HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd1915-036 '~2~) ,j , O'RIlt..ca a.. . ,fJ .J' . ~ "- AI .mD'ft ..,.,no to !II IDAJlD "ABa AJD PO.,Q temP_. us SlUOGIIIJlJR8 .AD .l8IIOH. tJII UGJrf to LAY IUDS fOR 'I'BJ DXS- ftltBU'ftOl' OJ' WJJ'IIl to OOI_-~" JOlt DOBfttc .an POUIl PURPOsa II 'lBE .fA..ftt. ALIiI1'8. ...,JIi.... 1I0111.A.Y8 .01) O'f~ PUBLIC PLACES D 'tIlE 'lOI'I 07 _AU, .&LA8UJ to C8Rr ~ 'I'BI Bn1a~ OJ' SILL- DO W.'fD .. hID l'tIlP08I8 AD 'l'B ft0D8ART "'Cft/NIt.un.a ~ro~ .d1) to PIOTtDl '1"D JIftJIOI) 8f 'lHIClI IUD ....TIIl UIIS. WQUIPJID'l. "ABa aIOftS, AID.&LJ. JltGBft OJ' nImY un JUT HERE- AI'ft'R . AoquIUD ft fBI fOft OJ' 8D'AlU). ...... ..._rl>. .- IIOfIOJ' 1. Ib.t the __vel ....,.1' u.d PoweI' CotIpallJ', .. -.pallUon _palH4 ad ut.t1llc ....1' aact bJ' .1r'twe of 'he 1M. ot the 'l'en'UOJ"Y 01' Ala.lt&. .Uh U. pJ'1Ulpa1 ph.. ot ".1Mt. ..t ~ th4trota. . 1_ "-7 ......1.... ,. .. IN the ... ot tift,. ,.... ft.. aa4 ..n. the f1ra' 4&7 ot Japet. lOll, ..,. aa4. all of th. ....... lAM.. all.,.., W1,,_ or pull. ~ ot ,he 'low. ot tJetr&J'd.. .lluka. .. no. e8ta.bllo.4 OJ' ...., 1utl'Mfhr be..'at.l18hed 1. ..ld 'on. 1Jt.o1ll41na ..,. tenlt:u7 'JuLt _, laereatter 'be added t. the ...... tor the pWpOtt. ot l..,iag de.. &ad ata'a.1a1J1c 1a ad.d aU..t., 1...... &11.'8. M14IM or ~Uo &I'~.. fro. t1M \0 U_ ... l' or l'e ou.o- ...... 01' ....lgaa ., ".11'0, all auoh p1pes ... -'1 be J'Gqu1red t. ~. purpoee ot 418..1.'_ _4 .upp1J1a& ...14 tcma aad. the laJaabl bate ~eJ'eof' "Ull ..uz. tor d....'l. purp..... power. a.nd tUe. pro,..Uoa. -_Joot ,. tbe 0I'cU.Da.Jl". of tbe 'lown ot Be.uti; ....lUd. 'bat. t... tald. Inud ...tv and Powu Coapanr. . 1.. - ........ 01', ...1.... .ba.11 80' mll.....azll' obatJ'UOt tbe paaaagew8.J of ..., _. .V..'., 1..... all.,.., bridgee or 'Publ!. p~.. in .......'U01l or npa.1r .t .aleS wa'er .,...... ud .ball W1'1l1. a r.~l. '1.. ..ful' aakUli>; .uob opealng or ._....~ / I / I' /);(J~~~ ,"" ~ .~ " , I~'~'~~ ./ ,I.-~ ./ ;1' ~ / /, ~ ;/ /1 ' " // ~'" "" pt " / /I ,,(,I / / ' Y ',d -' ~ /)/'/ y /1 ~ 'I j l '// I " ;,/ I 1/ y 1,1 ;/' /'1 i f/ jf ;' # $ i il ,;I il l I '/ / ;' /(1 ;/ It' .I 17 /,1/ I' / I I;' , , / / / I / /. II ' , JI / ,-' ;' , // I ,I /' I' I I~/ / // / l / ;}'I / ;; / j ;' /l I / IF ; ;/ f~1 / / 1;1 ./ /' .'1 f I It' / :' Ii 1/ / f " I ,/ ,'// II ~,,/;' lit' ,I / ,:cj' / 1/ / :/ I l / / ,)' /~. /1/ ,,/1 f / :/ / (I / / it' /1 I / /'7 /' I / " /fI /1 " // , , /,/ l '; " e/ 'I 1; /f />;/ /.,i " ~) /I! ;1/ ,i. //1 It ';,'/ IIi ," //-- 1,// " 11/ ;' ! ~. /i/ 1;/ Ii I I / / /' I /;/ / I '/ / / j 1 I / I / I I I /1 , 1/ II I / ' I / / // I j -' / j / Il- l! .I /; I ./ / 1 / ,/ / , , i , , I I ! ( / ,> / , , , / I / -' ;' / I i I ! / I j/ / / / I I / I , II / l 1 I I / / / I / I /.