lot 20.. BlocIc 16J ~hence JIOrth.rly 38' to the Dorthw..t oorner of said Lot 20J ~henc. _a1rerly 10." to ~h. northeaat eom.r ot said Lo~ 2QJ thence southerly 30' to the southeast ..rner of said Lot 20 in Block 16. ~henc. easterly 8Q" to the southw..t oorDer ot Lo~ 21. Block 17J then.. southerly '6' to the DOrthveat oorner Lo~ 4Cl, Block 8J thence easterly lOOt to the northeast corner Lot 40. Block 8J thence .outherl,y 515t more.or les. to the intersection of the east line of 14t 21. Block 8 vith the DOrthv.st: line 0'1 Railroad "'..enu.J thence southvesurly along the northwesterly line of Railroad "'nnue w the intersection thereat vith the southerly line of said Lo~ 21, Block 81 ~h.nce ..sterly 50' aore or les. to the sCl\l~hve.t: eorner of 14t 2l..t Block 8J ~henc. southerly 100~ more or le.s aloD& a southerly proj.ction of the ...;I;.:-ly 1.ine of 5~h "'"enue to the iDter...UOIl thereof with the acw.theasterly line of Railroad .benue. thence .0uthwutar17 along the southeaat:erly line of said RaUroad Ayenue w a point thereon intersnted b)' a southerly pr8jection of the' easterly line of 3rd "'..enueJ ~hence urtherq 125" more or less to ~he southwesterly corner of w~ 34. Bloek 3J ~heBc. ..stull' t('J the southeasterly corner ot aaid Lot 34J th.n.. northeasterly 21- more or lesa to the point et inter.e.tion of the northwesterly liDe of Railroad "'..enue vi~h ~he ..starly lin. ot 14t 1. Block 3J then.e northerly 2001 IIlOre or less w th. north..aterly cBrner' ot 14t 1, Bloek 3 J thence westerly 20' to the northeasterly corner of 14t 40.. Bloek 3J thence southerly 30. to the .outauaterly cor.er of 14~ 40. Block 31 thence westerly 100. to the sCl\lthvesterly corner of Lot 40. Block 3J thence northedy 12'- to the northwuterly corner Lot. 21. Block 10J then.. easterly 100. ~o the DOrtheas'hll'ly corner 14t 21. Bloc:lc 10J thence .outherly 30. te the .outheasterly corDer I4t 21, Block lOJ thenee easterly 20' to the south. weaterly corner 14t 20. Block lOJ thence northerly 600" te ~he north" w..terly corner Lot J.. Block 10) then.. w..terly 211' W the DOr~heaater1y corner J.o~ 40. Block 10J thence .outherly 30' to the southeaat O!Jrner 14t 40. Block 10& thence vuterly 100' to the 8Outhve.sterly corner 14~ 4f4 Block 10J thence northerly 126. to the northwe.terly corner Lot_21~ Block 151 thenc. easterly lOa'! to the JIOrtheasterly corner Lot 21., Block ~J then.. southerly 30~ to the southeasterly eorner Lot 2l. Block .\);. thenu ..sterly 2~ to the southwes~erly corner Lot 20. Block 151 thence nor~her1y 270" to ~he northwes~erly corner Lot 12. Block 151 thence ..aterl1' 100' _ to the northeast:erly corner 14t 12, Block 15J taence norther17 3Q"t to the point at begiDaing. containing lot 12 throup 21., B1~ ~. 14ts 20 through 3Q. Block l6,. Lots .1 through 21 and 14t 40 in BlocII: 10. lDt. 1 ~hrol.I4lh 48., Blook ,. Lob 21 through 4Q, Block S. 14te 1.. 2. and Lots 37 through 40. B1oell: 4.-14ts 1 through 7. 14b 32, 33 and lot 40." all in Block 3" all being situated within the townsite of Seward, Alaska. i Ord. 284 The improTements that IIhall ba performed within Improvement District No. 2\ .hall consist of the following& The con.truction of curb. and gutter. throu.ghout the entire .aiel Improve- ~nt Di.trict. aa wall a. .treet paving with asphaltic paving. the install- aUGID of clraiDap :facilities. ..1'11I ........ and the nece."17 earthwork aclient w .au iaproT.enb a. followu I Iuta1latieR of 15' WlclerC1'OuK .Mra ....ws. together with the nec....r,y 1alet drains aM _Holes. topt.er with the nec..ar1' earthwork incident 10"1'."0. Sait: 15' .1001'11I s.wer .;yst.. 1;0 .e installed as follovs& (a) lnatall 15' ..1'11I .ever pipeline froa the center line of Washington,8t:reet .oather11' aloag 4th ATeDll. to U. inter... s.ctioa v1tll. th. ceaterliD.. of Railroad Annu... (b) :rrc. the centerline of 5th Avenue thence southwuterl,. alone the ..nterline 01 Railroad Avenue to the inter.ection thereof with the easterly line of Third Avenue. (c) Inlet drains to be installed at the folloving locations: 1. A" th. 1:aMr...ction of 4th AnDlle and Waahi~ton Street One Wet lirain .... on th. .outhv..t corner. the DOrth- v_t Mraw,. ... the northeast corner. 