HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1960-294 r-' BURTON C. BI55 ATTORNEY AT LAW CENTRAL 8UJLDING ANCHORAGE, ALASKA TEltPHONEIIIIIIIIII tiR 87242 CITY liF SEWAKD, ,ALASKA lRDli-JANGE Nl,. ;l8~ AN LRDINANCE ESTABLISHING UNIFu1~! CLG3ING BLURS FuR ESTABLISID~ENTS SELLIi''l'G CK DL.3J:'ENSmG INTLXICATING LIQUCR3, AND AHENDING 0ilDIL~NCE Ne. 255. THE CITY cF SEvJARD, ALASKA, lRDAINS: Section 1. That ~rdinance No. 255 of the Code of ~rdinances of the City of Seward, Alaska, be amended to read as follows: Section 1. 30 person shall viclate any law of the State of Alaska, nor any rule or regulation adq"ted by any duly authorized agency of tile State of Alasl<a, perta.wing to intoxica ting liquor, as defined by State law. including the f1.anufacture. sale, distri- bution, consumptiun and furnishing of such liquur. and the securing of various types of liquor licenses. Section 2. (a) No intoxicating liquor shall be consumed on the public streets, parks, or in any other public place, including any store or establishment doing business with the public not b.censed to sell intoxicating liquor for consumption on the pre- mises; nor st~ll anyone who owns, operates, or controls any such public establishment or store permit the consumption of i.ntoxi- catlng liquor therein. (b) No exception to tue provisLons of toe fureguing paragraph (a) 811a11 be allowed unless approved and authority therefor be first granted by trie Chief of Police and trie Council of the City of ~eward. t OFFICE OF: CITY OF SEWARD GATEWAY TO INTERIOR ALASKA SEWARD. ALASKA I (~ :_ ; 'J,. .J It J.nsor.,!' ~,.s ,)8 (:. Jrf:C Ler: , ' ,,0 C ,( rr '1 (S!~ !.:a 0" p~.:.r; -T(~ to t'L~~~' ac~lo~l 1" CO~"~~(;ct'LonuLt~~ ~LC: 1j.~uor li.ccllse, ~e ('punc,~l S -: .11 \J'; t~ l:e af~'lJ ./t t.:' ve rJ.C -:...J O~.~ ;'~ot ':> ~., (.1.' ... J:' '~_ C T (: '; :,: r; S ~ _.~ J f" ~.:: ~:: ' " r- .:' 0 ~ 2- O',.J i . ~ g c.:rC:~~.Js.J ':.:'lces ':n.i/E; ~-;cc ~;'j. l-~Is_ :C' , ,.". ''";, ~l'-' 1'c. ')~.Tt5c.s i~l':.rol"(,~ei' .~~,_ ~;L.~C l'c.,uesL, ~-'C_~.t' ", rT S ';Yl;~ :)"[' ,';)1' r: or r', ~ 0 C , It" (. "r ~)f~rsol',_~-,.-' :;r:)~icr\. :: ',-C ;-,,~_'.Z (~S ., ] (' ::~l "Y c);,('r' -l.:~J~CS, ~-".lE'.s t..::-::':cs, '.rr" nt,-~llt ~J~..ll s ~:) t:".c (" ~ ()~n r'p~'IT:'"r'('. '\ .,'",1; ::'1' ')(TSO"lS t)~,,:o'v(f '.re O'~ ;-:>00 ',lOr,?,] C ',1'- .ctcr or rc:;'~te, c...rj; '~,'-:,\/e Lot Lec~~ cO_l."iJ-LcLcC of ~..:. .rc.'l.or:, OJ'~' ,~sne.,.C'~l.l-!.or Ir;'Jol','i; ,-' ',:)r~~~~l :lTr~,tll((; "..~.iti'I.l tc:r_ .~TrLTS. "('r: ti oc: to o pc t S OJ: , sp]"~ or~'_'Jt"F'r, s' ,;,11 SE" 1, ~ ,;-!' ~. T, 0"" r'C'.5,"E'Y' .- r,crson: ~ ~~ t n:,'" ~ c ,. _~ J. i r<~ 1 L ': '( or ~':J : ~ . ...~' (~), ) ,T" ,:) j S ~', ~ DX ico. tel' . (:..)) , "r1'10 is a mi,',ye ",e'. ;s ;;'~/(>r ;,'le ,';~e of t'.!Ci,i, "-OU: 'ear s . (r: ) ~'o.is, to t' ('; l:rlo'::lec<,_;e oT so. Ie; nersor" ",re ~l;.~bi tu,"",-l clru,~'J.~,:aI'c~, or ~:_:~!i t1_~'jl US&I' O'~. clru:~s. (-' \ ... . \() i () ;,LI1~~ ':ViI'C:.i_l" ,.~L~:-~.r( ~"-:'l~, OT 0'" 'cr p€rso~~.. c:~::-~,r .(~( '"" t ~1- '-~ I' F' C ~,1S i-, oc::: 0 , ~ '~, :-.~ or :..~ o ; T ,I~'~.s :-:'", i(~ -i ,'" + '\ _1 v',... ;~ J l(~r;j ser"' t;;)r J_ -j G'.U)"~ ." .--. ,--. rc +-.; ~-; ( s ~- '-, ,J ~ ~pr :-: J- o~"'-:;, : '.:"c~_ (; s ~: :~") c s r_.' nst.'!_~J ir' :01::, r~~l)iJlrl ~~FT -':,J'r:s ,('.')J ~. (({' ) 1"l~r ~ L~r-('C_~--L S"l" :,'"' t' E: ~~ ':e ~_r()"_'" ~',c l _.;~ c.r _",Sf: f' , , " -; l (1 '~-',... f' :)l:1'-(;('S ~_'-J "Ft,cr. "',F' t" c '"'..-c a'i;.r~ S()'lT~.F. o J ,1" :)~, . -2- r- Section 5. r~(.., licensee or emplc.;yee of a liquor establish~ lUent shall perrld.t on the 1l.censed premises: (a) Any disorderly conduct, or action which disturbs tue peace and guod order of the neighburhood. (b) Any resorting of kno\vn thieves, prustitutes, or other disorderly persons. (c) Any violation uf the State law or the ordinances of the City of SeHard. (d) Any lewd, obscene, ur prufane language, or any lewd, obscene, or ir,lilural exhibitioi1 of entertainment or other conduct likely tu corrupt the publlc morals. (e) Any drinking, or drlnks in tne possession of patrons, during clusing hours. Sectlon b. Every