~i; / I ,. I i ! / ; / / I I / / / ,/1 I / / / ,I ',,- " "- " " ", / ,!,/ Ii! /.1' /f '/. 1/' / / I -' / i 1 / / .:' / i i I -' .' I j I /, I 'I' ,~/ I j I I / /.' ',/ ;,: // I I / / / / / I / /: // . " ,; , I / ; / / /" LJ. / / . l{, -- y~ ~ W:(/ / /' "-..~, J I J /" ./~,' / {}(c# / /' I I' I / / 1 "l ;/ . /1 j I / / / I I / / f / /1 / / I ' I / 1 I I , I ,,I II f ' I !i ,,' i I j ; / , , " ~ l II /1 / I , l .I I /, ill / / //1/ / ), , i/ /1 I / I / f //(1 / ) I II / / " 1/ /' /" /1 / I -' / I' I, -' j, ,. I, I' i ,: ;' ! ,I ,I, r; ! " .If / / / Ie / l / i / / / ,1 r ;;~(\\\.t'A\. '--'...S ~ .-L.t\\\ .j ~~ "'.' '1. . . . ~ (') Q;f -:rt:- ~ c tor the purpoee af'o:nt.e.ld, r.pal.r "1'44 1...Y8 sald 8V".8, lan... ~ll.y., brld1e- and pub110 gwounUe 1n a8 good Gonal'lon ... before .80111 opening or .XO,Lyo.Uoa8 "ere lIW4e. Ij.8 provided. by OI'd.ln~e. SEO. .a. !hat the prlYlleg.. bU'ltby gr~nhd liore upon t.he expr... OORdltlon: (a) ~t the 8a1d Sewarcl W&ter and Pow.r ~PaRJ, it_ .~ ....0%8 or a.eigae. sball maintain lta pre.ent water .y.tem as now ..tablbbed and opeJ."a\.4., and. shllll enlarge the .~e froll tlm. \0 '1.. ..a tho aeede ot the to.. may r.Q.uire. (b) !'bd the ...td 1e1lfVfl Wa'.r 1111d PO"te1' OoP,puy, 1t. 8\10- ....01'1l or "algxuJ. .h;!i.ll pu... hyusn'e <a.nd oonneot the 8flJli8 with the $l!l.188 at .uch plao.e aM th~ Counoll mAY d1reot, and v ;, .~ll aalatata ~na keep the ean.. 1n good repair. !f r () (,; ) Th~1t 'he .aU Seward 'later and. PO\'$e:r' OOlrlpbJ'. 1'. Ihlo- de:< e q/uate 0...01'$ or a..igna, ahall maintain \~- y~..~ water r...ryolra ..", and 1noreae. the oap"Uy of the aNn. ho... 101m. to U.. u the fJ'OlItib of tbe ton may r..;\ulre. (d) !'b..t ibe imapO'l'uy fallure on the pori of hid a.warc! ..:&;01' and Power Oompany. It. .\1Ooe..or6 or l'8algna. to pertor. any ~rX) of the oondl'loae here1n ep..ltled, _hen aucb failure 1e oaueed c-<? ,.. str... e oL ..,. UIUlvoltb.b1e ..ald.ent, .b;cl.ll not be nRllt"r".T'~ a8 Ii- forfeituro of ~he pr1vilege. and rlgh"" b.r~1n gr~ntoa. (.) ~t taid S..&rQ W.