HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1915-034 ~ "......'\. jIIIIJ ORDINANCE NO. 34. ',":,~~': "~ AN ORDn~ANCE TO REQUIRE, REGUJ~ATE, RESTRAIN AND PROHIBIT THE ERECTION, MAn~TERANCE OR nSE OF PRIVIF.S AND CESSPOOLS WITHI. CERTAIN LIMITS IN THE TOWN OF SEWARD, ALASKA, AND PROVIDING A , PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE CONDITIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the Town of Seward, Alaska: SECTION 1. From and after the first day of October, 1915. it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to erect or main- tain on any premises abutting on any street or alley in whiah there has been constructed a public sewer, any privy or oess- , pool \-.1 thout having the same connected with such sewer, as pro- vided by the ordinance of the Town of Seward. SECTION 2. From and after the first day of October, 1915, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, whether the owner or owners) tenant or occupant of any premises w~thin the Town I of Seward, abutting on any stfeet or alley in which is laid a public sewer, to maintain or use, or suffer to be maintained or used any ce6spool or 'privy, on suoh premises, when such cess- pool or privy has not been properly connected with such sewer in th~manner provided by the ordinanoe of said Town. SECTION 3. From and after the first day of October, 1815, any and all water-closets, reivies or cesspools abutting any street or alley in whioh bas been con.tructed a public sewer, and which said water-closets, privies or cesspools have not been connected with such sewers as required by the ordinance of said Town, shall be deemed and considered public nuisanoes; and it shall be the duty of the health offioer of said town to abate and sanitate the same in the manner hereinafter provided. SECTION 4. Whenever a public sewer, or portion of such sewer shall have been completed through any alley or street,or throug~ any block, or between an blook or blocks, and the Common Coun- cil of the Town of Seward shall deem it proper, the same shall \ thereafter be ready for the making of oonnections by the general public: Provided that any owner of property along the line of suoh sewee may connect therewith by agreement with the contractor cobstructi~ said sewer, and before the time the connections are required to be ma4e under the terms of this ordinance. SECTION 5. Whenever the committee on sewerage shall deem it advisable, said committee shall repoft to the Common Counoil of the Town of Seward what lime or lines or parte of the public . sewers are ready for conneotions with public and private premise., whereupon the said Council shal instruot the Municipal Clerk to give notice in wrting, to all owners of premises along such lines to connect their premiees with such public sewers within ninety days from the date of service of said notice. SECTION 6. It shall be the duty of the owner or owners of , any and all premises, whether public or private, situate along t the line of any sewer completed and reported by the said comti1t.t~e as such, after receiving the said notioe, to connect all uriqals] bath tubs, water-olosets, sinks, washbowls, slop sinks and kitchen sinks on said premises with such sewer, ft1thin ninet~ ~ys .iter tbe ~te of the .ervioe of .....ii.4 uut'ge wpun tbe...; IUOu oonneotio~s to be made in the manner prescribed by ordinances of the Town of Seward. ,4 SECTION 7.. In case said owner or owners shall fail, ret'l,tu:; , Of neglect so to oonneot his premises with the public sewer}."", ~ i w.thin the time presoribed, then the committee on sewerage 8.~1 i~ have such premises conneoted with the public sewer and the ~.~.~. h~. thereof shall be oharged against said premises, and be a liet' thereon, and it shall be the duty of the Municipal Attorney t. ,- "" "}-~T:':::~":': I ...l",-- I -3. ! \, .",- 'I' t--"'''' i t r a olaim of lien th.refor, in the manner presorlbed by law. ;~~,t, SJ:C'l'ION 8. Any person who owne ~ or has oare, o,.etedy ~ oontro~,".r,__' 'j,i/pr man&gellent of any suoh premises; or of any bu1lding thereof ~ ("I '(,.r who bae the renting thereof, or the oollection of the rental.-;" therefrom eha11~ for the purpose of this ordinanoe, be deemed to be the owner or the -Cent of the owner or ownere of suoh prellls.. and a. suoh may be prooeeded against for the enforoement of any . ~f the pr6v18iona of this ordinanoe,- f , i" SECTION 9. Any person or penon. violating any of the pro-:t'~ .i.ions of this ordinanoe shall upon oonviotion thereot be t1~,",\ in any eum not le.. than ten dollars nor more than fifty doll ", and the ooste of the proeeoution. \ . _'4-~,~,t SECTION 10. The Mun1cipal Health Off10er shall upon obta!' : ~~ knowledge or information that any person i8 ereoting, mal ~ 1aining or using any water,olosets, privy or oesspool, prohi e~ ~y th1s ordinanoe, inve8tigate the faote, and upon finding t~ ~ offenee existe, under the terms of thi8 ordinanoe, forthw~~ notify the owner or pcoupant of the premi8ee upon whioh the ....1 18 dtuate, to di.oontinue to 1018. tf said water-oloset, pri"1"ot f:-oe.sPool, and to olean out and sanitate the 8ame, at hi. own ! ,.xpena.~ within twentypfQur hours from the date of the reoe1,~ " Of sa1d notioe and in oaee .aid owner or oocupant faUs, ne.l.ots s' or retuses .0 to do, wlt~in such t1me~ he shall be guilty ot an otfense under thls ordinance, and upon conviotlon thereof 8~1 be fined in any sum not exoeeding fifty dollars, and the oo~", , ,.nd on euoh oonvlo tion the health offioer shall oause the s~d,;, '~ater-olo.et, privy or oesspool to be abated, filled up and!: 'j " .~1tated and report the oost thereot to the Munioiapl Ka.gi~!at.~ betore whom the conviotion was had, who shall tax 8uoh 008t~~d ,;t 1 expen.e as part of the OO.t8 against the party oonvioted. t T~ , This ordinanoe .hall take etfeot and be in full foroe and::~J ~ffeot from and after tha date of its passage and approval. r~lri .1 1t-' I I' ' Pas..d and approved by the Common Counoil of the Town of!i S~ward. Alaska, this .2nd. day of A~U8t 1915. .Att..t~v W. T. Luoas MUnioipal Clerk. -- I 1 ~T-lr -, lii '1 1 --'--r- 1f ~09~ " -i ;! , II '. ;! I il I I i~