HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1960-298 ".,--- CITY OF SF.WAR'O, AI.ASKA OROINAii~li NO. 298 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTIONS 10.1VO, 10.101, 10.102, 10.103, 10.104, 10.105, 10.106, 10.107, 10.108, and 10.109 01 Tim SEWARD GElIERAL CODE, AND PROVIDING FOR THE DISPOSAL. ESTABLISHMENT, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION OF A SYSTEM OF GARBAGE COLLECTION AND L . o lJ, l t/'{J z r-. /Yt5; '';,.; I 'nm CITY OF SEt-lARD, ALASKA, OP.DAINS: That sections 10.100, 10.101, 10.102, 10.103, 10.104, 10.105, 10.106, 10.107, 10.108, and 10.109 of the Seward Gener.al Code be, and the same hereby are repealed. That a new s~ction, designat~d as 10.100, be enacted as follows: Section 10.100. STATE L~W !wOPTED. Title 16, Chapter I, Section 35, subpara- graph 22nd, Alaska Compiled Laws, Annotated, 1949, is hereby incorporated in this ordinaQce as if set out in full. That a new section, design~ted as 10.101, be enActed as fol1m~s: Section 10.101. DtFIXITIONS. (a) !) "Gar:;ase" shall be construed to mean animal or vegetable wastes which arise from the use, preparation, or storage of food for human consumption, and paper containing blood, grease, 011 or other matter attractive to animals, vermin or insects, not including wastes from ~ndustrial processes and manufacturing operations. (b) "Rubbish" shall be construed to mean nonputrescible material from residential, commercial, and institutional property such as clean paper, cartons, boxes, barrels, wood, excelsior, bedding, furniture, metal, tin cans, dirt, glass, crockery, and miscellaneous mineral refuse, not including gravel, sand ,earth, building materials, industrial wastes and ysrd and tree trimmings. (c) "Ashes" shall be construed to mean the residue from fires used for cooking and for aeating buildings. (d) "Frequency of collection" shall be construed to mean the time elapSing between two successive collections as established herein. That a new section, designated as 10.102, be enacted as follows: Section 10.102. USE OF SERVICEj REQ~IRED; EXCEPTIONS. (a) All persons sre requlred to use the s7stem of garbage disposal herein provided except those exempted in writing by the City Manager. In general this will only be upon ebtaining a permit to use the city garbage dump, and upon payment, or agreement to pay the approved permit fee, and upon further agreeing to follow all rules and regulations in connection therewith. r' , -2- (b) No person shall be permitted to haul or transport garbage or rubbish on the City streets or alleys without a permit or contract. (c) Use of the City dump by non-residents of the City shall be by permit only. and by payment in advance of the approved permit fee. (d) No garhage shall be burned within tbe City. No rubbisb ,hall be burned in tbe open sir within the inner fire li1ll1ts of the clty, or upon any street. park. water way or public place witbin the city. No rubbish. which ,ball in burning cause or create a dense or offensive smeke. shall be burned in the open air upon any premises within the city. No material of any type shall be burned Upon &DJ premises within the city unless a permit for such fire shall bave been issued in writing by the Fire Chief or his duly authorized agent. Said permit sball state the manner and method of burnir.g. (e) Individuals shall obtain s permit for hauling industrial or building wastec. tree and yard trimnings. dirt. rock. gravel. junk cars and like materisl to the dump. Said permit to be issued by the City Manager for specified times at the approved fee. That a new section. designated as Section 10.103. be enacted as follows: Section 10.103. CONTRACTS: LETTING. The City Council may award contracts' for garbage collection and disposal. including provisions releting to cu~tomer billing and dump regulation. at such time or times as it deems proper. Any sucb contrsct to be adequately protected by bonds and insurance as spplicable. That a new section, designated as 10.104. be enacted as follows: Section 10.104. REGULATIONS; SANITATION. (a) No person shall keep on or about the premises owned or occupied by him any garbage unless the same shall be kept in a metal, or other type approved in writing by the Manager. receptable with a tight-fitting cover properly securtd. No person shall keep on or about the preadses owned or occupied by him any gsrbage for a period longer than the frequency of collection as established by this ordinance (b) No person shall deposit any garbage, rubbish, or ashes upDn any streets, alleys or city-ownej property, or upon any property owned by another, except for the purpose of collection. Gsrbege must be placed for collection in a metal or other adequate reca~tacle w~th a ti~ht-fitting cover so secured as to prevent its being scattered by the wind, birds, or ar.imals. Garbage receptacles. ash and rubbish receptacles shall not project from the lot line more than three (3) feet. No containers or receptacles of garbage, trash or rubbish shall be placed in the parking strips or otherwise in front of houses except on the scheduled day for garbage and refuse collection in that area, or on such other day as may be designated. _:i_ (c) No perso~ ' h~vin~ the c~re, ~l~her es owner or occupant, of any premises shall fail to maintain the sa~ in a clean and sanitary condition as far as garbage, rubbish and ashes are concerned, and shall likewise maintain the alley bordering the same as far as the center line thereof. The city shall have the right to clean such premises and add the cost thereof tbe the utility bill of such I? ",..) such person and prosecute such person