2. At tae iater.aoUon 01 4th AVeDU.e and Railroad Annue OD. Wet cka1n on t.e DOrthweat corner. 3. At "he inter.ection of 5th AnDll. and Wa.hington 8treet on. wet uaia each on "he sou1;hv..t corner. the DOr1;hw..t corner, am the Ilorthaa.t corner. (d) S1;... ....r _Dbole. to be inatalled at the follovin& locationaa 1. OM .\ol'll .ww MUole at the inter.ection of 4th ATeDlla aD4 WaahiagtOll 8treet. 2. 0.. .tol'lR aw.. MahOla at the inter.ections ot 3rd. 4th and 5tA ATeDlle. and Railroad AveDlle. II Coacr'-. ourba ad pttera , tach tne a. follovaa (a) Aleac both aid.. 01 4th Avenue Il'(IIl Church Street south to the inter.action fit 41;A Avenue ad RailrQ&cl Avenues. A:cludi~ .tren tat.ra.tio... (.) Alae Dota aU.. of 5th Ana.. froa the aOllth liD.e of M8lI\8 Street to 10.. JaOl"th liu of 1faahingtoa 8101'.'-. (0) AlGae both aiel.. of M... 8101'..10 fro. the interaection with th. ....t.r11' li_ of 'f1a1r4 AveDlle to the latera.cUoD wUh the v..cterly line of 5th Ana.. 8D~wiiq .tre.t !ater.actions. (d) AlUC both .1.6.. of WuhiDgton Street from the mtersecUon vith til. eaakrl;y 11M of Third AvelU1. to the interaeeUoD with the ....ter1l' ltA. of 5th j.vellU$ .xclwl1A& atreet tAter..cUonh (.) .u.ac the DOrtawuterl;y line 01 Railroad Aveaue frea the euterly .u... of Third A'M40 to the; aQUth.r1;y Une of WaahiDgton Street, exe1.wUq .tre.t iJLter..cUoaa. III 8treet pa_t of It.ot laid plant JRixed. bi tuminoue concret.. 2' 1a thickn.... to&8th.1' with a .1tUlliDDaa .861 80&10. with cover agjiJ"eaate,. aU laid on a 4- cnaaK ~..t. baa.. over a ,. UAifo1'lll toppi~ as follovsl (.) Saiel p&v1q to b.56- iD. v1clth al.cmi 4"h Avenua from the DOrth lin. of Ohurch Stren aoutherly to the northv.,,1terl,y line of ..2.. r- OrcL. 284 Railroad ,bllDU.e. and aJ.eq 5th &venue froa the aortherly line ot .ldMa Strut to the .outherly line of Waahiqton Street.. (b) 6&14 pu1.Da w be I62t in wiclth alOlil.& .Adiu18 S.reet tr_ .he ...t"17 liia. of 'l'hird Annue tee the w.terly line ot 5"- Avenu.. aD4 aD VaahiD&f;on Str..t troa .h. ...terly line ot Third:: A..enu. to .he w.tar17 line of 5.h Avenue. (0) Said pav1~ to be Jot in width aleq Railroad A...nu. tram the ..at liu of Third AV&lle to a southerly proJ..tion of the ea.t lin. of 5th AV!IJlu.. Sa14 iaproT.unt. are D:lr. .pecifically dNcribed according to the plans and .peciE. ficaticma for the work whieh an on file in the oUic. of the City Manager. Th. ..timated cost of said improvements within .aid Improvement Di.trict No. 2 i. $300.0QQ.OO, The entire co.t of the iJapro..ements to be made and done as hereinabove ducribed .hall be at the expense of the ownar. of lots and/or land. fronting or abutting upon the .treets lying within the said Improvement Di.~ict and .pecifically benefited therebYJ eaob lot being .eparately ...esAd for the full 4.l:It therNt in proportion to the lineal footage .. fronting or .0 abutting upon said .treets in said Improvement District. sufticient to cover 10Q% ot the total expen.e of the work. The plana tor the work and the ..timate. ot the cost of the .... in .aid Improv.~ ment District herein d..cril:led. and the plat of .aid Improvement District. showing thereon the boundari.. of the herein described Improvement Di.triot. within the ..&rioua lot.. tract. and parcels of land that are included therein aDO aff.ct.ll. ther.by. t~ gether with a li.t of said ~riaua tract.. lot. and parcel. ot land and the e.timated ...t of .aid improvement. in .aid ~rov...nt District. herain creat.d. that will be ..aaaaecl against .