applicant for a permit or license covering a ne... locatiun not licensed at the tlIlre of the application, for the purpose of selling intoxicating liquors, snaIl, in addition to the other requirements of law, ilIfrllediately after making appli- cation for a license post a conspicuous notice on the door of tlle prer"lses sought to be licensed, stating that application for a license has been made to the City, disclosing tIle narne of the applicant or applicants and the type of license sought. .::>ection 7. Upon recei.pt of such application, the City shall set a date for hearing the same, and the applicant or applicants shall give notice of such applicatlon and date of hearing by - 3 - r OFFICE OF: CITY OF SEWARD GATEWAY TO INTERIOR ALASKA SEWARD. ALASKA nublica tion in a neV!sDap8I' of rener:l1 c i.rculo. tioD in the (;i to' of Sewar-rl, or 1;,- posting in t':ree public places within t:-lC rite' of ~ew1rd for 0. period fo!: "ive c.,',;'s prior to t1,e date of said hear-- in;:, but~n ;',0 ;;,vent sl,lall SUC:l {learing be conducted unless tlle t. . d' " -1-' / f -1-' . }iOS l'-.'~ I'8-1Ujre, ln :;ec "lon (j 0 G;ClS ord:LnOllce :las been continued .~OT' ~::;, l1cr ioc o~ i' l:'tce~ (: ~?"5 fiT ior to S 1.1e h. .~1C~l,:r i:::.r. 'pctio:!~. ':0 person 5:,0.11 sell, furnisl1, give, deliver, or consu:JE' an,' intoxicQ tin:: 1i,'1';.8r 'heb/een t'le ~lours of ;' 0 'clocl: 0..,1. 2,ne; '; o'cIoc;,: ;)..1". of o.n;/ wed: r"a:', nor beb:een t::--,e S' O'cJocl: a .1.1. nne. noon O~l Sunda ",TS . ;lectiorl '). ':,'he licensee o.nc~ his el:Jplo:;ees are express].' perr.;itted to evict. 8.n;,- perso;1. suspected 0: bein; il uinor under tlJ.e [1,:e 0: bwnt,'l-one --ears, or intoxicated, or a k..'l.own habi tna1 drunkard, or 0 kl101.-m user of dru:~s, am: failure of such person. to leave after oral reQuest s']2.ll be unlavlfu1 and ::;;13.11 be dee';18e: a. violation of this ordinance on the part of said person. C_~eetion 1". All licensees shall cause to remain displa;'ed upon their establishuents a conspicuous sign in a prolIlinen.t place visible fro;n outside such est8blishment, ,-lhie:, sign s\-;3.1l, in substance, sta t.e, ";;0 :.dnors under t;'le Qf,e of tuent:'-nne :'enrs per'.litter'. It~J:' sucl, ..iinor ,.;ill lJe prosecuted to t11e full e:;.~tent of the le]',!.If; exceptinc t;n t ret."il stores nnd licensed establisll- ID.erlts re.culttrl~' ser'vin'-' !:leals ~ L'1 . :i10r if:,r t11r.: said sign in Qccorc.3.nce Hi th ;:ta te 1 o.vJ. ~:ection 11. ,HI licensees shall cause to re;nain disp1a;'ed upon their establishr.1ent::; a conspicuous sig:1. in a pro';1inent pl8.ce -4- r visible from inside such establishment, which sign shall, in substance, state, "No lewd, obscene, or profane language will be tolerated in this establishment, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 29!:i." Section 12. All licensed liquor establishments except cabarets shall cause and keep windows or doors clear for visibi- lity of the interior from the front or main entrance of the establishment. Section 13. Lighting within licensed liquor establisruaents shall be such as to allow a clear view of all activities within the interior of such establishments, by the licensee or his employees. Section 14. No licensee or employee of a licensed liquor establisrunent shall extend credit in any form to any person for the purchase of intoxicating liquors, including beer and wine. Section 15. Every person or corporation convicted of viola- tion of any provision of this ordinance shall be punished by a - fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), or by iIuprisolliiient for not more than thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisomuent. Each act of violation and every day on which any such violation shall occur shall constitute a separate offense. fublication of this ordinance shall be by posting a CGPy - 5 - r I hereof on the City Hall bulletin board for a period of ten days following its passage and approval. First reading: !W1e 10 , 1960 Second reading: ~une 20 1960 Passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Seward, Alaska, this ~~ day of __ July__, 1960. ATTEST: ~iuc._~ /::: '-~t::/d~ City.C1er'[--- - 6 -