for!noncompliance with this ordinance. That a new section, designated as 10.105, be enacted as follows: Section 10.105. REMOVAL BY CITY j DUTIES OF PERSONS SERVED. (a) The City of Seward may undertake the general collection of garbage, rubbish, and ashes throughout the city subject to the provisions established in this ordinance. (b) Garbage, rubDisb, and osbes will be collected on a schedule as established by the City Manager b.1f: in no case shall collection service be per- mitted less often than once a week. Any contractor for garbage collection shall comply with such schedule and any changes therein. (c) All garbage placed in receptacles or ~ontainers for collection shall be drained of surplus liquids and all residential garbage shall be securely wrapped in paper. All rubbish may be broken, cup up, or otherwise reduced in size and placed in bundles securely tied, or in boxes. barrels. ot other receptacles. Total weight of any bundle or container not to exceed one hundred (100) pounds. (d) All garbage coitainers shall be of metal or other approved mat- erial, shall be leakproof, shall have tight-fitting covers. and shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition by the owner. They shall be equipped with two handles or a suitable bail. Receptacles for ashes and rUBbish shall be covered and fitted with suitable handles or bails. No garbage or rubbish receptacles sball exceed thirty gallons in capacity nor shall it be so loaded tbat it cannot be conveniently handled without spilling its contents. Tbe weight of any bundle or the combined weightcf any receptacle and its contents shall bot exceed one hundred (100) pounds. The .ize of any bundle shall not be greater than can be conveniently handled and disposed of by the collector. All receptacles. containers. or bundles offered for collection shall be fUl~ished by the customer. At commercial estab- lishments. homes anJ residences, wher~ garbage is collected from an alley, garbage racks of a type and specifieation as prescribed by the City Manager shall be fur- nished by the customer and installed. and it shall be 11legal to offer garbage for cellect10n other than by placing it on such racks. Pick up may be inside for bus- iness houses where daily service is provided witb approval by the City Manager. r- -4.. That a new section, designated as 10.106, be enacted as follows: Section 10.106. RATES; ESTABLISHED BY CITY MANAGER; APPROVAL. p. The City Manager shall establish, subject to approval Iy the Council, permit fees and also rates for municipal garbage, rubbish and ash collection for general businesses and private homes and other occupied premises, and if the City of Seward is under- taking the general collection of garbas~, rubbish, and ashes, then such rates shall become due and payable as other utility bills, provided, however, the city may col- lect such rates as utility bills even though a garbage contract to a private con- tractor has been awarded. Delinquent bills shall be subject to a ten per cent (107.), penalty. That a new section, designated as 10.107, be enacted as follows: Section 10.107. REGULATIONS; PROMULATED BY CITY MANAGER. The City Manager is hereby empowered, subject to approval by the Council, to make such rules and regulations not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, relative to the collection, storage, and disposal of garbage, ashes, rubbish, refuse and waste matters as are necessary to protect public property or the safety or health of the public, and no person shall fail to comply with any such rule or "egulation. That a new section designated as 10.108, be enacted as follows: Section 10.108. DUMPSITE; MAINTENANCE. All garbage, rubbish and ashes re- moved from any premises within the city, unless otherwise directed by the City Manager shall be deposited at the city garbage dump. In the event a garbage contrac' has been awarded to a private contractor, such dumpsite shall be prepared for re- ceipt of the garbage, rubbish and ashes covered by the City. No dumping shall be allowed except at points previously prepared by the City. That a new section designated as 10.109, be enacted as follows: Sl:!ction 10.109. CLEANLINESS AND REFUSE VEHICLES. No garbage, rubbish or ashes shall be collected, removed and disposed of in such a manner as to be need- lessly offensive to any person, place, building, premises or property. Garbage collection vehicles shall be equipped with a reasonabl, tight container body and a suitable cover and no contractor shall be awarded a garbage contract unless the equipment of such contractor shall comply with all the public safety regulations of the city. All vehicles used for collection shall be kept clean, well-painted and in good repair and vehicles used for garbage disposal Gball be thoroughly flushed and brushed each day. Section 10.110. PENALTIES. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this or~ance shall, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdeaeanor and punished by a fine of not to exceed Three Hundred Dollars r , I -5- ($300.00) or imprisonment not to exceed thirty (30) days, or by both sucb fine and imprisonment. Each act of violation and every day on which any such violation shall occur shall constitute a separate offense. Publication of this ordinance shall be by posting a copy hereof on the City Rail bulletin board for a period of ten days following ita passage and approval. First Reading: July I, 1960 Second Reading: September 2, 1960 Passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Seward , Alaska, this 16th day of September. 1960. ATTEST: a~ ~ P 0, Ydccd- City Clerk