HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1915-032 ...1l.t"~rh ; ~ ORDHTANCE NO. 32 _ / ,(Ab7 bo-. f:i~ .fr ;;::.ii:- ~ - ~, "'I, An Ordinance Regulating the Granting of Peddler~s Licenses in the Town of Seward, Alaska, fixing the Amount thereof, Provid- ing Certain Penalties for Violation, and for other Purposes. BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaaka: SECTION 1. No person, or persona, shall sell any gooda, wares, Merchandise, drugs, medicine, jewelry or other pr.operty of any kind, except farm an<< garden r.roducts offered for sale by the producer thereof, or his agent, bJ peddling, hawking, or public outcry, or in any temporary uninclosed stand or place of business within the corporate limits of the Town of Seward, Alaska, without first obtaining a peddler's license thereforH; provide', that no person, or per.ons, shall be required to pro- oure such license for taking orders for or delivering any of the ordinary oommodities of trade, which are handled and dealt in by any established business house within the said corporate limits, or for taking orders for or delivering any article c: manufatured or produced within the District of Alasta. And provided further, that no vender of fiah, bivalves, or wild game shall be required to procure .uch license. SEC. 2 Every person canvassing or taking orders for books, pictures or picture frames, or enlarging photographs, by going from house to house shall be deemed a peddler or hawker within the meaning of this ordinanoe, and shall be re- quired to take out a pe4dlers' lioense, as in this ordinanoe provided, but no license shall be required for the delivery of any article where the order therefor was taken under a license, but if no license haa been obtained such article shall not be :1 .,.-~ " , ~. , " ,)I L-.JL. I .. '- '*. . i ' , ~-~ ~----...........~ ~ ".0. under thil tmdlnanee, shall be made to the Kinioipal Clerk of the Town of seward, Alaska, and suoh applioation shall be in writing and Ihall I,.oify the oharaoter of the busin.sl, the kind ot artiole. to be hawked or sold, and the proposed manner of .eiling the lame, and Iuoh application shall be signed by laid applioant. i The amount of a peddler.' lioense under thi. ordinanoe .hall be th4 sum' of twenty-five dollar8, in lawful money of the United States, for each year or part of a year, and shall be paid to the 8aid Municipal Clerk at the tim. of the .aid .pplication to h~m therefor,. Upon oomplianoe with the terme and oonditione in this seotion provided, the said Municipal Clerk shall give said applioant a receipt 1n writing for the ~aid sum of twenty-five dollar8 and 8aid .receipt 8hall a180 f re01te therein that the applioant, naming him, is entitled to 1 I I. ~ ..: J -- . ,J.. -<I oarry on the busine.. ot hawking or peddling the tollowing artiolel (.etting them out in the said receipt as they appear .in the applioation) in the followingllanner (.peoifying the manner tbe .ame a8 it i. .p,oified in the applioation) wthin the oorporate limite of the Town of Seward, Alaska, for the period: ot one year from and after the date of the said reoeipt. t ~lB:~:::.~.~::.a::o:::~::.~:.t:-.:no:::::::::: :::l:U::::- 'j l"'11 ~po..t of the .....;1.0 tho .axt r.gular ...eting of the r,:1romaon'l)ounoil, and pay anq~~i.po.e of the .aid monl.. on re- ~ ,~elP~\~ereOf to ih. )fun10~ Treaaurer, tak1~ hi8 reoeipt ~' tTj':t ' ~ \ ',~.Ji. \;;:1-, ~~ :' ,..,';:: ::;,<V clt:. ~' ~, , f,,1 - a- "-,+:.a' 'ol f r- -'--- 11- II ",j -t,4 ~J' ~~::i ~:~" , ~)t\ ~"~ , t.;: f , J '"~ J '[ , ..' oj; t tfi~ '.~ ".~ ~\t~\' ' h"I~J . l' ' , ' f"' I ~\, '. ""11 j '..' ~:r41 L~~: ~' ., " N!';.'. ""."t f:'i ; 'J ' -":;..~, '~J~ '~ n '{ '~ y ,:;;~-:-- t.herefor, and file said receipt amoling the papers and files of ~, , his offioe. And said Municipal Clerk shall file and keep all applications made under this ordinanoe, and shall briefly endorse on eaoh the date when the lioense represented thereby was issued and to whom. And said Municipal Clerk shall allow public in- epection of the said applioations so filed at any reasonable t1ae. SECTION 5 Any person, or persons, who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinanoe shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon oonviotion thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars and for eaoh subsequent lSffanaa,,'by a fine not to exoeed oje hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the town jail not to exceed sixty days, er both, and the costs of prosecu- tion. This ordinanoe shall take effect and be in full foroe and effeot from and after the date of ita passage and approval. Passed and approved by the Common Counoil of the Town of Seward, Alaska, this 6th day of July 19~5. C. A. Myers. I President of the Counoil and ex-off- icio Mayor Of Seward, Alaska. Attest: VI. T. Luoas. MunIoipal Clerk "', , , .~ , \\ " Ii n 1 , I )