\.r ~ Po~or Comp&nJ', 1'. ~....ore Ol' a..1ern-, shall reoeive ...4 oolhot r....onabll;} ~..ter 2'4li.. for r1re :proteotion and ot.her public u.... Provl~.4., however, tb~t tor hyd.ra.nh for :flre purpol\Jee fih/!) 'H.ld Sew*,....rd Water lIl.nd Power Company ah.dl reoeh'. not to exoo.do the MUll of FIY8 Dollal'. ('5.00) pel' Month pel' byu""nt u.p to II totul of forty hJ'clr~J..l'lie. ..00 1f ....ora than forty bJ'ur"nh ar,,,, Installed, then the p'lce shell be 181ll4e at h r.ate of Four Doll..,.8 ($4."C) por Month for 8Mh en!! ...ry hyd.r r!Jl t . The 1ll1nl~1 numbOJ' of hydr<mt.a to be \ul,.~l byt:be TOI"n ot' aen:trd 1'13 twenty ~nd tt aha.!l pay ea.oh month here..tt.r on thd; eoheliul$ . ~. " , ::;k -2- r (Hd) 533 ~ ~ 1r~ ' (I) TIla.., add. Sewvu .'.1' &rid Power Ooapany, Us iftlooaa..8 - ....lgae. ehall 1'...11'0 &Ad. ooll.., ... w..ter 1'*"" tor tbe ... .t "..'er for ~1o and power p\U'poa.. ae ue reuoaa.bl. _d ta1r. equUaDlIIt '0 &11 0.....1'. and. '0 odd ~. BO. 3. the ..1d 8e"&Jd ";a~r ana Power o~. 1t. 8\10- M~4-~4~~ ...... 01' &ulpa, .hall/withl. 'en da,. trOll! the .,. of the pM..... and apprOYRl of ihie ol'dln&t'iOe, tUe dtb 'he Ibmiolpal Clerk, written ~pta.aoe .t 'he Mr. ..ad. "0,)d.~u.. th....ot. . ,.a.. with .. .ohedule of I'ateeor I.I1T obAlItfPRa aa.4e t.hue1a. ftC. 4. -rhe 'fown of hWuQ re..".. the right aad .hall ha1'o 'he rip' at aar U.. atter the "'enUeth year trolll and &t\U \h. paa.age Of ible ol'd.lnaaoe, to uqu1:re b:r puroue all ,~ 1'1'-.. title aa4 lnte.e.' of tbe oa1d Seward W..,.I' AA4 P~Ker OoapaaJ, l.aalv41ng .&'01' rlpo, equ.ip_at and. _terlal of 01'ez'r UM, topta.1' w1 tball other POpe"l . prOPU'U.. beld b7 ... ......nlp or 1..... :rcequhtie for the fwraJ.eb1Ag of .a~ tor \he pup.... hue1a _'*ioa.d.. ..,1.... of _... latent '0 .2ftol.. IRIGh r......d rlpt ..11 be Sl1'_ 1. "tUllg by the proper ottloe,1'8 of the town of "'~d. to the add s.wU'4 1fa'u aAd. Po"u ~1U!l1. Us 8\1...eol'. .. ....1..... no' 1... thaa thlt.. ."ntha in a4:t'an.. of euoh P'U'pOIJ.. WltJ!tla '''0 aoa'tlut h'M 'the date of 8UGh aoU.. or In'...'. 1ft ...eo .. prloe _unot be _~11 &Fo.d Upon be'tween the ...14 !OWll of iowaI'd. aad the edd. Sewud Water and Povrer O~, a lIoard. of appraleer.t. Qt.oratne the Ydue or .ald plaftt and all n. p1'~_~ oODJl.ftocl~wnh the plat and ~. bUt..... .haIl be appointed. whloh board .hall 00118181; of t))I'8e per.cu, O1le of ~0Il .hall be appointed Dr the !Olm Of S.warcl and one bJ the ..ld ....ud. Wa'.r and Powor Ooap6nl, U.s 1N0ue..ore or ....lp.. &ad tile \laud shall bct e.b.hd by tho '.0 eo naaed. In o...