-eh .uch lot. tract or parcel within .aid Improvsment District herein areate4. is _ file in the oUic. .t the Qity JIlanacer, and are open tor inap.cticm by ~ deairing to 1napee:t the .ame. Th. City Council. having hereby determined that the request.d improvem.nta are Dec.. e.sary. hereby ord.r. that the 8I1tir. and total cost of eoutruct1ng the improvement. dN.riDe4 h.reill De asB..... aDd l.vi... 8&ain.t the real property .p.cifically b.nefited a. h.reinaboTe aeacri~". in aceordanc. with the followingt Eaeh lot or paree!. of la.4 tronting upon or abutUng any .tr..t lying within the Improvem.nt District .hall .. ua._eel tor the total C08t of the h.reiubo,. .....ril:le4 iaprov...at. Gt....ia& alODg the entire lineal tootage of such frontage or abuttment. aDlll. .....ured at ri~t angJ.... trca the property li.. to the c.nt.r of the stre.t right_ ot~. W lot or pared ot land lying ~i"-in the Iaprov..e.t Di.tri.t shall ~_r an a4ditioD&l .......nt for the baprov...nt. bet..8I1 _tr..t 1Ilter..ct1ou. aZ14 b.t.... .trut aa41 alJ.ey 1at.r...Uou. _io .hall b. 4eteraiaed OIl the tol1.owiq be.i.l Th. ....... IDUt pu square foot for intunotien 1IIlprovemeat. shall ba computed DY d1Ti4ing the oo.t. ot the iaprov...nt within the inter.ections by the tot~ lineal tootage of the lot. er par..l. of laH ill the :!apron_nt Diurict whieh froAt or abutt uJOIl auch .treet.. Th. total a......at for eaoh lot. tract or par.el of land .hall. b. d.ten:dn.d by 84di.. the a........t tor the 1IIlprovement betw.en inters.ctiou and the a.......nt for improvement within the inter...ti.-. 'I'he total. a.........t thus 4.terained .hall be .ater-'- upon the a......ent roll_ .. the 8.IIIOunt to be l.vied and a.8.884 agaiut each .eparate lot. traat. or par.el of laDd or oth.r ProP.rt7. Thi. or41uno.. afhr passage. .hall be publi8hed at leaat ono. a aek for two con.. ...uthe weeka in a nft8pap.r publi.hed within the corporate limits Cf the City of Soard. u4 such publioaticm is hereD)' d..ipated aa publia Dati.e to all p.r.es eoae ..ml84 ef the natllr.. .xtent aDd approximate coat of the improv..ent. to b. _d. in .aid ~~t Distriot. end the boundary ot the .ai6 Improvement Di.trict. to 1Iih.ich the .... .t the iaprovaent. of said Improv...nt District will be ..a..__. J.Jq per.on ~ prop.rty &tr..t... .7 sai4 Improve_nt Di.trict a. herei. eAabli.h~ .hall hav. aut7 (61) cia,y. trca the firat PUbUeatia hereot in whi.h to fil. th.ir objections te tile wrk propos" 'to De perf01.'1le4 within the ..id Improvement District. -3 · Orcl. 284 :11..a (S) clay. or 11I01'. after the tC'lDiDatiGII. of the aixty (60) day periocl from aDd att.. the fir.t publication of this DOUce. the work propolled. to be perfo1'llled 111 said ~llro..._t district will CODIIIue Wll... oltJectioa. ba til.. either ......r. al.1T or bJI petition D7 the owur. of property b...riD& t1t't7 (SO) percent or IIOre ot the eatilllllted eollt ot said hlprcw._t or 1IIproT...nts in the ..id Jilpro.....nt Di... trich In casa objections era 110 made by the ovnera of prop.rty beuill.& fifty (So) peroent of the .atiaated cost of &aid U1p1'Q....nt or Uipro....nt.. the propo." 1mp1'QT8IUIlt or _ro....umt. .hall act b. pro.edd. vita Wll... the Council shall tirst n..iae the plana to ..t the obj..tions rd.ea. ... upon .a14 r...isioll b.ina made 111 the plans. the COWlci1. shall. it it dete1'lll1l1e. to proceed with the proposed 1IIpl'OY..-nt or hlproT-.elltS UIlder each reTiHd plaa. na4nrtiae the proposed illlpro...lIlellt &lid be lIubJ.cb4 to the .... limitatio. aa required i. thac tirst instanoe. and .0 on UIlti1 the obje.tions ha..e b.en reduced to lells than fitty (SO) per cent. her.in ret'1IfteCl t~ In addition ta the publication heretotore order.~ a copy ot this ordinance ..11 be po.t.d on the Oity Hall bullet1l1 board for a period of ten (10) day. follow. ill.& ita paaaca aIl4 appJ;'OT&l. i:.c'irat readi.q& May 5. 1956 S.ccmd r.ading. May 19. 19.58 Puaed &II.Cl. apRro...d DY the City Council ot the City ot Seward, .llaaka, the 2nd if...,- ot .TUlle , 1~8. ~ . (/ (-.) ,. '.~ 'v 'J, JIcli. ~~. PKRBY R. S'l'OCIcr'ON, m., Mayo .1'l'1'iS'1'a -4..