~ :t~. .UJaSa tbir', 4&,. af'ter 'hell' .:ppola....,. taU '0 acne UpOIl Uo third &PPl'a1..~ .. here1n pr01'lMd, tbe Jud&e of tbe ~Ul0t Court .., appoint hob app.ra.18er Up08. 8,pplloaUoa \heret.. -1- r=--- -0~ ,.., ') '1' It fy .' :+1--7/ ~ _-r- .~_)<-:? ..-.... --,....-..., ".,.".,---.,--- -". ---.------.---.----. ~.- ,,~~------ ---~._._-"-----_._.. Snoh 'hiI'd rH,r~'on eh:,ll t~ a wholly 4.1ointereoted p~ri$on and 8xperienced 1$1 the oonatruo\lon Md O'cX'TUon of water ..-upp1r plu:< t. t'l . 'fh\l boa.ra or ;..ppral..re eo oonet1 t.ut1lht .holl <1e\.rm.lne the Y,,1.1ue8 of .\11 tl~v propertr a.n.:l \Water riGht.,lt d.o~11red. of the lI<lid Sowuti 'VB.tlltl' lUld POller OOI'I)[,ny. ita filucoeusors or ;uJlili(-;;na, r:i.nd fer nuoLrur :'<:15C .bi~ll k'F\Yll &00.118 to till book" :5;nd record. of eY~ry Oh'~r;,\ote't 'Of the 8!'d,d l3ewt~d Water cmo Po','er Comfi<:tuy. Ull RUOCe8lJ(U'1'I or "...lgae, l'lnd. '11'1 thin tt-.rOl! JMmthe I tll(lY ol'Hll fUe thair :>,rt Uen re. ('l"t of ~uoh y;,lu&fil Of ull tllt} pro(,e:,l't,y and thLw;fl ua1gni.\tad hGr91n, both !"it!:. the TC''rn 0;. SewUd,;.fi" tht! !)!,ld Se"H\.td '1''1i.t.''11.: ."mt P04'tU' Com~'M1. '3\ioh rei ort. !f\;',Ue by,). majoray of tL;) thr!J~ B.pfralll1fJ1r,l, .h,;:,ll. l)/;;, oonolu81.,tl ,;,0',1 bln.-11ng upon hoth the 101>'n of SOl'la.i ~U) i Cihe .~lu SII"'U':i t er and Porf6t' OOUi>,i;..ny, ita :/JUO0808t;ra ('it' .UJ:81{.'IUJ. ",'u eb!\ll not be apper"lable for any .au.~ other than trau4, to ~y caur\ or trlbun~l ~h&'.Y.r. Thereafter, ,md 111 i t.hln not .le6iJ thim t'lfol YO m()nthl.'l t'ro" the <bt;:t of ;~uoh notioe, th~ ,..urohue ,.rioo tor :i.11 .t.ho propert.y OQyere,j by !~ 11.\ re"ort lSj,nll ba,*l{l to the .ai.a Soward. '.'"eter lima . Po"'*'r Company, i ttf- .\leo.aaorl) or (,JUS igna. in Oash. T'iu Ordlflanoe ah ';'.1 tl\jc.. efrect and 00 In !uU 'foroe f-CDa i'.nd aftlll1' t;'(J do,. tie or i to Ps.1UI.age 2\nJ. ro.,:1. P,lfH!O;J Ht,.; I1t'.- To.,ed b~he Oomll'~n tr,,", --L6 d: y 1;'-, Oouno11 or tbe TO;l;;'; of ~191fi. e-,r; /..~ ?nR'--n .7F&o PT'e.1(\~(. of 1HH;) . Ilw;on COWlol1 and ex-of toto 1("1'01' of ae'\',ii.t',L A1M,1\:, . '''''''.r,r~i ~;, (_ d ~_ A1 H~ 1.~':i.. .. .tH~_ . ~ - ~, Kunlo1p;;,1 CirL Seward Ale.ska, August 23, 1915p__ The terms and conditions hereof: are hereby accepted. Seward \Vater 8.nd Power Compan~ By P-ro;Q1crent Attest; Secretary . I _. ___~ - 4 - , -. -< (\Yl'rl1.1A..lJ. No. ~-' [. C .t 537 WAt~r R4t~. ot the Sftw~rd w~tftr & POWAr Comp~ BA.i~neA -----------------t HatAla -----,- -------,-,- Lodging HOU8~ ----------,,--'- 1m.rbAr Shop ----,----,--,-,--,-..--" RA8tl\urlUlt --------.--------,- Storfll ------.- '.------- ------ 51\100n ----------------'-- StAIUll IAundry -----,..---..--.,-- ~d , , ----.---~~--.----... Transff'lr :BI\rn -------,--,.'. ,-- " 2.50 10.00 5.00 7.50 7.50 6.00 10.00 15.00 7.50 7.50 Seward Water & Power Company, By Attest Presidebt. secretary. --r ".- '10" i sr(,~Imr 40. A~y ferdon ~~c ~t~~ll viulate ~~1Y 0f t~e ~rovieion8 cf thid or~linctllCe st,all, 0" cunvictiom thel',scf, be' fined r:ot le.J6 +".,,'(', ripe ,-101'_,~,r,.', liJo'Z, !"C\ r,",' r'~r" +1-,~~ (""'" 1-,l'I-"h'c.-'l;(',l'l"~c, (If'l!''C ~ ....l, _.~ _..." "" _ ..'"~ ' _ <-'....1 .I / _ J~. ,~._...~ u..l(......~ I..l..... J....I. _~..._ . '...J... '-A..r..l..~ ...1..... IV ',\). , for eact offense 2F'('':'JON 41. Any r8fub8.1 Gf "'" Heal-';h, as ^ tLis any rerson to corGr'c.ly ':/ i th directions of tt:e Board of ordin~nce rro~~deJ, within the tin;e ne..rr;ed by sail Board of Fea.lth, ox' by x'efui;:lal to con:[':). with tl~':: ~liJ.'ection (,f tbe Peal th Officer or Town ~:c12'cl;al, as by this ordinance rrovided, ehall Be .ieemed ~ cisdE~e~ncr, and upon con- viction thereof, be puniated by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars (~,lOO) f)FC'!'I0~r 42. All ordinances and rartH of ordinances incon- eiatant herewith, and partioularly each and every [art of the 0rdinance of tr.e TO'.m of 2e.:;6.rd, 1Tambe1' Ten, E:ntitled nAn Ordinance Creatine a Board of Eealth, Felating to the Public nealth, and fC)J: other Purpof3es", [,,-seed and arrrove.:i by tbe f'ornnlon CC1.ncil of the 'Town of Se'Nard, Alaaka, on the lCth d2.y of Serterr:ber, IF'12, a1'e hereby repealed. This Ordinance ~hall take effect and be in f~ll force and effect from and after the date of its passace and arrroval. Passed and arrl'oved this -1!r,::L- day of Au?:u~t A. D. IS15. C.A. Myers. _ President of the Co~ncil and Ex-officio ~ayor of Seward, Alaska. }:ttest: 'T' LUcas. Munlc1phl Cle1':k:---- r 324 ~~ ~ 30 ~t'6H.'4~ ^' .~. -----7'T.=;I . / J ~ ,---I:-- J t7'UGa A 0' J !iet ~~. .0' ~, ~-e:ffo ,(~ ,~~-- ~~~~' i~~~ . . t~. ~ a~~ 4 ~ .~~ J- f~~~- , ~~~- ~.~ ~ - ,/ r~ Q--- ~ ~~~ ~-~~ .~ .. 4r I~ - /r5 . \"~ ~ \?o~:[~ 1_ -- I , '